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FDFA / SDC / Humanitarian Aid and SHA  

Site: Switzerland, Bern, Bern
Company size: 100-249 employees

Humanitarian Aid is one of the four departments of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC. It is involved in protecting the interests of vulnerable population groups prior to, during and after periods of conflict, crises or natural disasters.

The Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) is the operational arm of Swiss Humanitarian Aid. Its specialists are deployed to implement projects of the SDC or its UN partners before, during and after periods of crisis or conflict.


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FDFA / SDC / Humanitarian Aid and SHA

Spécialistes consulaires (affectés à l'étranger)

Switzerland, Bern , Bern

Le DFAE recherche des employé(e)s de commerce motivé(e)s pour soutenir les activités de ses ambassades et consulats à l'étranger. Il vous offre l'occasion de mettre à profit votre savoir-faire dans un environnement international et de représenter la Suisse à l'étranger.  En tant que spécialiste consulaire affecté(e) à une représentation à l'étranger, vous fournissez des services consulaires aux Suisses établis ou de passage à l'étranger ainsi qu'aux ressortissants étrangers qui désirent se rendre en Suisse. Vous exécutez des tâches de nature diverse ayant trait à l'état civil, à la nationalité et aux documents d'identité, au traitement des demandes de visas et à des cas relevant de la protection consulaire ainsi qu'à la tenue des comptes et à d'autres opérations administratives.  Vos tâches - Fournir des prestations ayant trait au registre des Suisses de l'étranger et aux documents d'identité - Contrôler et traiter des demandes de visas - Traiter des faits d'état-civil et des affaires de nationalité - Apporter une aide dans le cadre de la protection consulaire et de l'aide sociale - Conseiller et soutenir les Suisses de l'étranger et les ressortissants suisses de passage - Tenir la comptabilité, gérer les documents et archives  Votre profil - Formation commerciale de base, acquise de préférence au sein d'une administration publique, notamment communale, municipale ou cantonale - Expérience professionnelle impliquant des contacts avec la clientèle, de préférence dans les domaines du contrôle des habitants, de l'état-civil et/ou de la migration - Expérience à l'étranger souhaitable, notamment dans des contextes difficiles - Attitude ouverte et avenante, grande flexibilité, esprit d'équipe et résistance au stress - Sens prononcé du service - Travail précis et consciencieux  Conditions d'admission supplémentaire - Nationalité suisse  - Réputation irréprochable - Bonnes connaissances, à l'oral comme à l'écrit, de deux langues officielles et de l'anglais (au min. niveau B2). - Disposition à effectuer plusieurs affectations dans des représentations du monde entier, y compris dans des contextes difficiles (respect de l'obligation de transfert) - Dossier de candidature complet Informations complémentaires- La formation de base rémunérée, dispensée à la centrale à Zollikofen, débutera le 1er avril 2025 et durera environ huit semaines. Elle sera suivie d'une affectation de douze mois à l'étranger.- La durée du premier contrat de travail est limitée à quatorze mois. Durant la formation, les connaissances, compétences et prestations seront évaluées. À terme, si les objectifs sont atteints, votre engagement débouchera sur un contrat de durée indéterminée.- Pendant la durée de votre engagement, vous serez soumis/e à la discipline des transferts. Un pdf est à votre disposition pour évaluer votre aptitude et motivation à la discipline des transferts: Un dossier de candidature complet comprend les documents suivants:- CV- Diplômes- Certificats de travail et/ou de stage- Extrait du casier judiciaire suisse (datant de moins de six mois)- Diplômes d' une deuxième langue nationale et de l'anglais au niveau B2 si vous en disposez (datant de moins de deux ans), sinon, vous êtes prié(e) de passer des  tests en ligne, intégrer les résultats dans votre dossier de candidature.  Si au moment de postuler, vous n'avez pas encore reçu votre extrait de casier judiciaire suisse, veuillez joindre à votre dossier la confirmation de commande correspondantes. Vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur le site Internet du DFAE; l'équipe Profils et recrutement se tient à votre disposition pour toute question à ce sujet (tél. 058 465 11 59,3D,, Délai de postulation: 16 septembre 2024 à 17h00 Entrée en fonction: 1er avril 2025 À propos de nousSur mandat du Conseil fédéral, le Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) conçoit et coordonne la politique extérieure de la Suisse. Il s'emploie en outre à défendre les intérêts du pays et à promouvoir ses valeurs. L'administration fédérale est attentive aux différents parcours de vie et besoins de ses collaboratrices et collaborateurs et en favorise la diversité. Elle accorde la plus haute priorité à l'égalité de traitement. Zollikofen et ensemble du réseau des représentations à étranger Candidature en ligne sur, code de référence JRQ$540-10941

