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international fund for agricultural development ifad  

Site: Italy, Lazio, Rome
Company size: 500 employees or more
Sector: Other

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation.


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international fund for agricultural development ifad

Technical Specialist (Climate Finance) - P3

Brazil, Bahia , Salvador de Bahia

Organizational SettingThis  is  a two-year  fixed-term  co-terminus  position. A co-terminus fixed-term appointment is an IFAD employment contract externally funded (supplementary funded, funded by trust funds in administration or other), strictly limited in duration to the funding of the position, where appointment and extension is conditional on the availability of resources and limited to the externally funded assignment. A co-terminus appointment shall not exceed the duration of the specific assignment and/or project outlined in the letter of appointment and does not carry any expectation, legal or otherwise, or conversion, irrespective of the length of service. There is no guarantee of renewal or conversion into another kind of contract. The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The Strategy and Knowledge Department (SKD) provides expert guidance on IFAD's strategic direction, thematic priorities, and technical quality of IFAD's operations. It plays a critical role in providing technical expertise to operational teams to enhance development effectiveness, by generating and disseminating IFAD's development knowledge and evidence on strategic themes and encouraging innovative application of cutting-edge global knowledge and evidence in IFAD investments to support countries tackle their most complex development challenges in fostering inclusive and sustainable rural transformation. SKD is composed of the (i) Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division (ECG); the (ii) Sustainable Production, Markets, and Institutions Division (PMI); and the (iii) Research and Impact Assessment Division (RIA). ECG is composed of two clusters: (i) Environment and Climate Change Cluster; (ii) and the Social Inclusion Cluster. ECG takes the lead in integrating cross-cutting themes of environment and climate, nutrition, gender, youth, and indigenous peoples into IFAD's portfolio, with the aim of strengthening the quality and impact of IFAD's operations. ECG also contributes to the generation of evidence and knowledge on these themes, and facilitates their use in IFAD-funded projects and activities. In addition, ECG provides guidance and support to ensure the inclusion of marginalized groups, particularly women, indigenous peoples and rural youth, into IFAD operations. Addressing environmental, biodiversity and climate change issues are inseparable from IFAD's mission to overcome poverty.In line with IFAD's priority to scale up finance for climate, environment, and biodiversity, ECG also leads the mobilization of climate finance from external sources to complement investments financed through IFAD's Programme of Loans and Grants and other funds that it manages. In this context, ECG's Climate and Environmental Funds team leads the mobilization of finance from international Climate and Environmental Funds (CEF), including the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), Least Developed Country Fund (LDCF) and Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), and the Adaptation Fund (AF). It also aims to increase the level of finance mobilized through innovative climate finance instruments, including carbon markets, payments for environmental services schemes, green financial products, etc.The position is located in IFAD Office in Salvador, Brazil, hosted by the Latin American and Caribbean Division (LAC).  The Technical Specialist (Climate Finance) works under the joint overall strategic, policy and management guidance of the Directors of LAC and ECG. The incumbent is directly supervised by the Lead Regional Technical Specialist (Environment and Climate), with secondary reporting to the Country Director, Brazil. Job RoleThe Technical Specialist (Climate Finance) is a seasoned professional in the technical area of climate finance. The incumbent independently analyses technical and policy problems of concern to IFAD, intergovernmental bodies, and national authorities and provide substantive technical input to the development of policies, technical strategies and proposals. The Technical Specialist (Climate Finance), in close coordination with the Lead Regional Technical Specialist (Climate and Environment), will be responsible for providing expert advice and ensuring the successful design, implementation, monitoring and reporting of climate supplementary funds, with a specific focus on supporting the implementation of the GCF portfolio in LAC. Key Functions and Results1.SUPPORTING THE MOBILIZATION OF CLIMATE FINANCE The Technical Specialist (Climate Finance) will support IFAD's efforts to mobilize increased levels of climate finance to be blended with IFAD's core investments, with a view to concretely support the implementation of countries' NDCs, NAPs, NBSAPs, etc. Responsibilities will include, inter alia: Support IFAD's resource mobilization efforts with GCF and other potential climate and environment funders;Support PTLs through the development of concept notes and project proposals, working closely with other relevant IFAD staff involved;Review the quality of CNs and FPs, providing systematic assessment of proposals vis a vis GCF requirements and suggesting ways of enhancing their quality;Support the PDT in responding to comments from GCF Secretariat and independent Technical Advisory Panel (iTAP), when needed; Systematize the quality of documentation in preparation for proposal submission and for reporting requirements of the approved projects along with GCF and IFAD project cycles;Provide guidance on key sources of information and tools for project teams when developing their GCF projects and programs; Participate in country missions for formulation and implementation support of GCF projects;Aid coordination and participate in negotiations of Funding Activity Agreements (FAAs) on GCF projects;Support the recruitment of consultants that will be undertaking technical review of GCF projects (as part of interdivisional review) as well as interns that will support the work of the climate finance team.  Support the development and implementation of an effective processes to manage IFAD's GCF pipeline;Screening of GCF project ideas (i.e. Project Screening Forms) and ICF requests;Coordinate the development of the IFAD Entity Work program for the GCF and any revisions or updates thereto; Review GCF policy and strategic documents;Monitor IFAD GCF project pipeline, tracking key metrics and progress on project development.Ensure effective coordination and engagement with relevant IFAD departments and divisions in undertaking the above tasks.2. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The Technical Specialist (Climate Finance) is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the planning and management of resources available to support the CEF-funded pipeline development and portfolio, including the IFAD Climate Facility, GCF management fees, etc. Responsibilities will include, inter alia: Coordinate allocation, oversight, management and reporting of resources available for GCF pipeline development and portfolio management (including the IFAD Climate Facility and CEF management fees), ensuring effective coordination and collaboration with relevant IFAD stakeholders, preparing resource allocation proposals for approval by senior management, and ensuring these resources are used and reported on in line with the policies of IFAD and the respective CEFs;Support the IFAD Climate Facility (ICF) divisional allocation annually, as well as coordinate the review project-specific ICF requests for GCF project designs, approval and allocation, and on-off costs related requests.Support the establishment of GCF fee divisional allocation and any revisions thereto, and coordinate the management of the GCF fee and liaise with FCD for annual progress report development.Coordinate the elaboration of progress report of IFAD grants for the design of GCF projects (e.g. Climate Finance Design Gap grant, GCF PPF, and IFAD Climate Facility).Facilitate effective coordination and collaboration within IFAD on GCF pipeline development;Support preparation of periodic corporate reports to the GCF; Ensure compliance with the accreditation conditions of the GCF; Support the reaccreditation exercises with GCF.3. TECHNICAL AND POLICY ADVICE, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING The Technical Specialist (Climate Finance) supports promoting high quality design and impact of GCF-funded operations. The incumbent ensures effective processes are in place to enhance the technical quality of CEF programming and to promote continuous generation, dissemination and utilization of lessons learned, good practices and innovations emerging from the design and implementation of GCF projects and new/innovative climate finance mechanisms. Responsibilities will include, inter alia:Contributes to the development and implementation of effective quality enhancement and review processes that foster high technical quality of projects funded by GCF;Contribute to initiatives to strengthen IFAD's knowledge and capacity to develop and implement GCF projects and new/innovative climate finance mechanisms and instruments;Promote the exchange, systematization and application of knowledge (best practices and lessons learned) related to climate finance within and outside IFAD. Participate in delivering GCF related trainings or knowledge management (KM) sessions; Contribute to the organisation of the inception workshops of IFAD-GCF projects, such as for instance by preparing and delivering ¿jointly with the other divisions involved- the presentation on the specific requirements of GCF projects to IFAD staff in the country, the national counterparts, the Executing Entities and the PMU;Provide technical inputs into relevant chapters in IFAD publications (CAR, RIDE, etc.) and/or write technical blogs or other types of KM or communication products to contribute to ECG visibility.4. PARTNERSHIP BUIDLING AND REPRESENTATION The Technical Specialist (Climate Finance) contributes to the development of a network of strategic partnerships that can help advance IFAD's mandate and enhance its profile as a highly competent and reliable partner for countries in mobilizing climate finance through GCF projects and innovative finance mechanisms and instruments. Responsibilities will include, inter alia:Contribute to IFAD's strategic partnership building in the climate and environment space with a broad spectrum of partners, including with the CEFs, UNFCCC, CBD, UNCCD, MDBs, bi-lateral development agencies, private sector, non-governmental organizations, and other relevant potential partners and funders;Contribute to IFAD's partnership building efforts with Rome Based Agencies on GCF pipeline development and climate finance more broadly;Contribute to IFAD's representation at environment- and climate-related international, regional, inter-agency fora, meetings, seminars and conferences, and GCF Boards. Participate to the calls and meetings on GCF, with GCF as well as with countries when needed or AEs such as FAO and WFP.5. CORPORATE ACTIVITIES FOR CLIMATE FINANCE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENTWorking in close collaboration with SKD, PMD and other relevant divisions/departments, the Climate Finance Specialist contributes to corporate and strategic initiatives as required. In particular, the incumbent supports a common corporate strategic approach on resource mobilization of climate and environment finance, and leads on select thematic issues of corporate priority related to environment and climate. The incumbent also provides substantive inputs to corporate events, global meetings on climate finance, environment, climate change, and biodiversity as required.:Finalisation of procedures for the design, review and approval of GCF projects from ECG side;Provide technical inputs for and coordinate potential update(s) of the eligibility criteria to be used for the screening of GCF projects for entry into IFAD pipeline; Harmonize with the M&E specialist in charge of GCF to create/adjust IFAD's IT systems to handle GCF projects (interface, repository of information, dashboard, M&E, GIS);6. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONSThe Climate Finance Specialist is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the personal use of assigned IFAD resources, including equipment, supplies and, as applicable, staff or consultants supervised.Under the joint overall strategic, policy and management advice and supervision of the Lead Regional Climate and Environment Specialist (ECG/LAC) in coordination with the LAC Country Director (CD), Brazil, and the Country Programme Coordinator (CPC), Brazil, the incumbent willprovide expert advice on climate change  and contribute to the implementation of  LAC's supplementary climate finance strategy  by coordinating the implementation and supervision of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) portfolio, with emphasis on the Brazil's Planting Climate Resilience Project (PCRP). They will:Liaise with the GCF Secretariat, the Executing Entities, relevant government officials, project/programme co-financiers, donors, private sector, UN Agencies, international organizations, and other partners to ensure and strengthen the project implementation processes and contribute to understanding what works in project delivery and what does not;Support ECG/LAC's engagement in supervision and implementation support missions of assigned programmes/projects, including provision of guidance to external consultants, government officials and other parties;Appraise and finalize project implementation arrangements, and support the country teams in planning project supervision and implementation support work, including mission travel;Assist and advise the executing entities on the establishment of project management structure in the recipient country/countries;Assist project management to draft terms of reference (TOR) and advise on the selection of experts for implementation;Monitor and analyse programme/project development and implementation in an evidence informed manner;Identify problems and issues to be addressed, proposing corrective actions and tracking follow-up actions.Oversee the preparation and submission of the required implementation and supervision reports    Identify synergies with other ongoing initiatives and platforms within IFAD, and develop and maintain strategic partnerships for the implementation of the climate supplementary funds programme of work in the region.Build strategic and result-oriented partnerships with international, regional, national and local institutions that operate in the LAC region to enhance enabling frameworks, institutional capacities and instruments to support the GCFco-financed investment portfolio.Provide substantive support to climate finance related meetings, conferences, etc., including proposing agenda topics, identifying participants, preparation of documents and presentations.Manage environment and climate supplementary fee usage, tracking and planning to ensure efficient use of resources in alignment with regional strategic goals and operating rules of fee sources. Key Performance IndicatorsAssignments require the provision of professional expertise and technical leadership at the global, regional and national levels. The Climate Finance Specialist supports the expansion of the pipeline and portfolio of CCF projects and of innovative climate finance mechanims and instruments, blended with IFAD's investments, to enhance the impact of the Fund and to increase the flow of climate finance to small-sclae producers and rural areas. He/she coordinates the establishment of relevant procedures, systems and enabling conditions in IFAD to handle the growing climate pipeline and portfolio. He/she promotes the exchange of knowledge, best pratices and lessons learnt, generated during the design and review of projects as well as during their implementation. The Technical Specialist (Climate Finance) maintains the standards for IFAD's competence in the development of their assigned portfolio and specialty. The incumbent of the position demonstrates technical expertise and credibility in portfolio management and creates the foundation for IFAD's capacity and reputation for programme delivery and enhances its recognition as a reliable development partner. The incumbent provides substantive support in the development of country strategy, project design, partnership building and policy development and the foundation for enhancing sustainable government strategies and policies to improve the livelihoods of the poor and other disadvantaged groups.  Working RelationshipsThe work relationships of the Climate Finance Specialist involves the provision of technical support for policy, programme development, resource mobilization, and the negotiation and resolution of problems that arise in mission planning, technical project appraisal or the preparation of studies and reports.   Information-gathering and exchange in support of studies and thematic assignments may also include identifying reliable sources and establishing guidelines for obtaining information on national and sub-regional; conditions and to convey methodological approaches and operational experience for implementation of activities undertaken on behalf of the Fund.In the context of programme development and delivery, the Technical Specialist (Climate Finance) ensures the exchange of information, advocates for programme and policy enhancements and ensures consistency and reliability in the provision of development assistance to the government. In collaboration with other members of the UN country team, bi-lateral development agencies, multilateral agencies, NGOs and country programme counterparts, the incumbent establishes and maintains professional relationships and projects the image of IFAD as a credible and reliable partner striving for harmonization of development activities. Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Strategic thinking and organizational development: Strategic leadership and direction.Demonstrating Leadership: Leads by example; initiates and supports change.Learning, sharing knowledge and innovating: Challenges, innovates and contributes to a learning culture.Focusing on clients: Contributes to a client-focused culture.Problem solving and decision making: Solves complex problems and makes decisions that have wider corporate impact.Managing time, resources and information: Coordinates wider use of time, information and/or resources.Teamwork: Fosters a cohesive team environment.Communicating and negotiating: Acquires and uses a wide range of communication styles and skills.Building relationships and partnerships: Builds and maintains strategic and operational partnerships internally and externally. Education:Advanced university degree (Master's or equivalent) from an accredited institution listed on in a job related field*. The advanced university degree may be substituted by a first university degree and at least four (4) additional years of relevant professional experience over and above the minimum number of years of experience as stipulated below.Areas - Agriculture, Rural Development, Natural Resource Management, Environment, Climate Change, Economics etc.(*) Note:  For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in the IFAD's Human Resources Implementing Procedures. Experience:At least five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in, and demonstrated understanding of international frameworks and initiatives related to environment and climate finance, climate change, biodiversity and environment.Three (3) years preferably in the United Nations or an international financial institution, or another multi-cultural organization or institution or a national organization providing support on a global scope.Position specific experience: At least five (5) years of experience in designing, implementing and/or portfolio management of GCF, GEF and/or AF projects and programmes in developing countries; Proven experience in climate finance, and nature related financing instruments; Experience in policy engagement and negotiation at the national, regional and global level on climate finance, climate change, environment, natural resource management and rural development is an asset;Experience in representing an organization at international fora, including requisite negotiation and communication skills, and interacting with donors and countries; Demonstrated experience and success in managing at a programme scale; Proven ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with people of different national and cultural backgrounds, and of diverse technical and professional backgrounds.Languages:Required: English, Spanish (4 - Excellent).Desirable: French (3 - Good). Position-specific: Portuguese (3 - Good).Skills:Evidence-based policy, Know-how in the formulation of concrete and actionable policy recommendations based on hard evidence (going beyond simple data interpretation).Synthesis, Outstanding ability to synthesize and simplify complex technical information for a variety of (non-technical) audiences.Written communication, Clear, succinct and convincing written communication in the language needed for specific role; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language   (e.g. for drafting of position papers, briefings, etc.).Interpersonal skills, Ability to deal patiently and tactfully with others (e.g. visitors, clients, callers, etc.), including senior individuals (e.g. high-level meeting participants).Adaptability, Adaptability and flexibility when facing new or unexpected situations, and to specific constraints and circumstances and managing complex processes.Corporate approach, Ability to bring in corporate vision and priorities into one's area of work (e.g. budgeting going beyond simple budgetary considerations, taking into account strategic priorities).Verbal communication, Clear, succinct and convincing verbal communication; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language.Problem solving, Strong systemic and structured thinking, ability to identify and dissect problems into components and formulate a comprehensive set of creative viable and sustainable solutions and strategies.Project/Programme management (incl. coordination, design, development), Know-how in Project design and evaluation.Climate Finance, Finance that aims at reducing emissions, and enhancing sinks of greenhouse gases and aims at reducing vulnerability of, and maintaining and increasing the resilience of, human and ecological systems to negative climate change impacts (specifically GCF, but also keeping a close sight of GEF and/or AF, and other sources).Cross-cutting themes - Environment & climate change,  Expertise specific to the environment and climate change cross-cutting theme (e.g. climate and environmental policy, biodiversity, agroecology).Knowledge strategy & management, Expertise in knowledge management & dissemination strategies; technical expertise related to roles in Knowledge Management (e.g. conceptualization, Technical expertise related to roles in Knowledge management).Programme/Project development, management, Know-how in Programme/Project development, implementation, management.Advocacy, Ability to leverage IFAD knowledge and/or communication materials to maintain and promote constructive dialogue around IFAD's vision and strategic priorities to external actors.Policy dialogue, Know-how in the representation of IFAD as a trusted and strategic partner;  effective consultations with IFAD counterparts - line ministries and governmental bodies at all administrative levels, donors, civil society.Political acumen,  Ability to conduct sound political analysis and understand complex environments, providing options and advice.Collaboration, Successfully work toward a common goal with others by communicating clearly, actively listening to others, taking responsibility for mistakes, and respecting different perspectives of stakeholders.IFAD governance & mandate, In depth knowledge of IFAD's governance structure, mandate, strategic priorities and technical work.Analytical skills, Outstanding ability to analyse and synthesize qualitative and/or quantitative information from a variety of sources and filter out key insights and recommendations.Basic ICT & digital fluency, Expertise relevant to the specific role (e.g. in-depth, computer information systems, including micro-computer operating systems software, hardware and applications software and other office technology equipment), end-user computing configuration management. IFAD partners: Knowledge of IFAD's partners' functioning and mandate, such as the public sector (e.g. governments and policy, institutions, and system), non-state actors (NGOs, CSOs, Foundations, etc.) and private sector actors.Analytical skills: Outstanding ability to analyse and synthesize qualitative and/or quantitative information from a variety of sources and filter out key insights and recommendations.Time management: Adherence to deadlines under time constraints and pressure (e.g. to deliver governing body documents on time); ability to coordinate and manage complex workflows and in-house and external teams.Initiative and good judgment: High sense of proactive initiative-taking and good judgement (including on security matters).Interpersonal skills: Ability to deal patiently and tactfully with others (e.g. visitors, clients, callers, etc.), including senior individuals (e.g. high-level meeting participants).Verbal communication: Clear, succinct, and convincing verbal communication; highly professional, balanced, and diplomatic language.Written communication: Clear, succinct, and convincing written communication in the language needed for specific role; highly professional, balanced, and diplomatic language (e.g. for drafting of position papers, briefings, etc.).Loans & grants: Know-how in designing loan and grant operations and managing loan and grant preparation process.Policy dialogue: Know-how in the representation of IFAD as a trusted and strategic partner, advocating and promoting. IFAD's mandate and vision; effective consultations with IFAD counterparts - like ministries and governmental bodies at all administrative levels, donors, civil society.Topical expertise - Programme Management for Agricultural Development: Expertise relevant to the specific role (e.g. For ethics office assistant, procedures outlined in the Code of Conduct, Discipline and Anti-harassment provisions of applicable rules and guidelines).Project/Programme management (incl. coordination, design, development): Know-how in Project design and evaluation. Other InformationApplicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse. In accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.Staff members holding an IFAD fixed-term or indefinite appointment are eligible to apply to this co-terminus position with their employment terms and conditions, including contractual status, remaining unchanged. Given that the funding of this position is strictly limited in duration and conditional on the availability of supplementary funds, should the funding finish, the position will be abolished and the staff member will be subject to the relevant provisions foreseen in the HR Implementing Procedures. This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Deputy Director, Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) - D1

Italy, Lazio , Rome

Organizational SettingThe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and  advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation.In line with IFAD's Evaluation Policy (2021), the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) reports directly to the IFAD Executive Board (EB). The Evaluation Policy established that the evaluation function at IFAD will operate in line with internationally accepted principles for the evaluation of development assistance. The IFAD Evaluation Policy also states that the IOE Director will ensure that IOE is staffed by independent-minded, experienced evaluators.Under the overall strategic, policy and management guidance of the IOE Director, the Deputy Director is the closest and principal support to the Director of IOE in managing the Office. Under the supervision of the Director, the Deputy will assist the IOE Director in promoting accountability and learning in IFAD, thus contributing to the improvement of the performance of the IFAD's operations and policies. Specifically, the Deputy Director will assist the IOE Director in managing IOE as an effective, efficient and independent evaluation function of IFAD;  the incumbent will develop operational policies, strategies and related instruments to enhance the independence and effectiveness of the independent evaluation function; the incumbent will ensure high-quality professional work by instituting the necessary enabling environment for and coaching of IOE staff, and setting quality standards for IOE outputs; the incumbent will oversee the quality control of IOE evaluation deliverables and publications; assist in the communication of evaluation results to partners and the general public;  ensure that evaluation knowledge and lessons are fed in a timely manner into key IFAD processes for the formulation of policies, strategies and operations; Promote dialogue and exchanges with the management, senior IFAD officials and Executive Board members on evaluation issues of critical importance to IFAD; Assist IFAD's operations and partner countries in their evaluation capacity development; and Represent IFAD in the United Nations Evaluation Group and the Evaluation Co-operation Group of the multilateral development banks. The IOE Director will also be responsible for leading specific evaluations. Key Functions and ResultsThe Deputy Director, IOE, will assist the IOE Director in managing IOE as an effective, efficient and independent evaluation function of IFAD. The major functional activities will be the following:develop operational policies, methodologies and related instruments to enhance the independence and effectiveness of the independent evaluation function;ensure high-quality professional work by instituting the necessary enabling environment for and coaching of IOE staff, and setting quality standards for IOE outputs;oversee the quality control of IOE evaluation deliverables and publications;conduct corporate level evaluations, thematic evaluations, country strategy and programme evaluations or any other type evaluation assigned by the Director IOE, to assess the results of IFAD-wide corporate policies, strategies, business processes and organizational aspects.  This will require leading evaluation team, preparing the evaluation methodology, leading the writing of evaluation reports and presenting the report to the key stakeholders;assist the Director, IOE, in the communication of evaluation results to partners and the general public;  ensure that evaluation knowledge and lessons are fed in a timely manner into key IFAD processes for the formulation of policies, strategies and operations;promote dialogue and exchanges with IFAD management, senior IFAD officials and Executive Board members on evaluation issues of critical importance to IFAD;assist IFAD's operations and partner countries in their evaluation capacity development;represent IFAD IOE in international evaluation fora and networks, including in the United Nations Evaluation Group and the Evaluation Co-operation Group of the multilateral development banks.MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES: The Deputy Director will be accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IOE resources (human, financial and material). This includes:People management through workforce planning, recruitment, performance management, learning and career management of Professional  and General Service staff;Identifying best qualified candidates for vacancies, with appropriate regard for gender balance and geographic distribution;Motivating, coaching and supporting staff of the division to create cohesive teams that work effectively to achieve common divisional goals and objectives;Managing staff performance and development through regular performance feedback, mentoring and career planning.IOE budget management ensuring accountability and fiduciary integrity in IOE budget execution;Material resources management through accountability for the material resources assigned to the IOE;Knowledge and content management to achieve innovative outcomes and cost-effective processes as well as to promote the generation, validation and dissemination of knowledge by ensuring (a) knowledge content is continuously updated and available, (b) best practices are continuously identified, documented and distributed, and (c) appropriate and up-to-date information and tools are available as appropriate;Information Technology management through leveraging ERP functionality for improved business results, reporting processes and client services. Key Performance IndicatorsThe Deputy Director's impact extends beyond the successful achievement of IOE goals and objectives to include larger goals and objectives in strategic planning collaboration. The expected results directly and/or indirectly benefit the ultimate stakeholders, the rural poor in developing countries.The key performance indicators for the Deputy Director include leadership in viable strategic planning, authoritative and relevant policy development and advice, sustainable programme decisions and integrity and accountability in the planning and management of IOE's human, financial and material resources assigned to the division. Working RelationshipsInternally, the Deputy Director provides authoritative advice to the Director, IOE, on the office's vision, strategic planning, policy, and divisional programme and operational management. The incumbent is accountable for collaboration and coordination within the Office to ensure appropriate consultation, cross-functional synergy and coordination of programme planning and activities. Externally, the Deputy Director develops strategic partnerships and collaborative relationships with IFAD and external counterparts spanning a broad range of institutions including borrowers, bilateral and multilateral development agencies, UN agencies, funds and programmes, IFIs, non-governmental organizations and academic institutions for the purpose of programme co-operation, knowledge sharing, policy dialogue and/or resource mobilization. The incumbent is also accountable for the provision of authoritative advice during Executive Board sessions, Evaluation Committee meetings, the annual Governing Council and related subordinate bodies including the audit and evaluation committees. Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 2:Strategic thinking and organizational development: Personal influenceDemonstrating Leadership: Personal leadership and attitude to changeLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating: Continuously seeks to learn, shares knowledge and innovatesFocusing on clients: Focuses on clientsProblem solving and decision making: Demonstrates sound problem solving and decision making abilityManaging time, resources and information: Manages own time, information and resources effectivelyTeam Work: Contributes effectively to the teamCommunicating and negotiating: Communicates effectively: creates understanding between self and othersBuilding relationships and partnerships: Builds and maintains effective working relationshipsManaging performance and developing staff: Manages staff and teams effectively Education:Level - Advanced* university degree from an accredited institution in rural development, economics, agricultural economics, development policy, evaluation, or related disciplines.Degree must be an accredited institution listed on*) Note: For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in the IFAD's Human Resources Implementing Procedures.Experience:At least twelve (12) years progressively relevant, responsible professional experience in the evaluation and management of rural development programmes including project design, development, implementation and  evaluation. A  significant part of the experience must be in evaluation team leadership position;Strong command of methodologies and techniques that can be applied to evaluations;Strong knowledge evaluation processes and international evaluation standards and practices;Demonstrated experience in evaluation process leadership, including report writing and interaction with senior stakeholders (e.g., government officials, organization managers);Experience with International financial institutions, United Nations Specialized Agencies, Programmes or Funds, and development cooperation agencies would be an advantage;Experience in leading, supervising and managing professional teams of people with diverse cultural and professional backgrounds, preferably in international organisations, is required. Languages:Required English (4 - Excellent)Desirable: French, Spanish, or Arabic (3 - Good) Skills:Authoritative knowledge of evaluation policies and institutional issues, notably issues related to evaluation office independence, as well as of evaluation strategies, methodologies and processes;Field experience related to agricultural and rural development including in monitoring and evaluation systems and impact evaluations;Recognized management skills in a multicultural setting, combined with ability to achieve results through motivating people and influencing partners;Results-oriented decision-making ability with an aptitude to address operational challenges and for developing practical solutions;Innovator with risk management ability and a proven track record as a successful agent of change;Rigorous analytical and conceptual thinking;High sense of integrity, trust and confidence;Champion of IFAD's values: respect for the individual, integrity, professionalism and focus on results;Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English, including the ability to set out a coherent analysis in presentations;Strong diplomatic and communication skills and the ability to develop effective working relationships with clients and counterparts at the appropriate levels;Ability to represent IFAD in international fora. Other InformationApplicants should note that IOE staff members are subject to the IFAD staff rules, policies and procedures.  The  Director, IOE has delegated authority to make personnel and operational decisions concerning IOE staff and consultants in accordance with the provisions contained in the IFAD Evaluation Policy (2021) as well as other applicable IFAD rules, Human Resource policies and procedures.In accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. In the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful. Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Lead Evaluation Officer, Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) - P5

