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Site: Switzerland, Lucerne, Lucerne
Sector: Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation
Company size: 50-99 employees

Comundo is Switzerland's largest organisation for personnel development cooperation. With around 100 qualified experts in seven countries of the South, it strengthens locally committed organisations through the exchange of competencies. Comundo is active in the areas of education, food security, human rights and climate change, and also works in Switzerland to raise awareness for a fairer world. It is represented in Switzerland with offices in Lucerne, Fribourg and Bellinzona.

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Especialista en prácticas agrícolas resilientes al cambio climático

Bolivia, Cochabamba , Cochabamba

La población en los municipios del área rural de Cochabamba se ve afectada por el cambio climático y problemas medio ambientales. Los municipios del Valle Alto y Bajo antes fueron referente de producción agrícola. Pero ahora tienen problemas para el acceso al agua potable y a una alimentación saludable. La escasez de lluvias, o fenómenos naturales como el granizo y las heladas, han afectado y reducido la producción de hortalizas y cereales, así como la afluencia de los ríos. Sus actividades/tareas Como cooperante de Comundo, contribuirá en el marco del programa país de Comundo Bolivia para que niños, niñas, jóvenes y personas adultas mayores en zonas de vulnerabilidad rurales, periurbanas y urbanas pueden alimentarse de manera más saludable y viven en un entorno social y ecológico sano. En concreto, apoyará a la Fundación Ayni en la implementación e innovación de nuevas prácticas resilientes al cambio climático en la instalación de huertos escolares y familiares. Entre otras cosasDesarrollará metodologías innovadoras respecto a la instalación de huertos escolares y familiares;Desarrollará y realizará procesos de capacitación para la innovación en nuevas técnicas en implementación de huertos escolares y familiares resilientes, cosecha de lluvia, manejo de residuos sólidos, u otras;Realizará talleres de capacitación para transferir experiencias y metodologías / prácticas innovadoras en área medio ambiental. Su perfilProfesional del área medio ambiental, agroforestería, agroecología;Competencias metodológicas, para la implementación de prácticas novedosas en establecimiento de huertos familiares y escolares, en área rural, o en áreas donde no se cuenta con la posibilidad de terreno o agua a disponibilidad completa;Capacidad de trabajo en equipo de acuerdo a las características del contexto;Buen dominio del español. Requisitos generalesContar con una profesión o haber concluido estudios superioresUn mínimo de dos años de experiencia profesionalEdad mínima de 25 añosResidencia en Suiza o AlemaniaBuenos conocimientos del idioma oficial del país de intercambioCompetencias interculturales y capacidad de actuar en contextos diversosBuena salud física y psíquicaConocimientos básicos de gestión de proyectos, desarrollo institucional y educación para adultos/ as deseableSer capaz de trabajar de manera independiente y en equipoAlta competencia social y sensibilidad interculturalDisposición a un estilo de vida modestoEstar dispuesto/a a colaborar y a participar en actividades de sensibilización y de recaudación de fondos OfrecemosUn ambiente de trabajo interesante que ofrece un amplio espacio a la iniciativa propia, la participación y las relaciones humanas interculturalesUna preparación adecuadaIntroducción al contexto del país y acompañamiento en el lugarCobertura de costos de vida y seguros durante la estanciaCobertura de gastos de viaje de ida y vuelta, tarifa plana para mobiliaria, cuotas escolares, etc.Apoyo económico para la reinserción después de la asignación


