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Benin, Littoral, Cotonou - Médecins du Monde Suisse

MISSIONS   ·      Superviser et (ré)organiser la gestion financière, la gestion qualitative du personnel, la gestion logistique et la gestion administrative de la mission. ·      Valoriser et gérer les moyens nécessaires à la mise en œuvre des opérations dans les pays d'intervention.     POSITIONNEMENT DANS LA STRUCTURE ·        Subordonnée à la coordination générale pays. ·        Supervision directe des collaborateurs.rices du département support du pays d'intervention. ·        Liens fonctionnels réguliers avec le binôme pays du siège composé du ou de la responsable programme et la responsable support programmes.   ACTIVITES PRINCIPALES DE LA FONCTION Volet management ·        Assurer le management et la supervision directe des collaborateur.rices de l'équipe supports (Finances, RH, Logistique et administration) : réunions hebdomadaires, planification des objectifs, suivi et évaluation.  Leur apporter l'appui nécessaire à la réalisation de leurs tâches. ·        Assurer le respect, la connaissance, la mise en application et la mise à jour des procédures et règlements administratifs, RH, financiers et logistiques en vigueur – considérant les meilleures pratiques et la conformité avec la législation locale. Former, accompagner et assurer la supervision des équipes dans le strict respect de l'application des procédures et règlements.  ·        Assurer la supervision technique des Responsables de Base et des chargés de support des bases, notamment avec des déplacements réguliers sur place ·        Participer activement au processus de contrôle interne de la mission et faire des propositions en matière de gestion des risques financiers et non financiers émergents de l'évolution de l'environnement local. ·        Mettre en place et assurer le système d'accompagnement et de contrôle des partenaires de mise en œuvre des projets de la mission au niveau des supports (y compris l'évaluation initiale, le plan de renforcement de compétences et son application, le suivi et le contrôle du/des partenaire(s)). ·        Participer aux discussions hebdomadaires de coordination visant à prendre les décisions et fixer les objectifs globaux pour la mission. Volet gestion financière ·        Fournir des conseils stratégiques en matière financière à la coordination dans la gestion des finances et des bailleurs. Alerter la coordination des risques financiers, les évaluer avec elle, trouver les moyens de les atténuer et mettre en place une organisation adaptée. ·        Coordonner et superviser les processus de planification et de la révision budgétaire annuelle (y compris avec un tableau d'affectation des coûts) ainsi que les plans de trésorerie et les demandes d'approvisionnement. ·        Définir, suivre et contrôler la mise en œuvre de la gestion de la trésorerie de la mission, y compris la validation des engagements. ·        Vérifier et coordonner, avec la coordination des programmes, le suivi financier de l'ensemble des projets et animer les réunions mensuelles de suivi financier en veillant à la bonne collaboration entre les équipes supports et programmes. ·        Assurer le respect des règles des bailleurs de fonds, le suivi des contrats et de leur consommation et contribuer à la production des amendements si besoin. ·        En coopération avec le siège et la coordination générale, gérer les accords de financement avec les bailleurs, par ex. coordonner et préparer les propositions et rapports financiers. ·        Vérifier, mettre à jour et contrôler le respect des plans de financements. ·        Consolider et assurer la qualité et la précision des rapports financiers à destination du siège et des bailleurs de fonds. ·        Coordonner et superviser la clôture des comptes mensuels et annuels avec l'objectif de traduire fidèlement la réalité financière de la mission. ·        Coordonner et superviser les processus d'audits locaux. Volet gestion administrative et des RH ·        Assurer que tous documents administratifs et RH soient rédigés dans le strict respect des normes et lois locales applicables pour MdM Suisse et les mettre à jour si besoin. ·        Être responsable et référent technique pour toutes les problématiques RH et administratives au niveau de la mission (recrutement, gestion et développement de compétences des équipes, gestion des contrats des personnels nationaux et régionaux, rémunération des employés locaux et régionaux, etc.). ·        En collaboration étroite avec la coordination générale et la coordination programmes, planifier les besoins opérationnels et budgétaires de manière à garantir en taille et en compétences les RH nécessaires au fonctionnement de la mission. Prendre en charge le suivi du budget et de la