Italy, Lazio , Rome
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Organizational SettingThe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and  advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation.In line with the prevailing IFAD Evaluation Policy, the IOE multi-year strategy (2022-2027) and the Evaluation Manual (2022), the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) reports directly to the IFAD Executive Board (EB). The Evaluation Policy established that the evaluation function at IFAD will operate in line with internationally accepted principles for the evaluation of development assistance. Foremost among these are Independence, Accountability, Partnership and Learning. The IFAD Evaluation Policy also states that the IOE Director will ensure that IOE is staffed by independent-minded, experienced evaluators.The Lead Evaluation Officer, works under the overall supervision and strategic, policy and management guidance of the Director, IOE, as well as the day-to-day supervision of IOE's Deputy Director. Job RoleThe Lead Evaluation Officer leads Corporate Level Evaluations (CLEs), Thematic Evaluations (TEs) and Country Strategy and Programme Evaluations (CSPEs) with complex operations. Lead Evaluation Officers' accountabilities are:Evaluation ManagementCSPEs, TEs, CLEs and other Corporate-level assignmentsImpact Evaluation and Project Performance Evaluations Knowledge Management/Evaluation Capacity Building Key Functions and Results1.    EVALUATION MANAGEMENT: The Lead Evaluation Officer substantively contributes to IOE evaluation management activities with a view to ensuring adherence to IOE evaluation policy, quality standards and evaluation manual.  Major activities include but are not limited to:Substantively contributing to the preparation of IOE's Annual Work Programme, the conduct of internal peer reviews and the periodical review of IFAD's evaluation methodology and processes;Contributing to the development of evaluation methodology; andLeading, training and motivating international/national experts in the conduct of project evaluation.2.    COUNTRY PROGRAMME EVALUATION, THEMATIC EVALUATION AND CORPORATE-LEVEL EVALUATION: The Lead Evaluation Officer leads Corporate Level Evaluations (CLE), Thematic Evaluations (TEs), as well as Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation (CSPE) activities, particularly in complex countries with many operations, ensuring independence and accountability. Major activities include but are not limited to:Leading the entire evaluation process for CLEs, TEs and CSPEs including building teams of evaluation experts, production of the Approach Paper, organization of the evaluation mission, leading and being responsible for the country mission(s), main report writing and finalization, organization of evaluation workshops and facilitation of the agreement at completion point on the evaluation findings and recommendations among the IFAD management and concerned governments;Participating in internal peer reviews of CLEs, TEs and CSPEs;Preparing concise, reader-friendly and yet analytically rigorous evaluation reports and presenting them in-house and to the EB's Evaluation Committee;Undertaking or contributing, as requested, to Evaluation Syntheses, andUndertaking other corporate-level work such as Independent Reviews, and any new products introduced by IOE.3.    IMPACT EVALUATION AND PROJECT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: The Lead Evaluation Officer conducts Impact Evaluations or Project Performance Evaluations. In such case, major activities include:For both Project Performance Evaluations and Impact Evaluations Managing the entire evaluation process (developing the Approach Paper, desk reviews, organizing the evaluation mission and liaising with IFAD's Management, Government officials and other key stakeholders); leading the main mission and preparation of the evaluation report.For Impact Evaluations Customizing statistical methods and data collection tools to the specific project design and area context as well as identifying relevant impact domains and sampling areas. Overseeing the collection and analysis of primary impact data to establish evidence and illustrate the project's contribution to the observed results. 4.    KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT/EVALUATION CAPACITY BUILDING: The Lead Evaluation Officer participates as requested in project development teams and policy fora to ensure that lessons learned from IFAD's experience are incorporated in the proposed project programme design / IFAD's policy. The incumbent uses evaluation as a source of knowledge on rural development issues to be communicated and disseminated to partners and develops customized communication products, as require. The incumbent may also be requested to lead evaluation capacity development efforts in developing countries, on a case-by-case basis.  The incumbent will be involved in peer review, quality assurance and methodological development activities.5.    MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS:  The Lead Evaluation Officer is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources. This includes accountability for human resources, both staff and national/international experts, financial and material resources and related processes including contracting as required.  The Lead evaluation officer may also coordinate an internal IOE team overseeing the conduct of the related work programme, supporting and assessing team members technically and organizationally. The incumbent will participate in divisional level management meetings. Key Performance IndicatorsWorking at both the corporate and country levels leading CLEs, TEs and CPEs (and project-level evaluations as required), the Lead Evaluation Officer provides technical and managerial leadership to the substantive development and execution of the assigned programme(s), including providing (i) managerial direction to international evaluation experts, evaluation specialists (P-4 and P-3 level) and evaluation assistants and (ii) effective representation with government counterparts and other programme collaborators.  Assigned areas include sub-regional clusters of countries or politically sensitive, high profile or highly complex countries. Externally the impact of the Lead Evaluation Officer extends beyond the scope of evaluations to enhance the continuity of IFAD's global image as an effective deliverer of sustainable and technically sound pro-poor rural development programmes and projects. The incumbent impacts organizational relationships at an institutional level.The Lead Evaluation Officer substantively and directly contributes to IOE's main objective of producing: (i) quality evaluation of the performance and impact of IFAD supported projects and programmes, IFAD's own performance as well as that of its partners; and (ii) learning effects and recommendations through evaluation work that lead to the promotion of innovations and its scaling up and the improved performance of IFAD's policies and its strategies. Working RelationshipsLead Evaluation Officers provide authoritative advice on evaluation methodology and processes at the corporate as well as the country level. Combination of credible authoritative capacity with independent responsibility for originating  specific  evaluation  initiatives  creates  opportunities  for  maintaining  and  expanding  new  client relationships. The incumbent also represents IOE in international evaluation related meetings and other external fora as required. Internally, the Lead Evaluation Officer, advocates for the institutional understanding of evaluation as both an accountability and a learning process that must be conducted with an independent perspective and yet in close partnership with all partners involved.Evaluation partners consist, inter alia, of HQ managers and counterparts in IFAD's Programme Management Department (PMD), project field staff, government and non-government agencies in IFAD's borrowing countries as well as other national and international development actors in rural development in these countries. Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 2:Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains strategic partnerships internally and externallyCommunicating and negotiating - Acquires & uses a wide range of communication styles & skillsDemonstrating leadership - Leads by example; initiates and supports changeFocusing on clients - Contributes to a client-focused cultureLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Challenges, innovates & contributes to learning cultureManaging performance and developing staff - Manages wider teams with greater impact on others and on the organizationManaging time, resources and information - Coordinates wider use of time, information and/or resourcesProblem-solving and decision-making - Solves complex problems and makes decisions that have wider corporate impactStrategic thinking and organizational development - Staff in management and/or strategic leadership rolesTeam working - Fosters a cohesive team environmentEducation:Level - Advanced* university degree in  Economics, Agriculture, Rural Development, Finance, Public Policy, Social Sciences, or related studies.Degree must be an accredited institution listed on (*) Note: For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in the IFAD's Human Resources Implementing Procedures. Experience:At least ten (10) years of progressively relevant, responsible international experience in the implementation and supervision of rural development programmes including project design, development, implementation and evaluation; a significant part of the 10-year experience must be in evaluation, including country-level and strategic evaluations. Work experience should include experience in international organizations, rural development / financial institutions or government services. At least 3-year experience in leading teams of specialists as well as managing related resources (human, financial and material) management in an international organization is also required. Strong knowledge of contemporary quantitative and qualitative evaluation techniques is desirable.Experience using information and communication technology for evaluation (e.g., application of GIS-based analysis, artificial intelligence), while not a requirement, is a plus.Languages:English (4 - Excellent)Desirable: French, Spanish, or Arabic (3 - Good) Skills:IFAD partners: Knowledge of IFAD's partners' functioning and mandate , such as the public sector (e.g. governments and policy, institutions and system), non-state actors (NGOs, CSOs, Foundations, etc.) and private sector actorsRisk management (e.g. reputational): Identification and assessment of potential liabilities and risks in IFAD's activities, particularly vis-à-vis third parties; ability to handle risks via contingency and mitigation strategiesStakeholder management: Strong alignment capabilities and consultation skills, building on effective interactions and relationships with different stakeholders (e.g. for the co-creation of communication material with member states) and ability to build and maintain a strong network (e.g. with journalists, media outlets, etc.)Basic ICT & digital fluency: High level of digital literacy and ability to quickly get familiar with new digital tools (e.g. ability to carry out EPR data entry and extraction when budgeting; monitoring security systems, uploading content to inter/intra-net websites, etc.)Evaluation data collection and analysis techniques, quantitative and qualitativeEvaluation process: engaging with key stakeholders, scoping the evaluation and preparing evaluation methodology and writing an evaluation reportConfidentiality & Discretion: Establishes self and division as trusted advisor to internal stakeholders by maintaining high level of discretion and confidentiality in assignments; demonstrates sound judgement when dealing with sensitive and/or confidential matters; drives good governance and is a "Culture Carrier" demonstrating IFAD institutional conscience through the incumbent's work.Listening: Effective and active listening to others; understanding and acting upon indirect statementsWritten communication: Clear, succinct and convincing written communication in the language needed for specific role; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language (e.g. for drafting of position papers, briefings, etc.)Programme/Project development, management: Know-how in Programme/Project development, implementation, managementRural Development: Expertise in social and economic development of rural communities in developing countries Other InformationApplicants should note that IOE staff members are subject to the IFAD staff rules, policies and procedures.  The  Director, IOE has delegated authority to make personnel and operational decisions concerning IOE staff and consultants in accordance with the provisions contained in the IFAD Evaluation Policy (2021) as well as other applicable IFAD rules, Human Resource policies and procedures.In accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. In the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful. Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Regional Analyst - P2

Panama, Panamá , Panama City

Organizational SettingThe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The Programme Management Department (PMD), under the leadership of an Associate Vice-President, is responsible for the overall programme of loans and grants of the Fund and is composed of five (5) regional divisions and the Operational Policy and Results Division (OPR). The five regional divisions are: Asia and the Pacific (APR), East and Southern Africa (ESA), West and Central Africa (WCA), Near East, North Africa and Europe (NEN), and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), where this position is located.The incumbent works under the overall policy and management guidance of the Regional Director, and the direct supervision of the Lead Regional Economist or Lead Portfolio Advisor. The incumbent works closely with OPR and the Research and Impact Assessment Division (RIA) on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and data.This position is located in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region. Job RoleThe Regional Analyst provides analytical and technical support, as well as creative data management solutions required for effective program management in the region. The incumbent provides targeted support to the documentation of lessons learned, monitoring and results reporting activities, development and dissemination of knowledge products and organization of learning events required for Knowledge Management (KM) and portfolio management in the region, as well as for knowledge sharing outside the region. As a member of the Regional Team, the incumbent also liaises closely with country teams on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Knowledge Management (KM) and policy analysis to enhance the standardized generation and dissemination of programme knowledge and supports regional strategic partnership and policy agendas in the region, based on best practices. In particular, the incumbent focuses on implementation support to project teams on the regional risk and M&E agendas. Key Functions and Results1.ANALYTICAL SUPPORT AND DATA MANAGEMENT: The Regional Analyst collates and analyses data to support the economic and financial status of project design reports. S/he is responsible for data analysis of country assessment reports for divisional programme/project activities in the region. S/he provides analytical inputs to corporate regional reports and documents and develops alternative and creative solutions for effective data management in the Division. S/he participates in project cycle activities and meetings, such as Project Delivery Teams and quality review meetings, as required. 2. MONITORING AND EVALUATION AND SYSTEMATIZATION SUPPORT: The Regional Analyst works in close collaboration with the regional team to support the monitoring and results reporting activities required for Knowledge Management (KM) and portfolio management in the region, including responsibilities for ensuring compliance with procedures, knowledge management and results reporting of the regional grants programme. S/he reviews, and analyses data derived from project performance reports, and provides input to the Lead Portfolio Advisor or Lead Regional Economist on rigorous results measurement analysis and to the Regional Specialist to support development of knowledge products and documentation of lessons learned in order to reinforce M&E capabilities of PMU's across the country portfolios in the Division. The Regional Analyst supports the effectiveness of knowledge sharing activities in the region by data collection and analysis and systematization required for portfolio management S/he simultaneously interacts closely with other regional division teams and keeps abreast of all relevant corporate changes and reforms having an impact on data management tools and categorization. S/he assists in formulating position papers, briefs, analyses and short papers on related subjects for the Director in collaboration with the Regional Specialist. 3. REGIONAL OR COUNTRY PROGRAMME SUPPORT: The Regional Analyst drafts regular and periodic reports on project, country programme or thematic issues, including lessons learned from design and implementation support experiences. S/he will support country teams in select operational matters and cross-cutting themes through participation in field missions as determined by the Regional Team based on demand  and regional priorities. S/he will also support the Regional Team through the identification of potential partners, development initiatives and best practices and maintains counterpart contacts needed to promote programme, partnership as well as implementation support.4. POLICY ANALYSIS SUPPORT: As a member of the Regional Team, the Regional Analyst participates in select policy meetings and events of priority interest to the region, analyses policy implications and identifies opportunities for innovations and knowledge sharing. S/he reviews programme evaluation reports, aggregates results and shares knowledge on best operational practices in collaboration with the Regional Team to improve project designs and effective delivery of programmes in the region. S/he contributes to the development of knowledge management products and organization of learning events on emerging issues, themes and innovations of particular relevance for the region in close collaboration with the Regional Specialist and relevant country teams. 5. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: The Regional Analyst performs a coordinating role in the front office, working closely with divisional and programme staff, including Programme Liaison Associates, to ensure maximum efficiency and systematization of programme processes in adherence to corporate requirements. S/he is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources. Key Performance IndicatorsCompliance of operations with IFAD rules, regulations and policies, implementation of corporate operational policies and approaches, establishment of project management assessment tools and up-to-date information and learning tools. Assignment requires the provision of solid technical expertise and input for the area of her/his responsibility, as well as, in knowledge sharing with peers and counterparts. The work involves technical analysis and synthesis of data, technical inputs for systematization required for portfolio reviews, knowledge products, and effective tools for the assessment of regional portfolio performance evaluation. The work requires in-depth technical analysis and reporting.The outputs that will be required from the incumbent include, but are not limited to,  analytic regional portfolio performance reports, country and regional economic trends in respect to M&E, data analysis, KM systems for rural transformation, case studies, lessons and best practice notes.  Working RelationshipsIn the context of programme development and delivery, the Regional Analyst ensures the generation and dissemination of targeted knowledge, as well as, other relevant technical information to internal and regional staff. The Regional Analyst works closely and collaboratively with the Regional Specialist and staff of the regional division and Departmental staff, and with other IFAD divisions, to ensure thorough data analysis and systematization, quality documentation and dissemination of knowledge products in support of knowledge sharing, and consistent and cohesive programme development activities in the region.The incumbent is supporting quality assurance in respect to M&E and closely collaborates with M&E Specialists in OPR, RIA and IOE divisions by strengthening the quality of PCRs, CSPEs and other related evaluation products.  Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 1:Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains effective working relationshipsCommunicating and negotiating - Communicates effectively; creates understanding between self and othersDemonstrating leadership - Personal leadership and attitude to changeFocusing on clients - Focuses on clientsLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Continuously seeks to learn, shares knowledge & innovatesManaging performance and developing staff -Managing time, resources and information - Manages own time, information and resources effectivelyProblem-solving and decision-making - Demonstrates sound problem-solving and decision-making abilityStrategic thinking and organizational development - Personal influenceTeam working - Contributes effectively to the teamEducation:Education includes Advanced university degree from an accredited institution listed on in economics, business administration, management, social policy research and analysis, rural development, agriculture, agricultural economics, rural finance, development policy or related field is required (*):(*) Note:  For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in IFAD's Human Resources Implementing Procedures. Experience:At least two (2) years of progressively relevant experience is required.Experience in a role providing analytical support within an international financial institution, development cooperation agencies and/or the United Nations system is highly desirable. In addition, qualifying experience in drafting analytical documents, producing reports on tight deadlines would be an asset.Languages:English (4 - Excellent)Desirable: French or Arabic Position-specific: Spanish (4 - Excellent)Skills:Economic evaluation: Know-how relevant to specific role in Evaluation roles (e.g. Monitoring and managing evaluation processes and methodologies, carrying out Programme/Project evaluation, Impact evaluation, Corporate-level evaluation)IFAD partners: Knowledge of IFAD's partners' functioning and mandate , such as the public sector (e.g. governments and policy, institutions and system), non-state actors (NGOs, CSOs, Foundations, etc.) and private sector actorsData management: Data collection, cleaning, transformation and consolidation; data-base architecture & development; data presentationTime management: Adherence to deadlines under time constraints and pressure (e.g. to deliver governing body documents on time); ability to coordinate and manage complex workflows and in-house and external teamsProject/Programme management: Identification of key-priorities, ability to structure work to meet deadlines and adjustment of workplan/resource allocation when needed Programme management: overall management of portfolio of work (including PMO interaction ) with expertise to identify dependencies or bottlenecks between projects, managing changes and risksInitiative and good judgment: High sense of proactive initiative-taking and good judgement (including on security matters)Interpersonal skills: Ability to deal patiently and tactfully with others (e.g. visitors, clients, callers, etc.), including senior individuals (e.g. high-level meeting participants)Verbal communication: Clear, succinct and convincing verbal communication; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic languageWritten communication: Clear, succinct and convincing written communication in the language needed for specific role; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language (e.g. for drafting of position papers, briefings, etc.)Topical expertise - Programme Mgmt for Agricultural Development: Expertise relevant to the specific role (e.g. For ethics office assistant, procedures outlined in the Code of Conduct, Discipline and Anti-harassment provisions of applicable rules and guidelines) Other InformationIFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in @ifad.orgIn accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.In the interest of making most cost effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.This position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level. This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Chief Partnership Officer, America Liaison Office (ALO) - P5

