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Terre des hommes  

Site: Switzerland, Vaud, Lausanne

Terre des hommes est la plus grande organisation suisse d'aide à l'enfance. Chaque année, nous soutenons directement et indirectement plus de quatre millions d'enfants et leurs proches dans plus de 30 pays.

Nous aspirons à un monde où les droits des enfants, tels que définis dans la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant, sont toujours respectés. Un monde où les enfants peuvent grandir à l'abri du danger et devenir les acteurs et actrices du changement qu'ils et elles souhaitent voir dans leur vie.

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Active job ads

Terre des hommes

Stagiaire en médias sociaux et digital marketing H/F

Switzerland, Vaud , Lausanne

Entrée en fonction : 17.09.2024Durée : 6 mois (renouvelable une fois)Taux d'activité : 100%Lieu de travail : Lausanne HQ (3 jours de télétravail par semaine)Délai d'envoi des candidatures : Terre des hommes ne fixe pas de délai de candidature pour ce poste, le recrutement est ouvert jusqu'à ce que la position soit pourvue. Tdh :La Fondation Terre des hommes (Tdh), dont le siège est à Lausanne et le bureau à Zurich, est la plus grande organisation suisse de défense des droits de l'enfant avec plus de 2000 collaborateurs et collaboratrices dans le monde. Nous nous engageons aux côtés des enfants pour garantir leurs droits, protéger leur vie et améliorer leur bien-être. Nous y parvenons grâce à nos programmes innovants dans les domaines de la santé, de la migration et de l'accès à la justice, conçus pour avoir un impact positif et durable.Souhaitez-vous faire une différence et participer à la mission de Terre des hommes ? Nous vous offrons un travail passionnant et varié, utile et porteur de sens, au sein d'une organisation qui souhaite faire la différence pour des enfants en situation de grande vulnérabilité. Contexte :Le/la stagiaire en médias sociaux et marketing digital contribue à la visibilité, au positionnement et aux activités de la recherche de fonds de Terre des hommes en apportant un soutien opérationnel à l'équipe de Communication dans la gestion des réseaux sociaux de l'organisation et dans l'animation des communautés, ainsi que dans divers projets de digital marketing. Responsabilités :Elaboration de contenus, mise à jour et animation (Community Management) des comptes Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter et TikTok de l'organisation, en français, allemand et anglais.Tenue du calendrier éditorial des réseaux sociaux.Création de contenus vidéo Reels/TikTok.Evaluation de l'impact des publications sur les réseaux (statistiques d'utilisation et performances) et des campagnes de digital marketingCoordination des campagnes de digital marketing entre l'agence partenaire et Tdh, suivi du planning et du budget.Animation de la plateforme digitale des bénévoles.Conseils et soutien pour les questions en lien avec les réseaux sociaux.Veille sur les nouveautés dans le domaine et proposition de nouveaux concepts et formats.Mise en ligne de contenu sur le site web.Participation à la création de la newsletter.Participation à différents projets de communication et de recherche de fonds. Profil :·     Formation : Bachelor en Digital Marketing & Communication ou formation jugée équivalente. Stage en cursus accepté.·     Langues : français courant, bon niveau d'anglais et allemand un plus·     Expériences souhaitées : Première expérience professionnelle, débutant(e) accepté(e)·     Connaissance IT : Excellente maîtrise des outils bureautique (Suite Office) et bonnes connaissances des plateformes médias sociaux.·     Autres connaissances et compétences :o   Excellente connaissance des bonnes pratiques et dernières tendances dans les médias sociaux et le digital marketingo   Assurance rédactionnelle et plaisir à écrire dans sa langue maternelleo   Fait preuve d'autonomie, de capacités de décision et de priorisation de ses tâches   Conditions :Salaire : 2'450 CHF brut/moisCongés annuels : 25j/an  Code Global de Conduite et Politiques de la Gestion des Risques de Tdh :·     S'engage à respecter le Code Global de Conduite et à reporter systématiquement toute violation au Code à travers la procédure de signalement de Tdh : éveiller les consciences au sein de la Fondation sur la violence et les abus, et les droits qui en découlent, à l'égard des enfants, des membres des communautés et de nos propres employés·     S'engage à respecter les Politiques de la Gestion des Risques, incluant : les politiques de Sauvegarde (Politique de Sauvegarde de l'Enfant, Politique contre la Protection de l'Exploitation et des Abus Sexuels, Directive sur les Comportements Abusifs au Travail), Politique de Sûreté/Sécurité et Politiques Anti-Fraude/Corruption et de Prévention contre le Financement des Activités Criminelles·     S'engage à réduire le risque d'abus en élaborant une culture de management ouverte et éclairée au sein de l'organisation et dans notre travail auprès des enfants et des communautés dans lesquelles nous intervenons  Nous vous offrons un travail passionnant et varié, utile et porteur de sens, au sein d'une équipe qui souhaite faire la différence pour des enfants en situation de grande vulnérabilité. Avons-nous suscité votre intérêt ? Vous avez envie de relever ce défi ?  Procédure :Merci de postuler directement en ligne : les dossiers complets (CV + lettre de motivation) postés sur notre site officiel seront traités. Les documents supplémentaires (diplômes, certificats de travail, etc.) seront demandés ultérieurement. Nous contacterons uniquement les dossiers sélectionnés pour la suite du recrutement. En effet, en raison du grand nombre de candidatures reçues, il nous est difficile de répondre personnellement à chaque candidat. Merci pour votre compréhension.Pour toute question, veuillez svp vous référer à la FAQ en dessous des annonces. 

