Operational contextIn alignment with global commitments, agreements, strategies and principles on increased interagency collaboration, UNHCR and WFP launched the Joint Programme Excellence and Targeting Hub (Joint Hub) in April 2020. Through a joint team of roving experts, the Joint Hub provides support to country offices throughout the programme cycle. This includes assessment, analysis, evidence-based and people-centered programme design and the development of sustainable solutions to enhance self-reliance and inclusion in national development plans and investments. At the core of our mission is a people-centred approach. Since its establishment in 2020, the Joint Hub has actively supported UNHCR and WFP in addressing some of the world's largest displacement crises, including those in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, and Lebanon. The Joint Hub onboards new countries based on demand and on a rolling basis, capacity allowing. Aim of the missionTo support the activities of the Joint Hub, UNHCR and WFP are jointly recruiting a Protection Officer, Gender and Gender-Based Violence. This role is pivotal in ensuring that protection, particularly concerning gender and GBV, is embedded throughout the Joint Hub's support and services. ResponsibilitiesUnder the supervision of the Head of the Joint Hub and in close collaboration with other team members and technical counterparts in UNHCR and WFP, the Protection Officer, Gender and Gender-Based Violence will play a key role in gender mainstreaming and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) risk mitigation across the Joint Hub's thematic areas of responsibility and in its support to UNHCR and WFP. They will be responsible for the following activities:· Technical Expertise and Guidance: (i) provide specialized guidance and technical assistance to ensure that gender considerations and GBV risk mitigation are effectively integrated into all aspects of the Joint Hub's work and support to country and regional operations, (ii) support the analysis of findings in supported countries and regions, particularly with regards to the relationship between food and nutrition insecurity, forced displacement, gender inequality, and risk of gender-based violence, (iii) as relevant, support UNHCR and WFP technical teams in the fulfilment of WFP's pledge to the Multistakeholder Pledge: Gender Equality and Protection from Gender-Based Violence.· Policy Advice and Strategy Development: propose areas for enhancing joint strategies, and operational guidelines and advice related to gender and GBV, focusing on improving alignment with international standards and adapting to the specific contexts of the Joint Hub's operations.· Capacity Development and Training: building on existing resources, conduct targeted training sessions and capacity-development activities for the Joint Hub as well as UNHCR and WFP staff members at both regional and country operation levels.· Gender responsive monitoring and evaluation (M&E): play a key role in M&E progress towards gender and GBV integration objectives. This includes providing advice on data collection, monitoring and analyzing monitoring data and documenting lessons learned to inform continuous improvement and decision-making.· Gender analysis, data and evidence generation: promote the use of gender analysis and facilitate the use of gender data to promote evidence-based learning, reflection and decision making.· Innovation and Knowledge Management (KM): promote innovation and knowledge management within the Joint Hub, encouraging the adoption of new approaches, tools, and technologies to enhance gender and GBV integration efforts. This could involve suggesting new areas of research, piloting new initiatives, and sharing best practices. Document good practices on gender mainstreaming and risk mitigation of GBV. Deliverables at the end of the contractGender Mainstreaming and GBV Integration (timelines are indicative)· Integration of gender and GBV approaches (Month 1-3)i. Diagnostics Phase (Month 1):1. Conduct a diagnostic assessment to evaluate existing gender mainstreaming and GBV integration practices, protocols, and SOPs within the Joint Hub.2. Identify gaps, needs, and opportunities for improvement.ii. Development Phase (Month 2-3):1. Develop and finalize a comprehensive gender mainstreaming and GBV integration framework based on the diagnostic findings.2. Ensure the framework is tailored to the Joint Hub's workstreams, protocols, and SOPs.Supporting country operations (Month 1-12)iii.Provide technical support and guidance to country operations in integrating gender and GBV approaches into Joint Hub-supported workstreams, in cooperation with gender and GBV focal points of both UNHCR and WFP. Capacity Development and Knowledge SharingTraining and Capacity Building (Month 4-8)iv. Diagnostics Phase (Month 3):1. Conduct a capacity needs assessment to identify specific training requirements and gaps in knowledge related to (at minimum) gender-responsive programming, gender analysis, gender data and GBV risk mitigation within the Joint Hub, WFP and UNCHR.2. Work in close coordination with the Learning Officer of the Joint Hub and in cooperation with gender and GBV focal points of both UNHCR and WFP to ensure alignment with existing training frameworks and priorities.v. Training Development and Delivery (Month 4-8):1) Training Materials: Building on existing resources, as needed, develop comprehensive and tailored materials, resources and tools for targeted training sessions.2) Conduct targeted training and capacity development sessions for Hub staff and staff at country level in collaboration with UNHCR and WFP country level gender and GBV focal points.3) Pre and Post-Training Evaluations: Collect and analyze evaluation feedback to assess the effectiveness of the training and identify areas for improvement.GBV Megapledge (Month 2-5)· Organize and Facilitate Meetings: closely with the Head of the Joint Hub team, schedule and manage regular meetings with WFP and UNHCR, prepare agendas, document minutes, and follow up on action items to ensure timely completion.