Comunicación e incidencia política

Colombia, Bogota D.C. , Bogotá

El reclutamiento forzado de jóvenes, niñas y niños por grupos armados es un problema importante en Colombia. Entre 2020 y 2022, 532 menores de edad fueron reclutados, según el Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar. Desde 1990, Justapaz promueve la no violencia, la construcción de la paz y la justicia social en Colombia. Ante la persistente problemática del reclutamiento forzado, está implementando un enfoque integral que no solo se enfoca en las víctimas directas del conflicto, sino también en las comunidades vulnerables afectadas por desigualdades socioeconómicas. Sus actividades/tareas Justapaz analiza que el papel de la comunicación es fundamental para profundizar procesos de cambios sociales. Ella utiliza estrategias de comunicación para sensibilizar a la sociedad y presionar por cambios en políticas públicas, visibilizando las realidades y necesidades de las comunidades. Como cooperante de Comundo, en el marco de su programa de construcción de paz y defensa de los derechos humanos, usted fortalece Justapaz en sus capacidades de comunicar y de incidir, potenciando su eficacia en sus esfuerzos de construir paz y justicia social:Fortalecimiento de las capacidades del personal de Justapaz para diseñar campañas de comunicación efectivas y estrategias de incidencia alineadas con la promoción de la paz y justicia social, mediante la organización de talleres y asesoríasDiseño de herramientas de comunicación interna para mejorar la cohesión organizativa y el intercambio entre los diferentes territoriosElaboración participativa de una estrategia de comunicación externa para la incidencia social enfocada en jóvenes y niñas/osAmpliación de la red de colaboración con otras organizaciones y entidades que favorezcan la incidencia política y el intercambio de conocimientos y recursos Su perfilGrado en Ciencias Políticas, Relaciones Internacionales o Trabajo Social, con posgrado o experiencia laboral en el ámbito de la Comunicación SocialMínimo 5 años de experiencia de trabajo en derechos humanosDeseable enfoque en protección de menores de edad y comunidades vulnerablesIntegración de enfoques políticos y comunicacionales en intervenciones sociales, habilidades avanzadas de comunicación y capacidad para trabajar en contextos multiculturalesEspañol e inglés fluidos Requisitos generalesContar con una profesión o haber concluido estudios superioresUn mínimo de dos años de experiencia profesionalEdad mínima de 25 añosResidencia en Suiza o AlemaniaBuenos conocimientos del idioma oficial del país de intercambioCompetencias interculturales y capacidad de actuar en contextos diversosBuena salud física y psíquicaConocimientos básicos de gestión de proyectos, desarrollo institucional y educación para adultos/ as deseableSer capaz de trabajar de manera independiente y en equipoAlta competencia social y sensibilidad interculturalDisposición a un estilo de vida modestoEstar dispuesto/a a colaborar y a participar en actividades de sensibilización y de recaudación de fondos OfrecemosUn ambiente de trabajo interesante que ofrece un amplio espacio a la iniciativa propia, la participación y las relaciones humanas interculturalesUna preparación adecuadaIntroducción al contexto del país y acompañamiento en el lugarCobertura de costos de vida y seguros durante la estanciaCobertura de gastos de viaje de ida y vuelta, tarifa plana para mobiliario, cuotas escolares, etc.Apoyo económico para la reinserción después de la asignación


Skills Development Program Advisor

Zambia, Lusaka , Lusaka

Vision of Hope (VoH) is located in Lusaka, with a few access points spread across the country. The focus is to educate, empower, and create a securely safe environment for vulnerable and at-risk girls and young women. VoH has thematic expertise in community outreach, street outreach, and project management related to social inclusion, entrepreneurship, HIV/AIDS prevention, health care, sewing and craft management, psychosocial counselling, and rehabilitation. VoH is implementing the Skill-Up Project (SUP), which aims to establish a comprehensive trade training and learning centre (skills development centre). The project is designed to address the critical need for empowering girls, young women, and the vulnerable community with practical skills and trades that can enable them to secure employment or start their own businesses, thereby improving their standard of living. Your activities/tasks As a Comundo co-worker, you will support the development and implementation of various skills training programs at VoH Zambia. You will be responsible for creating a comprehensive skills development strategy that empowers girls and young women to become self-sustainable and equipped with the tools to break cycles of poverty. Your role involves managing and coordinating various skills development initiatives, including crafts, sewing, baking, and other tailor-made vocational training programs. Among other roles, you will:Collaborate with various teams to create a comprehensive skills development strategy.Collaborate with local trainers and experts to develop and deliver high-quality training programs.Identify and prioritize tailor- made skills development needs.Identify and pursue funding opportunities to support tailor-made skills development initiatives.Provide training and capacity-building opportunities for program staff and volunteers.Design and implement monitoring frameworks to assess the effectiveness of the programs. Your profile Bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as education, social work, or business administration.At least 3 years of experience in program management, skills development, or a related field.Experience working with vulnerable populations, particularly girls and young women. General requirementsCompleted vocational or tertiary educationAt least 5 years of professional experienceResident in Switzerland or Germany¨Intercultural competencies and the ability to act in diverse contextsGood physical and mental healthAbility to work independently and in a teamHigh social skills and intercultural sensitivityYou are motivated to live a simple lifestyleYou are prepared to contribute to public relations and fundraising We offerAn exciting working environment with ample space for initiative, participation, and intercultural contactsAn adequate preparationIntroduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local supportLiving and insurance costs during your assignmentTravelling costs in both directionsInitial financial aid after your return