Terre des hommes

Head of Delegation - Jordan

Jordan, Amman , Amman

Position Start Date :  as soon as possibleDuration : 24 months with possible extensionLocation : Amman, JordanStatus : Accompanied Terre des hommes does not set closing dates for this position; recruitment is on-going until the position is filled. Interested candidates are nevertheless encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Tdh :Terre des hommes (Tdh) is the leading Swiss child rights organisation. Since 1960, we stand together with children to uphold their rights, protect their lives and improve their well-being with a focus on those most exposed to risks. We are making a positive impact in their lives through innovative programmes focused on health, migration and access to justice. Active in more than 30 countries, we work with our own teams and/or local and international partners to implement projects. In 2023, we supported 2.1 million children and members of their communities, and trained people who in turn supported a further 3 million people. This engagement is financed by support from private individuals and institutions, with administrative costs kept to a minimum. Context :Tdh works in Jordan since 2007, in close collaboration with recognized local partners, with current funding from SDC, ECHO, AFD, Netherlands MoFA and the Australian Embassy.The main office of the delegation is located in Amman (Jordan) and there is an operational hub in the EJC camp, in addition to several other areas of implementation through local partners. The Jordan delegation comprises around 30 employees and 50 volunteers and works with six local partners.Tdh implements a resilience-based approach aiming to strengthen the whole system for the benefit of refugee communities and vulnerable host communities and Tdh multisectoral models of action provide support to children, youth, family/caregiver and communities while working on capacity development of key local – formal and informal – actors.  Over the decades, Tdh - one of the Child Protection leading agencies in Jordan - has developed specific expertise in Protection and Migration and Access to Justice (A2J) programs - via direct implementation and through local partners. Responsibilities :As representative of the organisation, the Head of Delegation coordinates and manages all activities linked to Terre des hommes in Jordan: external representation and networking, fundraising, staff management, safety and security, finance, and administration, oversees operations at country level. He/she supports Terre des hommes advocacy at national level and when possible, at the regional level. Builds and manages partnerships. He/she manages and develops the organisation's country strategy jointly with the Operations Unit in HQ. Overarching responsibilities : · Under the supervision of the Deputy to the Operations Manager, he/she ensures the proper functioning of operations at the national level; as such he/she represents the Foundation in the assignment country.·  He/She directs and supervises all activities connected to the Tdh projects in his/her assignment country in line with the SP (Strategic Plan) and strategic orientations.·  He/She represents Tdh (including legally) and promotes the entirety of its remit in the assignment country.· He/She demonstrates ethical and exemplary leadership in order to maintain the Foundation's good reputation and leads all the delegation's collaborators in a shared vision in compliance with the Foundation's strategic orientations.·  In collaboration with the programs and expertise, he/she develops the Strategic Plan of the Delegation's operations in compliance with the general reference framework.· He/She develops and guarantees the implementation of the Delegation's Annual Operational Plans (AOPs) in compliance with the Strategic Plan and internal processes (budgetary management, HR and logistics management, quality and accountability).