· Act as Secretariat and Coordinate: Maintain meeting records, manage communications, track progress on action items, and provide regular updates and reports on the implementation status.· Establish a comprehensive work plan that outlines specific tasks, milestones, and deadlines for the GBV megapledge, while clearly defining roles and responsibilities for organizing meetings, managing documentation, and tracking progress.Monitoring, Evaluation, Knowledge Management, and Documentation· Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (Month 2-5)Work in close coordination with the Learning Officer of the Joint Hub to integrate gender and GBV into the existing M&E framework of the Joint Hub with specific indicators as relevant. Documentation (Month 1 - 12)Support the Joint Hub team in documenting support provided to country operations and good or promising practices. Report on Findings (Month 10-12)Report on trends identified during CO support, and to the extent possible capturing the interplay between food and nutrition security, forced displacement, gender, and GBV. Recommendations for Management (Month 11-12)Recommendations report with actionable guidance for the Joint Hub, UNHCR and WFP management. Profile ExperienceAt least 8 years of experience in Gender and GBV mainstreaming in an international context, of which at least two years of relevant field experience. Professional experience in Gender and GBV Information Management is an asset.Demonstrated knowledge in gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls as well as application, promotion and integration of age, gender and diversity approach.Demonstrated experience in gender responsive data collection, analysis, managing complex monitoring and/or evaluation activities, spanning a range of policies and programme initiatives in international development or humanitarian context.Experience in documenting and developing quality practical guidance and tools. Experience in the development of training materials and other capacity development tools in the field of gender and GBV. Essential requirementsAdvanced University Degree in one of the following disciplines or related fields: Law, International Law, Political Science, Social Sciences, Gender Studies, Statistics, Economics, other social science (e.g.: humanitarian affairs, development studies, or a related field). Personal CharacteristicsKnowledge & Skills:· Excellent research, data analysis, and reporting skills· Sound qualitative analytical skills and strong quantitative analytical skills· In-depth knowledge of gender equality and gender responsive programming· In-depth knowledge of gender-based violence mainstreaming· Understanding of food security and/or nutrition programming· Understanding of displacement settings including refugee and internally displaced peoples operations· Experience in correlating vulnerability data relating to cross-cutting issues such as gender, protection, and gender-based violence with food insecurity, nutrition, refugee and IDP related dataLanguages:· Excellent communication skills in English (oral and written)· Other UN language is an asset. French and Arabic desirable. Mission locationGeneva with field missions as needed Starting date and durationAs soon as possible for 12 monthsContract: SHA-contract. This position is exclusively open to Swiss citizens (or Lichtenstein) or holder of a valid working permit (C permit) in Switzerland. Candidates who do not fulfil this condition will not receive response. ContactOdette MauronOdette.mauron@eda.admin.chFederal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFASwiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDCHumanitarian AidField Resources HEichenweg 53003 Berne
Machen Sie sich Sorgen über sich wiederholende Krisen? Beunruhigt Sie die Verschlechterung der globalen Umwelt? Möchten Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten in den Dienst der humanitären Tradition der Schweiz stellen?Die Humanitäre Hilfe des Bundes unterhält das Schweizerische Korps für humanitäre Hilfe (SKH), eine Milizeinheit, die in Expertengruppen organisiert ist und weltweit nach Naturkatastrophen oder in der Umgebung von Konfliktgebieten eingesetzt werden kann.Aufgrund der zahlreichen Ereignisse der letzten Jahre müssen wir unseren Personalbestand aufstocken und suchen Spezialisten und Spezialistinnen für die Entsendung zu internationalen Organisationen (UNO) oder für die Durchführung von direkten Aktionen in zeitlich begrenzten Missionen, hauptsächlich in Ländern Afrikas, des Nahen Ostens und Eurasiens. Wir suchen insbesondere nach:SpezialistInnen für Trinkwasser, Sanitärversorgung und