Organisational Capacity Development in Project and Finance Management

Zambia, Lusaka , Lusaka
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Zambian Centre for Community Schools (ZCCS) is a non-governmental organisation that functions as an umbrella body for community schools in Zambia. In Lusaka district, ZCCS is working in all the 10 zones (areas divided as per Ministry of Education guidelines) with a total of 439 registered community schools. Each zone has ten committee members who oversee the affairs of community schools under ZCCS, and ten elected members from the ten zones who oversee the affairs of the district under ZCCS. Your activities/tasks As a Comundo co-worker, you will help to develop the organisational capacities of ZCCS through various interventions, including training, mentoring, and capacity-sharing workshops for ZCCS board and committee members, especially in the areas of project and finance management. Among other roles, you will support:Organisational capacity development for modern and efficient organisational management.Support the management team in steering and running a zonal literacy project, currently including about 50 schools and to be further upscaled.Establishment of systems and controlling mechanisms for the efficient management of organisational resources, leading to improved quality and cost control.Training of board members, zonal leaders and staff members in strategic planning.Strengthening the capacity in narrative and financial report writing skills, including the use of digital templates such as spreadsheets/Excel. Your profileBachelor's degree in project management, business administration, or a related field.At least 4 years of experience in business administration, project management, or a similar role.Proficiency in finance and project management tools and software relevant to the project's focus areas.Demonstrated experience in managing projects from inception to completion, including budgeting, planning, and reporting.Excellent written and verbal communication skills.Excellent English communication and interpersonal skills. General requirements Completed vocational or tertiary educationAt least 5 years of professional experienceResident in Switzerland or GermanyIntercultural competencies and the ability to act in diverse contextsGood physical and mental healthAbility to work independently and in a teamHigh social skills and intercultural sensitivityYou are motivated to live a simple lifestyleYou are prepared to contribute to public relations and fundraising We offer An exciting working environment with ample space for initiative, participation, and intercultural contactsAn adequate preparationIntroduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local supportLiving and insurance costs during your assignmentTravelling costs in both directionsInitial financial aid after your return