FDFA / SDC / Humanitarian Aid and SHA

Specialisti/e consolari (estero)

Switzerland, Bern , Bern
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Il Dipartimento federale degli affari esteri (DFAE) è alla ricerca di collaboratrici e collaboratori motivati con un profilo commerciale per fornire supporto alle attività delle ambasciate e dei consolati svizzeri all'estero. Il DFAE offre alle persone interessate l'opportunità di mettere a frutto il proprio "know-how" in un contesto internazionale e di rappresentare la Svizzera all'estero. In qualità di specialista consolare in una rappresentanza all'estero, il/la titolare del posto fornirà servizi consolari a cittadine svizzere e cittadini svizzeri che vivono o sono di passaggio nel Paese straniero e a cittadine e cittadini stranieri che desiderano visitare la Svizzera. Il suo ambito di attività sarà estremamente vario: si occuperà di questioni relative allo stato civile, alla cittadinanza, ai documenti d'identità e all'elaborazione di richieste di visto e di casi di protezione consolare, ma anche di contabilità e di altre mansioni amministrative. Le Sue mansioniFornire prestazioni riguardanti il registro degli Svizzeri all'estero e i documenti d'identitàControllare e elaborare le richieste di vistoElaborare fatti di stato civile e affari concernenti la cittadinanzaPrestare assistenza nel campo della protezione consolare e dell'aiuto socialeFornire consulenza e supporto alle Svizzere e agli Svizzeri che vivono o sono di passaggio nel Paese stranieroTenere la contabilità, gestire i documenti e gli archivi Il Suo profiloFormazione commerciale di base, preferibilmente svolta in un'amministrazione pubblica, in particolare comunale, municipale e/o cantonaleÈ auspicata un'esperienza professionale di due o tre anni in un ambito che preveda il contatto con i clienti, preferibilmente nel settore del controllo degli abitanti, dello stato civile e/o della migrazioneEsperienza all'estero auspicabile, soprattutto in contesti difficili Carattere aperto e cordiale, elevata flessibilità, spirito di squadra e resistenza allo stress Spiccato orientamento al servizioModo di lavorare preciso e coscienzioso Condizioni d'ammissione supplementariCittadinanza svizzeraEssere incensuratiBuone conoscenze orali e scritte di due lingue ufficiali e dell'inglese (almeno livello B2)Disponibilità a svolgere vari impieghi in diverse rappresentanze in tutto il mondo, anche in contesti difficili (osservanza dell'obbligo di trasferimento)Candidatura completa nel portale d'impiego ufficiale Informazioni complementariLa formazione di base remunerata presso la Centrale a Zollikofen inizierà il 1° aprile 2025, durerà circa otto settimane e sarà seguita da uno stage pratico all'estero della durata di 12 mesi.La durata del contratto di lavoro è di quattordici mesi. Durante la formazione saranno valutate le conoscenze, le competenze e le prestazioni. Al termine di questo periodo, qualora gli obiettivi saranno raggiunti, verrà stipulato un contratto di durata indeterminata.Il primo incarico all'estero verrà affidato dopo il completamento della formazione di base. Il/la titolare del posto sarà trasferito/a presso la rappresentanza scelta dal DFAE dopo il reclutamento.Per l'intera durata dell'impiego presso il DFAE vige l'obbligo di trasferimento. È disponibile un modulo per valutare la sua Idoneità e disponibilità ai trasferimenti.Un dossier di candidatura completo comprende i seguenti documenti:CV Diploma Certificati di lavoro e/o praticantatoEstratto del casellario giudiziale svizzero (non più vecchio di sei mesi)Attestati di lingua di livello B2 (meno di due anni) di una seconda lingua ufficiali e dell'inglese, se disponibile. In caso contrario, le verrà chiesto di sostenere dei tests online e di allegare i risultati al vostro dossier di candidatura. Nel caso in cui non si disponesse ancora dell'estratto del casellario giudiziale svizzero al momento dell'invio della candidatura, si prega di allegare al dossier le conferme d'inoltro delle relative domande.Ulteriori informazioni sono pubblicate sul sito Internet del DFAE; per eventuali domande rivolgersi al team Profili e reclutamento (tel. 058 465 11 59, per la presentazione delle candidature: 16 settembre 2024, 17h00Entrata in servizio: 1° aprile 2025Numero di riferimento: JRQ$540-10941Per candidarsi Chi siamoIl Dipartimento federale degli affari esteri (DFAE) coordina e definisce, su mandato del Consiglio federale, la politica estera della Svizzera, tutela gli interessi del Paese e promuove i valori della Svizzera.#LI-EDAJS+ per saperne di piùL'Amministrazione federale è attenta alle necessità e ai diversi vissuti dei suoi collaboratori e ne apprezza la diversità. La parità di trattamento gode della massima priorità.