· He/She guarantees the implementation of an operational risk-management system for the Delegation.· He/She supervises and supports all staff attached to the Delegation.· He/She ensures the Delegation's internal and external communications.· He/She feels accountable to the beneficiaries, collaborators, and donors.·  He/She makes sure that his/her teams and partners have learned the security policies and the general code of conduct and always comply with them.· He/She is responsible for the security of the Tdh teams under his/her responsibility and is in charge of the security rules and the contingency plans of the country or countries under his/her responsibility.·  Manages and assumes ultimate responsibility for the risks and access aspects of the mission. The full job description will be shared with the candidates selected to start the recruitment process. Profile : Education :Master University degree in relevant field Experience & Competencies :·       Minimum 5 years' experience in a similar position.·       Prior experience in the Mena Region.·       Reliable and independent with a strong organizational capacity, decision-making and conflict resolution. ·       Experience in developing partnerships, identifying new opportunities, and mobilizing resources.  ·       Experience of working with institutional and private donors.·       Experience in successfully managing various forms of partnership with National and International NGOs.·       Knowledge of Child Protection, A2J programs.·       Excellent interpersonal qualities: integrity, a capacity to judge and diplomacy. ·       Proactive, rigorous and a results-driven attitude.   Languages :Excellent oral and writing skills in English, Arabic an asset. IT :High proficiency with Microsoft Office SuiteConditions:·     Swiss contract·     Gross monthly salary between CHF 5'200.- and CHF 5'700.- depending on experience -x13,36 months·     Insurances: sickness, accident, repatriation·     Annual leaves: 25 days/year·     Flights to duty station and back Tdh Global Code of Conduct and Risk Management Policies :· Fully complies with Tdh's Global Code of Conduct and systematically reports any breach to the Code through the whistleblowing procedure: raises awareness within the Foundation on abuse and violence and the rights deriving therefrom, respecting the rights and dignity of children, members of the communities and our own Staff· Commits to respecting Risk Management Policies including: Safeguarding Policies (Child Safeguarding Policy, Policy on the Protection against Sexual Exploitation and the Directive on Staff Misconduct at the Workplace), Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption and Prevention of the Financing of Criminal Activities Policies· Commits to reducing the risk of abuse and harm by developing a culture of open and informed leadership within the organization and in our work with children and the communities in which we intervene in. We offer an exciting and varied work, useful and meaningful, in a team that wants to make a difference for vulnerable children. Are you interested? Do you want to face this challenge? Procedure :Please applying directly online: files sent through our official website will be processed only if complete (CV + cover letter, both in PDF format). Additional documents (diplomas, work certificates, etc.) will be requested at a later stage.We will be in touch with the shortlisted candidates only in the selection process – with the large number of applications received, we unfortunately cannot provide personal follow-up to the larger candidate pool. Thanks for your understanding.For any questions you can consult the FAQ below the job advertisements.