planification RH. ·        Assurer le suivi de l'organigramme et réviser la composition de l'équipe supports selon les besoins programmatiques, les ressources disponibles et l'évolution du contexte. Anticiper avec la coordination les changements nécessaires et assurer leur mise en application. ·        Superviser et appuyer les processus de recrutements, de prise de fonction et de fin de contrat. ·        S'assurer que tous les mouvements nationaux et internationaux de la mission soient correctement suivis (billets d'avion, visa, perdiem, enveloppe sécu, ordres de mission etc.) et des bonnes conditions d'hébergement. ·        Garantir l'archivage, la confidentialité de tout document clé, politiques, procédures, dossiers du personnel, etc.   Volet gestion logistique et approvisionnement   ·        Être responsable du suivi de la mise en œuvre efficace des procédures globales d'approvisionnement (planification de la demande, achats, stock, distribution et activités transversales) et de l'utilisation d'outils pour soutenir les différentes activités d'approvisionnement, en proposant des ajustements en cas de besoin ·        Être responsable de la définition, de la mise en œuvre et de la révision de la stratégie d'approvisionnement de la mission avec l'équipe de coordination en fonction du contexte et des besoins opérationnels, conformément aux protocoles, politiques et directives de MdM Suisse. ·        Coordonner le processus continu d'analyse, d'intégration et d'évaluation des prestataires dans le répertoire des fournisseurs. ·        Superviser la mise à jour régulière du répertoire des fournisseurs.   ·        Coordonner l'établissement et le suivi des plans d'achats annuels de l'ensemble des projets de la mission. ·        Assurer la référence technique pour toutes les questions de support logistique et technique dans la mission. ·        Assurer la bonne utilisation et la maintenance de l'informatique (ordinateurs, logiciels, sauvegarde, etc.) et des matériels de communication. ·        Superviser et contrôler la gestion des biens immobiliers et mobiliers (gestion des stocks, gestion du parc IT et du parc véhicule, gestion des dons en nature).     CONDITIONS D'EMPLOI, DELAI POSTULATION ET ENTREE EN FONCTION : Poste expatrié. Salaire brut mensuel selon grille salariale : de CHF 2'300 et CHF 2'600 (selon âge). En sus, bonus expatriation de CHF 800.-/mensuels. Assurances frais médicaux, perte de gain prises en charge intégralement par l'employeur. Assurance de prévoyance prise en charge à 70 % par l'employeur et à 30 % par collaborateur.rice. Paiements mensuels forfaitaires pour le logement. Forfait installation. Poste ouvert au statut familial (prise en charge voyage, assurances, allocations familiales, forfait pour frais scolarité).   Les candidatures sont attendues jusqu'au 12 janvier 2025. Nous nous réservons le droit de les traiter par ordre d'arrivée. Seuls les dossiers complets seront traités. Seules les candidatures en cohérence avec le profil recherché seront traitées et obtiendront une réponse écrite.   Médecins du Monde applique une politique ferme en matière de prévention de l'exploitation, des abus et du harcèlement sexuel. En postulant, vous vous engagez à garantir un comportement en adéquation avec les valeurs défendues. Entrée en fonction : dès que possible.   COMMENT POSTULER ? Adresser vos lettres de motivation, CV, copies de diplômes et références de trois employeurs (supérieur.e.s hiérarchiques et/ou service RH) avec lesquels vous avez collaboré dans les 5 dernières années à Référence : Coordo supports BJ   Personne de contact : Marie Wittwer Perrin.     Savoirs : ·      Formation supérieure dans l'un des domaines concernés ·      Formation spécifique en gestion financière humanitaire. ·      Formation en management d'équipe un atout. ·      Excellente maitrise et capacités rédactionnelles en français. ·      Excellente maitrise de la suite office et du logiciel SAGA, Homère serait un atout.   Savoir-faire ·      Expérience professionnelle minimum de 5 ans dont plusieurs années à un poste à responsabilité sur le terrain, au sein d'une ONG ou d'un bailleur, en lien avec des bailleurs de fonds internationaux. ·      Solide expérience en gestion et management d'équipe et renforcement des capacités du personnel. ·      Expérience avérée en gestion financière et gestion logistique, avec les procédures bailleurs internationaux. ·      Expérience dans les contextes d'intervention de MdM Suisse un atout. ·      Capacités à gérer les priorités et à adapter son planning en fonction des aléas des activités.   Savoirs-être ·      Leadership et bienveillance. ·      Excellentes qualités relationnelles et de communication. ·      Autonomie et proactivité. ·      Résistance au stress et qualités d'organisation. ·      Flexibilité.  