FDFA / SDC / Humanitarian Aid and SHA

Konsularische Fachspezialistinnen und -spezialisten (Ausland)

Switzerland, Bern , Bern
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Das EDA sucht motivierte Kauffrauen und Kaufmänner zur Unterstützung der Schweizer Botschaften und Konsulate. Es bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihr Know-how in einem internationalen Umfeld einzubringen und die Schweiz im Ausland zu vertreten. Als konsularische Fachspezialistin bzw. konsularischer Fachspezialist in einer Auslandvertretung erbringen Sie konsularische Dienstleistungen für Schweizer Staatsangehörige, die im Ausland leben oder sich vorübergehend im Ausland aufhalten, sowie für ausländische Staatsangehörige, die in die Schweiz reisen möchten. Sie erfüllen eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben in den Bereichen Zivilstands- und Bürgerrechtswesen, Ausweispapiere, Visumanträge, konsularische Schutzfälle und Buchhaltung sowie andere administrative Arbeiten. Ihre AufgabenDienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Auslandschweizerregister und AusweispapierenPrüfung und Bearbeitung von VisumanträgenBearbeitung von Zivilstands- und BürgerrechtsfällenHilfeleistung im Rahmen des konsularischen Schutzes und der SozialhilfeBeratung und Unterstützung von Auslandschweizerinnen und Auslandschweizern und von Schweizer Staatsangehörigen auf der DurchreiseFührung der Buchhaltung, Dokumentenmanagement und Archivierung Ihr ProfilKaufmännische Grundausbildung, vorzugsweise erworben in einer öffentlichen Verwaltung (Gemeinde, Stadt oder Kanton)Zwei bis drei Jahre Berufserfahrung an einer Stelle mit Kundenkontakt, vorzugsweise in den Bereichen Einwohnerkontrolle, Zivilstandswesen und/oder Migration sind erwünschtAuslandserfahrung erwünscht, insbesondere in schwierigen KontextenOffene und zuvorkommende Persönlichkeit, hohe Flexibilität, Teamgeist und BelastbarkeitAusgeprägte DienstleistungsorientierungPräzise und gewissenhafte ArbeitsweiseWeitere VoraussetzungenSchweizer StaatsbürgerschaftUnbescholtener LeumundGute schriftliche und mündliche Kenntnisse in zwei Amtssprachen und in Englisch (mindestens Niveau B2)Bereitschaft, mehrere Einsätze in verschiedenen Vertretungen rund um den Globus zu leisten, auch in schwierigen Kontexten (Versetzungspflicht)Vollständige Bewerbung im offiziellen Stellenportal Zusätzliche