Terre des hommes

Grants and Reporting Manager

Afghanistan, Kabul , Kabul

Position Start Date : asapDuration : 12  monthsLocation : Kabul, Afghanistan, with regular travels to operational sites depending on security situation and access constraintsStatus : non-accompanied Terre des hommes does not set closing dates for this position; recruitment is on-going until the position is filled. Interested Candidates are nevertheless encouraged to apply as soon as possible Tdh :Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh), with headquarters in Lausanne and an office in Zurich, is the leading Swiss organisation for child rights. In 2022, we supported 2.6 million children and members of their communities around the world. We trained people who in turn supported a further 4.5 million children and members of their communities. Context :Tdh has established a Country Office in Afghanistan since 1995. We are operating in four regions of the country, with planned expansion to other regions. Tdh is providing Child Protection services, basic health services focusing on Mother and Child healthcare assistance, services for victims of SGBV, multipurpose cash assistance to most vulnerable children and their families. Where necessary, these programs also contain elements of basic relief services.The operations in Afghanistan are managed by a main office in Kabul and a regional office in Jalalabad. Responsibilities :Under the responsibility of the Head of Delegation, the Grant & Reporting Manager duties will include:1.       identifying funding opportunities within various modalities,2.       coordinating and contributing to proposal writing processes,3.       coordinating and editing progress/final reports,4.       handling grant administration and follow-up,5.       ensuring compliance with grant regulations,6.       supporting the delegation in project cycle management, monitoring, and external communication aspects,7.       being a member of the Senior Management Team,8.       conducting his or her duties in respect of the Tdh Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. The full job description will be shared with the candidates selected to start the recruitment process. Profile :Education :Master / Post-graduate in International Development, Social Sciences, Development Studies or any other related area Experience & Competencies :·       Relevant experience of minimum 5 years in program cycle management, preferably in an international NGO/Institution.·       Relevant experience living and working in a high-risk environment with limited opportunities to recreation and social contacts.·       Relevant experience in applying and following strict security and safety procedures.·       Resilience to stress.·       Management experience in securing and managing funds from institutional donors, such as UN agencies, SDC, ECHO, EU, DFID, USAID.·       Excellent planning skills, and a sound understanding of Program Cycle Management in development, emergency and protracted crises environments.·       Good administrative and numerical skills and attention to details.·       Proven analytical skills and the ability to think strategically in relation to fund- raising and donor engagement. Languages :·       Excellent personal communication skills, in written and verbal English,·       Knowledge of Dari/Persian and/or Pashto would be an asset. IT :High proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite Salary :Expatriate contract under Swiss regulations between CHF 4470.-  and  CHF 4900.-   gross /month according to experience x 13 times, Vacancy: 25 days annual leaves local accommodation and transportation, Health insurance, accident and medical repatriation insurance, return flight. Tdh Global Code of Conduct and Risk Management Policies :·     Fully complies with Tdh's Global Code of Conduct and systematically reports any breach to the Code through the whistleblowing procedure: raises awareness within the Foundation on abuse and violence and the rights deriving therefrom, respecting the rights and dignity of children, members of the communities and our own Staff·     Commits to respecting Risk Management Policies including: Safeguarding Policies (Child Safeguarding Policy, Policy on the Protection against Sexual Exploitation and the Directive on Staff Misconduct at the Workplace), Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption and Prevention of the Financing of Criminal Activities Policies·     Commits to reducing the risk of abuse and harm by developing a culture of open and informed leadership within the organization and in our work with children and the communities in which we intervene in. We offer an exciting and varied work, useful and meaningful, in a team that wants to make a difference for vulnerable children. Are you interested? Do you want to face this challenge? Procedure :Please applying directly online: files sent through our official website will be processed only if complete (CV + cover letter). Additional documents (diplomas, work certificates, etc.) will be requested at a later stage.We will be in touch with the shortlisted candidates only in the selection process – with the large number of applications received, we unfortunately cannot provide personal follow-up to the larger candidate pool. Thanks for your understanding.For any questions you can consult the FAQ below the job advertisements. 