United States of America, District of Columbia , Washington

Organizational SettingThis position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level.The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The External Relations Department (ERD)*, comprising the Communications Division (COM) and the Global Engagement Partnership and Resource Mobilization Division (GPR), leads IFAD's public and political advocacy, including engagement with Member States and other stakeholders through global policy engagement and other global processes. The Global Engagement, Partnership and Resource Mobilization (GPR) Division has a specific focus on global engagement, partnerships (including with the private sector, foundations, bilateral and multilateral organizations), and on driving the resource mobilization efforts with traditional and non-traditional donors and partners.Within this framework, the GPR Division addresses Global engagement and multilateral relations; strategic partnerships; and replenishment and resource mobilization, including supplementary funds and blended finance. The mission of the Global Engagement, Partnership and Resource Mobilization Division (GPR) is to enhance IFAD's contribution to inclusive and sustainable rural transformation and Agenda 2030 through strengthening global engagement, partnerships, and resource mobilization.The Global Engagement, Partnership and Resource Mobilization (GPR) coordinates the following decentralized Liaison Offices: (a) the Americas Liaison Office (ALO) in Washington: (b) the UN liaison office in New York, (c) the Gulf Liaison Office (GLO) in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, (d) the Japan Liaison Office (JLO) in Yokohama, Japan, and a newly established presence in Brussels (EU/BRX).The Chief Partnership Officer, ALO works under the direct supervision of the Director, GPR. *The structure of IFAD is currently undergoing a recalibration process. The definite set-up of the External Relations Department is being finalized and is subject to confirmation of institutional processes requirements. Job RoleThe Chief Partnership Officer is a policy and strategy leader who works across GPR organizational units with cross-functional key partner management teams to leverage relationship management skills, assets and, most importantly, professional social networks. The incumbent contributes to leveraging IFAD's impact to enable more rural people to move out of poverty through the selective use, and effective management, of partnerships. The incumbent works on strengthening partnerships with member states and their institutions, engaging with non-sovereign actors, and through lending and non-lending tools.By virtue of the partners in both Washington and New York, the Chief Partnership Officer, ALO is a key player and an integral part of IFAD's involvement in and contributions to policy dialogues on a wide range of issues within IFAD's sphere of global engagement. The Chief Partnership Officer, ALO is responsible for:•       Supporting IFAD's strategic engagement with the Americas and leading on communication efforts between the U.S. and Canadian government officials and lawmakers and IFAD management, transmitting IFAD's messages in a transparent manner and ensuring that the U.S. and Canadian Administrations, legislatures, and other key actors understand the Fund's objectives and how these align with U.S. and Canadian objectives when it comes to development, foreign aid and foreign policy.•        Providing leadership in resource mobilization, partnerships, advocacy so as to better position IFAD in the Americas.  This includes engaging and managing activities with IFAD colleagues at HQ and in ICOs as well as legislative committees to communicate the status of IFAD's programmes and policies as well as preparing and providing materials representing the Fund's position on pertinent issues in preparation for Congressional hearings and other events.•       Acting as a key interlocutor within a wider U.S., Canadian, and UN community, including International Financial Institutions and UN institutions and offices in New York and Washington DC. Key Functions and Results1. LEADING A MULTI-FUNCTIONAL TEAM ON STRATEGIC FOCUS AREAS: The Chief Partnership Officer manages the work of the team and is responsible for implementation of the programmatic and operational activities of IFAD. Accountabilities may include: (a) Providing policy advice to the Director and developing forward-looking strategic proposals on partnership engagement and resource mobilization; (b) Developing and maintaining strategic partnership and collaboration with Governments, public and private institutions including NGOs, Foundations and Research entities in the Region through policy dialogue; (c) Overseeing advocacy and knowledge sharing within deliberative and policy processes in the region and leveraging expertise to advise Senior Management on regional strategic issues as required; (d) Organizing and coordinating representation activities to secure support for, and implement policy, to achieve the objectives of the organization; (e) Advising on issues affecting the organization's external relations. 2. LEADING GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT AND MULTILATERAL RELATIONS EFFORTS IN ASSIGNED REGIONS:  The Chief Partnership Officer leads the development and implementation of corporate strategies for the engagement in global policy debates. The incumbent is a leading professional who has the overall responsibility of IFAD's engagement in global processes of policy dialogue relative to IFAD's mandate and produces an annual assessment of achievements in the fora. The incumbent enhances the development of innovative, viable and sustainable policy through authoritative advice in the focus areas. The incumbent develops and maintains a network of external peer contacts to keep up to date on activities to support joint advocacy to enhance the Fund's profile as a highly competent and viable development partner.3. LEADING REPLENISHMENT, RESOURCE MOBILIZATION AND ADVOCACY EFFORTS IN ASSIGNED REGIONS: The Chief Partnership Officer develops and maintains a network of key stakeholders in the assigned regions to enhance the Fund's profile as a highly competent and viable partner. The Chief is responsible for the delivery of a number of key outputs, including: (a) Ensuring sustained support from current funding sources for IFADs replenishment process; (b) Identifying and cultivating potential new sources of funds; (c) Ensuring increased, consistent, and strategic visibility for IFAD in its resource mobilisation efforts; (d) Positioning IFAD to exert greater influence by expanding partnerships and increasing resources for smallholders; (e) Representing IFAD amongst relevant intergovernmental organizations and international financial institutions, in particular those based in Washington DC.5. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: The Chief Partnership Officer is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources. This includes: (a) People Management through support to recruitment of Senior/Partnership Officers, capacity building, coaching and mentoring of new and/or more junior staff, supervision and evaluation of performance of consultants, short-term staff, interns and staff under their purview; (b) Resource Management by providing strategic and technical advice for Knowledge and Content Management; (c) Information and reporting through effective engagement with internal and external clients; (d) Leading the preparation, monitoring and implementation of the team's annual work plan and budget.The Chief Partnership Officer, ALO:•       Leads the Americas Liaison Office, manages the work of the Liaison Office and is responsible for day-to-day management and implementation of the programmatic and operational activities of IFAD Liaison Office. The incumbent a) Provides policy guidance to the Director and develops forward-looking strategic proposals on resource mobilization; b) Develops and maintains strategic partnership and collaboration with Governments, public and private institutions including NGOs, Foundations and Research entities in the Region through policy dialogue; c) Oversees advocacy and knowledge sharing within deliberative and policy processes in the region and leverages expertise to advise Senior Management on regional strategic issues as required; d) Organizes and coordinates representation activities to secure support for, and implement policy and achieve objectives of, the organization; prepares reports and writes commentaries on key briefs and reports; e) Advises on issues affecting the organization's external relations•       Keeps management and staff informed on potential partnership's criteria and priorities which may include a) Establishing and maintaining effective methods for regular communication and knowledge sharing between IFAD and key stakeholders in the Region; b) Ensuring on-going analysis, monitoring and reporting on the partnership activities in the Region available to senior management and IFAD colleagues.•         With specific reference to outreach with U.S. and Canada governments and partners, the Chief Partnership Officer, ALO: a)  Ensures the development and implementation of an effective outreach and advocacy strategy with the U.S. and Canada, identifying and cultivating champions, promoting increased awareness of IFAD and its mandate, highlighting synergies and complementarities with the countries' position and strategy vis-á-vis issues of mutual relevance; b)  Ensures that ALO provides timely intelligence and analysis of relevant developments and activities within U.S. and Canada, and other partners of relevance to the Fund; c)  Develops and maintains strong relations with U.S. and Canada-based advocacy groups, e.g. InterAction, the Alliance to End Hunger, Food Tank, SDG2 Advocacy Hub, etc., in the U.S., and Food Security Policy Group, Farm Radio, Canadian Food Grains Bank, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), etc., in Canada. Key Performance IndicatorsAssignments require the provision of authoritative professional expertise. The Chief Partnership Officer leads and manages the team and represents IFAD amongst intergovernmental organizations and international financial institutions based in the assigned regions. Work at this level is considered of critical concern to the Fund as it serves to improve IFAD's partnerships, corporate outreach and engagement in the assigned regions. An inadequate handling of activities may result in damaging the credibility of the Fund with partners in the assigned regions. Working RelationshipsThe Chief Partnership Officer serves as the Fund's lead expert in the team and exercises wide professional latitude in developing and maintaining strategic partnerships and collaboration with key contacts in the assigned regions and with relevant agencies and organizations in order to expand partnerships and increase resources for smallholders. The incumbent acts as a credible voice of the organization and represents IFAD combining the capacity to present, identify opportunities, establish frameworks for interaction and maintain/grow relationships over time. Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 2:•       Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains strategic partnerships internally and externally•       Communicating and negotiating - Acquires & uses a wide range of communication styles & skills•       Demonstrating leadership - Leads by example; initiates and supports change•       Focusing on clients - Contributes to a client-focused culture•       Learning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Challenges, innovates & contributes to learning culture•       Managing performance and developing staff - Manages wider teams with greater impact on others and on the organization•       Managing time, resources and information - Coordinates wider use of time, information and/or resources•       Problem-solving and decision-making - Solves complex problems and makes decisions that have wider corporate impact•       Strategic thinking and organizational development - Staff in management and/or strategic leadership roles•       Team working - Fosters a cohesive team environmentEducation:•       Level - Advanced university degree from an accredited institution in a technically relevant area. •       Areas - Economics, Political Sciences, Public Policy, Public Administration, Development Studies or related field.•       Degree must be from an accredited institution listed on .Experience:•       At least ten (10) years of progressively relevant experience is required. •       At least eight (8) years' experience in a multi-cultural/international organization or national organization providing support on a global scope.•     Significant experience in resource mobilization, including the development and implementation of strategies to secure funding from a variety of sources such as bilateral donors, private sector, climate funds, and philanthropic organizations.•       Strong background in strategic advocacy and policy influence, with experience representing organizations at high-level international forums and in negotiations, fostering strategic alliances with key stakeholders, including governments, UN agencies, financial institutions, private sector, and other actors.•     Demonstrated experience and ability at leading and managing multicultural teams, preferably in an international financial institution through a combination of corporate and field-based experience. Successful track record in establishing, building and managing partnerships with various stakeholders. Knowledge of development finance systems is desirable. Experience and knowledge of rural development in the Region.Languages:•       Required English (4 – Excellent) •       Desirable: French, Spanish, or Arabic (3 – Good) Skills:•       Ability to bring in diverse actors into funding strategies and projects;•       Advocacy: Know-how in advocacy, to maintain and promote constructive dialogue around IFAD's vision to external actors;•      Partnership building: Ability to formulate new approaches or identify new opportunities to build relationships with both traditional and non-traditional partners, focusing on impact and results;•     Policy dialogue: Know-how in the representation of IFAD as a trusted and strategic partner; effective consultations with IFAD counterparts - like ministries and governmental bodies at all administrative levels, donors, civil society;•       Resource mobilization: Know-how in resource mobilization strategies (including marketing and communication) for IFI, international public bodies and within the UN;•      UN and IFI documentation & processes: Knowledge of the relevant policies, rules, regulations and guidelines on document processing and distribution within the UN and other IFIs;•      Risk management (e.g. reputational): Identification and assessment of potential liabilities and risks in IFAD's activities, particularly vis-à-vis third parties; ability to handle risks via contingency and mitigation strategies;•      Stakeholder management: Strong alignment capabilities and consultation skills, building on effective interactions and relationships with different stakeholders (e.g. for the co-creation of communication material with member states) and ability to build and maintain a strong network (e.g. with journalists, media outlets, etc.);•     Strategy implementation: Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisions;•       Performance management: Know-how in managing performance so that staff supervised deliver on the agreed objectives and meet their development needs while meeting the needs of IFAD. Is proficient in establishing clear performance goals (operational and behavioural) and learning plans as well as in evaluating the performance of staff against the set goals;•       Change management: Role modelling, anticipation of key risks & conflicts and formulation of contingency plans/solutions, action-oriented;•      Client orientation: Strong critical thinking combined with communication skills to liaise between the business and technologies to understand business problems and needs, document requirements and identify solutions;•     Corporate approach: Ability to bring in corporate vision and priorities into one's area of work (e.g. budgeting going beyond simple budgetary considerations, taking into account strategic priorities);•       Leadership: Group thought leader, sought out by others and providing mentorship and effective guidance to others; ability to build trust, inside and outside the organization by acting as a role model for IFAD's core values and competencies, and to provide a clear sense of direction, mentorship and effective guidance to the team, strategizing the IFAD's goals, giving the vision, empowering the team and ensuring a positive environment for all;•       Problem solving: Strong systemic and structured thinking, ability to identify and dissect problems into components and formulate a comprehensive set of creative viable and sustainable solutions and strategies;•       Specialized communication skills: Ability to negotiate on behalf of IFAD and drive for creative and pragmatic solutions in complex negotiations with key partners, both public and private sector;•       Written communication: Clear, succinct and convincing written communication in the language needed for specific role; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language (e.g. for drafting of position papers, briefings, etc.) Other InformationThis position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level.Applicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse. ; accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.*The structure of IFAD is currently undergoing a recalibration process. The definite set-up of the External Relations Department is being finalized and is subject to confirmation of institutional processes requirements. This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Managing Director, Office of Development Effectiveness, ODE - D2

Italy, Lazio , Rome

Organizational SettingThis is re-advertisement. Candidates that have applied for IFAD Chief Economist ODE JO 20801 do not need to re-apply to this Vacancy Announcement.The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation.In an effort to enhance its support to rural people to overcome poverty and food insecurity and to foster food system transformation, IFAD is establishing the Office of Development Effectiveness (ODE). This new office will be responsible for managing, measuring, and facilitating the effectiveness of IFAD operations through a focus on results, including in mainstreaming areas. ODE will be responsible for (i) designing operational policies and procedures to enhance the quality of design and delivery of IFAD's supported operations to drive the kinds of productive, inclusive, sustainable and resilient transformative results that can be scaled to make significant impacts in eliminating global rural hunger and poverty; (ii) assessing the quality of IFAD-financed sovereign and non-sovereign operations, grants, country strategies and operational strategies and policies in terms of overall quality at design and the compliance to countries- and IFAD's policies and commitments; (iii) assessing the impact of IFAD's operations, and monitoring and reporting on the performance of IFAD's portfolio, including mainstreaming issues; (iv) managing the allocation of IFAD's resources throughout each replenishment cycle; (v) being a knowledge broker by consolidating lessons learnt, identifying and enhancing knowledge, and innovative practices and facilitating their use within the organization; (vi) contributing to positioning IFAD in the global development agenda, particularly the one related to SDG2 and food system transformation;  Provides expert guidance on IFAD's strategic direction and contributes to corporate and operational policy discussions.The Office works in close coordination with other departments, offices and divisions in IFAD and the Managing Director, works under the direct supervision of the Vice President of IFAD.*The structure of IFAD is currently undergoing a recalibration process. The definite set-up of the Office of Development Effectiveness is being finalized and is subject to confirmation of institutional process requirements, which will be confirmed during the recruitment process. Job RoleThe Managing Director is responsible for managing an IFAD office and serves on IFAD's senior management team. The main focus of the Managing Director is on strategic leadership of IFAD development effectiveness, innovation and management. The incumbent is responsible for the management and delivery of the Office's programme of work within an allocated budget.The Managing Director, manages and directs the human, financial and material resources of ODE and holds responsibility over the effective and efficient delivery of its programme. The incumbent provides authoritative and technical advice to senior management on the Fund's Strategic Framework, strategic planning, policy, and office programme and operational management. Managing Directors, provide inputs and advice based on ODE products at the request of the President, vice President and senior management.The Managing Director is a member of the IFAD Executive Management Team with a corporate responsibility for the Fund. Key Functions and Results1. STRATEGIC PROGRAMME DIRECTION AND IFAD¿S MISSION: The Managing Director leads the work of IFAD's Office of Development Effectiveness by providing strategic leadership and guidance to staff on IFAD's mandate.  The incumbent also guides the direction in the development and interpretation of major policies, regulations and rules, and systems that govern the work of the office and ensure they support office goals and objectives within the overall Fund mandates and strategies.  The Managing Director also serves as the chief Quality assurer for the IFAD programmes and projects, as well as a trusted business/programme advisor with a significant role in authoritative policy advice within the Fund at the senior management level as well as in policy dialogue in their representational activities. 2. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE AND POLICY STRATEGY: The Managing Director acts as a champion for change, promoting and endorsing solutions to intractable challenges and has an entrepreneurial and creative approach to developing new, innovative ideas that will stretch the organization and push the boundaries within the industry. They encourage evidence-based knowledge generation and its dissemination in all activities and contribute to resource mobilization activities and to evidence-based policy making at the international, national, and local level to advocate for the extreme poor and food insecure in rural areas. The incumbent advocates the Organization's policy positions and expands the Organization's external visibility and positioning. In order to promote organizational change and keep abreast of technology advancement they set clear priorities for the Office and lead by example.3. CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT AND RESULTS BASED MANAGEMENT: The Managing Director leads and contributes to the corporate development effectiveness agenda and plans, monitors and leads IFAD's collaboration with its institutional partners and member countries on resource mobilization and corporate partnerships, in accordance with agreed priorities, approved programme/budgets, strategic objectives and corporate policies. They promote the development of rigorous evaluations, reviews, analysis, and lessons to inform IFAD's lending and non-lending portfolio (including country programme strategies, policy engagement initiatives, etc.), particularly on issues surrounding food security, agriculture, and rural development. The incumbent oversees the development and implementation of the annual programme and budget of the Office in the context of IFAD's Strategic Framework and IFAD Replenishment Commitments and provides guidance in the assessment and reporting of corporate impacts of IFAD's funded projects. 4. REPRESENTATION AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS: The Managing Director develops and maintains political and business relationships with key donor Member States and strong collaboration with strategic partner organisations, including borrowers, bilateral and multilateral development agencies, UN agencies, funds and programmes, international financial institutions (IFIs), non-governmental organizations and academic institutions, which among other partnership priorities, can help drive mobilisation of resources from the financial sector and private sector as desirable. Managing Director serve as designated representative of the Fund in official United Nations committees and networks, and in IFls, multilateral and bilateral meetings, symposia, fora and Global conferences upon request of the President, and build organizational networks with peers in major private, public and international institutions. 5. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES: The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring the transparent, equitable, and efficient management of IFAD's resources, including human, financial, and material resources. This includes managing staff through workforce planning, recruitment, performance management, and career development. They are also responsible for managing the division's budget, ensuring accountability and fiduciary integrity. Additionally, they are responsible for managing material resources and promoting knowledge and content management to achieve innovative outcomes and cost-effective processes. The Managing Director also leverages information technology to improve business results, reporting processes, and client services.Given that the Office of Development Effectiveness is a new Office in IFAD's corporate structure, the Managing Director is responsible for leading the establishment of the office, including fine-tuning of roles and responsibilities and the definition of specific lines of collaboration to ensure smooth vertical and horizontal collaboration with other IFAD departments and offices to foster smooth operational and knowledge sharing.In parallel with the establishment of the Office, the Managing Director is responsible for providing intellectual leadership and an authoritative contribution to the integration of knowledge and innovation into IFAD's operations and overall business model.  The key responsibilities for the Managing Director, include:- Leading the design of operational policies and procedures and assessing the quality of design of IFAD's supported operations and policies for improved development results and sustainability of benefits. This includes leading on: o Operational policies and procedures for country strategies and operationso Compliance of key operational building-blocks, such as procurement and Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures (SECAP) procedures, and corporate commitments- Managing operational resources in line of corporate policies and priorities as well as tracking results and performance including mainstreaming priorities. This includes overseeing:o Management of the Performance-Based Allocation System (PBAS) and Borrowed Resource Access Mechanism (BRAM)o The system for monitoring and reporting on the delivery of the programme of loans and grantso Management of the self-evaluation architecture, corporate reporting on operational performance and results and efforts for greater transparencyo Coordination of the development of corporate ICT systems and databases for operationso Management of external reporting with the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) and other external partners-  Advising and overseeing the results tracking system, facilitating the incorporation of knowledge and innovative practices into the operations, and the assessment of the impact of IFAD's supported operations. This includes overseeing:o Monitoring and evaluation and conducting impact assessments to understand whether changes in the lives of project    participants can be attributed to the project itself and report on the overall impact of IFAD's portfolioo Provision of evidence-based support and strategic guidance on innovations that can enhance operations and institutional functiono Brokering the knowledge, innovation, and lessons learnt and facilitating the incorporation of knowledge management from country strategies and first stages of design through implementation and assessment.o Liaison points for strategic planning and technical content for food system transformation and other global for a- The Managing Director leads the secretariat of the arms-length analytic and technical reviews of the design quality at entry of country strategies and operations and acts a secretary of the Operational Strategy and Policy Guidance Committee.  Key Performance IndicatorsManaging Directors establish IFAD's priorities and provide leadership to division-level programme and operational management activities, ensuring a results-based approach to meeting assigned goals and objectives.Leadership activities include the optimal utilization of human, financial, technology, and material resources for greater efficiency and effectiveness.The Managing Director, ODE is responsible for IFAD's operational effectiveness, providing strategic leadership and assisting the President and Vice President.The Managing Director works with the executive management team to establish operational goals and strategies, overseeing their implementation to ensure IFAD's sustainability in delivering quality assessments in support of IFAD-funded programmes and projects Working RelationshipsManaging Directors are responsible for building and maintaining strong working relationships both within and outside of IFAD. Internally, they provide strategic advice to the President and Vice-President and collaborate with other departments, offices and divisions to ensure effective coordination of programme planning and activities. Externally, they develop strategic partnerships with a range of institutions, including borrowers, development agencies, UN agencies, and non-governmental organizations, for the purpose of programme cooperation, knowledge sharing, policy dialogue, and resource mobilization. Managing Directors also represent IFAD in official committees, meetings, and conferences, and build organizational networks with peers in major private, public, and international financial institutions.As a member of IFAD's 's senior management, the Managing Director, supports the President and Vice President in providing vision and oversight, as well as reporting to governing bodies. Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 2:- Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains strategic partnerships internally and externally- Communicating and negotiating - Acquires & uses a wide range of communication styles & skills- Demonstrating leadership - Leads by example; initiates and supports change- Focusing on clients - Contributes to a client-focused culture- Learning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Challenges, innovates & contributes to learning culture- Managing performance and developing staff - Manages wider teams with greater impact on others and on the organization- Managing time, resources and information - Coordinates wider use of time, information and/or resources- Problem-solving and decision-making - Solves complex problems and makes decisions that have wider corporate impact- Strategic thinking and organizational development - Staff in management and/or strategic leadership roles- Team working - Fosters a cohesive team environmentEducation:- Level - Advanced university degree from an accredited institution in Economics or related field, preferably a PhD. Degree must be from an accredited institution listed on - Relevant certifications (ICCE) would be an asset.Experience:- At least 15 years of substantive relevant experience at an international level in an institution, which could include multilateral development banks and/or international financial institutions, UN agencies or other development finance-related organizations. - Demonstrated leadership experience with strategic vision and proven skills to manage a complex organization with staff of diverse cultural backgrounds in multiple locations. - Extensive and proven managerial experience with a focus on people management. - Progressively responsible management experience in senior level positions. ¿ Languages:- Required: English (4 - Excellent)- Desirable: French, Spanish and/or Arabic (3 - Good) Skills:- Economic evaluation: Know-how relevant to specific role in Evaluation roles (e.g. Monitoring and managing evaluation processes and methodologies, carrying out Programme/Project evaluation, Impact evaluation, Corporate-level evaluation)- IFAD governance & mandate: In depth knowledge of IFAD`s governance structure, mandate, strategic priorities and technical work- Policy making: Ability to provide expert guidance on IFAD's strategic direction and contribute to corporate and operational policy discussions- IFAD partners: Knowledge of IFAD's partners' functioning and mandate, such as the public sector (e.g. governments and policy, institutions and system), non-state actors (NGOs, CSOs, Foundations, etc.) and private sector actors- Strategy implementation: Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisions- Policy dialogue: Know-how in the representation of IFAD as a trusted and strategic partner, advocating and promoting IFAD's mandate and vision; effective consultations with IFAD counterparts - like ministries and governmental bodies at all administrative levels, donors, civil society- Change management: Role modelling, anticipation of key risks & conflicts and formulation of contingency plans/solutions, action-oriented- Confidentiality & Discretion: Establishes self and division as trusted advisor to internal stakeholders by maintaining high level of discretion and confidentiality in assignments; demonstrates sound judgement when dealing with sensitive and/or confidential matters; drives good governance and is a "Culture Carrier" demonstrating IFAD institutional conscience through his/her work.- Corporate approach: Ability to bring in corporate vision and priorities into one's area of work (e.g. budgeting going beyond simple budgetary considerations, taking into account strategic priorities)- Integrity and ethics: Strong emphasis on acting with honesty, not tolerating unethical behaviour, demonstrating equity, impartiality and sensitivity in exercising authority and interacting with staff, and other stakeholders. Conduct must be guided by IFAD core values, the Code of conduct and a high sense of ethics.- Leadership: Group thought leader, sought out by others and providing mentorship and effective guidance to others; Ability to build trust, inside and outside the organization by acting as a role model for IFAD's core values and competencies, and to provide a clear sense of direction, mentorship and effective guidance to the team, strategizing the IFAD's goals, giving the vision, empowering the team and ensuring a positive environment for all.- Political acumen: Ability to conduct sound political analysis and understand complex environments, providing options and advice- Specialized communication skills: Ability to negotiate on behalf of IFAD and drive for creative and pragmatic solutions in complex negotiations with key partners, both public and private sector- Evidence-based policy: Know-how in the formulation of concrete and actionable policy recommendations based on hard evidence (going beyond simple data interpretation)Position specific skills:- Analytical and strategic thinking skills: Outstanding ability to analyze and synthesize qualitative and/or quantitative information from a variety of sources and filter out key insights and recommendations. - Quantitative skills: Significant understanding of the collection and quantitative analysis of impact assessment and operational data- Operational experience: Significant experience in working with operations in the context of an International Financial Institution- Results management: Strong understanding of managing for results in the context of an International Financial Institution- Social & Environmental Safeguards: Know-how in Social & Environmental compliance in the context of an International Financial Institution Other InformationApplicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location and official travel on behalf of the Fund to any part of the world at any time, in line with business needs, strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD. The definite set-up of the Office of Development Effectiveness is being finalized and is subject to organizational adjustments. Further details will be communicated to selected candidates during the recruitment process.In accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here.Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.In the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its IFAD Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and IFAD policy to preventing and responding to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abusePlease be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in @ifad.orgThis is re-advertisement. Candidates that have applied for IFAD Chief Economist ODE JO 20801 do not need to re-apply to this Vacancy Announcement. This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