InformationenDie bezahlte Grundausbildung an der Zentrale in Zollikofen beginnt am 1. April 2025 und dauert rund acht Wochen, gefolgt von einem 12-monatigen Praktikum im Ausland.Die Dauer des ersten Arbeitsvertrags ist auf vierzehn Monate befristet. Während der Ausbildung werden die Kenntnisse, Kompetenzen und Leistungen beurteilt. Sind die Anforderungen erfüllt, kann der Vertrag am Ende der Ausbildung in einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag umgewandelt werden.Ihr erster Auslandeinsatz beginnt nach erfolgreichem Abschluss Ihrer Grundausbildung in einer durch das EDA ausgewählten Vertretung.Sie unterstehen während Ihrer gesamten Anstellungsdauer der Versetzungspflicht. Ein Formular steht Ihnen zur Verfügung, um Ihre Eignung und Bereitschaft zu Versetzungen zu bewerten.Ein vollständiges Bewerbungsdossier umfasst die folgenden Dokumente:CVDiplome Arbeits- und/oder PraktikumszeugnisseSchweizer Strafregisterauszug (nicht älter als 6 Monate)Sprachdiplome, Niveau B2 und nicht älter als 2 Jahre, in einer Amtssprache und in Englisch falls vorhanden. Sie werden sonst gebeten Online-Tests zu absolvieren und die Ergebnisse in Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen aufzunehmen. Falls Sie den Schweizer Strafregisterauszug zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung noch nicht erhalten haben, legen Sie Ihrem Dossier die Bestätigungen bei, die Sie nach der Bestellung der Dokumente erhalten haben. Weiterführende Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Internetseite. Für Fragen steht Ihnen das Team Profile und Gewinnung (Tel. 058 465 11 59, gerne zur Verfügung.Bewerbungsfrist: 16. September 2024, 17h00Stellenantritt: 1. April 2025Referenznummer: JRQ$540-10941 Über unsDas Eidgenössische Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (EDA) koordiniert und gestaltet im Auftrag des Bundesrats die Schweizer Aussenpolitik, wahrt die Interessen des Landes und fördert Schweizer Werte.#LI-EDAJS+ mehrDie Bundesverwaltung achtet die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse und Lebenserfahrungen ihrer Mitarbeitenden und fördert deren Vielfalt. Gleichbehandlung geniesst höchste Priorität. 

FDFA / SDC / Humanitarian Aid and SHA

Humanitarian Access Officer (P4), a Swiss Secondment to UNOCHA, Ougadougou, Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso, Centre , Ouagadougou