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2024-12-20 2024-12-20

Social Transformation Manager (SBC, Gender and ADAP) - P4

Sierra Leone, Eastern Province, Freetown - UNICEF

UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, defend their rights, and help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. At UNICEF, we are committed, passionate, and proud of what we do. Promoting the rights of every child is not just a job – it is a calling. UNICEF is a place where careers are built: we offer our staff diverse opportunities for personal and professional development that will help them develop a fulfilling career while delivering on a rewarding mission. We pride ourselves on a culture that helps staff thrive, coupled with an attractive compensation and benefits package. Visit [our website]( to learn more about what we do at UNICEF. For every child, hope,   How can you make a difference?  Under the general guidance of the Deputy Representative (Programmes)and in close coordination with other Sectoral and Cross-Sectoral Sections and Field Offices; you will be responsible for the design, management, execution, monitoring and evaluation of regional strategies related to Social Transformation, (Social and Behavior Change (SBC), Gender Equality and Equity (Gender) and Adolescent and Development and Participation (ADAP))  and providing technical support to all sectoral and cross-sectoral programmes in delivering SBC/Gender/ADAP initiatives that advance human rights based approaches and community engagement to promote sustainable results for children in Sierra Leone  in both development and humanitarian settings. In alignment with the GAP, the role of the Social Transformation Manager (SBC/Gender/ADAP) has a primary technical and programmatic role, including normative advocacy and coordination. The role provides technical guidance/operational support throughout all stages of programming to facilitate the management and delivery of results contributing to gender equality in alignment with the Gender Action Plan. It supports sections and partners in applying the latest evidence-backed approaches in the social and behavioral, gender and ADAP sciences to programming by identifying and addressing the social determinants of behavior and empowering communities, girls, women, adolescents, and youth in change processes.  Key accountabilities are : Generate & Use Evidence: Generate and utilize research, data, and evidence to inform the design, measurement, and monitoring of SBC/Gender/ADAP programs and outcomes in both development and emergency contexts and to build the evidence base for SBC/Gender/ADAP.   Design, plan and implement: Design, plan and implement SBC/Gender/ADAP activities that are backed by social and behavioral/Gender/ADAP evidence and strong engagement and participation mechanisms in both development and humanitarian contexts.   Advocate & Build Partnerships: Support operationalization of SBC/Gender/ADAP by advocating for SBC/Gender/ADAP, mobilizing resources, coordinating across stakeholders, sectors and teams, and partnership building.   Build Capacities: Promote continuous learning, strengthening, and scaling up in SBC/Gender/ADAP for both development and humanitarian contexts through capacity building for UNICEF staff and partners.  If you would like to know more about this position, please review the complete Job Description here: [VA TOR - Social Transformation Manager, P4.pdf](   To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have... Minimum requirements: - Education: An advanced university degree (Master's or higher) in a social and behavioural science, including sociology, anthropology, communication for development, gender studies, psychology and/or related field is required. - Work Experience: A minimum of eight (8) years of relevant progressively responsible professional experience at the national and international levels in developing, implementing, evaluating, and managing social and behavioural change strategies and content is required. - Demonstrated expertise in the application of social and behaviour change science, theories, research, and analysis, to all stages of the programmes cycle.  - Proven ability to manage social research, including quantitative, qualitative, and participatory methods for formative assessments, identifying behavioural drivers, and tracking, measurement and evaluation of social change is desirable. - Demonstrated ability to stay current with new developments in the SBC/Gender/ADAP field is required. Familiarity with new and emerging approaches such as behavioural insights, human centered design, social listening, gender analysis, among others is a plus.    - Demonstrated experience in the execution of complex priorities, processes and projects in office work-plans. - At least four years country programme experience in with a multilateral development agency or national NGO in a low- or middle-income setting is an asset. - Proven ability to work with internal and external stakeholders at multiple levels, including providing technical support and capacity building and establishing/managing external partnerships. - Language Requirements: Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) or a local language is an asset - Desirable: Developing country work experience and/or familiarity with emergency. For every Child, you demonstrate... UNICEF's Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter: [UNICEF Values]( The UNICEF competencies required for this post are... (1) Builds and maintains partnerships (2) Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness (3) Drive to achieve results for impact (4) Innovates and embraces change (5) Manages ambiguity and complexity (6) Thinks and acts strategically (7) Works collaboratively with others  (8) Nurtures, leads and manages people  Familiarize yourself with [our competency framework]('s_Competency_Framework.pdf) and its different levels. UNICEF is committed to [diversity and inclusion within its workforce](, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious or ethnic background, and persons with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization. To create a more inclusive workplace, UNICEF offers paid parental leave, breastfeeding breaks, and reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements. Click [here]( to learn more about flexible work arrangements, well-being, and benefits. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. In its Disability Inclusion Policy and Strategy 2022-2030, UNICEF has committed to increase the number of employees with disabilities by 2030. At UNICEF, we provide [reasonable accommodation]( for work-related support requirements of candidates and employees with disabilities. Also, UNICEF has launched a Global Accessibility Helpdesk to strengthen physical and digital accessibility. If you are an applicant with a disability who needs digital accessibility support in completing the online application, please submit your request through the accessibility email button on the UNICEF Careers webpage [Accessibility | UNICEF]( UNICEF does not hire candidates who are married to children (persons under 18). UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination based on gender, nationality, age, race, sexual orientation, religious or ethnic background or disabilities. UNICEF is committed to promote the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check, and selected candidates with disabilities may be requested to submit supporting documentation in relation to their disability confidentially. UNICEF appointments are subject to medical clearance.  Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station is required for IP positions and will be facilitated by UNICEF. Appointments may also be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Should you be selected for a position with UNICEF, you either must be inoculated as required or receive a medical exemption from the relevant department of the UN. Otherwise, the selection will be canceled.   Remarks: As per Article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. UNICEF's active commitment to diversity and inclusion is critical to deliver the best results for children. For this position, eligible and suitable women or person living with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Government employees who are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government positions before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason.  UNICEF does not charge a processing fee at any stage of its recruitment, selection, and hiring processes (i.e., application stage, interview stage, validation stage, or appointment and training). UNICEF will not ask for applicants' bank account information. Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with UNICEF and an underlying premise of the international civil service. All UNICEF positions are advertised, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. An internal candidate performing at the level of the post in the relevant functional area, or an internal/external candidate in the corresponding Talent Group, may be selected, if suitable for the post, without assessment of other candidates. Additional information about working for UNICEF can be found [here](                ______________________________________________________________________   How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position - Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance. - For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility. ______________________________________________________________________