Experto/-a en el Desarrollo Sostenible del Campus y la Educación Ambiental

Peru, Lima , Lima

La Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya (la universidad jesuita del Perú) es una comunidad académica que forma personas profesionales con sólidas competencias, con sentido ético, crítico y humanista, cuya investigación es socialmente pertinente para construir una sociedad sostenible y justa. Cuenta con alumnos provenientes de todo el Perú. Más de 60% de los alumnos son becados. La Dirección de Responsabilidad Social de la Universidad es responsable de organizar distintos programas de voluntariado social que constituyen parte del currículo de todos los estudiantes.  A su vez es responsable de coordinar e implementar una política de gestión sostenible en la universidad ("Campus Sostenible") en colaboración con docentes y estudiantes. La Universidad quiere avanzar en la estrategia de gestión sostenible del campus y potenciar su oferta de proyectos ambientales para sus estudiantes como parte de la Responsabilidad Social.  Sus actividades/tareas Como cooperante de Comundo contribuye en el marco del programa país Perú de Comundo a que niñas, niños y jóvenes vivan en un ambiente sano y digno y puedan ejercer sus derechos y deberes ecológicos. En específico apoya a nuestra organización coparte Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya en la implementación de una gestión ambientalmente sostenible en relación a políticas y prácticas eco-amigables dentro de la universidad y en los programas de responsabilidad social de sus estudiantes. Entre otros...Asesora y capacita al Comité de Medio Ambiente de la Universidad y al equipo de la Dirección de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria en la implementación de prácticas eco-amigables y sostenibles,Elabora materiales pedagógicos que sustentan una gestión universitaria sostenible,Complementa los programas de responsabilidad social para los estudiantes con una línea de aprendizaje ambiental,Coordina con actores externos (municipio, obras sociales, ONGs) actividades socioambientales de la universidad. Su perfilFormación como profesional en ciencias ambientales, sostenibilidad, educación ambientalexperiencia en una gestión institucional sostenible "verde"experiencia en formación y facilitación de contenidos con jóvenesconocimientos y experiencia en gestión y elaboración de proyectos;Manejar el idioma castellano a nivel avanzado. Requisitos generalesContar con una profesión o haber concluido estudios superioresUn mínimo de dos años de experiencia profesionalEdad mínima de 25 añosResidencia en Suiza o AlemaniaBuenos conocimientos del idioma oficial del país de intercambioCompetencias interculturales y capacidad de actuar en contextos diversosBuena salud física y psíquicaConocimientos básicos de gestión de proyectos, desarrollo institucional y educación para adultos/ as deseableSer capaz de trabajar de manera independiente y en equipoAlta competencia social y sensibilidad interculturalDisposición a un estilo de vida modestoEstar dispuesto/a a colaborar y a participar en actividades de sensibilización y de recaudación de fondos Ofrecemos Un ambiente de trabajo interesante que ofrece un amplio espacio a la iniciativa propia, la participación y las relaciones humanas interculturalesUna preparación adecuadaIntroducción al contexto del país y acompañamiento en el lugarCobertura de costos de vida y seguros durante la estanciaCobertura de gastos de viaje de ida y vuelta, tarifa plana para mobiliaria, cuotas escolares, etc.Apoyo económico para la reinserción después de la asignación


Communication and Knowledge Management Advisor

Zambia, Lusaka , Lusaka

The Consortium for the Rights and Welfare of Older Persons (CROP) was established by six like-minded organisations that advocate for and/or deliver direct services to older people. The Consortium is rightsbased, focusing on enhancing the wellbeing of older people through service delivery and advocacy. CROP further mobilises various organisations focusing on ageing and older people into a coordinated movement, including the younger generation. The organisation raises public awareness and engages in advocacy and policy influencing around older peoples' issues such as security, neglect, health, education and training, income and economic empowerment, among others. Your activities/tasks As a Comundo co-worker, you will be responsible for acquiring, organising and sharing information with the goal of enhancing the consortium's programming, improving decision-making processes, and increasing productivity among network members. You will work closely with various teams, from the management to grassroots level, to develop strategies for improved communication and knowledge management within the consortium. Among other roles, you will:Support the development and oversee the implementation of a comprehensive communication and outreach strategy.Monitor progress, support the evaluation and assessment of the communications and outreach strategy using Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) processes.Support technical staff in identifying, curating, and spotlighting organisational learning content.Improve, create, and maintain knowledge management systems.Ensure branding, marking, and accessibility consistency and compliance across events, messages, and products. Your profile A degree in adult learning, leadership, organisational development, international development, strategic communications, journalism, or a related field.Minimum of 3 years of experience in communication and knowledge Management.Ability to use communication and knowledge management software and databases as well as artificial intelligence. General requirements Completed vocational or tertiary educationAt least 5 years of professional experienceResident in Switzerland or GermanyIntercultural competencies and the ability to act in diverse contextsGood physical and mental healthAbility to work independently and in a teamYou are motivated to live a simple lifestyleYou are prepared to contribute to public relations and fundraising We offer An exciting working environment with ample space for initiative, participation, and intercultural contactsAn adequate preparationIntroduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local supportLiving and insurance costs during your assignmentTravelling costs in both directionsInitial financial aid after your return