 Operational environmentAs of June 2024, more than 2 million people have been displaced across the country. From January to December 2023, at least 700,000 people were newly displaced, including secondary displacement (N.B. this is not the official figure of the government). The country remains one of the fastest-growing displacement crises in the world, with Mozambique and Ukraine. An estimated 6.3 million people – one in every four people in Burkina Faso – need humanitarian assistance in 2024. Security incidents and other restrictions have made it difficult or impossible for humanitarian actors to reach several locations, primarily in the Sahel, Centre-Nord, Est, Nord and Boucle du Mouhoun regions. Armed conflicts have exacerbated chronic vulnerability to climatic variance (drought, flooding), leaving around 2,7 million people severely food insecure (IPC 3+) in the current lean season (June – Sept 2024). The need for humanitarian coordination is also growing rapidly; the OCHA Burkina office, established in 2019, has also expanded in the past years and requires capacity reinforcement. Brief surge need Humanitarian operation in Burkina Faso is highly political and complex. As of June 2024, there are at least 39 hard-to-reach areas where an estimated 1.1 million people are cut off from the rest of the country, relying on irregular resupply convoys organized by Burkinabè Defence and Security Forces (FDS), as well as humanitarian air operations which are extremely expensive. The imposition of military escort on most of the key axes in conflict-affected areas, as well as strict counter-terrorism measures of the host government (zero tolerance for engagement with armed groups), remains a principal access challenge for the humanitarian community. Adhering to humanitarian principles, the HCT has a position of non-use of armed escorts for humanitarian vehicles. Instead, the current practice is to contract private transporters (without any visibility of humanitarian actors) that join resupply convoys escorted by the FDS. However, in the past months, due to the increase in the number of human rights violations associated with the escorted resupply convoys, the HCT members (including donors) expressed serious concerns about the current modality of transportation of humanitarian supplies. One of the biggest donors has already announced in the HCT that if no measure is taken, they will suspend the use of resupply convoys to transport humanitarian assistance. If suspended, this significantly affects the current humanitarian operation, especially, food assistance. In this regard, an urgent scale-up of the capacity of the Access/CMCoord Unit of OCHA Burkina Faso office is necessary to provide strategic guidance/advice to the HCT and operationalize proposed solutions to ensure delivery of humanitarian supply to hard-to-reach areas.  OCHA's role and key challenges OCHA's role in Burkina Faso is to support the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) and ensure coordination of principled humanitarian response, delivered by more than 150 UN and NGO partners in a highly political context, through advocacy, situational awareness and information management, etc.  Main tasks and duties to be executed Negotiate access and protection issues with civilian and military authorities at national and sub-national levels.Provide qualitative and quantitative analysis on humanitarian access and draft reports/advocacy notes for both strategic and operational purposes.Provide strategic and operational advice to the HCT on humanitarian access/CM Coord issues, in particular, the question of humanitarian convoys.Reinforce the functionality of the Access Working Group in collaboration with various partners and actors in the field; in particular, the analysis of access severity of different axes and hard-to-reach areas. Reinforce CMCoord platforms at national and sub-national levels. • Ensure communication and engagement with government interlocutors (e.g. Ministry of Defense) and national militariesEnsure the linkages of the functions of humanitarian access and CMCoord while maintaining the distinction between the two.  Expected outcome of the deployment Negotiation with civilian and military authorities at the national and sub-national levels is reinforced to improve humanitarian access and protection of civiliansQualitative and quantitative analysis on humanitarian access, as well as related reports/advocacy notes are provided for both strategic and operational purposesStrategic and operational advice is provided to the HCT on humanitarian access/CM Coord issues, in particular, the question of humanitarian convoys The functionality of the Access Working Group is reinforced; in particular, the analysis of access severity of different axesCMCoord platforms at national and sub-national levels are reinforced. • Communication and engagement with government interlocutors (e.g. Ministry of Defense) and national militaries are ensuredThe linkage between the questions of humanitarian access and CM Coord is ensured while maintaining the distinction between the two.  Specific required skillsFluency in French and EnglishKnowledge of institutional mandates, policies and guidelines on humanitarian assistance, humanitarian access and CMCoordExcellent writing, analytical and communications skills.Proficiency in data analysis and report creationAbility to work in a stressful working environment and meet tight deadlines. Managerial experience of a unit/team is desirableExperience in humanitarian affairs/humanitarian coordination at sub-national/sub-office level is desirableExperience or strong knowledge of Sahel region is desirable  SWISS NATIONALITY OR SWISS WORK PERMIT (TYPE B)  REQUIRED Duty Station: Around 80% in Ouagadougou and 20 % in the field if necessary RR cycle: 8 weeks and the destination is Accra, Ghana. Timeframe: asap for 12 months  Thank you to send your application asap (email) to: Odete Mauron (,  058 464 89 85 Published: 2.9.24/MZI