ICT Specialist (Finance Solutions) - P3

Italy, Lazio , Rome
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Organizational SettingThe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The Corporate Services Department (CSD), led by the Associate Vice-President, CSD, provides IFAD with the human resources, administrative services, safety and security, information technology resources  and medical support services required to allow IFAD to meet its objectives of enabling rural people overcome poverty. The work of the CSD is undertaken by three divisions (i) Human Resources Division (HRD) (ii) Administrative Services Division (ADM) and (iii) Information and Communication Technology Division (ICT) and three units: (a) Front Office CSD (b) Field Support Unit and (c) Medical Services Unit. The Information & Communications Technology Division (ICT) delivers secure, reliable, and integrated technology solutions which enable delivery of business value and provide IFAD with a strategic advantage through technical innovation and agile ICT services, and by streamlining corporate processes using effective ICT solutions. It facilitates access to information, ensures reliable and secure availability of information and communication means, provides a sustainable and secure digital environment and offer standard ICT services. ICT Specialists work under the overall strategic, policy and management guidance of the ICT Director and the direct supervision of an ICT Manager/Senior ICT Specialist.The incumbent works under the direct supervision of ICT Solutions Coordinator. Job RoleInformation and Communications Technology (ICT) Specialists at this level are seasoned professionals reflecting an in-depth, complete understanding of ICT systems and applications development. The applications development work is original or involves major modifications requiring the development of specifications in consultation with diverse users who have diverse needs. When tasked with supervision, they are typically supervisors of general service (GS) staff. Frequently ICT Specialists will coordinate the work of and provide technical guidance to external consultants and/or other temporary staff.Position specific: The ICT Specialist (Finance Solutions) provides technical and subject matter expertise in respect to IFAD's Banking platform and related financial systems. The incumbent is responsible for the day-to-day availability and operation ability of the banking applications, co-ordinating with Business Process Owners (BPO), software vendors and hosting partners to resolve any issues. The incumbent is responsible for identifying, analysing and implementing enhancements to applications in this space, in-line with corporate priorities and supporting IFAD's evolving financial model.  Key Functions and Results1. ICT BUSINESS PARTNER: ICT Specialists are credible, trusted partners to the client offices served and the Division where assigned, serving as a responsive and constructive service provider with a focus on results. They participate in the development, implementation and achievement of established ICT Service Level Objectives (SLOs). The incumbents support the Fund's ICT strategy and plans as well as model a commitment to systems integrity. ICT Specialists provide seasoned verbal and written advice and guidance to supervisors and staff on the functionality of information and communication technology systems and applications as well as on the requirement for modifications or enhancements/extensions. 2. ICT MANAGEMENT: ICT Specialists are seasoned professionals accountable for development, design, implementation and management of complex, interrelated applications and/or components of major ICT systems. Representative accountabilities/key results include (a) undertaking feasibility studies, systems analysis and design for specific systems, applications and/or for components of the more complex systems of the Fund's ICT System; (b) translating user requirements into functional and technical specifications for new applications, developing integrating existing modules, developing local enhancements, etc.; (c) configuring systems/application environments and leading the installation, maintenance, problem resolution/trouble shooting, optimization and system/applications upgrades; (d) monitoring transactions to measure the performance and continuing effectiveness of assigned systems and working with systems software personnel to resolve operational problems; (e) writing scripts to extract and transfer data from databases, ensuring security measures to protect confidentiality; (f) developing strategy for specific applications and participating in developing overall strategy for major systems including addressing interfacing and/or integration requirements; (g) developing training materials, technical and user documentation, and publicity information and training staff in information/data systems; and ensuring that all the necessary technical knowledge and procedures for area of assignment are documented, up-to-date and shared across ICT teams.3. AGENT OF CHANGE: ICT Specialists understand and apply the principles of change management and proactively serves as a role model for transformation and capacity for acceptance of change. They use a seasoned knowledge of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and other information technology to develop, analyze and promote acceptance of new methods of work and automated workflows. At this level ICT Specialists manage change through consultations with ICT colleagues and outreach to client offices to build understanding of and to ensure open and regular communications pertaining to current and planned changes in the Fund's information and communication technology strategy, standards, regulations and rules. 4. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: Is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the personal use of assigned IFAD resources, including equipment, supplies and, as applicable, staff supervised.Position specific:  The ICT Specialist (Finance Solutions)  Is responsible for the overall availability, business continuity and day-to-day support of IFAD's core financial systems. Monitors system availability and responds to technical issues raised by the Business Process Owner. Provides specialized technical support on IFAD finance applications including analyzing technical problems and proposing solutions to be implemented.Ensures that the software vendors provide timely support and technical solutions to proprietary software.Provides technical expertise on the deployment of data/software fixes, upgrades, security patching.Develops the ICT pipeline in respect of financial solutions, liaising with Business Process Owners and Software Vendors, identifying, analyzing and implementing solutions responding to corporate priorities in support of IFAD's evolving financial model.Ensures integration between the financial platforms and other IFAD corporate systems, ensuring the availability and timely flow of data between applications, leveraging and developing API's to facilitate the process.Manages the relationships with the Business Process Owners (BPO's), Software Vendors and Hosting Partners to ensure alignment.Provides input and evidence in support of financial audits and internal controls.Co-ordinates the annual disaster recovery testing. Key Performance IndicatorsThe work of ICT Specialists involves several component parts and requires resolving problems of integration and interface. Thus the work at this level directly impacts on the processing work of systems and applications users and the overall services provided by the ICT Division; their technical decisions affect internal structures of the applications assigned and indirectly impact on the accomplishment of the Fund's overall objectives, goals and functions. The key performance indicators for ICT Specialists at this level include effective design and accurate performance of assigned application development and relevance to client requirements. Working RelationshipsInternally, ICT Specialists at this level are required to explain, clarify and train users on new information and communications technology functionality and operations as well as to develop and clarify user requirements, and also take the lead as subject matter experts to ensure the appropriate level of building and running related technical services in there area of expertise. They advocate directly and indirectly both technical and non-technical users to accept limitations or modifications of applications and provide advice in regard to requirements or capabilities requirements. Within the ICT Division, they are collaborating with other technical leads for the purpose of of solving complex problems and persuading others to accept modifications of specifications. External contacts involve a professional exchange of information with colleagues in the information and communication technology community to collect/exchange information on emerging technology and ensuring IFAD is leveraging the latest best practice in ICT. They may also negotiate with external service providers and/or vendors on services and new hardware/software and in the technical evaluation and selection of same. ICT Specialists at this level are delegated authority to make commitments on routine aspects of the assignment. Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 1:Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains effective working relationshipsCommunicating and negotiating - Communicates effectively; creates understanding between self and othersDemonstrating leadership - Personal leadership and attitude to changeFocusing on clients - Focuses on clientsLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Continuously seeks to learn, shares knowledge & innovatesManaging performance and developing staff Managing time, resources and information - Manages own time, information and resources effectivelyProblem-solving and decision-making - Demonstrates sound problem-solving and decision-making abilityStrategic thinking and organizational development - Personal influenceTeam working - Contributes effectively to the teamEducation:Level - Advanced university degree from an accredited institution in a technically relevant area.Areas - Computer science, information technology, mathematics or other job related fieldDegree must be an accredited institution listed on (*) Note: For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in the IFAD's Human Resources Implementing Procedures.Position specific: Continuing education and certification - please list all technical certificates and evidence of proven exposure relating to the requirements of this vacancy announcement. Experience:At least five (5) years of progressively relevant, responsible professional experience in information technology, network infrastructure and/or communications technology in a multi-cultural organization or national organization providing support on a global scope.Position specific experience/skills:Financial Systems, technical expertise in working with enterprise financial systems: their implementation, configuration and technical support. Understanding of business context, including compliance and financial rules, that drive business needs. Expertise in mapping financial needs to enterprise systems, through configuration, development or add-on solutions. Experience of working with Oracle on-premise and/or Cloud financial systems. Languages:Required English (4 - Excellent) Desirable: French, Spanish and/or ArabicSkills:Job role specific: Data analysis/architecture, Know-how in the analysis and interpretation of data needs and sources taking into account its operational context, using systems and models to disseminate ensuring integrity, availability to meet reporting and business analytics needs; Basic ICT & digital fluency, Expertise relevant to the specific role (e.g. in-depth, computer information systems, including micro-computer operating systems software, hardware and applications software and other office technology equipment), end-user computing configuration management; Emerging technologies, Expertise to evaluate and identify business and technical opportunities in emerging technologies including methodologies, tools, systems and applications (including  Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, Robotics, GIS Analytics, etc.); Cyber-security, Expertise specific to cyber-security principles, tools, systems and applications;    Project/Programme management, Identification of key-priorities, ability to structure work to meet deadlines and adjustment of workplan/resource allocation when needed; Programme management: overall management of portfolio of work (including PMO interaction) with expertise to identify dependencies or bottlenecks between projects, managing changes and risks; Agile ICT services, Use various agile methods, such as daily stand-ups, sprints and hackathons, to generate end products early on; User experience, Strong focus on the delivery of a positive and intuitive user experience, building on a proactive clarification of user needs and requirements;    User technology enablement and support, Advanced configuration and endpoint management, digital mobile communication, seam IT monitoring and backup, incident response and endpoint management;   DevOps, Expertise in continuous integration, configuration management, deployment automation, infrastructure orchestration and monitoring and analytics;  System and Database Administration, Expertise in the provisioning, configuration, management, tuning and performance monitoring of systems and databases; Technical enablement of data analytics and data mining tools, Expertise in the design, development, deployment, maintenance and management of Data Warehouse, data visualization, data analysis, data mining and reporting tools;  IT Vendor and Contract Management (incl. cloud),  Expertise in contract and vendor management of IT Software, hardware and services (including cloud);   Analytical skills, Outstanding  ability to analyse and synthesize qualitative and/or quantitative information from a variety of sources and filter out key insights and recommendations; Data Management, Data collection, cleaning, transformation and consolidation ; data-base architecture & development ; data presentation;  Strategy implementation, Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisions;  Client Orientation, Strong critical thinking combined with communication skills to liaise between the business and technologies to understand business problems and needs, document requirements and identify solutions; Leadership, Group thought leader, sought out by others and providing mentorship and effective guidance to others; Ability to build trust, inside and outside the organization by acting as a role model for IFAD's core values and competencies, and to provide a clear sense of direction, mentorship and effective guidance to the team, strategizing the IFAD's goals, giving the vision, empowering the team and ensuring a positive environment for all; Change management, Role modelling, anticipation of key risks and conflicts and formulation of contingency plans/solutions, action-oriented;  Planning, Know-how in the planning of human, financial and material management of IFAD resources;  Financial data integrity and financial systems, know-how in systems interface control, core banking / treasury system management, data mining and analytics;   Budgeting, resource management, Know-how in budget administration and accounting, resource allocation and planning at divisional level;   Procurement, Know-how in the application of the procurement policies, rules and regulations applicable to IFAD HQ and/or Country Programmes/Projects, including for complex individual cases. Other InformationApplicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.In accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.In the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in @ifad.orgThis position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level. This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Senior ICT Specialist (Infrastructure and IT Operations) - P4

Italy, Lazio , Rome
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Organizational SettingThe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The Corporate Services Department (CSD), led by the Associate Vice-President, CSD, provides IFAD with the human resources, administrative services, safety and security, information technology resources  and medical support services required to allow IFAD to meet its objectives of enabling rural people overcome poverty. The work of the CSD is undertaken by three divisions (i) Human Resources Division (HRD) (ii) Administrative Services Division (ADM) and (iii) Information and Communication Technology Division (ICT) and two units: (a) Field Support Unit and (b) Medical Services Unit.The Information & Communications Technology Division (ICT) delivers secure, reliable, and integrated technology solutions which enable delivery of business value and provide IFAD with a strategic advantage through technical innovation and agile ICT services, and by streamlining corporate processes using effective ICT solutions. It facilitates access to information, ensures reliable and secure availability of information and communication means, provides a sustainable and secure digital environment and offer standard ICT services. Senior ICT Specialists work under the overall strategic, policy and management guidance as well as direct supervision of the Director or Manager, Information and Communications Technology Division (ICT). They are typically accountable for unit work plan establishment and supervision of a team of ICT Specialists, Associates and/or Assistants. Job RoleSenior Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Specialists at this level are senior specialists assigned leadership and management of technology design, development and maintenance work that involves interface with users and coordination of other ICT specialists. The role of ICT Senior ICT Specialist is a key role within ICT. The incumbent is required to understand technical requirements and develop in-depth knowledge of IFAD processes, systems and infrastructure. They are typically accountable for unit work plan establishment and supervision of a team of ICT Specialists, Associates and/or Assistants.Position specific:In particular, the Senior ICT Specialist (Infrastructure and IT Operations) is responsible for the management, monitoring, support and continuous improvement of several elements of IT Infrastructure and operations, including but not limited to Datacenter, Networking, and Audiovisual equipment; for the technical management of procurement process of infrastructural components; for the architectural planning and technology choices for ICT Infrastructure. Key Functions and Results1. ICT PRACTICE LEADER: Senior ICT Specialists at this level are typically accountable for technical leadership in their occupational area at the corporate level with accountability for conceptualization, design, development, implementation and maintenance of major and complex information systems and applications to meet the evolving needs of the Fund. They typically accomplish the assigned activities through supervision of an ICT unit comprised of other professional (P) and general service (GS) staff and through technical guidance and work product validation of external ICT consultants.2. ICT BUSINESS PARTNER: Senior ICT Specialists are credible, trusted partners to client offices served and the Division where assigned, serving as responsive and constructive service providers with a focus on results. They contribute directly to the development of the Fund's ICT strategy and plans as well as model a commitment to data and systems integrity. Senior ICT Specialists provide authoritative advice and guidance to ICT colleagues and the Division Director on cross-division systems / applications interfaces as well as on the requirement for modifications or enhancements / extensions.3. ICT MANAGEMENT: Senior ICT Specialists are accountable for conceptual work and technical leadership in the development, design, implementation and management of original systems/applications and ensures their interface with existing applications and/or major ICT systems. Representative accountabilities/key results include (a) identifying the need for new applications/systems, conducting feasibility studies and translating user needs into systems and applications that can be integrated with existing systems/technology; (b) conducting and/or leading systems analysis, determining costs of development and eventual operations of the system(s)/applications; (c) defining application/system requirements and developing technical and functional specifications; (d) overseeing the development of file and database architecture, configuration and record formats ensuring relevant internal control and security mechanisms are established; (e) planning, scheduling and launching implementation work and systems testing; (f) identifying, testing, assessing and evaluating new products and technologies and proposing strategies and implementation plans; (g) collaborating on defining and resolving problems of the Fund's systems integration (intra/inter- organizational); and (h) leading the preparation of technical and user documentation for entire systems and interdependent applications as well as training materials and detailed technical presentations; conduct courses for users. 4. AGENT OF CHANGE: Senior ICT Specialists understand and apply the principles of change management and proactively serves as a role model for transformation and capacity for acceptance of change. They use a seasoned knowledge of information technology to develop, analyze and promote acceptance of new methods of work and automated workflows. Senior Specialists manage change through technical leadership in identifying systems/applications that support change and outreach to client offices to build understanding of and to ensure open and regular communications pertaining to current and planned changes in the Fund's information and communication technology strategy, standards, regulations and rules.5. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: Senior ICT Specialists are typically team leaders with accountability for integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD technology. This includes: (a) People Management through work plan development, recruitment, performance and career management of P and GS staff as well as learning management establishing learning plans and ensuring staff supervised meet their development needs while meeting the needs of IFAD; (b) Resource Management by providing strategic and data inputs into the divisional budget preparation exercises; (c) Knowledge and Content Management by ensuring (i) knowledge content within functional area is continuously updated and available to colleagues and clients (ii) best practices are continuously identified, documented and distributed and (iii) appropriate and up-to-date information and learning tools are available to the Fund's managers, supervisors and staff; and Information Technology Management through leveraging ERP functionality for improved business results, simplification of transaction and reporting processes and improved client services.Position specific: The Senior ICT Specialist's (Infrastructure and IT Operations) key functions are to: Supervise and coordinate design and technical implementation of ICT networking solutions globally,  in coordination with external vendors and partners, to ensure optimal choices in terms of performance and cost.Lead and coordinate in line with the evolving architecture infrastructure services including  datacentre as well as cloud and 3rd party hosting solutions options, ensuring service performance, continuity and site reliability, through monitoring and constant evaluation of servers and appliances; ensure smooth integration of new solutions and technologies, with minimal disruption to the servicesSupervise digital collaboration and related conferences activities, in conjunction with external partners, ensuring A/V support for smooth performance of institutional meetings and related activitiesCoordinate second and third level support to IFAD ICT systems by the Infrastructure Team, and third-party vendors, to promptly manage issue escalation and resolution to ensure resiliencyCoordinate monitoring and reports on ICT Infrastructure, including Cloud and 3rd party hosting, in coordination with the business, to ensure availability and prompt delivery of needed information, along with capacity planning and trend analysis.Coordinate deployment and support to vertical applications, in line with IFAD's evolving architecture to enable a consistent and efficient approach with a fit-for-purpose enabling infrastructure.Provide technical advice during Infrastructure-related procurement processes, overseeing the whole procedure to ensure maximum benefit to the house, and ensuring correct capacity and impact analysis as well as transparent and timely resource planning and management of related vendors. Key Performance IndicatorsThe work of Senior ICT Specialists involves leading the design, configure, implement, maintain and improve critical technology operations of the Fund, adapting processes as necessary to achieve full functionality and interface with existing systems. Thus work at this level impacts on the overall design and continuity of major systems/applications and indirectly impact the accomplishment of the Fund's objectives, goals and functions.  as a foundation for the Fund's administrative and programme operations. Technical decisions are taken on the feasibility of technology proposals and specifications for systems / applications. They provide authoritative advice to the Division Director and senior IFAD management, which leads to both technical decisions as well as resource commitments.The key performance indicators for Senior ICT Specialists include leadership, both technical excellence and team management leadership.Position specific:In addition to the above, they develop, implement and enforce policies and procedures that promote consistency, reliability, and compliance across the IT infrastructure. They champion modern approaches such as DevOps and Agile to streamline operations, improve service delivery, and facilitate continuous improvement by utilizing modern monitoring and observability tools to ensure high availability, performance, and proactive issue resolution within the infrastructure. They focus on continuous performance tuning, capacity planning, and resource optimization to maintain optimal infrastructure performance as the organization moves towards containerized applications. Working RelationshipsInternally Senior ICT Specialists are responsible for overall coordination with users on all aspects or during all phases of development as well as the provision of authoritative technical guidance to others involved in interrelated technology activities. The acceptance of modification to specifications and work processes is accomplished through negotiations. They provide authoritative technical advice to the ICT Division Director on the design and implementation of technology applications and systems as well as IFAD senior management/decision-makers. Externally work relationships require collaboration and coordination to ensure vendors, service providers, collaborators and external ICT consultants meet established contractual terms and conditions, coordination with other organizations to establish compatibility of systems/application interface (Borrowers and Contributing institutions). Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 2:Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains strategic partnerships internally and externallyCommunicating and negotiating - Acquires & uses a wide range of communication styles & skillsDemonstrating leadership - Leads by example; initiates and supports changeFocusing on clients - Contributes to a client-focused cultureLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Challenges, innovates & contributes to learning cultureManaging performance and developing staff - Manages wider teams with greater impact on others and on the organizationManaging time, resources and information - Coordinates wider use of time, information and/or resourcesProblem-solving and decision-making - Solves complex problems and makes decisions that have wider corporate impactStrategic thinking and organizational development - Staff in management and/or strategic leadership rolesTeam working - Fosters a cohesive team environmentEducation:Level - Advanced university degree from an accredited institution in a technically relevant area. In lieu of an advanced university degree, a diploma in combination with six years over and above the minimum experience requirement may be considered;Areas - Computer science, information technology, mathematics or other job related fieldDegree must be an accredited institution listed on*) Note: For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in the IFAD's Human Resources Implementing Procedures.Position specific: Continuing education and certification - please list all technical certificates and evidence of proven exposure relating to the requirements of this vacancy announcement. Experience:At least eight (8) years of progressively relevant, responsible professional experience in planning, design, development, implementation and maintenance of information technology, in at least two of the following roles: system administration, network administration, security management, DevOps and microservices; At least five (5) years in a position leading well-sized infrastructure teams and related services in this context in a global, multi-lateral or international organization providing services on a global scope.Position-specific experience: At least five (5) years of proven experience with responsibility managing cloud technologies, container and virtualisation management, Identity and access management (IAM) solutions as well as CI/CD pipelines and new methods including such as Infrastructure as Code; Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively in a diverse organization tailoring language, tone, style and format to match audience. Proven record of effectively utilising IT standards methods and frameworks in managing technical ICT operations meetings across infrastructure teams including results management and KPIs; proven experience in incident response coordination as well as root cause analysis and mitigation. Languages:Required English (4 - Excellent) Desirable: French, Spanish and/or Arabic Skills:Budgeting, resource management: Know-how in budget administration and accounting, resource allocation and planning at divisional levelProcurement: Know-how in the application of the procurement policies, rules and regulations applicable to IFAD HQ and/or Country Programmes/Projects, including for complex individual casesFinancial data integrity and financial systems: know-how in systems interface control, core banking system management, data mining and analyticsAnalytical skills: Outstanding ability to analyse and synthesize qualitative and/or quantitative information from a variety of sources and filter out key insights and recommendationsData management: Data collection, cleaning, transformation and consolidation; data-base architecture & development; data presentationStrategy implementation: Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisionsHR systems: Know-how in the design and management of HR systems and tools (e.g. learning platforms, performance platforms, etc.)Agile ICT services: Use various agile methods, such as daily stand-ups, sprints and hackathons, to generate end products early onBasic ICT & digital fluency: Expertise relevant to the specific role (e.g. in-depth, computer information systems, including micro-computer operating systems software, hardware and applications software and other office technology equipment), end-user computing configuration managementCyber-security: Expertise specific to cyber-security principles, tools, systems and applicationsData analysis/architecture: Know-how in the analysis and interpretation of data needs and sources taking into account its operational context, using systems and models to disseminate ensuring integrity, availability to meet reporting and business analytics needsData systems & tools: Expertise in the design, development, deployment, maintenance and management of Data Warehouse, data visualization, data analysis, data mining and reporting toolsDevOps: Expertise in continuous integration, configuration management, deployment automation, infrastructure orchestration and monitoring and analyticsEmerging technologies: Expertise to evaluate and identify business and technical opportunities in emerging technologies including methodologies, tools, systems and applications (including Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, Robotics, GIS Analytics, etc.)Network and Infrastructure Administration: Expertise in the provisioning, configuration, management, tuning and performance monitoring of the IFAD network and the infrastructure of the IFAD datacentreProject/Programme management: Identification of key-priorities, ability to structure work to meet deadlines and adjustment of workplan/resource allocation when needed Programme management: overall management of portfolio of work (including PMO interaction) with expertise to identify dependencies or bottlenecks between projects, managing changes and risksSystem and Database Administration: Expertise in the provisioning, configuration, management, tuning and performance monitoring of systems and databasesUser experience: Strong focus on the delivery of a positive and intuitive user experience, building on a proactive clarification of user needs and requirementsUser technology enablement and support: Advanced configuration and endpoint management, digital mobile communication, seam IT monitoring and backup, incident response and endpoint managementPlanning: Know-how in the planning of human, financial and material management of IFAD resourcesChange management: Role modelling, anticipation of key risks & conflicts and formulation of contingency plans/solutions, action-orientedClient orientation: Strong critical thinking combined with communication skills to liaise between the business and technologies to understand business problems and needs, document requirements and identify solutionsLeadership: Group thought leader, sought out by others and providing mentorship and effective guidance to others; Ability to build trust, inside and outside the organization by acting as a role model for IFAD's core values and competencies, and to provide a clear sense of direction, mentorship and effective guidance to the team, strategizing the IFAD's goals, giving the vision, empowering the team and ensuring a positive environment for all. Other InformationApplicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.In accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.In the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in @ifad.orgThis position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level. This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