Auto Electrical Skills Development Advisor

Zambia, Copperbelt , Chingola
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Our partner organisation, Salesian of Don Bosco, runs the Don Bosco Technical College located in the mining town of Chingola, in the Copperbelt province of Zambia. With the introduction of skills bursary awards by the government under the Constituency Development Fund, the institution has seen a surge in the number of youths eager to be trained in the various skills courses offered. These young adults are the primary target group for training in Auto Electrical skills, a course in high demand in the region. There are very few service providers in this field. As a vocational training institution, it is crucial for us to have expertise in this area. Your activities/tasks As a Comundo co-worker, you will support the establishment of a training unit for Auto Electrical skills development. You will advise the institution, collaborate with the training staff on course profiling, develop training documentation manuals, and ensure knowledge transfer by training the trainers of Automotive Mechanics to be proficient in the field. Among other roles, you will support:Training the trainers to have a comprehensive understanding of the automotive electrical field, both in theory and practical aspects.Developing the curriculum and training manuals/documentation for the course.Offering consultancy services, checks and balances, quality assurance, and additional support.Providing continuous professional development to instructors.Offering professional support and guidance in the formulation of an MoU and policy guidelines on behalf of the institution. Your profile Minimum of a diploma in the Automotive Electrical field3 years or more of experience in the fieldA certification in Teaching MethodologyFluency in written and spoken English General requirements Resident in Switzerland or GermanyIntercultural competencies and the ability to act in diverse contextsGood physical and mental healthBasic knowledge in project management, institutional development and adult education welcomeAbility to work independently and in a teamHigh social skills and intercultural sensitivityYou are motivated to live a simple lifestyleYou are prepared to contribute to public relations and fundraising We offer An exciting working environment with an ample space for initiative, participation and intercultural contactsAn adequate preparationIntroduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local supportLiving and insurance costs during your assignmentTravelling costs in both directionsInitial financial aid after your return


TVET Specialist

Kenya, Western , Kisumu

The Government of Kenya is committed to promoting Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as stipulated in Article 55 of the Kenyan Constitution. The aim is to provide a quality education that prepares students for global competitiveness. However, the implementation of the goal of TVET is faced with difficulties. Demographic changes in the population mean that demand for training is increasing, forcing the government to expand its training provision. Other challenges are the limited financial resources, low quality of teaching, lack of reliable aggregated data for decision making, the linkage of training with labour market needs, the strong theoretical orientation of training and the low income that most colleges generate. As TVET is a devolved function, the counties are responsible for the running and financing of most Vocational Training Centres (VTCs). Kisumu County, one of the 47 devolved administrative units, operates 28 VTCs. The intention is to transform some of their VTCs into so-called "Centres of excellence" (CoE) which will focus on one or two key professions. Your activities/tasks As a Comundo co-worker, you will be part of Comundo's country program in Kenya. You will contribute to strengthening the TVET system in Kisumu County so that vulnerable children and youth have better professional and social prospects. Based in one of the "Centers of Excellence" you will support the establishment of innovative CoEs that respond better to the changing needs of the industry, and address transversal skills, continuing professional learning and community needs. You will ensure that VTC Managers are able to run their centres effectively and efficiently and that the colleges develop their production units to increase their financial sustainability. Among others you will:Advise on the establishment of colleges of vocational excellence. Do organizational and technical capacity assessments of the colleges and training needs assessments of their staff. Support the improvement of systems for the management of resources and administration. Develop innovative models for colleges making use of modern methodologies and technologies; assist in implementing the models. Assist in improving course administration. Your profile Solid qualification in TVET and/or education management. Proven experience in the running of schools, colleges or other educational facilities. Familiar with dual education models and innovation in TVET. Experience as a teacher or trainer of trainers and in education management is an added value. Substantial computer literacy and very good command of the English language We offerAn exciting working environment with ample space for initiative, participation and intercultural contacts An adequate preparation Introduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local support Living and insurance costs during your assignment Travelling costs in both directions Initial financial aid after your return