FDFA / SDC / Humanitarian Aid and SHA

Emergency Market Development Advisor, SHA-Secondment to Mercy Corps

Kenya, Nairobi Area , Nairobi / up to 40% travel to

PROGRAM/DEPARTMENT SUMMARYMercy Corps exists to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people build secure, productive, and just communities. The agency pursues its mission through emergency relief services, sustainable community development, civil society and economic development initiatives. Mercy Corps has been present in the Middle East since the 1980s and currently has offices in Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Libya. Working in Lebanon since 1993, Mercy Corps has implemented community development programs focused on promoting economic development and increased opportunity for disadvantaged communities, while responding to emergencies as they emerged in the country.  In 2012, the program portfolio shifted in response to the massive refugee influx from Syria.  Mercy Corps recognizes the disproportionate impact of the crisis on economic and market development in Lebanon, as well as associated tensions by the host community towards the refugees related to employment. Mercy Corps prioritized economic and market development at the core of FY16 targets as part of its wider strategy focused on good governance, conflict management, protection, and water and sanitation infrastructure. Mercy Corps anticipates launching several new economic and market development programs to enable vulnerable individuals and key market actors to build productive lives.  GENERAL POSITION SUMMARYMercy Corps' Sudan crisis response seeks to meet the humanitarian needs of vulnerable Sudanese and other conflict-affected people across the country. Mercy Corps Sudan is recognized as a leader in market systems, agricultural, and food security and building on this experience, the MC Sudan humanitarian program will layer in resilience and other program activities where appropriate and feasible to do so. Assistance is delivered with a focus on needs, in partnership with local actors and civil society. The Cash Consortium of Sudan (CCS) is a collaborative platform to advance a progressive vision of the potential of cash assistance to transform humanitarian response and recovery in partnership with vulnerableconflict-affected populations. CCS is led by Mercy Corps, building on its global experience and learning on leading cash consortia in multiple country contexts, as well as general expertise in cash coordination and breadth of technical resources. International partners include Acted, CARE, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), each of which bring strong cash and complementary technical competencies, as well as expansive operational coverage in Sudan. The CCS also includes nine Sudanese NGOs as partners in alignment with global aid sector commitments to enhance the prominence of local actors in driving humanitarian response and recovery. IMPACT is a non-implementing partner dedicated to Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning. IMPACT will support quality data systems and an objective evidence base that will be essential to CCS' accountability and adaptive management to refine programming approaches to enhance impact as the Sudan crisis context evolves. The CCS will work closely with other consortia and actors in Sudan to deliver an effective CVA response for communities affected by the crisis. The core pillars of the CCS response include: 1) basic needs through cash assistance both at the community level through Group Cash Transfers (GCTs) delivered to Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), as well as at the household-level through Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA); 2) strengthening market systems to ensure resilience of key market actors and supply chains as well as strengthening the availability and affordability of key commodities; 3) strengthening capacity of local partner organizations with an emphasis on accompaniment and mentorship; and 4) generation of learning and evidence to inform broader response efforts.   ESSENTIAL JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Strategic Direction, Portfolio Quality and GrowthLead in the development of a Market strengthening strategy for the CCS;Lead integrated sector design processes in order to converge MPCA and economic and market strengthening programming to deliver maximum joint impact, and integrate market-related activities into the design of other sector programs; Develop rigorous assessment processes for understanding market strengthening needs;Contribute to organizational strategic planning and new program development for appropriate expansion and growth of CCS' MPCA and market Strengthening portfolio;Recognize opportunities for innovative action and explore implementation possibilities with the CCS.Maintain strong and transparent communication with consortium technical focal points. Technical and Operational ManagementEstablish humanitarian sector and private sector platforms (Chamber of Commerce, trader associations or similar bodies).Coordinate the sharing of program plans and outcomes between humanitarian and development actors within the CCS and eventually overall humanitarian sectorAssess supply chain resilience and implement recommended actions for key actors within the supply chain and systemIdentify service providers that play a key role in supply chain capacity and recovery and identify actions to improve their capacity to provide services and scale up.Develop a variety of market strengthening activities to be used by CCS partnersAssist partners as needed in tackling and solving MPCA related