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2024-12-19 2024-12-19

Programme Specialist - POWER4Girls Initiative - P4

United States of America, New York, New York - UNICEF

UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, defend their rights, and help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. At UNICEF, we are committed, passionate, and proud of what we do. Promoting the rights of every child is not just a job ? it is a calling. UNICEF is a place where careers are built: we offer our staff diverse opportunities for personal and professional development that will help them develop a fulfilling career while delivering on a rewarding mission. We pride ourselves on a culture that helps staff thrive, coupled with an attractive compensation and benefits package. Visit our website to learn more about what we do at UNICEF.   For every child, a champion Gender equality is essential to realizing the mandate of UNICEF to uphold the rights of all children. The UNICEF Gender Action Plan (GAP), 2022?2025, operationalizes the UNICEF Gender Policy, 2021?2030, by specifying how UNICEF will promote gender equality across its programmes and workplaces. It affirms that promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is the responsibility of everyone, regardless of organizational role. The GAP elaborates the steps required to accelerate progress on gender equality across the five Goal Areas of the UNICEF Strategic Plan, 2022?2025, as well as within institutional systems and processes, with clear indicators and monitoring mechanisms to track change. Recognizing that gender discrimination has lifelong and intergenerational impacts, the GAP advances gender equality throughout the life course. At the same time, it promotes targeted actions to advance the leadership and well-being of adolescent girls, as girls are both disproportionately affected by gender inequality and have tremendous potential to be leaders for change. This dual-track approach goes beyond responding to the manifestations of gender inequality to tackle its underlying drivers, including by engaging boys and men as allies; advancing upstream financing and policy solutions; and supporting girls' agency and voice.  UNICEF has launched an Adolescent Girls' Programme Strategy which aims to accelerate action against these commitments, and articulates a vision for moving forwards, with and for adolescent girls', to deliver multi-faceted, girl-targeted programming, working in partnership with other partners, especially girl-led and girl-focused organisations. Girls' voice, agency and empowerment is at the core of the strategy. Much progress has been made in implementing this new strategy, with millions of adolescent girls reached through under the pilot programmes under the POWER4Girls Initiative umbrella; a new Global Girl Leaders Advisory Group launched; a new Adolescent Girls' Data Portal; new research programmes kickstarted, and more. But more is needed to spearhead and institutionalize focused work on adolescent girls rights in a holistic way.   How can you make a difference? UNICEF is seeking an Adolescent Girls' Programme Specialist to play a pivotal role in advancing its Gender Action Plan and Adolescent Girls' Programme Strategy. Reporting to the Senior Advisor, Gender Equality, this role is part of a global team leading efforts to empower adolescent girls through the POWER4Girls Initiative, supporting 46 country programmes. Focused on enhancing girls' wellbeing, leadership, and empowerment, this initiative uses multisectoral approaches in skills development, protection, and health. This position offers an incredible opportunity to make a tangible impact on girls' lives by providing technical and programmatic expertise, while also contributing to policy, advocacy, and coordination efforts across UNICEF's global network.   To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have to? The Adolescent Girls' Programme Specialist will provide crucial support for developing, implementing, and monitoring impactful programming, including leading the global POWER4Girls initiative. Responsibilities include meticulous budget and results monitoring, producing regular reports for diverse audiences, and managing contracts and partnerships. The Specialist will work collaboratively with cross-sectoral teams to define, measure, and report results for adolescent girls while promoting high-quality research, evidence generation, and evaluation. Coordination across sectors will ensure coherent and efficient resource use, maximizing synergies and delivering meaningful outcomes for adolescent girls. This role involves providing technical guidance and operational support across all programming stages to advance gender equality and adolescent girls' rights in line with UNICEF's strategic priorities. Responsibilities include advising country offices, conducting gender analyses, designing gender-transformative programming, and advancing policies that prioritize girls' financial inclusion, education, and health. The Specialist will also support policy efforts, contribute to advocacy and communication strategies, and share lessons learned from country-level programming. Additionally, the role emphasizes partnership building, maintaining alliances with key stakeholders, and strengthening networks to advocate for adolescent girls' rights and well-being globally.   