ICT Specialist (Data & Business Intelligence Analyst) - P3

Italy, Lazio , Rome
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Organizational SettingThe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The Corporate Services Department (CSD), led by the Associate Vice-President, CSD, provides IFAD with the human resources, administrative services, safety and security, information technology resources  and medical support services required to allow IFAD to meet its objectives of enabling rural people overcome poverty. The work of the CSD is undertaken by three divisions (i) Human Resources Division (HRD) (ii) Administrative Services Division (ADM) and (iii) Information and Communication Technology Division (ICT) and three units: (a) Front Office CSD (b) Field Support Unit and (c) Medical Services Unit. The Information & Communications Technology Division (ICT) delivers secure, reliable, and integrated technology solutions which enable delivery of business value and provide IFAD with a strategic advantage through technical innovation and agile ICT services, and by streamlining corporate processes using effective ICT solutions. It facilitates access to information, ensures reliable and secure availability of information and communication means, provides a sustainable and secure digital environment and offer standard ICT services. ICT Specialists work under the overall strategic, policy and management guidance of the ICT Director and the direct supervision of an ICT Manager/Senior ICT Specialist.The incumbent works under the direct supervision of ICT Solutions Coordinator.  Job RoleInformation and Communications Technology (ICT) Specialists at this level are seasoned professionals reflecting an in-depth, complete understanding of ICT systems and applications development. The applications development work is original or involves major modifications requiring the development of specifications in consultation with diverse users who have diverse needs. When tasked with supervision, they are typically supervisors of general service (GS) staff. Frequently ICT Specialists will coordinate the work of and provide technical guidance to external consultants and/or other temporary staff.Position specific:The ICT Specialist (Data and Business Intelligence Analyst) provides technical and subject matter expertise in respect to IFAD's Data Platforms and Business Intelligence solutions. The incumbent is responsible for the day-to-day availability and operationability of the Data Warehouse / Data Lake and Analytics / Visualisation technologies, co-ordinating with Business Process Owners (BPO), software vendors and hosting partners to resolve any issues. The ICT Specialist (Data Management and Business Intelligence) is responsible for identifying, analysing and implementing enhancements to data and data visualisation platforms/technologies, in-line with corporate priorities and supporting IFAD's evolving business needs, identifying and incorporating emerging technologies and trends into the overall data visualisation roadmap, and introduces new techniques and methods including AI and ML augmented analytics. Key Functions and Results1. ICT BUSINESS PARTNER: ICT Specialists are credible, trusted partners to the client offices served and the Division where assigned, serving as a responsive and constructive service provider with a focus on results. They participate in the development, implementation and achievement of established ICT Service Level Objectives (SLOs). The incumbents support the Fund's ICT strategy and plans as well as model a commitment to systems integrity. ICT Specialists provide seasoned verbal and written advice and guidance to supervisors and staff on the functionality of information and communication technology systems and applications as well as on the requirement for modifications or enhancements/extensions. 2. ICT MANAGEMENT: ICT Specialists are seasoned professionals accountable for development, design, implementation and management of complex, interrelated applications and/or components of major ICT systems. Representative accountabilities/key results include (a) undertaking feasibility studies, systems analysis and design for specific systems, applications and/or for components of the more complex systems of the Fund's ICT System; (b) translating user requirements into functional and technical specifications for new applications, developing integrating existing modules, developing local enhancements, etc.; (c) configuring systems/application environments and leading the installation, maintenance, problem resolution/trouble shooting, optimization and system/applications upgrades; (d) monitoring transactions to measure the performance and continuing effectiveness of assigned systems and working with systems software personnel to resolve operational problems; (e) writing scripts to extract and transfer data from databases, ensuring security measures to protect confidentiality; (f) developing strategy for specific applications and participating in developing overall strategy for major systems including addressing interfacing and/or integration requirements; (g) developing training materials, technical and user documentation, and publicity information and training staff in information/data systems; and ensuring that all the necessary technical knowledge and procedures for area of assignment are documented, up-to-date and shared across ICT teams.3. AGENT OF CHANGE: ICT Specialists understand and apply the principles of change management and proactively serves as a role model for transformation and capacity for acceptance of change. They use a seasoned knowledge of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and other information technology to develop, analyze and promote acceptance of new methods of work and automated workflows. At this level ICT Specialists manage change through consultations with ICT colleagues and outreach to client offices to build understanding of and to ensure open and regular communications pertaining to current and planned changes in the Fund's information and communication technology strategy, standards, regulations and rules. 4. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: Is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the personal use of assigned IFAD resources, including equipment, supplies and, as applicable, staff supervised.Position specific: The ICT Specialist (Data and Business Intelligence Analyst)Implements a data strategy incorporating the latest emerging technologies to satisfy IFAD's evolving business needs endorsed by the senior ICT management team to drive business decisions, ensuring compliance with data regulations, privacy policies and creating a foundation for enterprise wide governance of data.Is responsible for the overall availability, business continuity and day-to-day support of IFAD's Data Platforms and Business Intelligence solutions. Monitors system availability and responds to technical issues raised by the Business Process Owners. Analyses and implements cloud data solutions, leveraging state of the art tools and supporting overall migration towards cloud provisioning of data solutions in support of ICT strategy.Develops the ICT pipeline in respect of IFAD's Data Platforms and Business Intelligence solutions, liaising with Business Process Owners and Software Vendors, identifying, analyzing and implementing solutions responding to corporate priorities in support of IFAD's evolving data analytics and visualization needs and considering the IFAD technology landscape, sustainability, risks, user community and expectations for growth or evolution.Project manage new initiatives, working closely with the business process owners, to ensure that technical solutions and applications meet requirements. Manage technical resources and vendors to deliver according to agreed plans and ensure that solutions are compatible with the new or existing infrastructure and architecture. Ensures integration between IFAD corporate systems and the Data Warehouse/Lake platforms, ensuring the availability and timely flow of data between applications, leveraging automation technologies and developing API's to facilitate the process.Manages the relationships with the Business Process Owners (BPO's), Software Vendors and Hosting Partners to ensure alignment.Provides specialized technical support on IFAD data and analytics platforms including analyzing technical problems and proposing solutions to be implemented.Ensures that the software vendors provide timely support and technical solutions to proprietary software.Manages projects within the technology footprint of IFAD : Oracle and Microsoft platforms that includes visualisation tools such as Oracle Analytics (OAS/OAC) and Power BI, Data platforms  - Azure Data lake and Oracle Datawarehouse. Middleware Technologies such as Oracle Data Integrator and Azure Data Factory. Knowledge of both cloud and on-premise data solutions. Designs solutions to leverage both structured and unstructured data, including data from internal IFAD systems and external data available via APIs or other integration channels. Ensurse that relevant operational data is fully leveraged for corporate reporting and analytics, in line with Data Governance policies and procedures.Supports IFAD's efforts to implement the Data Governance strategy and the implementation of data classification labels, as well as Machine Learning and AI Ops adoption.Explores new solutions, particularly in NLP and GenAI, to provide new and more accessible means of using IFAD's data for all of IFAD's workforce Works closely with IT Security lead, IT Infrastructure, Architecture and DevOps leads to ensure that all work is fully aligned with IT policies and guidelines across these technical areas. Progressively build knowledge on the processes and systems which originate IFAD data to support data rationalization and coherent data modelling approaches.   Key Performance IndicatorsThe work of ICT Specialists involves several component parts and requires resolving problems of integration and interface. Thus the work at this level directly impacts on the processing work of systems and applications users and the overall services provided by the ICT Division; their technical decisions affect internal structures of the applications assigned and indirectly impact on the accomplishment of the Fund's overall objectives, goals and functions. The key performance indicators for ICT Specialists at this level include effective design and accurate performance of assigned application development and relevance to client requirements. Working RelationshipsInternally, ICT Specialists at this level are required to explain, clarify and train users on new information and communications technology functionality and operations as well as to develop and clarify user requirements, and also take the lead as subject matter experts to ensure the appropriate level of building and running related technical services in there area of expertise. They advocate directly and indirectly both technical and non-technical users to accept limitations or modifications of applications and provide advice in regard to requirements or capabilities requirements. Within the ICT Division, they are collaborating with other technical leads for the purpose of of solving complex problems and persuading others to accept modifications of specifications. External contacts involve a professional exchange of information with colleagues in the information and communication technology community to collect/exchange information on emerging technology and ensuring IFAD is leveraging the latest best practice in ICT. They may also negotiate with external service providers and/or vendors on services and new hardware/software and in the technical evaluation and selection of same. ICT Specialists at this level are delegated authority to make commitments on routine aspects of the assignment. Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 1:Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains effective working relationshipsCommunicating and negotiating - Communicates effectively; creates understanding between self and othersDemonstrating leadership - Personal leadership and attitude to changeFocusing on clients - Focuses on clientsLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Continuously seeks to learn, shares knowledge & innovatesManaging performance and developing staff -Managing time, resources and information - Manages own time, information and resources effectivelyProblem-solving and decision-making - Demonstrates sound problem-solving and decision-making abilityStrategic thinking and organizational development - Personal influenceTeam working - Contributes effectively to the teamEducation:Level - Advanced university degree from an accredited institution in a technically relevant area.Areas - Computer science, information technology, mathematics or other job related fieldDegree must be an accredited institution listed on Experience:At least five (5) years of progressively responsible professional experience in information technology, network infrastructure and/or communications technology in a multi-cultural organization or national organization providing support on a global scope.Position-specific technical experience:Progressively responsible professional experience in planning, design, development, implementation and maintenance of information technology, across the following areas: Data Analytics, Data Visualisation, Data Warehouse / Data Lake technologies, Data Integration, Data Modelling and Data GovernanceAt least five (5) years' demonstrable experience of managing technology delivery for Data Analytics and Visualisation projects, with a track record of successful implementations and user adoption of robust, secure global solutions. At least five (5) years' experience of working on technology projects across the following: Data Analytics / Visualisation using Oracle Analytics, Microsoft PowerBI and HighchartsData Acquisition and Transformation including Oracle ODI and Azure Data FactoryCloud Data solutions including Azure and Oracle. Knowledge of AWS would be advantageousAgile application development with exposure to Ruby, Python and JavascriptExperience of managing a pipeline of work for both continuous improvement work and new initiatives, ensuring adequate planning on resource needs, risks, contingencies, and technical and non-technical dependencies. Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively in a diverse organization tailoring language, tone, style and format to match audience. At least five (5) years- experience of managing technical teams in activities relevant to this position. Knowledge of Open Data and Data Governance solutions such as CKAN or similar and MS Purview, Apache Atlas or similar is desirable.Knowledge of AI/ML technologies would be advantageous, including experience with deploying AIOps or MLOps. Languages:Required English (4 - Excellent) Desirable: French, Spanish and/or ArabicSkills:Job role specific: Data analysis/architecture, Know-how in the analysis and interpretation of data needs and sources taking into account its operational context, using systems and models to disseminate ensuring integrity, availability to meet reporting and business analytics needs; Basic ICT & digital fluency, Expertise relevant to the specific role (e.g. in-depth, computer information systems, including micro-computer operating systems software, hardware and applications software and other office technology equipment), end-user computing configuration management; Emerging technologies, Expertise to evaluate and identify business and technical opportunities in emerging technologies including methodologies, tools, systems and applications (including  Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, Robotics, GIS Analytics, etc.); Cyber-security, Expertise specific to cyber-security principles, tools, systems and applications;   Project/Programme management, Identification of key-priorities, ability to structure work to meet deadlines and adjustment of workplan/resource allocation when needed; Programme management: overall management of portfolio of work (including PMO interaction) with expertise to identify dependencies or bottlenecks between projects, managing changes and risks; Agile ICT services, Use various agile methods, such as daily stand-ups, sprints and hackathons, to generate end products early on; User experience, Strong focus on the delivery of a positive and intuitive user experience, building on a proactive clarification of user needs and requirements;    4User technology enablement and support, Advanced configuration and endpoint management, digital mobile communication, seam IT monitoring and backup, incident response and endpoint management; DevOps, Expertise in continuous integration, configuration management, deployment automation, infrastructure orchestration and monitoring and analytics; System and Database Administration, Expertise in the provisioning, configuration, management, tuning and performance monitoring of systems and databases; Technical enablement of data analytics and data mining tools, Expertise in the design, development, deployment, maintenance and management of Data Warehouse, data visualization, data analysis, data mining and reporting tools; IT Vendor and Contract Management (incl. cloud),  Expertise in contract and vendor management of IT Software, hardware and services (including cloud);   Analytical skills, Outstanding  ability to analyse and synthesize qualitative and/or quantitative information from a variety of sources and filter out key insights and recommendations; Data Management, Data collection, cleaning, transformation and consolidation ; data-base architecture & development ; data presentation;  3Strategy implementation, Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisions; Client Orientation, Strong critical thinking combined with communication skills to liaise between the business and technologies to understand business problems and needs, document requirements and identify solutions;   Leadership, Group thought leader, sought out by others and providing mentorship and effective guidance to others; Ability to build trust, inside and outside the organization by acting as a role model for IFAD's core values and competencies, and to provide a clear sense of direction, mentorship and effective guidance to the team, strategizing the IFAD's goals, giving the vision, empowering the team and ensuring a positive environment for all; Change management, Role modelling, anticipation of key risks and conflicts and formulation of contingency plans/solutions, action-oriented; Planning, Know-how in the planning of human, financial and material management of IFAD resources; Financial data integrity and financial systems, know-how in systems interface control, core banking system management, data mining and analytics;   Budgeting, resource management, Know-how in budget administration and accounting, resource allocation and planning at divisional level;  Procurement, Know-how in the application of the procurement policies, rules and regulations applicable to IFAD HQ and/or Country Programmes/Projects, including for complex individual cases.  Other InformationApplicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.In accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.In the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in @ifad.orgThis position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level. This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Lead Regional Economist - P5

Panama, Panamá , Panama

Organizational SettingThis vacancy announcement is a re-advertisement. Previous applications will not be considered and candidates who have applied before should re-apply.The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation.The Programme Management Department (PMD), under the leadership of an Associate Vice-President, is responsible for the overall programme of loans and grants of the Fund and is composed of five (5) regional divisions and the Operational Policy and Results Division (OPR). The five regional divisions are: Asia and the Pacific (APR), East and Southern Africa (ESA), West and Central Africa (WCA), Near East, North Africa and Europe (NEN), and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), where this position is located.The Lead Regional Economist works under the overall strategic, policy and management guidance of the Associate Vice-President (AVP) and the direct supervision of the divisional Director. There is only one Lead Regional Economist in each regional division.Position specific:The position is located in Latin America and Caribbean Division (LAC) and supports the LAC team for the region. Job RoleThe Lead Regional Economist is an economic policy and strategy leader and knowledge builder in her/his region. Through crosscutting work, both in diversity of economic sub-specializations and across countries in the region and/or organization, the incumbent acts as a catalyst for the generation and use of economic data, analysis and knowledge within IFAD as well as with outside institutions. The incumbent is accountable for the delivery of IFAD services to the rural populations of the region by: (i)    providing timely, authoritative and analytical advice to staff in appropriate forms to enhance the quality, relevance and effectiveness of the division's work and instruments, i.e. Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes (COSOPs), country strategies, investment projects, grants, policy dialogue, knowledge management, etc.; and (ii)    developing and implementing strategies, systems and approaches to better integrate the different types of operations, allowing IFAD to enhance its value addition, scale of operations, and impact on poverty reduction in the region. Key Functions and ResultsThe Lead Regional Economist:1. Leads the implementation of the quality support process. Working with the Divisional Director, Country Directors and the Portfolio Advisor,  ensures key divisional outputs (including for new investments, COSOPs, country briefs, and completion reports) meet IFAD quality standards. Key areas of focus include economic and financial analysis of project design reports, institutional arrangements of new investments and integration of scaling up mechanisms. The incumbent leads or participates in the formulation, organization and management of mandated programmes of economic analysis, including macroeconomic modelling and forecasting, and the formulation of possible economic strategies, policies and actions for adoption by the international community. The incumbent leads or participates in the identification of new or emerging development issues of potential concern to the international community, particularly those of a regional or global nature, and designs and develops programmes to address them.2. In close collaboration with the Lead/Senior Portfolio Advisor, supports the divisional director in strategic planning and programme oversight activities, country assessments, and resource allocation analysis.3. Leads policy dialogue at the regional level with regional bodies and entities with the aim of improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and the rural poor, provides authoritative advice to CDs on the design of country-specific policy dialogue processes, designs and manages sub-regional, regional and international policy dialogue that is relevant, and adds value to the work of the region at the country level, including interactions with other funding and technical assistance multilaterals and bilaterals.4. Liaises with counterparts in other regional divisions and works closely with divisional focal points (gender and youth, environment, rural finance, farmers' organizations, etc.) to provide timely advice and information on key issues in country policy dialogue to country teams (with particular emphasis on decentralized staff) through Country Programme Management Team meetings, participation in missions, and in response to direct requests, including helping identify relevant expertise within and outside of IFAD.5. Identifies major opportunities for strategic collaboration with multi-lateral and bilateral donors to better leverage IFAD's loan and grant operations.6. Leads the design of annual grant work plans and manages the grant portfolio, including creating and managing processes to facilitate the uptake of lessons learned and sharing these experiences with IFAD, its partners and policy makers. The incumbent conceives plans and manages expert group meetings, seminars and similar consultations that contribute to the finalization of the work and divisional outputs. Provides direct substantive support on development issues to intergovernmental bodies and regional commissions by offering strategic advice, giving technical guidance, and assisting in developing a consensus. Represents the organizational unit at international, regional and national meetings on development issues.7. Provides substantial support in the conceptualization and design of investment projects, ensuring they adequately reflect economic trends and knowledge regarding investments which would yield the highest development impact in a selected setting.8. Develops and maintains an overview of regional trends and identifies and analyses crosscutting issues and results to generate inputs for strategic/programmatic documents and agendas at divisional and corporate levels, including medium-term plans, annual reports, IFAD communication materials, briefs, and presentations by IFAD senior management.9. Designs and manages an integrated Knowledge Management and South-South strategy and work plan, including the development of effective instruments by implementing a work program that covers analysis of macroeconomic trends and policy changes, including forecasting of key economic and social indicators and analysis of growth performance (including analysis of pro-poor growth policies). Prepares key inputs and works closely with the Portfolio Advisor on the overall preparation of the annual portfolio performance review report.10. Acts as a key member of staff for ensuring IFAD operations and country programmes meet the context and needs of each country, e.g. adapting programmes to fragile situations or conflict-affected states, setting and monitoring progress on performance indicators linked to graduation, etc.11. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: The Lead Regional Economist is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources, including People Management by supporting recruitment of technical specialists and technical leadership/capacity development, Resource Management by providing strategic and technical advice for programme development, and Knowledge and Content Management by ensuring that: (i) knowledge content within specialty/thematic areas is continuously updated and available through IFAD's intranet; (ii) best practices are continuously identified, documented and made available to clients and peers through the internet and Intranet; and (iii) appropriate and up-to-date information and learning tools are available.Position specific:The position is responsible for preparing and monitoring the implementation of the Regional Partnership and the Regional Replenishment Strategies. The Lead Regional Economist provides direction to staff under her/his supervision and supports their professional development, including: (i) support CDs with COSOP analytics, i.e. strategic fit between IFAD instruments, development finance flows and strategic partnerships for co-financing; (ii) support country teams with country strategic policy engagement, i.e. support articulation of a strategic policy agenda with clear objectives; and (iii) Quality assurance of the delivery of LAC PoLG IFAD12 and support to the articulation of transition scenarios.The LRE coordinates with the Global Engagement team of Global Engagement, Partnership and Resource Mobilization Division (GPR) on SSTC and KM related activities.  Key Performance IndicatorsAssignments require the provision of authoritative economic expertise and technical leadership at the regional level. Lead Regional Economists define, propose and develop complex new programmes or policies for the Fund and represent the position of their region in intergovernmental and inter-organizational economic fora. Innovation is required in the adaptation and development of research methods to evolving technical and programmatic contexts. Work at this level is considered substantially complex and of critical concern to the Fund, as it promotes the economic and social development of its Member States, fosters intra-regional integration, and promotes international cooperation.In particular, analytical and advisory work requires in-depth identification and consideration of a full range of factors relevant to the examination and discussion of programme problems and policies in the solution of methodological problems or in the formulation of economic policy proposals and project recommendations.Errors would normally cause policy and project decisions and advice to be based on inaccurate economic analysis or an inadequate range of programme considerations that may result in failure of a project or could mislead policy-makers or national governments, which would damage the credibility of the Fund and the intended beneficiaries of projects or policies.Position specific:Expert knowledge of economic situation of the countries in LAC region and provision of tailored solutions specific to country's need is required.  Working RelationshipsWorking relationships of Lead Regional Economists involve the provision of authoritative economic advice and the negotiation and resolution of problems that arise in mission planning, project appraisal or the preparation of studies and reports. They typically serve as the Fund's senior regional economic experts and exercise wide professional latitude in contacts in their field(s), providing economic leadership and methodological guidance to management, national governments, development partners and other.In intergovernmental bodies, expert groups and other meetings, the Lead Regional Economist provides high-level expertise and recommendations for policy formulation and official conclusions in a consultative and advisory capacity; The incumbent also provides information regarding the organization's policies, and act as the representative of the organization. Contacts are maintained to identify and evaluate emerging developments.Position specific:The incumbent supports the development of collaboration program with international organizations in the region. Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 2:Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains strategic partnerships internally and externallyCommunicating and negotiating - Acquires & uses a wide range of communication styles & skillsDemonstrating leadership - Leads by example; initiates and supports changeFocusing on clients - Contributes to a client-focused cultureLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Challenges, innovates & contributes to learning cultureManaging performance and developing staff - Manages wider teams with greater impact on others and on the organizationManaging time, resources and information - Coordinates wider use of time, information and/or resourcesProblem-solving and decision-making - Solves complex problems and makes decisions that have wider corporate impactStrategic thinking and organizational development - Staff in management and/or strategic leadership rolesTeam working - Fosters a cohesive team environmentEducation:Education includes Advanced university degree from an accredited institution listed on in Economics or related field is required (*):(*) Note:  For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in IFAD's Human Resources Implementing Procedures. Experience:At least ten (10) years progressively responsible experience in the field of economics with International Financial Institutions, international NGOs, rural development/financial institutions, foundations or government services.Knowledge of LAC regions an asset. Languages:English (4 - Excellent)Spanish (4 - Excellent)Desirable: French or ArabicSkills:Policy dialogue: Know-how in the effective dialogue with ministries of finance, explaining lending terms and providing advice for debt managementProject financial management: Excellent know-how in project financial management, e.g. internal controls, rural investments, project audit and funds flows(Development) economics: Know-how relevant to specific role as economist, e.g. development economics, macro/micro-economic analysis, conducting of economic research and applied econometrics, etc.Economic analysis: Know-how in Programme/Project economic analysisTopical expertise - Economists: Expertise relevant to the specific role (e.g. For ethics office assistant, procedures outlined in the Code of Conduct, Discipline and Anti-harassment provisions of applicable rules and guidelines)Advocacy: Know-how in advocacy, to maintain and promote constructive dialogue around IFAD's vision to external actorsIFAD governance & mandate: In depth knowledge of IFAD`s governance structure, mandate, strategic priorities and technical workAnalytical skills: Outstanding ability to analyse and synthesize qualitative and/or quantitative information from a variety of sources and filter out key insights and recommendationsData management: Data collection, cleaning, transformation and consolidation; data-base architecture & development; data presentationRisk management (e.g. reputational): Identification and assessment of potential liabilities and risks in IFAD's activities, particularly vis-à-vis third parties; ability to handle risks via contingency and mitigation strategiesStakeholder management: Strong alignment capabilities and consultation skills, building on effective interactions and relationships with different stakeholders (e.g. for the co-creation of communication material with member states) and ability to build and maintain a strong network (e.g. with journalists, media outlets, etc.)Planning: Know-how in the planning of human, financial and material management of IFAD resourcesCorporate approach: Ability to bring in corporate vision and priorities into one's area of work (e.g. budgeting going beyond simple budgetary considerations, taking into account strategic priorities)Project/Programme mgmt (incl. coordination, design, development): Know-how in Project design and evaluation Other InformationIFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in @ifad.orgIn accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.In the interest of making most cost effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.This position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level.This vacancy announcement is a re-advertisement. Previous applications will not be considered and candidates who have applied before may re-apply. This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Lead Planning and Organizational Development Specialist - P5

Italy, Lazio , Rome

Organizational SettingThe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The Office of Planning, Organizational Development and  Budgeting (POB), as a part of Corporate Services Support Group (CSSG), aims to strengthen IFAD's planning, organizational development and budgeting function and is responsible for ensuring a strong link between planning, change and organizational development, resource allocation, results monitoring and strategy. Within the context of the IFAD Strategic Framework, POB aligns medium-term priorities to the allocation of financial and human resources. POB is responsible for implementing and tracking results-based planning, organizational development and budgeting through this process. By leading these functions, POB helps IFAD think and act strategically to enhance performance, impact and value for money. POB works closely with different teams across IFAD on initiatives focused on strengthening the organizational culture, advancing change management, and fostering a positive work environment to support IFAD's efforts to maximize its institutional agility, resilience and adaptability. The key processes the division manages are:Strategically focused budget consultations, and timely communication of budget envelopes;Results-based planning and budgeting and enhanced systems to enable cost tracking at the activity and output levels;Consolidation of corporate planning functions through facilitation of a strategic prioritization process with the Executive Management Committee;Flexibility for budget holders to manage staff and non-staff budgets;Management of organizational development, positions and workforce planningStrategic advice on efficient result based budgeting and support to divisions in the decentralized contextThe Lead Planning and Organizational Development Specialist works under the supervision of the Division Director. Job RoleThe incumbent supports the creation of synergies, increased collaboration, and the enhancement of existing functional responsibilities relating to change delivery and organisational planning and development.  Within the incumbent's areas of responsibility, the Lead Planning and Organizational Development Specialist provides a holistic approach to medium term and annual planning that incorporates good organisational development practices which cascades from the organisation to departments and division. The incumbent at this level performs the full complexity range of work, including the analysis and approval of complex and/or precedent setting cases with the aim to ensure cohesion and synergy in the application of technical advice and provision of planning and organisational development support.       Key Functions and Results1.STRATEGIC ADVICE AND DEVELOPMENT: The incumbent provides expertise and support in the development and implementation of short, medium and long-term organizational strategies facilitating cross-departmental collaboration to identify outcomes and outputs that align with IFAD's priorities and the achievement of its rural development mandate. Accountabilities may include but are not limited to: (a) Providing IFAD management with up-to-date and evidence-based advice on the development and interpretation of relevant policy, institutional and technical matters; (b) Providing evidence-informed recommendations to IFAD management on developing, monitoring and implementing comprehensive work plans, in alignment with IFAD'' strategic objectives, commitments and priorities, incorporating both regular and supplementary funded programmes into a single IFAD planning framework; (c) Designing and developing a 3 year organisational plan of deliverables which shall cascade from organizational to departmental to divisional and individual; (d) Taking a lead role to ensure that outcomes and outputs are seamlessly integrated with budget preparation, resource allocation and subsequent monitoring processes through close collaboration with budget officers in POB; (e) Designing and developing key performance indicators that will enable evaluation of outputs and outcomes, results and impact; (f) Ensuring achieved organisational outcomes are linked to outputs which can be costed; 2. KNOWLEDGE ADVISORY LEADERSHIP: The incumbent enhances the development of viable and sustainable strategic policies and supports a solid and harmonised organisational planning environment through authoritative technical knowledge sharing. The incumbent will ensure access to the latest sources of knowledge and innovation, strengthen technical capacity and establish new knowledge and advisory partnerships; 3. PARTNERSHIP BUILDING AND OUTREACH ACTIVITIES: The incumbent develops and maintains a network of strategic partnerships  to support a harmonised and benchmarked integration of IFAD¿s corporate planning systems. Accountabilities may include, but not limited to: (a) Building partnerships with centers of excellence, complementary technical organizations and specialized departments of other development agencies as strategic partner; (b) Strengthening IFAD's representation and communication in policy processes (including representing IFAD at international, regional, inter-agency meetings, seminars and conferences); (c) Leading wider IFAD and Rome-based discussions on the development of sustainable and inclusive approaches to organisational planning as requested; 4. MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REPORTING: The  incumbent supports the Director in monitoring and corporate reporting activities. This includes coordinating and monitoring the annual organisational, departmental and divisional planning and reporting on their progress, including providing recommendations to management on potential mitigating actions to address perceived risks;5. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: The  incumbent is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources. Accountabilities may include but are not limited to: (a) Contributing to the supervision of key divisional corporate activities, overseeing relevant monitoring and evaluation activities, planning and allocating work assignments, coaching, mentoring and evaluating staff, and participating in recruitment, selection and training of new staff and in the development of training programs; (b) Contributing to the personnel and financial management of the work unit, including the development and implementation of work plans and budgets;6. CORPORATE ACTIVITIES: The Lead Planning and Organisational Development Specialist provides targeted advice for the development of corporate initiatives/instruments, policies, procedures, including leading corporate task forces as required, particularly relating to their area of technical expertise, including contributing to shaping organisational planning policies, IFAD position papers and technical working groups as required. Key Performance IndicatorsWork at this level is considered as substantially complex and of critical concern to the Fund. In particular, analytical and advisory work requires in-depth identification and consideration of a full range of factors relevant to the Funds organisational framework, strategic vision and policies and in the solution of methodological problems or in the formulation of policy proposals and recommendations. As a result, the specific KPIs will be determined at the start of each year.  Working RelationshipsThe work relationships of the Lead Planning and Organizational Development Specialist involves the provision of authoritative technical advice on policy, strategic planning and strategy development. The incumbent typically serves as the Fund's senior technical Specialist in the field of the specialization and exercises wide professional latitude in contacts in their field(s), providing technical leadership and methodological guidance to management and other relevant staff in the technical area of their area of expertise Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies - Level 2 Strategic thinking and organizational development: Strategic leadershipDemonstrating Leadership: Leads by example; initiates and supports changeLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating: Challenges, innovates and contributes to a learning cultureFocusing on clients: Contributes to a client-focused cultureProblem solving and decision making: Solves complex problems and makes decisions that have wider corporate impactManaging time, resources and information: Coordinates wider use of time, information and/or resourcesTeam Work: Fosters a cohesive team environmentCommunicating and negotiating: Acquires and uses a wide range of communication styles and skillsBuilding relationships and partnerships: Builds and maintains strategic partnerships internally and externallyManaging performance and developing staff: Manages staff and teams effectively Education: Level - Advanced* university degree from an accredited institution in a technically relevant area.Areas - Organizational development business administration (MBA), human resources management, finance, results-based planning and budget and related fields, etc Degree must be an accredited institution listed on*) Note: For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in the IFAD's Human Resources Implementing Procedures.Certifications: certifications in organizational development, organizational behavior, change management and related fields shall be considered an asset. Work experience: At least ten (10) years of progressively relevant responsible experience in the field of organisational development and strategic planningAt least five (5) years of relevant experience in a multi-cultural inter- governmental organization.Position-specific experience: Demonstration of technical skills in organizational planning and development and identification of innovative solutions to emerging issues.Skill in the implementation and coordination of strategic planning in the context of agricultural/rural development and interventions and identification of innovative solutions to emerging issues.Ability to share high level technical guidance/knowledge as well as to inspire more junior specialists in the development of viable organizational planning activities.Ability to share technical guidance/knowledge at the senior management and peer levels as well as to inspire more junior specialists and programme staff in the development of viable resource planning activities.Experience in international policy and strategic frameworks. Languages:Required English (4 - Excellent)  Asset: French, Spanish and/or Arabic Position-specific requirement: Good skills both in speaking and drafting high level strategic documents.  Skills: Job role specific Leadership, Group thought leader, sought out by others and providing mentorship and effective guidance to others; ability to build trust, inside and outside the organization by acting as a role model for IFAD's core values and competencies, and to provide a clear sense of direction, mentorship and effective guidance to the team, strategizing the IFAD's goals, giving the vision, empowering the team and ensuring a positive environment for all; Evidence-based policy, Know-how in the formulation of concrete and actionable policy recommendations based on hard evidence (going beyond simple data interpretation);Synthesis, Outstanding ability to synthesize and simplify complex technical information for a variety of (non-technical) audiences; Stakeholder Management, Strong alignment capabilities and consultation skills, building on effective interactions and relationships with different stakeholders (e.g. for the co-creation of communication material with member states) and ability to build and maintain a strong network (e.g. with journalists, media outlets, etc.); Strategy implementation, Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisions; Resources management, Know-how in the management of human, financial and material management of IFAD resources;Verbal communication, Clear, succinct and convincing verbal communication; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language;Written communication, Clear, succinct and convincing written communication in the language needed for specific role; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language (e.g. for drafting of position papers, briefings, etc.);Interpersonal skills, Ability to deal patiently and tactfully with others (e.g. visitors, clients, callers, etc.), including senior individuals (e.g. high-level meeting participants);Adaptability, Adaptability and flexibility when facing new or unexpected situations, and to specific constraints and circumstances and managing complex processes;Programme/Project development, management, Know-how in Programme/Project development, implementation, management; Risk management (e.g. reputational), Identification and assessment of potential liabilities and risks in IFAD's activities, particularly vis-à-vis third parties; ability to handle risks via contingency and mitigation strategies (e.g. reputational).Position specificStrategy expert, possessing detailed experience and knowledge in the analysis of results-based management processes with a capacity to assess issues of risk across a range of operational scenariosConfidentiality & Discretion; establishes self and division as trusted Specialist to internal stakeholders by maintaining high level of discretion and confidentiality in assignments; demonstrates sound judgement when dealing with sensitive and/or confidential matters; drives good governance and is a "Culture Carrier" demonstrating IFAD institutional conscience through their work.; Advocacy; ability to leverage IFAD knowledge and/or communication materials to maintain and promote constructive dialogue around IFAD¿s vision and strategic priorities to external actors. Other InformationApplicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.In accordance with IFAD¿s provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD¿s remuneration package, please visit IFAD¿s compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.In the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in @ifad.orgThis position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level. This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Chief, Documents and Language Services - P5