bottlenecks and implementation delays.Identify opportunities to introduce efficiencies and eliminate redundancies in existing processes for streamlined sector operations;Identify key hub marketplaces close to vulnerable food insecure populations and to develop market strengthening programming Representation and AdvocacyParticipate in the Cash working group, and other working groups related to market strengthening.Liaise with key stakeholders to coordinate responses and identify strategies to facilitate market-based interventions with programmatic synergies;Develop and implement advocacy strategies to influence policy and practice shifts for economic and market development informed by evidence generated by the programs;Liaise with Regional Economic and Market Development Advisor and global Technical Support Unit to identify strategies to strengthen programming and to promote Mercy Corps' thought leadership role on economic and market development in Lebanon and across the region;Ensure regular attendance in technical working group and task force meetings;Represent Mercy Corps in strategic meetings on economic and market development;Ensure Code of Conduct, Child Safeguarding Protocols, Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy, Gender Policy and Community Accountability Response Mechanism (CARM) guidelines and applied to programming; and Organizational Learning  As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve - we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves. Accountability to BeneficiariesMercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects. ACCOUNTABILITY: Reports directly to:  CCS Director   Works directly with:  Program, Operations, Finance, and Monitoring & Evaluation Teams  SUCCESS FACTORSThe Emergency Market Development Advisor will have extensive experience in leading teams, in both management and technical fields, with a proven track record of strategic planning, programmatic achievements, management competence, diplomacy and interpersonal skills.  S/he will be a decisive leader, exercise sound judgment, possess excellent communication, interpersonal and analytical skills and have a high level of integrity and flexibility to adapt to conditions of ongoing change. S/he is able to prioritize among competing tasks while also filling in gaps as needed to ensure success of the overall economic and market development, sector portfolio. The Emergency Market Development Advisor is a strategic and solutions-driven thinker with the ability to articulate and translate innovative ideas into solid programming and to build positive relationships with his or her team, and with key stakeholders at various levels.   LIVING CONDITIONS/ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONSThe position is based in Nairobi, Kenya and it requires up to 40% travel to support consortiumprogramming and operations in Sudan and neighboring countries such as Chad, South Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia. This may include travel to insecure locations where freedom of movement is limited and areas where amenities are limited. Housing for this role is in individual housing. For further information, please contact:Stefan Bumbacher, Focal Point Cash, Starting date and timeframe: asap (negotiable), for 1 year, SHA-contract Duty Station: Nairobi, Kenya, with travel (up to ~40%) to support consortium programming and operations in Sudan and neighboring countries such as Chad, South Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia. This position is exclusively open to Swiss citizens (or Lichtenstein) or holder of a valid working permit (C permit) in Switzerland. Candidates who do not fulfil this condition will not receive response. COVID vaccination highly recommended Thank you for sending your application (motivation letter, CV, diplomas and work certificates) by email to:Lotti RothLotti.roth@eda.admin.chFederal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFASwiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDCHumanitarian AidField Resources HEichenweg 53003 BerneKNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCEBA/S or equivalent in social science, management, international development, or other relevant field; Masters in law, international relations, economics or other relevant field is preferred;5-7 years of progressive experience and proven record of achievements in designing and implementing integrated economic and market development -related programs;Strong strategic thinker with demonstrable capacity to translate concepts into action;Demonstrated experience leading diverse teams towards a common vision;Experience in cash-based programming and economic and market development programming required; specialized background in micro and macro-economics, labor market and value chain assessments, vocational training, small and medium enterprise development, Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P) preferred;Strong organizational and management skills, including previous experience managing international teams to successfully plan and implement quality programming;Ability to build strong systems that enable timely and quality program delivery;Demonstrated ability to implement programs with rigorous deliverables and timelines in accordance with timeframes and donor regulations;Demonstrated ability to respond to multiple priorities in a timely manner, producing high-quality outcomes; Proven track record in staff and stakeholder training and capacity building, as well as mentoring and training;Ability and interest to work with a multi-ethnic team in a culturally appropriate manner;Proficiency in English essential and Arabic preferred