The following minimum requirements: Education: Advanced university degree (Masters or higher) in the social sciences (i.e. sociology, demography, psychology, political science, social policy or economics), public health, public policy, public administration, international development, or in an area relevant to UNICEF's sectoral work (e.g. Health, Nutrition, WASH, Education, Child Protection, Social Inclusion, HIV/AIDs, etc.) Work Experience: - Minimum eight years of relevant professional experience and demonstrated track record of having undertaken and led substantive programming and research on gender/adolescent girls and development in key issue areas that are the focus of UNICEF's Gender Action Plan. Desirables/Assets - Experience in designing, implementing, managing, and delivering results-based programmes on gender, adolescent and development or any other cross cutting programmes, especially at country/field level, experience in emergency response is an asset. - Demonstrated ability to connect sectoral issues and programmatic approaches on gender; translate research into practicable programme design in complex environments - Demonstrated excellence in writing and verbal communication; experience with proposal writing an asset - UN/UNICEF experience is an asset Language Requirements: - Fluency in English is required. Working knowledge of another UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) is considered an asset.   For every Child, you demonstrate... UNICEF's Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter: UNICEF Values The UNICEF competencies required for this post are? - Builds and maintains partnerships - Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness - Drive to achieve results for impact - Innovates and embraces change - Manages ambiguity and complexity - Thinks and acts strategically - Works collaboratively with others  Familiarize yourself with our competency framework and its different levels. UNICEF is here to serve the world's most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic. We offer a wide range of benefits to our staff, including paid parental leave, breastfeeding breaks, and reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements. UNICEF does not hire candidates who are married to children (persons under 18). UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and discrimination. UNICEF is committed to promoting the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check. UNICEF appointments are subject to medical clearance.  Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station is required for IP positions and will be facilitated by UNICEF. Appointments may also be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Should you be selected for a position with UNICEF, you either must be inoculated as required or receive a medical exemption from the relevant department of the UN. Otherwise, the selection will be canceled.   Remarks: Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with UNICEF and an underlying premise of the international civil service. As per Article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Government employees who are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government positions before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason.  UNICEF does not charge a processing fee at any stage of its recruitment, selection, and hiring processes (i.e., application stage, interview stage, validation stage, or appointment and training). UNICEF will not ask for applicants' bank account information. All UNICEF positions are advertised, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. An internal candidate performing at the level of the post in the relevant functional area, or an internal/external candidate in the corresponding Talent Group, may be selected, if suitable for the post, without assessment of other candidates. Additional information about working for UNICEF can be found here.   How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position - Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance. - For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.