Italy, Lazio , Rome
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Organizational SettingThis position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level.The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The Office of the Secretary of IFAD (SEC) is composed of the Front Office, Documents and Languages Services (DLS), Governing Bodies Services (GBS), and the Conference and Meetings Services (CMS). The corresponding units work together in support of the Fund's institutional governance, organizing formal and informal sessions of IFAD's governing bodies, from the Governing Council to the Executive Board and subsidiary bodies, through the provision of a series of services and interactions ranging from official contact with Member States and potential Member States, provision of documentation for Governing Bodies in the four official languages of the Fund, organization of formal and informal governing body meetings and safeguarding multilingualism through the provision of translation and interpretation services.The Office of the Secretary of IFAD is responsible for the effective and efficient planning and organization of IFAD's Governing Body meetings as well as for establishing, building and effectively maintaining relations with IFAD's Member States and their representatives to the Governing Bodies. Documents and Language Services is responsible for all aspects related to documents editing and management, language services delivery and the implementation of relevant language tools and innovations. Specifically DLS ensures the provision of editing, translation and terminology in IFAD's four official languages (Arabic, English, French and Spanish), and, on request, the provision of language processing and interpretation of non-official languages, including sign language interpretation. It also sets the linguistic standards for the organization, and establishes and periodically revises editorial and translation policies and procedures for official documentation. In addition, the team is engaged in maintaining a state-of-the-art knowledge base of linguistic expertise in all official languages to ensure high-quality and cost-effective services. The team is also actively engaged in the identification, implementation and management of new digital tools to support language serives delivery, including computer translation and technology tools.The Chief, Documents and Language Services (DLS) works under the direct supervision of the Secretary of IFAD. Job RoleThe incumbent has the principal responsibility to lead the delivery of highest editorial and liguistics standards of all IFAD documentation and related language services including editing, translation terminology and interpretation. They are also responsible for the overall planning of all aspects related to documentation to  servicing of formal and informal meetings of IFAD's Governing Bodies and for leading and directing the team of language professionals and assistants working in the four official languages of IFAD: Arabic, English, French and Spanish. They will also be responsible for identifying, implementing and managing the use new digital tools to support language services delivery, including computer translation and technology tools, while assuring quality output within a restricted financial envelope. Key Functions and Results1. STRATEGIC PLANNING AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: The Chief, Documents and Language Services will(a) ensure DLS acts as a proactive unit in the identification and implementation of strategic changes, building the reputation and image of a strategic and innovative partner;(b) be responsible for monitoring ongoing practices and designing, developing and executing changes in DLS in line with IFAD's evolving corporate strategies and market best practices;(c) provide guidance and consultation to the Director to ensure changes in DLS are part of an overall SEC strategy and activities;(d) conduct analysis to assess the impact of change in DLS;(e) identify areas of high and low results through data analytics, proper benchmarking against other IFIs and International organizations.The Chief, Documents and Language Services is responsible for facilitating the exchange and dissemination of information relevant to IFAD's work and mandate. They coordinate and support the implementation of these activities for users and clients, both internal and external, by organizing and managing editorial and language serives to issue documents in the four IFAD official languages, i.e. Arabic, English, French and Spanish. They play a key role in the exchange of information between IFAD and Member States with regard to IFAD's commitment to multiligualism by ensuring the highest degree of efficiency and effectiveness in the delievery and management of documents and language services. 2. GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF DOCUMENTS AND LANGUAGE SERVICES: The Chief, Documents and Language Services has the principal responsibility for all aspects related to documents editing and management, language services delivery and the implementation of relevant language tools and innovations to service formal and informal meetings of IFAD's governing bodies and for directing and leading DLS. This includes, but is not limited to:(a) Analyse, modify and update role, responsibilities and activities of the unit ensuring alignment of DLS with IFAD's evolving corporate strategic objective;(b) mainstream and implement changes in DLS;(c) Identify, catalyse and lead future changes initiatives in DLS;(d) Lead and manage DLS, ensuring top performance, maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness;(e) Develop the work programme of these units, including  the detailed  assignment  and review of priorities. Manage the implementation of all change and development-related plans agreed for the units; review, refine and amend these plans as necessary;(f) Ensure that suitable candidates are identified and tested as viable external collaborators.  Build and develop virtual teams of language staff at all levels;(g) Set standards and establish quality assurance mechanisms fully utilizing the skills and roles of the language staff. Develop and monitor the effectiveness of operational procedures, ensuring that standards of efficiency, quality and timeliness are maintained in the execution of activities undertaken;(h) Drive forward the development of information technology. Identify and incorporate changes to current work methods to better address workload demands;(i) Develop  a strong professional relationship with colleagues inside and outside the Organization;(j) Develop and strengthen technical collaboration, exchange of experience and methodological approaches with other United Nations agencies and intergovernmental organizations;(k) Keep under constant review the need for change and development of DLS, making recommendations for, and managing the implementation of, improvements as appropriate. 3. MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW DIGITAL TOOLS TO SUPPORT LANGUAGE SERVICES DELIVERY, INCLUDING COMUTER-ASSISTED TRANSLATION AND TECHNOLOGY TOOLS: The Chief, Documents and Language Services (DLS) keeps abrest of developments in new digital tools to support language services delivery and identfies and manages the implementation of new digital tools to ensure high-quality and cost-effective language services delivery.4. REPORTING AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: The Chief, Documents and Language Services, supports the Director in monitoring the Divisional Management Plan, the Divisional Mid-Term Plan and the budgetary resources under their purview.  They also perform other monitoring and reporting activities to enhance the Division's performance and facilitate the strategic decision-making process. This includes but is not limited to:(a) Identify areas of high and low results through data analytics, proper benchmarking against other IFIs and International organizations;(b) Outline a roadmap for the short- and long–term management of activities and changes, related to IFAD's documents and language services;(c) Monitor and report on divisional and  corporate  key  performance  indicators,  analysing  trends, identifying changes required, mitigating actions to be taken and making strategic recommendations;(d) Develop the annual budget for DLS and manage the effective use of the funds allocated;(e) Proactively support the Secretary of IFAD in strategic planning and oversight activities and resource allocation analysis;(f) Liaise with  documents and language services of siste organizations and IFIs with a view to identifying  best  practices  and  opportunities for streamlining and enhancing  efficiency and effectiveness of the services. 5. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: The Chief, Documents and Language Services is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources and assumes management responsibility for the operations of Documents and Language Services in terms of human and financial resources, ensuring conformity with defined outcomes and objectives. This includes(a) People management through recruitment, performance and career management of staff while meeting the needs of IFAD. Lead, manage and motivate staff, evaluating performance, mentoring, coaching and ensuring professional development and that staff members' competencies are developed. Oversee and ensure the use of human resources; assess their adequacy; and recommend changes, if and as required, to the Secretary of IFAD.(b) Resource management by  providing strategic and  technical advice and  ensuring that  best  practices  are continuously identified, documented and made available to colleagues.(c) Information technology management by leveraging process management functionality for improved business results, simplification of transaction and reporting processes and improved client service. Key Performance IndicatorsThe impact of this role is both conceptual and managerial. The actions of the incumbent include delivering results that affect a core corporate services to IFAD's governing bodies and are  crucial to IFAD as a whole. Their actions are recognized throughout the organization and establish corporate standards.The key performance indicators for incumbent includes leadership in analysis and development of these services, strategic recommendations of a managerial nature and decisions on major operational questions concerning the approach to the delivery of the services provided by DLS. Working RelationshipsThe incumbent is focused on serving as a credible and innovating voice in the Fund providing authoritative technical expertise and recommendations on the delivery of core corporate services. They are required to liaise regularly with specialized networks of IFIs and UN organizations at the global level (including RBAs) and international associations representing interpreters and language services providers for updates, sharing of knowledge and expertise and negotiations on working and contractual conditions. Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies - Level 2•    Strategic thinking and organizational development: Strategic leadership•    Demonstrating Leadership: Leads by example; initiates and supports change•    Learning, sharing knowledge and innovating: Challenges, innovates and contributes to a learning culture•    Focusing on clients: Contributes to a client-focused culture•    Problem solving and decision making: Solves complex problems and makes decisions that have wider corporate impact•    Managing time, resources and information: Coordinates wider use of time, information and/or resources•    Team Work: Fosters a cohesive team environment•    Communicating and negotiating: Acquires and uses a wide range of communication styles and skills•    Building relationships and partnerships: Builds and maintains strategic partnerships internally and externally•    Managing performance and developing staff: Manages staff and teams effectively Education: •    Level – Advanced university degree from an accredited institution in a technically relevant area. The advanced university degree may be substituted by a relevant first university degree and a specialized professional certification (e.g., membership in AITC or AIIC).Areas - Linguistics, communications, language studies, business or public administration, social sciences or related fieldsDegree must be an accredited institution listed on . Work experience: •    At least ten (10) years of progressively responsible professional experience.•    Three (3) years experience in leading  management operations in a multi-lateral development bank or international financial institution, investment bank or United Nations organization providing support on a global scope;•    Position-specific experience:  Professional experience in managing support to Governing Bodies, with a particular focus of organizing documentation for multilateral meetings, conference and seminars, and in language services. Proven experience in planning, managing human and financial resources as well as organizational change. Knowledge of Computer-Assisted-Translation tools and other related technologies is highly desirable.•    Experience in handling multiple tasks with tight deadlines and often changing/conflicting priorities•    Proven negotiation skills with different clients and within different contexts •    Experience with technological tools related to Language Services  Languages: •    Required English (4 – Excellent) •    Desirable: French, Spanish, or Arabic (3 – Good) •    Position-specific requirement: •     Skills: Job role specific •    Leadership: Group thought leader, sought out by others and providing mentorship and effective guidance to others; Ability to build trust, inside and outside the organization by acting as a role model for IFAD's core values and competencies, and to provide a clear sense of direction, mentorship and effective guidance to the team, strategizing the IFAD's goals, giving the vision, empowering the team and ensuring a positive environment for all; 4•    Languages,  Strong technical know-how and professional expertise related to Arabic, English, French, Spanish translation of official written documents and correspondence on a wide variety of topics, accurately, consistently and faithfully to the spirit of the original meaning and style; 4 •    Conferences management, Know-how in conference management, including optimal utilization of human and physical resources; 4•    UN and IFI documentation & processes, Knowledge of the relevant policies, rules, regulations and guidelines on document processing and distribution within the UN and other IFIs; 4•    IFAD governance & mandate: In depth knowledge of IFAD`s governance structure, mandate, strategic priorities and technical work; 3 •    Political acumen, Ability to conduct sound political analysis and understand complex environments, providing options and advice 4;•    Change management, Role modelling, anticipation of key risks and conflicts and formulation of contingency plans/solutions, action-oriented 4; •    Stakeholder management: Strong alignment capabilities and consultation skills, building on effective interactions and relationships with different stakeholders (e.g. for the co-creation of communication material with member states) and ability to build and maintain a strong network (e.g. with journalists, media outlets, etc.);4 •    Advocacy, Ability to leverage IFAD knowledge and/or communication materials to maintain and promote constructive dialogue around IFAD's vision and strategic priorities to external actors 4;•    Policy dialogue, Know-how in the representation of IFAD as a trusted and strategic partner; effective consultations with IFAD counterparts - line ministries and governmental bodies at all administrative levels, donors, civil society 4;•    Confidentiality and Discretion, Establishes self and division as trusted advisor to internal stakeholders by maintaining high level of discretion and confidentiality in assignments; demonstrates sound judgement when dealing with sensitive and/or confidential matters; drives good governance and is a "Culture Carrier" demonstrating IFAD institutional conscience through 4; •    Client orientation, Strong critical thinking combined with communication skills to liaise between the business and technologies to understand business problems and needs, document requirements and identify solutions; 4        •    Risk management (e.g. reputational), Identification and assessment of potential liabilities and risks in IFAD's activities, particularly vis-à-vis third parties; ability to handle risks via contingency and mitigation strategies;  (e.g. reputational) 4; •    Programme/Project development, management, Know-how in Programme/Project development, implementation, management 4•    Written communication: Clear, succinct and convincing written communication in the language neededfor specific role; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language (e.g. for drafting of position papers, briefings, etc.);4•    Verbal communication, Clear, succinct and convincing verbal communication; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language; 4. Other InformationThis position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level.Applicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse. ; accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful. This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Security Officer (Surge) - P3

Italy, Lazio , Rome
Nonprofit/Community/Social Services/International Cooperation

Organizational SettingThe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The Corporate Services Department (CSD), led by the Associate Vice-President, CSD, provides IFAD with the human resources, administrative services, safety and security and information technology resources required to allow IFAD to meet its objectives of enabling rural people to overcome poverty. The work of the CSD is undertaken by three divisions (i) Human Resources Division (HRD) (ii) Administrative Services Division (ADM) and (iii) Information and Communication Technology Division (ICT) and three units: (a) Front Office CSD (b) Field Support Unit and (c) Medical Services Unit. The Administrative Services Division (ADM) provides a series of high-quality critical customer-oriented, sustainable, timely and efficient operational support and administrative services to clients worldwide to satisfy current and future corporate needs in support of IFAD's mandate and mission and in close collaboration with our internal and external partners. The division supports the Organization's core activities at HQ and IFAD Country Offices (ICOs) and facilitates day-to-day business operations in line with internationally accepted best practices. This includes the provision of sustainable, customer-oriented, cost-effective and efficient administrative services. ADM's services encompass Security and Business Continuity, Facilities Management, Travel and Visa, Privileges and Immunities, Procurement, Insurance, Shipping, Asset and Inventory Management, Records Management and Archives, Mail Distribution, as well as greening activities.The incumbent works under the overall strategic, policy and management guidance of Director, Administrative Services Division, under the direct supervision of the Senior Security Officer, and as applicable, as an advisor to the respective Regional Director. Job RoleThe Security Officer is a seasoned professional in their field of work with extensive, in-depth experience in IFAD or similar UN and/or IFIs. As an experienced professional,the Security Officer has a complete understanding of the subject-matter area in the context of the Fund¿s programmes, the Security Officer has the capacity to adapt policies, approaches, models and methodologies to meet emerging needs and to establish the continuing relevance of the team¿s capacity to provide technically competent operational/administrative services support to client departments across the Fund.The Security Officer works independently in the performance of the full range of complex security activities which involves planning, developing and implementing activities.Position Specific: The Security Officer (Surge) :Supports the coordination of IFAD security operations in the assigned region and other countries as may be required;The incumbent will support the development and adaptation of existing security policies, guidelines and standard operating procedures; Represents IFAD on security issues as necessary, participating in joint activities with other UN and/or IFIs agencies as required. Key Functions and Results1.SECURITY ADVICE: The Security Officer advises the Senior Security Officer, the Director, ADM and the relevant Regional Director on all aspects related to the safety and security of IFAD personnel, their eligible family members as well as premises, assets, operations and supports the Senior Security Officer in regional security operations. Within delegated authority advise and assist the Regional Division Directors, IFAD Country Respresentatives, Country Directors and Heads of Multi-Country Offices and IFAD business units on all safety and security matters, including, but not limited to response to critical security incidents and emergencies as required.2. SECURITY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, ADVISORIES AND ALERTS:  The Security Officer ensures that the Senior Security Officer, Director, ADM and IFAD personnel are kept regularly updated in a timely manner on security developments, providing briefings and reports when required; the incumbent ensures that all IFAD personnel have access to and receive timely security training and updates, alerts and warnings when the security situation warrants it.3. SECURITY RISK MANAGEMENT/REPORTING: The Security Officer:supports the monitoring and implementation of IFAD and the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS) policies and procedures on safety and security; oversees adherence of IFAD personnel to all applicable security training requirements, policies and procedures, including but not limited to Security Risk Management and emergency security plans, promoting understanding and support for security requirements; within delegated authority conducts and/or oversees regular missions to ICOs and IFAD project areas to assess prevailing local security conditions, conducts Security Risk Assessments and makes recommendations aimed at improving the safety and security of staff and assets; assists programme managers to, inter alia, ensures compliance with security standards and requirements, reviews and revises IFAD operational plans vis-à-vis security; introduces analytical reports on changes in the security environment and threat level, drafts situation reports, maintains statistics of security incidents to staff and property and ensures proper follow-up to security incidents to staff and property; supports IFAD country representatives  with  their participation in the Security Management Team and UNCT, as applicable;monitors Local Cost Shared Security Budgets (LCSSBs) regionally, to ensure IFAD¿s contribution is in accordance with IFAD personnel figures and expenses;serves as a member or alternate member, as applicable, of the relevant Security Management networks;collaborates with all internal stakeholders including Regional Front offices, Corporate Services Managers  and other IFAD personnel as necessary. 4. BUSINESS CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT PLAN COORDINATION: The Security Officer supports coordination of Business Continuity activities in support of Business Continuity Management  in order to ensure the preparedness of all elements of the emergency procedures in IFAD and raising staff awareness in accordance with the IFAD Business Continuity Management System. This includes testing, exercising and enhancing BC Plans. The Security Officer supports the maintenance of IFAD security compliance standards, emergency communications system and provision of advice to Country Representatives  for the selection of appropriate equipment for security (vehicles, telecommunications equipment, PPE, etc.). 5. SECURITY ADVOCATE: The Security Officer:provides operational analyses related to safety and security threats/risks posed to IFAD personnel, operations, premises and field assets, providing security management and personnel with the necessary guidance and mitigation measures;liaises and coordinates security and safety operations with UNSMS and IFIs Security personnel and host country agencies regionally. Develops, negotiates and implements safe and secure access strategies to enable IFAD teams to perform their mission(s); acts as Alternate Security Focal Point and attends meetings of UNSMS working groups security cell, SAG for duty station country, as and when required;conducts and/or oversees safety/security assessments of IFAD operations in high-risk environments to ensure compliance with relevant policies and procedures;makes appropriate recommendations to strengthen IFAD Safety and Security procedures and address non-compliance issues;supports incidents involving IFAD personnel and/or the Fund¿s assets and provide the necessary recommendations.6.SECURITY TRAINING:  The Security Officer facilitates the provision of security training, such as security induction programme (SIP), SSAFE, WSAT, etc. and briefings to all personnel of the Fund.7. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: The Security Officer is accountable  for  integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources, where applicable. This may include:People Management through recruitment, performance and career management of staff as well as learning management establishing learning plans and ensuring staff supervised meet their development needs while meeting the needs of IFAD; Resource Management by providing data inputs into the unit budget preparation exercises; Knowledge and Content  Management  by  ensuring  (1)  knowledge  content  within  functional  area  is  continuously  updated  and available to colleagues and clients (2) best practices are continuously identified, documented and distributed and (3) appropriate and up-to-date information and learning tools are available to the Fund's managers, supervisors and staff; and Information Technology Management through leveraging ERP functionality for improved business results, simplification of transaction and reporting processes and improved client services.  Key Performance IndicatorsRecognized in the field of work internal and external to the Fund, the impact of work performed by the Security Officer is innovative and the incumbent of the post is the originator of new ideas and new approaches that impact directly on the field of work within the Fund as well as indirectly on the profession within the greater scope of external partnerships.Security Officers perform work that can be characterized as authoritative and requiring expertise in their field of work; they typically function as a Team Leader or Unit Head and supervise a team of specialists and analysts in the provision of corporate level services considered as intricate in terms of the policies, rules and regulations applied. They lead one occupational specialization at the corporate level with accountability for policy, procedures and administration or for managing a range of occupations within the field of work in "one-stop" service to assigned client base.Staff engagement and client satisfaction with services provided by the section is documented by relevant surveys. Working RelationshipsRepresentational functions of the Security Officer primarily concern the provision of authoritative advice to IFAD's Management in the development of new or modified policies and practices within their area of specialization. Recommendations for solutions to problems involve discussion with management, staff and other specialists.  The advice and recommendations provided are normally considered technically accurate and are provided to senior managers inside and outside the Division or Unit.  External contacts include: counterparts in Host Country Security apparatus, other United Nations organizations in order to exchange information on approaches to security services problems, etc. and inter-agency groups such as UNDSS to provide information on the Fund's security policies and practices and negotiate the adoption of common system practices. Work relationships are established and maintained with security counterparts including senior government, UN and IFI security officials. Outside interaction is significant but typically limited to the area of expertise; within delegated authority, maintains continuous liaison with the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS), other Agencies Funds Programmes and Organizations security actors to promote UN Security Management System policies and procedures in all IFAD operations.  Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 1:Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains effective working relationshipsCommunicating and negotiating - Communicates effectively; creates understanding between self and othersDemonstrating leadership - Personal leadership and attitude to changeFocusing on clients - Focuses on clientsLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Continuously seeks to learn, shares knowledge & innovatesManaging performance and developing staffManaging time, resources and information - Manages own time, information and resources effectivelyProblem-solving and decision-making - Demonstrates sound problem-solving and decision-making abilityStrategic thinking and organizational development - Personal influenceTeam working - Contributes effectively to the teamEducation:Advanced* university degree from an accredited institution. Areas -  security management, military science, law enforcement, disaster or emergency management, public administration, social/political science or related area. A Bachelors degree or similar level qualification from a Police/MiIitary Academy in combination with an additional 4 years relevant experience will also be considered in lieu of an advanced university degree. Degree must be an accredited institution listed on (*) Note: For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in the IFAD's Human Resources Implementing Procedures.The following certifications are highly desirable: Security Certification Programme (SCP)Safe and Secure Approaches in Field Environment (SSAFE) Trainer Women Security Awareness Training (WSAT) Trainer Hostage incident Management (HIM)Security Analysis Process and Practice (SAPP)The following certifications are an asset: Security Sector Internationally recognized certifications in the areas of: Business Continuity Management e.g. CBCI/DBCIPhysical Security e.g. ASIS Physical Security Professional (PSP) Enterprise Risk ManagementExperience:At least five (5) – years of progressively responsible experience in corporate security management, preferably in a multi-cultural organization or national organization providing security services management and support on a global scale.Professional Security Management experience and training certification in the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS) as well as field experience in developing countries are assets. Ability to research and apply best practices/lessons learned and develop regulations, rules and standard operating procedures to meet evolving Fund security requirements.Languages:Required English (4 – Excellent) Asset: Spanish and/or Arabic and/or French (3-Good) Skills:Security: Know-how in security management and measures;Stakeholder management: Strong alignment capabilities and consultation skills, building on effective interactions and relationships with different stakeholders (e.g. for the co-creation of communication material with member states) and ability to build and maintain a strong network (e.g. with journalists, media outlets, etc.);Strategy implementation: Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisions;Performance management: Know-how in managing performance so that staff supervised deliver on the agreed objectives and meet their development needs while meeting the needs of IFAD. Is proficient in establishing clear performance goals (operational and behavioural) and learning plans as well as in evaluating the performance of staff against the set goals;Adaptability: Adaptability and flexibility when facing new or unexpected situations, and to specific constraints and circumstances and managing complex processes;Change management: Role modelling, anticipation of key risks & conflicts and formulation of contingency plans/solutions, action-oriented;Initiative and good judgment: High sense of proactive initiative-taking and good judgement (including on security matters);Problem solving: Strong systemic and structured thinking, ability to identify and dissect problems into components and formulate a comprehensive set of creative viable and sustainable solutions and strategies. Other InformationApplicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.In accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.In the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Security Officer (Regional) - P3