TVET Marketing

Kenya, Eastern , Malindi
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Youth unemployment is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today as the global population grows rapidly and inequality increases, particularly in Africa. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is seen as the most important means of addressing the skills gap, as it enables youth to acquire the necessary skills to enter the labor market and earn a living. The Marianists, are a 200-year-old Catholic religious congregation of brothers and priests who run 3 TVET colleges on the Kenyan coast. The Marianist Technical Institute (MTI) in Malindi was newly build and opened its doors in March 2024 with the aim to assist young people find employment in the formal and informal sector and thus lead a life characterised by respect, dignity and resourcefulness. The MTI-Malindi targets disadvantaged youth between the ages of 16-25 years and offers 5 different training programs. Your activities / tasks As a Comundo co-worker, you will contribute that the MTI-Malindi and the two other Marianist colleges continue to provide quality education for the youth at the coast and move them from situations of destitution and dependency to one of increased economic values. Specifically, you will support that the colleges to create sound marketing structures and systems that will enable them to find enough students to ensure the financial sustainability of the colleges. Among others, you will: Conduct research to understand youth, market trends, and competitors of other schools. Promote the training programs offered by the colleges. Develop and support implementation of marketing strategies to achieve business goals. Plan and support marketing campaigns across various channels, such as digital, social media, print, and events. Introduce digital marketing. Create compelling and relevant content for various platforms. Work closely with cross-functional teams, including sales, product development, and customer support, to ensure alignment of marketing efforts with overall business objectives.  Your profile Solid education in Marketing, business development or a similar field. Experience in marketing; experience in education is an added advantage. Practical experience in digital marketing and the organisation of marketing campaigns. Experience in organisational development, project management and communication is an added value.  We offer An exciting working environment with an ample space for initiative, participation, and intercultural contacts An adequate preparation Introduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local support Living and insurance costs during your assignment Travelling costs in both directions Initial financial aid after your return


Knowledge Management and Quality Assurance Specialist

Kenya, Nairobi Area , Nairobi
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Knowledge Management and Quality assurance play a crucial role in the development and sustainability of organisations to enhance innovation and competitiveness, support effective decision making, enhance research and development and strengthen capacity building, GRIC is a locally led organisation active in the education sector that is committed and passionate about promoting community-based learning and sustainable development in vulnerable communities. Their education program is tailored to promote holistic learning and acquisition of foundational literacy and numeracy skills by learners furthest behind. To achieve this, GRIC partners with grassroots organizations to bring about positive change in the communities.  Your activities / tasks  As a Comundo Co-worker, you contribute to the goals of the country program in Kenya. You will contribute to strengthening the Knowledge Management and Quality Assurance systems at GRIC and be based at the GRIC offices in Nairobi. You will: Strengthen the integrity in the process of collecting and analysing information.Design the GRIC information flow system and contribute to the setting up on a knowledge hubAssist in making meaning of information. Introduce new KM tools,Make information accessible for the wider constituency.Document Best Practices of GRIC education work  Your profile Solid qualification in education, education management, knowledge management or quality assurance Practical Experience in Knowledge Management, Quality Assurance and monitoring. Strong data analytics skills; both qualitative and quantitative. Overall understanding of information flow processes from input to presentation. A keen eye to detail and utilization of information to make decisions. Familiarity with project management tools, education methodologies, and best practicesSubstantial computer literacy and very good command of the English language  General requirements At least 2 years of professional experienceResidence in Switzerland or Germany Good physical and mental health Ability to work independently and in a team High social competence and intercultural sensitivityWillingness to live a modest lifestyleWillingness to collaborate and participate in awareness and fundraising activities  We offerAn interesting working environment that offers space for self-initiative, participation and intercultural human relations. Adequate preparation Introduction to the country context and accompaniment on site Coverage of living costs and insurance for the duration of the stay Coverage of round-trip travel expenses, flat rate for furniture, school fees, etc. Financial support for reintegration after the mission.