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2024-12-16 2024-12-16

Programme Coordinator, EmpowerED; Gender, Human Rights & Inclusion Branch, Programme Division - P4

Kenya, Nairobi Area, Nairobi - United Nations Population Fund

The Position: The EmpowerED programme, funded by Global Affairs Canada, aims to ensure that adolescents and youth have enhanced and equal enjoyment of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), bodily autonomy, and a life free from violence. This is achieved through comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programmes that are linked to SRHR and GBV services, fostering an enabling environment with inclusive policies both in and out of school.   How you can make a difference: UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.  UNFPA's strategic plan (2022-2025), reaffirms the relevance of the current strategic direction of UNFPA and focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. These results capture our strategic commitments on accelerating progress towards realizing the ICPD and SDGs in the Decade of Action leading up to 2030. Our strategic plan calls upon UN Member States, organizations and individuals to "build forward better", while addressing the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on women's and girls' access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, recover lost gains and realize our goals. In a world where fundamental human rights are at risk, we need principled and ethical staff, who embody these international norms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full conviction. UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained results; we need staff who are transparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who commit to deliver excellence in programme results.   Job Purpose: The EmpowerED Programme Coordinator will lead the overall coordination, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the EmpowerED programme, ensuring that all activities are aligned with UNFPA's strategic goals and the specific objectives of the programme. The Programme Manager will provide technical and strategic leadership, fostering partnerships and ensuring effective communication and advocacy efforts.    The role requires collaboration with UNFPA country offices, regional offices, other UN agencies, donors, and partners to achieve desired outcomes. The EmpowerED Programme Coordinator will be responsible for:    1. Programme Management and Coordination: - Develop and execute annual work plans, budgets, and monitoring frameworks for the EmpowerED programme, ensuring timely and effective implementation of activities. - Provide strategic direction in the implementation of the EmpowerED programme, ensuring coherence and alignment with UNFPA's Strategic Plan, EmpowerED Result-Based Framework and the strategic institutional priorities. - Coordinate with UNFPA country offices, regional offices, and headquarters, as well as with other UN agencies, donors, and implementing partners, to ensure integrated and collaborative programme delivery.   2. Capacity Building: - Provide guidance to country offices and partners on CSE, SRHR, and GBV, ensuring that all activities are evidence-based and adhere to international standards. - Lead capacity-building efforts for UNFPA staff, government counterparts, and implementing partners, focusing on effective CSE programme design, implementation, monitoring and learning. - Develop and disseminate technical guidance, tools, and resources to support the integration of gender-transformative CSE into national education systems and community-based programmes. - Promote south-south learning platforms to increase opportunities for knowledge sharing and networking.    3. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting: - Oversee the development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation processes and reporting to assess the impact of the EmpowerED programme on SRHR and GBV outcomes. - Maintain systematic and regular data collection, analysis, and reporting on programme performance, including progress towards targets and outcomes, identifying lessons learned and best practices. - Analyse data to determine areas of progress, challenges and catalytic factors for programming.  - Develop communications packages to report on progress key highlights and best practices across the programme.  - Prepare high-quality reports for donors, senior management, and other stakeholders, ensuring transparency and accountability in programme delivery.   