Siedlungshygiene(Grundausbildung: Bau-, Land- oder Umweltingenieur/in oder (Hydro-)GeologIn)Aufgaben: Als WASH-Experte (Wasser und Sanitär) suchen Sie nach neuen Trinkwasserressourcen und sorgen für deren nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung. Sie beaufsichtigen den Bau von Wasserverteilungs- und Abwasserbehandlungssystemen. Außerdem führen Sie Verfahren zur Kontrolle der Wasserqualität ein und tragen zur Verbesserung der Siedlungshygiene bei. Neben Ihrer technischen Expertise und Ihren Projektmanagementfähigkeiten schulen Sie Partner, führen politische Analysen durch, analysieren die Sicherheitslage und setzen sich bei Bedarf für die humanitären Grundsätze ein. Anforderungen: Sie sind Schweizer/in oder besitzen eine C-Bewilligung, haben ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium oder eine gleichwertige Fachausbildung und verfügen über mindestens fünf Jahre Berufserfahrung. Sie arbeiten zuverlässig, initiativ, flexibel und selbstständig und sind bereit, Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Sie haben bereits im Rahmen von humanitären Projekten oder internationaler Zusammenarbeit* im Ausland gearbeitet und haben Erfahrung im Umgang mit Menschen aus anderen Kulturen. Sie kennen sich mit digitalen Standardwerkzeugen aus und sind idealerweise erfahren in der GIS-Anwendung. Neben Ihrer Muttersprache und einer zweiten Landessprache verfügen Sie über sehr gute Englischkenntnisse; weitere Sprachkenntnisse sind von Vorteil. Sie verfügen über eine gute Gesundheit und sind belastbar. Sie sind zwischen 27 und 55 Jahre alt und stehen für Einsätze von mindestens 6 Monaten zur Verfügung. Wenn Sie sich für das Schweizerische Korps für humanitäre Hilfe interessieren, senden Sie uns bitte Ihren Lebenslauf (max. 2 Seiten und Motivationsschreiben) per E-Mail. rekrutierungskh@eda.admin.ch Weitere Informationen zum SKH finden Sie im Internet: www.skh.ch Sie können auch den Gruppenleiter WASH kontaktieren marc-andre.buenzli@eda.admin.ch. *Wir bieten einigen Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern die Möglichkeit, erste Arbeitserfahrungen im Ausland zu sammeln, sofern sie die sonstigen Anforderungen erfüllen.
Les crises à répétition vous inquiètent? La dégradation de l'environnement global vous préoccupe? Vous aimeriez mettre vos compétences au service de la tradition humanitaire suisse?L'aide humanitaire de la Confédération dispose du Corps Suisse d'Aide humanitaire (CSA), une unité de milice organisée en groupes d'experts, conçue pour intervenir partout dans le monde lors de catastrophes naturelles ou autour des zones de conflit.Suite aux nombreux évènements survenus ces dernières années, nous devons augmenter nos effectifs et recherchons des spécialistes pour être détachés auprès d'organisations internationales (ONU), ou pour mettre en œuvre des actions directes dans nos Bureaux de Coopération ou Bureaux Humanitaires lors de missions de durée limitée, principalement dans des pays d'Afrique, du Moyen-Orient et d'Eurasie. Nous cherchons en particulier des: Spécialistes en eau potable assainissement / hygiène de l'habitat(formation de base: ingénieur.e en génie civil, rural, environnement ou (hydro)géologues) Tâches : en qualité d'expert.e WASH (eau et assainissement), vous recherchez de nouvelles ressources en eau potable et assurez leur gestion durable. Vous supervisez la réalisation de systèmes de distribution d'eau et de traitement des eaux usées. Vous mettez aussi en place des procédures de contrôle de la qualité des eaux et contribuez à l'amélioration de l'hygiène de l'habitat. Outre votre expertise technique et vos compétences en gestion de projets, vous formez des partenaires, faites des analyses politiques, analysez la situation sécuritaire et faites du plaidoyer des principes humanitaires à chaque fois que cela s'avère nécessaire. Exigences: De nationalité suisse ou détenteur/détentrice d'un permis C, vous avez achevé des études universitaires ou une formation spécialisée équivalente et bénéficiez d'au moins cinq ans d'expérience professionnelle. Vous faites preuve de fiabilité, d'initiative, de souplesse et d'autonomie dans votre travail et êtes prêt.e à prendre vos responsabilités. Vous avez déjà travaillé à l'étranger dans le cadre de projets humanitaires ou de coopération internationale* et vous avez l'expérience des relations avec des personnes issues d'un autre milieu culturel. Vous savez utiliser les outils digitaux standards, et idéalement êtes un.e utilisateur/trice SIG confirmé.e. En plus de votre langue maternelle et d'une deuxième langue nationale, vous maîtrisez bien l'anglais; d'autres connaissances linguistiques sont un avantage. Vous jouissez d'une bonne santé et faites preuve de résistance. Vous avez entre 27 et 55 ans et êtes disponible pour des missions d'au moins 6 mois. Si vous êtes intéressé.e à intégrer le Corps Suisse d'Aide humanitaire veuillez envoyer votre curriculum vitae (2 pages au maximum et lettre de motivation) par E-Mail à l'adresse suivante : rekrutierungskh@eda.admin.ch Vous trouverez d'autres informations relatives au CSA sur Internet: www.skh.ch, Vous pouvez aussi contacter le chef de groupe WASH marc-andre.buenzli@eda.admin.ch *Nous offrons la possibilité à quelques candidates/candidats d'acquérir une première expérience de travail à l'étranger (comme junior), dans la mesure où elles/ils correspondent aux autres exigences.