Egypt, Cairo , Cairo

Organizational SettingThe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The Corporate Services Department (CSD), led by the Associate Vice-President, CSD, provides IFAD with the human resources, administrative services, safety and security and information technology resources required to allow IFAD to meet its objectives of enabling rural people to overcome poverty. The work of the CSD is undertaken by three divisions (i) Human Resources Division (HRD) (ii) Administrative Services Division (ADM) and (iii) Information and Communication Technology Division (ICT) and three units: (a) Front Office CSD (b) Field Support Unit and (c) Medical Services Unit. The Administrative Services Division (ADM) provides a series of high-quality critical customer-oriented, sustainable, timely and efficient operational support and administrative services to clients worldwide to satisfy current and future corporate needs in support of IFAD's mandate and mission and in close collaboration with our internal and external partners. The division supports the Organization's core activities at HQ and IFAD Country Offices (ICOs) and facilitates day-to-day business operations in line with internationally accepted best practices. This includes the provision of sustainable, customer-oriented, cost-effective and efficient administrative services. ADM's services encompass Security and Business Continuity, Facilities Management, Travel and Visa, Privileges and Immunities, Procurement, Insurance, Shipping, Asset and Inventory Management, Records Management and Archives, Mail Distribution, as well as greening activities.The incumbent works under the overall strategic, policy and management guidance of the Director, Administrative Services Division (ADM), under the direct supervision of the Senior Security Officer, and as applicable, as an advisor on security to the respective Regional Director of the assigned region (Near East, Northern Africa and Europe) and/or other regions/countries as may be required. Job RoleThe Security Officer (Regional) is a seasoned professional in their field of work with extensive, in-depth experience in IFAD or similar UN and/or IFIs. As an experienced professional,the Security Officer (Regional) has a complete understanding of the subject-matter area in the context of the Fund's programmes, the Security Officer has the capacity to adapt policies, approaches, models and methodologies to meet emerging needs and to establish the continuing relevance of the team's capacity to provide technically competent operational/administrative services support to client departments across the Fund.The Security Officer (Regional) works independently in the performance of the full range of complex security activities which involves planning, developing and implementing activities.The Security Officer (Regional):Supports the coordination of IFAD security operations in the assigned region (Near East, Northern Africa and Europe) and/or other regions/countries as may be required;The incumbent will support the development and adaptation of existing security policies, guidelines and standard operating procedures; Represents IFAD on security issues as necessary, participating in joint activities with other UN and/or IFIs agencies as required. Key Functions and Results1.SECURITY ADVICE: The Security Officer (Regional) advises the Senior Security Officer, the Director, ADM and the relevant Regional Director on all aspects related to the safety and security of IFAD personnel, their eligible family members as well as premises, assets, operations and supports the Senior Security Officer in regional security operations. Within delegated authority advise and assist the Regional Division Directors, IFAD Country Respresentatives, Country Directors and Heads of Multi-Country Offices and IFAD business units on all safety and security matters, including, but not limited to response to critical security incidents and emergencies as required.2. SECURITY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, ADVISORIES AND ALERTS:  The Security Officer (Regional) ensures that the Senior Security Officer, Director, ADM and IFAD personnel are kept regularly updated in a timely manner on security developments, providing briefings and reports when required; The incumbent ensures that all IFAD personnel have access to and receive timely security training and updates, alerts and warnings when the security situation warrants it.3. SECURITY RISK MANAGEMENT/REPORTING: The Security Officer (Regional):supports the monitoring and implementation of IFAD and the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS) policies and procedures on safety and security; oversees adherence of IFAD personnel to all applicable security training requirements, policies and procedures, including but not limited to Security Risk Management and emergency security plans, promoting understanding and support for security requirements;within delegated authority conducts and/or oversees regular missions to ICOs and IFAD project areas to assess prevailing local security conditions, conducts Security Risk Assessments and makes recommendations aimed at improving the safety and security of staff and assets; assists programme managers to, inter alia, ensures compliance with security standards and requirements, reviews and revises IFAD operational plans vis-à-vis security;introduces analytical reports on changes in the security environment and threat level, drafts situation reports, maintains statistics of security incidents to staff and property and ensures proper follow-up to security incidents to staff and property; supports IFAD country representatives  with  their participation in the Security Management Team and UNCT, as applicable;monitors Local Cost Shared Security Budgets (LCSSBs) regionally, to ensure IFAD's contribution is in accordance with IFAD personnel figures and expenses;serves as a member or alternate member, as applicable, of the relevant Security Management networks;collaborates with all internal stakeholders including Regional Front offices, Corporate Services Managers  and other IFAD personnel as necessary. 4. BUSINESS CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT PLAN COORDINATION: The Security Officer (Regional) supports coordination of Business Continuity activities in support of Business Continuity Management  in order to ensure the preparedness of all elements of the emergency procedures in IFAD and raising staff awareness in accordance with the IFAD Business Continuity Management System. This includes testing, exercising and ehancing BC Plans. The Security Officer (Regional) supports the maintenance of IFAD security compliance standards, emergency communications system and provision of advice to Country Representatives  for the selection of appropriate equipment for security (vehicles, telecommunications equipment, PPE, etc.). 5. SECURITY ADVOCATE: The Security Officer (Regional):provides operational analyses related to safety and security threats/risks posed to IFAD personnel, operations, premises and field assets, providing security management and personnel with the necessary guidance and mitigation measures;liaises and coordinates security and safety operations with UNSMS and IFIs Security personnel and host country agencies regionally. Develops, negotiates and implements safe and secure access strategies to enable IFAD teams to perform their mission(s); acts as Alternate Security Focal Point and attends meetings of UNSMS working groups security cell, SAG for duty station country, as and when required;conducts and/or oversees safety/security assessments of IFAD operations in high-risk environments to ensure compliance with relevant policies and procedures;makes appropriate recommendations to strengthen IFAD Safety and Security procedures and address non-compliance issues;supports incidents involving IFAD personnel and/or the Fund's assets and provide the necessary recommendations.6.SECURITY TRAINING:  The Security Officer (Regional) facilitates the provision of security training, such as security induction programme (SIP), SSAFE, WSAT, etc. and briefings to all personnel of the Fund.7. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: The Security Officer (Regional) is accountable  for  integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources, where applicable. This may include:People Management through recruitment, performance and career management of staff as well as learning management establishing learning plans and ensuring staff supervised meet their development needs while meeting the needs of IFAD; Resource Management by providing data inputs into the unit budget preparation exercises; Knowledge and Content  Management  by  ensuring  (1)  knowledge  content  within  functional  area  is  continuously  updated  and available to colleagues and clients (2) best practices are continuously identified, documented and distributed and (3) appropriate and up-to-date information and learning tools are available to the Fund's managers, supervisors and staff; and Information Technology Management through leveraging ERP functionality for improved business results, simplification of transaction and reporting processes and improved client services.  Key Performance IndicatorsRecognized in the field of work internal and external to the Fund, the impact of work performed by the Security Officer is innovative and the incumbent of the post is the originator of new ideas and new approaches that impact directly on the field of work within the Fund as well as indirectly on the profession within the greater scope of external partnerships.Security Officers perform work that can be characterized as authoritative and requiring expertise in their field of work; they typically function as a Team Leader or Unit Head and supervise a team of specialists and analysts in the provision of corporate level services considered as intricate in terms of the policies, rules and regulations applied. They lead one occupational specialization at the corporate level with accountability for policy, procedures and administration or for managing a range of occupations within the field of work in "one-stop" service to assigned client base.Staff engagement and client satisfaction with services provided by the section is documented by relevant surveys. Working RelationshipsRepresentational functions of the Security Officer (Regional) primarily concern the provision of authoritative advice to IFAD's Management in the development of new or modified policies and practices within their area of specialization. Recommendations for solutions to problems involve discussion with management, staff and other specialists.  The advice and recommendations provided are normally considered technically accurate and are provided to senior managers inside and outside the Division or Unit.  External contacts include: counterparts in Host Country Security apparatus, other United Nations organizations in order to exchange information on approaches to security services problems, etc. and inter-agency groups such as UNDSS to provide information on the Fund's security policies and practices and negotiate the adoption of common system practices. Work relationships are established and maintained with security counterparts including senior government, UN and IFI security officials. The outside interaction is significant but typically limited to the area of expertise; within delegated authority maintains continuous liaison with the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS), other Agencies Funds Programmes and Organizations security actors to promote UN Security Management System policies and procedures in all IFAD operations.  Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 1:Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains effective working relationshipsCommunicating and negotiating - Communicates effectively; creates understanding between self and othersDemonstrating leadership - Personal leadership and attitude to changeFocusing on clients - Focuses on clientsLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Continuously seeks to learn, shares knowledge & innovatesManaging performance and developing staff Managing time, resources and information - Manages own time, information and resources effectivelyProblem-solving and decision-making - Demonstrates sound problem-solving and decision-making abilityStrategic thinking and organizational development - Personal influenceTeam working - Contributes effectively to the teamEducation:Advanced university degree from an accredited institution. Areas - security management, military science, law enforcement, disaster or emergency management, public administration, social/political science or related area. A Bachelors degree or similar level qualification from a Police/MiIitary Academy in combination with an additional 4 years relevant experience will also be considered in lieu of an advanced university degree. Degree must be an accredited institution listed on (*) Note: For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in the IFAD's Human Resources Implementing Procedures.The following certifications are highly desirable: Security Certification Programme (SCP)Safe and Secure Approaches in Field Environment (SSAFE) Trainer Women Security Awareness Training (WSAT) Trainer Hostage incident Management (HIM)Security Analysis Process and Practice (SAPP)The following certifications are an asset:Security Sector Internationally recognized certifications in the subjects areas of: Business Continuity Management e.g. CBCI/DBCIPhysical Security e.g. ASIS Physical Security Professional (PSP) Enterprise Risk ManagementExperience:At least five (5) – years of progressively responsible experience in corporate security management, preferably in a multi-cultural organization or national organization providing security services management and support on an International scale;Professional Security Management experience and training certification in the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS) as well as field experience in developing countries are assets. Ability to research and apply best practices/lessons learned and develop regulations, rules and standard operating procedures to meet evolving Fund security requirements.Languages:English (4 - Excellent)Asset: Arabic (3 – good) Skills:Security: Know-how in security management and measures;Stakeholder management: Strong alignment capabilities and consultation skills, building on effective interactions and relationships with different stakeholders (e.g. for the co-creation of communication material with member states) and ability to build and maintain a strong network (e.g. with journalists, media outlets, etc.);Strategy implementation: Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisions;Adaptability: Adaptability and flexibility when facing new or unexpected situations, and to specific constraints and circumstances and managing complex processes;Change management: Role modelling, anticipation of key risks & conflicts and formulation of contingency plans/solutions, action-oriented;Initiative and good judgment: High sense of proactive initiative-taking and good judgement (including on security matters);Problem solving: Strong systemic and structured thinking, ability to identify and dissect problems into components and formulate a comprehensive set of creative viable and sustainable solutions and strategies;Performance Management, Know-how in managing performance so that staff supervised deliver on the agreed objectives and meet their development needs while meeting the needs of IFAD.  Is proficient in establishing clear performance goals (operational and behavioural) and learning plans as well as in evaluating the performance of staff against the set goals. Other InformationApplicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.In accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.In the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Security Officer (Regional) - P3

Ivory Coast, Abidjan , Abidjan

Organizational SettingThe International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The Corporate Services Department (CSD), led by the Associate Vice-President, CSD, provides IFAD with the human resources, administrative services, safety and security and information technology resources required to allow IFAD to meet its objectives of enabling rural people to overcome poverty. The work of the CSD is undertaken by three divisions (i) Human Resources Division (HRD) (ii) Administrative Services Division (ADM) and (iii) Information and Communication Technology Division (ICT) and three units: (a) Front Office CSD (b) Field Support Unit and (c) Medical Services Unit. The Administrative Services Division (ADM) provides a series of high-quality critical customer-oriented, sustainable, timely and efficient operational support and administrative services to clients worldwide to satisfy current and future corporate needs in support of IFAD's mandate and mission and in close collaboration with our internal and external partners. The division supports the Organization's core activities at HQ and IFAD Country Offices (ICOs) and facilitates day-to-day business operations in line with internationally accepted best practices. This includes the provision of sustainable, customer-oriented, cost-effective and efficient administrative services. ADM's services encompass Security and Business Continuity, Facilities Management, Travel and Visa, Privileges and Immunities, Procurement, Insurance, Shipping, Asset and Inventory Management, Records Management and Archives, Mail Distribution, as well as greening activities.The incumbent works under the overall strategic, policy and management guidance of Director, Administrative Services Division,under the direct supervision of the Senior Security Officer, and as applicable, as an advisor on security to the respective Regional Director of the assigned region (West and Central Africa) and/or other regions/countries as may be required. Job RoleThe Security Officer (Regional) is a seasoned professional in their field of work with extensive, in-depth experience in IFAD or similar UN and/or IFIs. As an experienced professional,the Security Officer (Regional) has a complete understanding of the subject-matter area in the context of the Fund's programmes, the Security Officer (Regional) has the capacity to adapt policies, approaches, models and methodologies to meet emerging needs and to establish the continuing relevance of the team's capacity to provide technically competent operational/administrative services support to client departments across the Fund.The Security Officer (Regional) works independently in the performance of the full range of complex security activities which involves planning, developing and implementing activities.The Security Officer (Regional):Supports the coordination of IFAD security operations in the assigned region (West and Central Africa) and/or other regions/countries as may be required; The incumbent will support the development and adaptation of existing security policies, guidelines and standard operating procedures;Represents IFAD on security issues as necessary, participating in joint regional activities with other UN and/or IFIs agencies as required. Key Functions and Results1.SECURITY ADVICE: The Security Officer (Regional) advises the Senior Security Officer, the Director, ADM and the relevant Regional Director on all aspects related to the safety and security of IFAD personnel, their eligible family members as well as premises, assets, operations and supports the Senior Security Officer in regional security operations. Within delegated authority advise and assist the Regional Division Directors, IFAD Country Respresentatives, Country Directors and Heads of Multi-Country Offices and IFAD business units on all safety and security matters, including, but not limited to response to critical security incidents and emergencies as required.2. SECURITY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, ADVISORIES AND ALERTS:  The Security Officer (Regional) ensures that the Senior Security Officer, Director, ADM and IFAD personnel are kept regularly updated in a timely manner on security developments, providing briefings and reports when required; the incumbent ensures that all IFAD personnel have access to and receive timely security training and updates, alerts and warnings when the security situation warrants it.3. SECURITY RISK MANAGEMENT/REPORTING: The Security Officer (Regional):supports the monitoring and implementation of IFAD and the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS) policies and procedures on safety and security; oversees adherence of IFAD personnel to all applicable security training requirements, policies and procedures, including but not limited to Security Risk Management and emergency security plans, promoting understanding and support for security requirements; within delegated authority conducts and/or oversees regular missions to ICOs and IFAD project areas to assess prevailing local security conditions, conducts Security Risk Assessments and makes recommendations aimed at improving the safety and security of staff and assets; assists programme managers to, inter alia, ensures compliance with security standards and requirements, reviews and revises IFAD operational plans vis-à-vis security; introduces analytical reports on changes in the security environment and threat level, drafts situation reports, maintains statistics of security incidents to staff and property and ensures proper follow-up to security incidents to staff and property; supports IFAD country representatives  with  their participation in the Security Management Team and UNCT, as applicable;monitors Local Cost Shared Security Budgets (LCSSBs) regionally, to ensure IFAD's contribution is in accordance with IFAD personnel figures and expenses;serves as a member or alternate member, as applicable, of the relevant Security Management networks;collaborates with all internal stakeholders including Regional Front offices, Corporate Services Managers  and other IFAD personnel as necessary. 4. BUSINESS CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT PLAN COORDINATION: The Security Officer (Regional) supports coordination of Business Continuity activities in support of Business Continuity Management  in order to ensure the preparedness of all elements of the emergency procedures in IFAD and raising staff awareness in accordance with the IFAD Business Continuity Management System. This includes testing, exercising and ehancing BC Plans. The Security Officer supports the maintenance of IFAD security compliance standards, emergency communications system and provision of advice to Country Representatives  for the selection of appropriate equipment for security (vehicles, telecommunications equipment, PPE, etc.). 5. SECURITY ADVOCATE: The Security Officer (Regional):provides operational analyses related to safety and security threats/risks posed to IFAD personnel, operations, premises and field assets, providing security management and personnel with the necessary guidance and mitigation measures;liaises and coordinates security and safety operations with UNSMS and IFIs Security personnel and host country agencies regionally. Develops, negotiates and implements safe and secure access strategies to enable IFAD teams to perform their mission(s); acts as Alternate Security Focal Point and attends meetings of UNSMS working groups security cell, SAG for duty station country, as and when required;conducts and/or oversees safety/security assessments of IFAD operations in high-risk environments to ensure compliance with relevant policies and procedures;makes appropriate recommendations to strengthen IFAD Safety and Security procedures and address non-compliance issues;supports incidents involving IFAD personnel and/or the Fund's assets and provide the necessary recommendations.6.SECURITY TRAINING:  The Security Officer (Regional) facilitates the provision of security training, such as security induction programme (SIP), SSAFE, WSAT, etc. and briefings to all personnel of the Fund.7. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: The Security Officer (Regional) is accountable  for  integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources, where applicable. This may include:People Management through recruitment, performance and career management of staff as well as learning management establishing learning plans and ensuring staff supervised meet their development needs while meeting the needs of IFAD; Resource Management by providing data inputs into the unit budget preparation exercises; Knowledge and Content  Management  by  ensuring  (1)  knowledge  content  within  functional  area  is  continuously  updated  and available to colleagues and clients (2) best practices are continuously identified, documented and distributed and (3) appropriate and up-to-date information and learning tools are available to the Fund's managers, supervisors and staff; and Information Technology Management through leveraging ERP functionality for improved business results, simplification of transaction and reporting processes and improved client services.  Key Performance IndicatorsRecognized in the field of work internal and external to the Fund, the impact of work performed by the Security Officer (Regional) is innovative and the incumbent of the post is the originator of new ideas and new approaches that impact directly on the field of work within the Fund as well as indirectly on the profession within the greater scope of external partnerships.Security Officers perform work that can be characterized as authoritative and requiring expertise in their field of work; they typically function as a Team Leader or Unit Head and supervise a team of specialists and analysts in the provision of corporate level services considered as intricate in terms of the policies, rules and regulations applied. They lead one occupational specialization at the corporate level with accountability for policy, procedures and administration or for managing a range of occupations within the field of work in "one-stop" service to assigned client base.Staff engagement and client satisfaction with services provided by the section is documented by relevant surveys. Working RelationshipsRepresentational functions of the Security Officer (Regional) primarily concern the provision of authoritative advice to IFAD's Management in the development of new or modified policies and practices within their area of specialization. Recommendations for solutions to problems involve discussion with management, staff and other specialists.  The advice and recommendations provided are normally considered technically accurate and are provided to senior managers inside and outside the Division or Unit.  External contacts include: counterparts in Host Country Security apparatus, other United Nations organizations in order to exchange information on approaches to security services problems, etc. and inter-agency groups such as UNDSS to provide information on the Fund's security policies and practices and negotiate the adoption of common system practices.Work relationships are established and maintained with security counterparts including senior government, UN and IFI security officials. Outside interaction is significant but typically limited to the area of expertise; within delegated authority, maintains continuous liaison with the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS), other Agencies Funds Programmes and Organizations security actors to promote UN Security Management System policies and procedures in all IFAD operations.  Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 1:Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains effective working relationshipsCommunicating and negotiating - Communicates effectively; creates understanding between self and othersDemonstrating leadership - Personal leadership and attitude to changeFocusing on clients - Focuses on clientsLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Continuously seeks to learn, shares knowledge & innovatesManaging performance and developing staff Managing time, resources and information - Manages own time, information and resources effectivelyProblem-solving and decision-making - Demonstrates sound problem-solving and decision-making abilityStrategic thinking and organizational development - Personal influenceTeam working - Contributes effectively to the teamEducation:Advanced* university degree from an accredited institution. Areas - security management, military science, law enforcement, disaster or emergency management, public administration, social/political science or related area. A Bachelors degree or similar level qualification from a Police/MiIitary Academy in combination with an additional 4 years relevant experience will also be considered in lieu of an advanced university degree. Degree must be an accredited institution listed on*) Note: For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in the IFAD's Human Resources Implementing Procedures.The following certifications are highly desirable: Security Certification Programme (SCP)Safe and Secure Approaches in Field Environment (SSAFE) Trainer Women Security Awareness Training (WSAT) Trainer Hostage incident Management (HIM)Security Analysis Process and Practice (SAPP)The following certifications are an asset: Security Sector Internationally recognized certifications in the subjects of: Business Continuity Management e.g. CBCI/DBCIPhysical Security e.g. ASIS Physical Security Professional (PSP) Enterprise Risk ManagementExperience:At least five (5) – years of progressively responsible experience in corporate security management, preferably in a multi-cultural organization or national organization providing security services management and support on an International scale;Professional Security Management experience and training certification in the United Nations Security Management System (UNSMS) as well as field experience in developing countries are assets. Ability to research and apply best practices/lessons learned and develop regulations, rules and standard operating procedures to meet evolving Fund security requirements.Languages:Required: English (4 – Excellent) and French (3 - Good)Asset: Arabic and/or Spanish (3 – Good)Skills:Security: Know-how in security management and measures;Stakeholder management: Strong alignment capabilities and consultation skills, building on effective interactions and relationships with different stakeholders (e.g. for the co-creation of communication material with member states) and ability to build and maintain a strong network (e.g. with journalists, media outlets, etc.);Strategy implementation: Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisions;Adaptability: Adaptability and flexibility when facing new or unexpected situations, and to specific constraints and circumstances and managing complex processes;Change management: Role modelling, anticipation of key risks & conflicts and formulation of contingency plans/solutions, action-orientedInitiative and good judgment: High sense of proactive initiative-taking and good judgement (including on security matters);Problem solving: Strong systemic and structured thinking, ability to identify and dissect problems into components and formulate a comprehensive set of creative viable and sustainable solutions and strategies. Other InformationApplicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.In accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. Candidates may be required to take a written test and to deliver a presentation as well as participate in interviews.In the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Chief Partnership Officer, America Liaison Office (ALO) - P5