Management and Organisational Development Specialist

Kenya, Western , Kisumu
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Make Me Smile Kenya (MMS-K) is a Kenyan non-profit organization founded in 2008. The mission of MMS-K is to help people to help themselves, for the benefit of the children, because MMS-K believes in the potential of every human being. The organization works to promote the social and health development of around 20'00 orphans & vulnerable children (OVC) and adolescent girls & young women (AGYW).   Due to the influence of donors, especially some of the larger donors, different organizational structures have developed within the MMS structures and some projects operate as semi-autonomous units within MMS, and with their own management systems. MMS-K runs the risks of losing its core identity due to the dominant policy of the large donors. It is therefore important to strengthen and standardize MMS-K as an organization at all levels of the organizational culture.  Your activities/tasks As a Comundo Technical Advisor, you will be part of Comundo's country program in Kenya. You will contribute to strengthening organizational and management structures of MMS. Thus, children and youth have better prospects by developing relevant knowledge and skills through high-quality and inclusive basic and vocational education.  Based in Kisumu you support and accompany MMS in strengthening their organisational structure and management systems. You will conduct assessments, design development plans and support MMS in implementing these plans.  Among others, you will: Conduct and organizational assessments for MMS. Develop an organization development plan. Assist in putting in place lean and effective organizational processes.  Strengthen the MMS administration systems. Put in place an effective and accountable communication, information and reporting systems and channels.  Your profile Solid qualification in organizational development/business management. Experience in the development of administrative systems and in organizational development. Substantial computer literacy and very good command of the English language Project management and development skills Experience in TVET and the running of educational institutions are an advantage.   General requirements Completed vocational or tertiary education At least 5 years of professional experience Resident in Switzerland or Germany  Intercultural competencies and the ability to act in diverse contexts Good physical and mental health Ability to work independently and in a team You are motivated to live a simple lifestyle  You are prepared to contribute to public relations and fundraising  We offer An exciting working environment with ample space for initiative, participation, and intercultural contacts An adequate preparation Introduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local support Living and insurance costs during your assignment  Travelling costs in both directions  Initial financial aid after your return 


Blended (digital) learning specialist for training in the hospitality industry

Kenya, Western , Kisumu
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Youth unemployment is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today as the global population grows rapidly and inequality increases, particularly in Africa. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is seen as the most important means of addressing the skills gap, as it enables youth to acquire the necessary skills to enter the labor market and earn a living. Ujima is committed to ensuring that youth with limited opportunities, especially orphaned heads of households become economically and socially independent, enabling them to take responsibility for their siblings. Ujima trains these youths on employability skills, entrepreneurship, hospitality, hair, and beauty care and works with over 100 employers for attachment and job opportunities. Your activities / tasks As a Comundo co-worker, you will contribute that disadvantaged youth have better professional and social prospects for employment in the hospitality industry through quality VET with a special focus on work-based learning (WBL). Specifically, you will provide support in the development and implementation of a training strategy that includes blended learning and ICT in a work-based learning environment. Among others, you will: Introduce a digital training platform, and support staff in the digital delivery of curricula.Digitisation of Ujima's curricular and all training contents.Development/strengthening of ICT skills training. Support management on data processing through ICT. Support in the develop of a monitoring system. Develop strategies to incorporate good practice into the theory teaching and practical training. Assess staff capacities, identify train needs, train and coach staff.Develop strategies to create synergies and exchange programs with other training institutes.  Your profile Solid education in ICT, digital learning or a similar field. Experience in blended learning and in dual education. Practical experience in developing digital training programs and training materials.Experience in organisational development, project management and communication is an added value. We offer An exciting working environment with an ample space for initiative, participation, and intercultural contacts An adequate preparation Introduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local supportLiving and insurance costs during your assignment Travelling costs in both directions Initial financial aid after your return