United States of America, District of Columbia , Washington

Organizational SettingThis position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level.The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The External Relations Department (ERD)*, comprising the Communications Division (COM) and the Global Engagement Partnership and Resource Mobilization Division (GPR), leads IFAD's public and political advocacy, including engagement with Member States and other stakeholders through global policy engagement and other global processes. The Global Engagement, Partnership and Resource Mobilization (GPR) Division has a specific focus on global engagement, partnerships (including with the private sector, foundations, bilateral and multilateral organizations), and on driving the resource mobilization efforts with traditional and non-traditional donors and partners.Within this framework, the GPR Division addresses Global engagement and multilateral relations; strategic partnerships; and replenishment and resource mobilization, including supplementary funds and blended finance. The mission of the Global Engagement, Partnership and Resource Mobilization Division (GPR) is to enhance IFAD's contribution to inclusive and sustainable rural transformation and Agenda 2030 through strengthening global engagement, partnerships, and resource mobilization.The Global Engagement, Partnership and Resource Mobilization (GPR) coordinates the following decentralized Liaison Offices: (a) the Americas Liaison Office (ALO) in Washington: (b) the UN liaison office in New York, (c) the Gulf Liaison Office (GLO) in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, (d) the Japan Liaison Office (JLO) in Yokohama, Japan, and a newly established presence in Brussels (EU/BRX).The Chief Partnership Officer, ALO works under the direct supervision of the Director, GPR. *The structure of IFAD is currently undergoing a recalibration process. The definite set-up of the External Relations Department is being finalized and is subject to confirmation of institutional processes requirements. Job RoleThe Chief Partnership Officer is a policy and strategy leader who works across GPR organizational units with cross-functional key partner management teams to leverage relationship management skills, assets and, most importantly, professional social networks. The incumbent contributes to leveraging IFAD's impact to enable more rural people to move out of poverty through the selective use, and effective management, of partnerships. The incumbent works on strengthening partnerships with member states and their institutions, engaging with non-sovereign actors, and through lending and non-lending tools.By virtue of the partners in both Washington and New York, the Chief Partnership Officer, ALO is a key player and an integral part of IFAD's involvement in and contributions to policy dialogues on a wide range of issues within IFAD's sphere of global engagement. The Chief Partnership Officer, ALO is responsible for:•       Supporting IFAD's strategic engagement with the Americas and leading on communication efforts between the U.S. and Canadian government officials and lawmakers and IFAD management, transmitting IFAD's messages in a transparent manner and ensuring that the U.S. and Canadian Administrations, legislatures, and other key actors understand the Fund's objectives and how these align with U.S. and Canadian objectives when it comes to development, foreign aid and foreign policy.•        Providing leadership in resource mobilization, partnerships, advocacy so as to better position IFAD in the Americas.  This includes engaging and managing activities with IFAD colleagues at HQ and in ICOs as well as legislative committees to communicate the status of IFAD's programmes and policies as well as preparing and providing materials representing the Fund's position on pertinent issues in preparation for Congressional hearings and other events.•       Acting as a key interlocutor within a wider U.S., Canadian, and UN community, including International Financial Institutions and UN institutions and offices in New York and Washington DC. Key Functions and Results1. LEADING A MULTI-FUNCTIONAL TEAM ON STRATEGIC FOCUS AREAS: The Chief Partnership Officer manages the work of the team and is responsible for implementation of the programmatic and operational activities of IFAD. Accountabilities may include: (a) Providing policy advice to the Director and developing forward-looking strategic proposals on partnership engagement and resource mobilization; (b) Developing and maintaining strategic partnership and collaboration with Governments, public and private institutions including NGOs, Foundations and Research entities in the Region through policy dialogue; (c) Overseeing advocacy and knowledge sharing within deliberative and policy processes in the region and leveraging expertise to advise Senior Management on regional strategic issues as required; (d) Organizing and coordinating representation activities to secure support for, and implement policy, to achieve the objectives of the organization; (e) Advising on issues affecting the organization's external relations. 2. LEADING GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT AND MULTILATERAL RELATIONS EFFORTS IN ASSIGNED REGIONS:  The Chief Partnership Officer leads the development and implementation of corporate strategies for the engagement in global policy debates. The incumbent is a leading professional who has the overall responsibility of IFAD's engagement in global processes of policy dialogue relative to IFAD's mandate and produces an annual assessment of achievements in the fora. The incumbent enhances the development of innovative, viable and sustainable policy through authoritative advice in the focus areas. The incumbent develops and maintains a network of external peer contacts to keep up to date on activities to support joint advocacy to enhance the Fund's profile as a highly competent and viable development partner.3. LEADING REPLENISHMENT, RESOURCE MOBILIZATION AND ADVOCACY EFFORTS IN ASSIGNED REGIONS: The Chief Partnership Officer develops and maintains a network of key stakeholders in the assigned regions to enhance the Fund's profile as a highly competent and viable partner. The Chief is responsible for the delivery of a number of key outputs, including: (a) Ensuring sustained support from current funding sources for IFADs replenishment process; (b) Identifying and cultivating potential new sources of funds; (c) Ensuring increased, consistent, and strategic visibility for IFAD in its resource mobilisation efforts; (d) Positioning IFAD to exert greater influence by expanding partnerships and increasing resources for smallholders; (e) Representing IFAD amongst relevant intergovernmental organizations and international financial institutions, in particular those based in Washington DC.5. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: The Chief Partnership Officer is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources. This includes: (a) People Management through support to recruitment of Senior/Partnership Officers, capacity building, coaching and mentoring of new and/or more junior staff, supervision and evaluation of performance of consultants, short-term staff, interns and staff under their purview; (b) Resource Management by providing strategic and technical advice for Knowledge and Content Management; (c) Information and reporting through effective engagement with internal and external clients; (d) Leading the preparation, monitoring and implementation of the team's annual work plan and budget.The Chief Partnership Officer, ALO:•       Leads the Americas Liaison Office, manages the work of the Liaison Office and is responsible for day-to-day management and implementation of the programmatic and operational activities of IFAD Liaison Office. The incumbent a) Provides policy guidance to the Director and develops forward-looking strategic proposals on resource mobilization; b) Develops and maintains strategic partnership and collaboration with Governments, public and private institutions including NGOs, Foundations and Research entities in the Region through policy dialogue; c) Oversees advocacy and knowledge sharing within deliberative and policy processes in the region and leverages expertise to advise Senior Management on regional strategic issues as required; d) Organizes and coordinates representation activities to secure support for, and implement policy and achieve objectives of, the organization; prepares reports and writes commentaries on key briefs and reports; e) Advises on issues affecting the organization's external relations•       Keeps management and staff informed on potential partnership's criteria and priorities which may include a) Establishing and maintaining effective methods for regular communication and knowledge sharing between IFAD and key stakeholders in the Region; b) Ensuring on-going analysis, monitoring and reporting on the partnership activities in the Region available to senior management and IFAD colleagues.•         With specific reference to outreach with U.S. and Canada governments and partners, the Chief Partnership Officer, ALO: a)  Ensures the development and implementation of an effective outreach and advocacy strategy with the U.S. and Canada, identifying and cultivating champions, promoting increased awareness of IFAD and its mandate, highlighting synergies and complementarities with the countries' position and strategy vis-á-vis issues of mutual relevance; b)  Ensures that ALO provides timely intelligence and analysis of relevant developments and activities within U.S. and Canada, and other partners of relevance to the Fund; c)  Develops and maintains strong relations with U.S. and Canada-based advocacy groups, e.g. InterAction, the Alliance to End Hunger, Food Tank, SDG2 Advocacy Hub, etc., in the U.S., and Food Security Policy Group, Farm Radio, Canadian Food Grains Bank, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), etc., in Canada. Key Performance IndicatorsAssignments require the provision of authoritative professional expertise. The Chief Partnership Officer leads and manages the team and represents IFAD amongst intergovernmental organizations and international financial institutions based in the assigned regions. Work at this level is considered of critical concern to the Fund as it serves to improve IFAD's partnerships, corporate outreach and engagement in the assigned regions. An inadequate handling of activities may result in damaging the credibility of the Fund with partners in the assigned regions. Working RelationshipsThe Chief Partnership Officer serves as the Fund's lead expert in the team and exercises wide professional latitude in developing and maintaining strategic partnerships and collaboration with key contacts in the assigned regions and with relevant agencies and organizations in order to expand partnerships and increase resources for smallholders. The incumbent acts as a credible voice of the organization and represents IFAD combining the capacity to present, identify opportunities, establish frameworks for interaction and maintain/grow relationships over time. Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 2:•       Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains strategic partnerships internally and externally•       Communicating and negotiating - Acquires & uses a wide range of communication styles & skills•       Demonstrating leadership - Leads by example; initiates and supports change•       Focusing on clients - Contributes to a client-focused culture•       Learning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Challenges, innovates & contributes to learning culture•       Managing performance and developing staff - Manages wider teams with greater impact on others and on the organization•       Managing time, resources and information - Coordinates wider use of time, information and/or resources•       Problem-solving and decision-making - Solves complex problems and makes decisions that have wider corporate impact•       Strategic thinking and organizational development - Staff in management and/or strategic leadership roles•       Team working - Fosters a cohesive team environmentEducation:•       Level - Advanced university degree from an accredited institution in a technically relevant area. •       Areas - Economics, Political Sciences, Public Policy, Public Administration, Development Studies or related field.•       Degree must be from an accredited institution listed on .Experience:•       At least ten (10) years of progressively relevant experience is required. •       At least eight (8) years' experience in a multi-cultural/international organization or national organization providing support on a global scope.•     Significant experience in resource mobilization, including the development and implementation of strategies to secure funding from a variety of sources such as bilateral donors, private sector, climate funds, and philanthropic organizations.•       Strong background in strategic advocacy and policy influence, with experience representing organizations at high-level international forums and in negotiations, fostering strategic alliances with key stakeholders, including governments, UN agencies, financial institutions, private sector, and other actors.•     Demonstrated experience and ability at leading and managing multicultural teams, preferably in an international financial institution through a combination of corporate and field-based experience. Successful track record in establishing, building and managing partnerships with various stakeholders. Knowledge of development finance systems is desirable. Experience and knowledge of rural development in the Region.Languages:•       Required English (4 – Excellent) •       Desirable: French, Spanish, or Arabic (3 – Good) Skills:•       Ability to bring in diverse actors into funding strategies and projects;•       Advocacy: Know-how in advocacy, to maintain and promote constructive dialogue around IFAD's vision to external actors;•      Partnership building: Ability to formulate new approaches or identify new opportunities to build relationships with both traditional and non-traditional partners, focusing on impact and results;•     Policy dialogue: Know-how in the representation of IFAD as a trusted and strategic partner; effective consultations with IFAD counterparts - like ministries and governmental bodies at all administrative levels, donors, civil society;•       Resource mobilization: Know-how in resource mobilization strategies (including marketing and communication) for IFI, international public bodies and within the UN;•      UN and IFI documentation & processes: Knowledge of the relevant policies, rules, regulations and guidelines on document processing and distribution within the UN and other IFIs;•      Risk management (e.g. reputational): Identification and assessment of potential liabilities and risks in IFAD's activities, particularly vis-à-vis third parties; ability to handle risks via contingency and mitigation strategies;•      Stakeholder management: Strong alignment capabilities and consultation skills, building on effective interactions and relationships with different stakeholders (e.g. for the co-creation of communication material with member states) and ability to build and maintain a strong network (e.g. with journalists, media outlets, etc.);•     Strategy implementation: Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisions;•       Performance management: Know-how in managing performance so that staff supervised deliver on the agreed objectives and meet their development needs while meeting the needs of IFAD. Is proficient in establishing clear performance goals (operational and behavioural) and learning plans as well as in evaluating the performance of staff against the set goals;•       Change management: Role modelling, anticipation of key risks & conflicts and formulation of contingency plans/solutions, action-oriented;•      Client orientation: Strong critical thinking combined with communication skills to liaise between the business and technologies to understand business problems and needs, document requirements and identify solutions;•     Corporate approach: Ability to bring in corporate vision and priorities into one's area of work (e.g. budgeting going beyond simple budgetary considerations, taking into account strategic priorities);•       Leadership: Group thought leader, sought out by others and providing mentorship and effective guidance to others; ability to build trust, inside and outside the organization by acting as a role model for IFAD's core values and competencies, and to provide a clear sense of direction, mentorship and effective guidance to the team, strategizing the IFAD's goals, giving the vision, empowering the team and ensuring a positive environment for all;•       Problem solving: Strong systemic and structured thinking, ability to identify and dissect problems into components and formulate a comprehensive set of creative viable and sustainable solutions and strategies;•       Specialized communication skills: Ability to negotiate on behalf of IFAD and drive for creative and pragmatic solutions in complex negotiations with key partners, both public and private sector;•       Written communication: Clear, succinct and convincing written communication in the language needed for specific role; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language (e.g. for drafting of position papers, briefings, etc.) Other InformationThis position is also included in the pool of positions made available to IFAD staff members in the context of the 2024 reassignment exercise. Priority will be given to internal staff in reassignment who are deemed appointable for positions at the same grade level.Applicants should note that IFAD staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the President of IFAD. In accordance with IFAD's Human Resources Policy, the President can decide to assign them to any of the activities of the Fund. All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation in line with its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategy and the Policy to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse. ; accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here. Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.*The structure of IFAD is currently undergoing a recalibration process. The definite set-up of the External Relations Department is being finalized and is subject to confirmation of institutional processes requirements. This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

international fund for agricultural development ifad

Senior Finance Specialist (Lead Officer Disbursements) - P4

Italy, Lazio , Rome

Organizational Setting* This is a readvertised position. Candidates who previously applied need not apply.The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty and hunger. It does so by investing in rural people. IFAD finances programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and advocates at the local, national and international level for policies that contribute to rural transformation. The Financial Operations Department (FOD) is a dynamic financial, strategic and responsive business partner and service provider fully supporting IFAD in developing its financial strategy and managing its financial, investments and material resources. FOD ensures that these resources are efficiently, economically and effectively used to achieve IFAD's objectives in the long-term and deliver on its development commitments. The Financial Operations Department is composed of the following three divisions: (a) Financial Controller's Division (FCD), (b) Financial Management Services Division (FMD) and (c) Treasury Services Division (TRE).  The IFAD Financial Controller's Division (FCD) is a specialized finance Division providing solutions to IFAD in the field, in headquarters and to its partners globally. FCD supports development results through its Controllership function which improves the stewardship of resources globally. FCD's Disbursement function ensures approval of over $1 billion of resources annually. FCD's Financial Crime function protects IFAD and its data from sanctions, money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud and related risks. FCD's Financial Reporting and Corporate Finance function ensures clean audit opinions per IFRS, reporting of borrowings, debt servicing, donor and statutory reporting to protect IFAD's credit rating. FCD is a trailblazer of new technologies The position is located in the Disbursement function and the incumbent works under the direct supervision of Director and Controller, FCD. Job RoleThe Senior Finance Specialists at this level manage a complete financial operation, encompassing a wide variety of funding sources, a large volume of transactions and extensive dispersed activities. They are typically accountable for unit work plan establishment and supervision of a team of Finance Specialists, Associates and/or Assistants.Position specific:The Senior Finance Specialist leads the disbursement unit (loans and grants, payroll, payments)  to deliver excellent client service, providing efficient and effective value proposition for both internal and external stakeholders. S/he will also lead the development of innovative approaches to improve institutional financial processes by providing authoritative advice on best practices.  S/He will promote continuous improvement in business processes and seek to ensure that the underlying systems are well aligned and maximise operational efficienncies. S/He will have a well developed sense of financial systems, as well as experience in the full life cycle of project management, to promote improved system integriations and maximise the opportunities for successful innovation initiatives.Responsible for robust relationships at the field and HQ level. Key Functions and Results1. FINANCE PRACTICE LEADER: The incumbent is accountable for technical leadership in her/his operational area at the corporate level and/or responsibility for leadership of other Professional and/or General Service staff ensuring compliance with financial principles and concepts, policies, regulations and rules as well as for soundness of judgement and conclusions. The incumbent directly supervises a finance unit with responsibility for work planning and organization, supervision of the work of the unit/section assigned and establishing and monitoring performance management indicators of success. The Senior Specialist develops, implements and monitors the interpretation and application of new financial policies, regulations, rules, practices, procedures and systems to meet the evolving needs of the Fund. Her/his authoritative knowledge of the Fund's governing structure, mandate, long-term business strategy, financial rules and regulations as well as of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The Senior Specialist ensures accuracy and enhances accountability in the preparation of IFAD's financial statements, policies and procedures.2. FINANCE BUSINESS PARTNER: The incumbent is a credible, trusted partner to the client offices served and the Department/Division/Unit where assigned. The incumbent contributes directly to the development of the Fund's financial strategy and plans as well as models a commitment to financial integrity by acting as a responsive and constructive service provider with a focus on results. In all interactions the incumbent promotes the concept of results based management and accountability for the financial resources entrusted to IFAD.3. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: The incumbent is a team leader with the capacity to develop as well as authoritatively interpret and apply a broad range of international and IFAD financial policies, rules and regulations as well as systems, standards and techniques. Activities performed by all finance occupations include (a) contributing to the development and continuous evolution of strategic frameworks; (b) adapting rules and establishing financial procedures relating to the assigned operation; (c) creating effective monitoring systems including operational oversight to ensure effective management of assigned operations, including ensuring due regard to segregation of financial tasks as required; (d) financial reporting and preparing responses for management on queries raised and views expressed by IFAD's Governing Council and other relevant shareholders/partners; (e) reviewing audit reports and providing guidance lo IFAD staff and projects on sound financial management practices; (f) leading the preparation of timely, substantive replies to internal and external audit observations concerning the assigned financial operation; and (g) analysing IFAD experience with other IFIs and development organizations to adopt best financial management practices in administering IFAD's financial resources.4. AGENT OF CHANGE: The incumbent understands and applies the principles of change management and proactively serves as a role model for transformation and capacity for acceptance of change. The incumbent uses a seasoned knowledge of results based management and budgeting, enterprise resource planning (ERP) and other information technology to develop, analyze and promote acceptance of new methods of work and automated work flows. At this level the Specialist manages change through consultations with inter-organizational and internal finance colleagues and outreach to client offices to build understanding of and to ensure open and regular communications pertaining to current and planned changes in the Fund's financial standards, regulations and rules.5. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS: The incumbent is typically a team leader with accountability for integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources. This may include: (a) People Management through work plan development, recruitment, performance and career management of P and GS staff as well as learning management establishing learning plans and ensuring staff supervised meet their development needs while meeting the needs of IFAD; (b) Resource Management by providing strategic and data inputs into the divisional budget preparation exercises; (c) Knowledge and Content Management by ensuring (i) knowledge content within functional area is continuously updated and available to colleagues and clients (ii) best practices are continuously identified, documented and distributed and (iii) appropriate and up-to-date information and learning tools are available to the Fund's managers, supervisors and staff; and Information Technology Management through leveraging ERP functionality for improved business results, simplification of transaction and reporting processes and improved client services.Position specific: 6. DISBURSEMENTS FUNCTIONS: The Senior Finance Specialist (Disbursements –loans and grants, payroll and payments) leads the Disbursement function and ensures accurate, timely and client-oriented approval of over $1 billion of resources annually by efficiently approving loans and grants disbursements globally, ensuring IFAD staff receive accurate payroll monthly and payments globally in IFAD and our partner agencies in 65 locations globally.  Key Performance IndicatorsSenior Finance Specialists are accountable for authoritative advice and guidance in regard to the Fund's financial policies, regulations and practices and authoritative interpretation to resolve difficult and unusual cases. They make recommendations to senior management on questions of financial policy, including those that may be the subject of inter-organizational consultations. Senior Finance Specialist are also accountable for leading and ensuring the accuracy of a complete, complex financial operation identified by the variety and number of funding sources, diversity of currencies, and the requirement for producing various reports to legislative bodies, member governments, and others interested in the activities of the Fund. The incumbent achieves finance programme goals and objectives through innovative program design or redesign. The work requires the development of new and/or modifications of existing policies, practices and techniques as well as the review of Finance Officer and Analyst work performed at lower levels, taking corrective and adaptive actions. The incumbent provides technical advice to stakeholders in countries, leads technical discussions and capacity building in countries assigned. The KPIs include efficient performance of assigned finance operations and other responsibilities, technical quality in terms of both substantive depth and adaptive relevance to client needs and customer service approach to problem resolution and team leading characteristics, as well as maintaining data integrity on assigned portfolios. Working RelationshipsInternally Senior Finance Specialists are authoritative technical advisers to the Fund's managers, other budget holders and staff in their area of assignment and advocate for accountability and integrity in the allocation and management of the Fund's financial resources. The incumbent manages professionals as relevant and leads to improve relevant policies and procedures. Contacts extend throughout the organization and may include Country Office management as needed, internal auditors and evaluation Officers.Externally work relationships require collaboration, coordination and partnership building with local counterparts and external stakeholders to ensure the effective implementation of financial rules and procedures, with particular reference to the use of donor funding through contacts with Borrowers and Contributing institutions. The incumbent will also represent IFAD and FMD in global technical fora and be in direct contact with external auditors and counterparts in other IFI and UN organizations.The key performance indicators for Senior Finance Specialists at this level include leadership, both technical and team. Job Profile RequirementsOrganizational Competencies:Level 2:Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains strategic partnerships internally and externallyCommunicating and negotiating - Acquires & uses a wide range of communication styles & skillsDemonstrating leadership - Leads by example; initiates and supports changeFocusing on clients - Contributes to a client-focused cultureLearning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Challenges, innovates & contributes to learning cultureManaging performance and developing staff - Manages wider teams with greater impact on others and on the organizationManaging time, resources and information - Coordinates wider use of time, information and/or resourcesProblem-solving and decision-making - Solves complex problems and makes decisions that have wider corporate impactStrategic thinking and organizational development - Staff in management and/or strategic leadership rolesTeam working - Fosters a cohesive team environmentEducation:Level - Advanced university degree.Position-specific: The advanced university degree may be substituted by a relevant first university degree (Bachelor or equivalent) plus a specialized professional certification (CPA, Chartered Accountant, CIPFA designation or equivalent).Areas - Accounting, Finance, Business Administration or other job related fieldDegree must be an accredited institution listed on .Certifications: Position:specific: Professional qualification such as  CPA, Chartered Accountant, CIPFA designation or equivalent is mandatory.Experience:At least eight (8) years of progressively responsible professional experience in finance or related field.Three (3) years experience in a multi-lateral or national organization providing support on a global scope;Position-specific:Demonstrable advanced analytical/excel skills and attention to detail required. Experience/knowledge of IFRS or similar international standards is highly desirable. Demonstrable experience in project management of financial systems implementations. Strong team supervisory experienceAdvanced knowledge of ERP system (e.g. People Soft, Flexcube, etc.)Languages:Required English (4 – Excellent) Desirable: French, Spanish, or Arabic (3 – Good) Skills:IFAD financing strategy: Expertise on the Fund`s governing and financial structure, mandate, long-term business strategy, financial rules and regulationsRisk & compliance: Know-how in asset liability management, risk reporting, capital adequacy, quality assurance and compliance (e.g. Anti-money laundering (AML), Know your customer (KYC) processes), etc.Digital Finance, FinTech and related: Know-how in fintech applications, robotic process automation, blockchain and digital finance applications to design, setup, implement and reportDisbursements, Payroll and Payments: Know-how in financial checks required for disbursements of loans and grants, payments and payroll transactions to reduce risk of error, fraud and non-compliance with rules, maintenance of clean vendor master files, arrears and debt management of loansRisk management (e.g. reputational): Identification and assessment of potential liabilities and risks in IFAD's activities, particularly vis-à-vis third parties; ability to handle risks via contingency and mitigation strategiesStrategy implementation: Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisionsPerformance management: Know-how in managing performance so that staff supervised deliver on the agreed objectives and meet their development needs while meeting the needs of IFAD. Is proficient in establishing clear performance goals (operational and behavioural) and learning plans as well as in evaluating the performance of staff against the set goals.Basic ICT & digital fluency: High level of digital literacy and ability to quickly get familiar with new digital tools (e.g. ability to carry out EPR data entry and extraction when budgeting; monitoring security systems, uploading content to inter/intra-net websites, etc.)Confidentiality & Discretion: Establishes self and division as trusted advisor to internal stakeholders by maintaining high level of discretion and confidentiality in assignments; demonstrates sound judgement when dealing with sensitive and/or confidential matters; drives good governance and is a "Culture Carrier" demonstrating IFAD institutional conscience through his/her work.Leadership: Group thought leader, sought out by others and providing mentorship and effective guidance to others; Ability to build trust, inside and outside the organization by acting as a role model for IFAD's core values and competencies, and to provide a clear sense of direction, mentorship and effective guidance to the team, strategizing the IFAD's goals, giving the vision, empowering the team and ensuring a positive environment for all. Other Information* This is a readvertised position. Candidates who previously applied need not apply.All International Professional staff members are required to be geographically mobile and positions in the professional category are subject to changes in location at any time in line with strategic priorities and reform initiatives in IFAD.IFAD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic, social or political background, colour, nationality, religion, age, gender, disability, marital status, family size or sexual orientation.Please be aware of fraudulent job offers. IFAD does not charge any fees at any stage of the recruitment process. Official communication from IFAD will always come from e-mails ending in the interest of making most cost-effective use of funds and resources, we are only able to respond to applicants who are short-listed for interview. Candidates who do not receive any feedback within three months should consider their application unsuccessful.In accordance with IFAD's provisions, all new staff members will normally be placed at the first step in the grade level for which they have been selected. For information on IFAD's remuneration package, please visit IFAD's compensation and benefits page on our website. Applicants are invited to use the ICSC compensation calculator to estimate the salary and benefit entitlements.  See here.  This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a Job Application Support.Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations. Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.