4. Advocacy and Strategic Partnerships: - Lead advocacy efforts to promote the integration of CSE into national education policies and GBV prevention strategies, engaging with government officials, civil society, and other key stakeholders. - Build and maintain strategic partnerships with UN agencies, donors, NGOs and CSOs, and other relevant actors to leverage resources and expertise for the EmpowerED programme, including youth-led and women-led organizations. - Represent UNFPA in inter-agency fora, working groups, and other platforms, advocating for the importance of CSE in achieving SRHR outcomes, gender equality and preventing GBV. - Ensure a permanent political and environmental scanning to facilitate the overall implementation of the programme.   5. Communication and Knowledge Management: - Oversee development and implementation of the communication strategy to enhance the visibility and impact of the EmpowerED programme, including the creation of advocacy materials, case studies, and success stories. - Foster a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing within the EmpowerED programme team and among partners, establishing platforms for exchanging best practices and lessons learned. - Ensure that all communication materials and knowledge products are aligned with UNFPA's brand and strategic priorities.   6. Risk Management and Compliance: - Identify and manage risks associated with the implementation of the EmpowerED programme, developing mitigation strategies and ensuring compliance with UNFPA policies and donor requirements. - Ensure that all activities are conducted in accordance with UNFPA's ethical standards and principles, including gender equality, non-discrimination, and respect for human rights. - Prepare mitigation strategies for identified risks during the implementation of the programme.   Qualifications and Experience:  Education:   Advanced university degree (Master's or equivalent) in public health, social sciences, education, international development, gender studies, or a related field.   Knowledge and Experience:  - At least 7 years of professional experience in managing and implementing development programmes, with a focus on SRHR, CSE, and GBV prevention. - Demonstrated experience in strategic planning, programme management, monitoring and evaluation, and capacity building. - Proven experience in building and maintaining partnerships with governments, UN agencies, donors, and civil society organizations. - Strong understanding of gender equality, SRHR, and GBV issues, with experience in applying gender-transformative approaches and human rights-based approaches in programme design and implementation. - Knowledge and experience working on CSE including in curriculum development, and gender-transformative education. - Knowledge and experience in conducting political and environmental scanning.   Skills: - Excellent project management skills, with the ability to manage multiple priorities and deliver results under tight deadlines. - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to translate data and evidence into actionable recommendations. - Outstanding communication and advocacy skills, with the ability to influence and negotiate with diverse stakeholders. - Capacity to work in multidisciplinary teams and promote consensus. - Proficiency in the use of standard office software, including data analysis and project management tools.   Languages:  Fluency in English is required; knowledge of another official UN language is an asset.   Required Competencies:  Values: - Exemplifying integrity,  - Demonstrating commitment to UNFPA and the UN system,  - Embracing cultural diversity,  - Embracing change   Core Competencies:  - Achieving results, - Being accountable, - Developing and applying professional expertise/business acumen, - Thinking analytically and strategically, - Working in teams/managing ourselves and our relationships, - Communicating for impact  - Commitment to UNFPA's values and guiding principles - Developing People, Fostering Innovation and Empowerment, Performance Management - Knowledge Sharing, Continuous Learning    Functional Competencies: - Conceptual innovation in the provision of technical expertise - Job Knowledge, Technical Expertise - Managing data, information and reports - Managing financial processes   Compensation and Benefits: This position offers an attractive remuneration package including a competitive net salary plus cost-of-living adjustment, rental subsidy, education grant, home leave, health insurance and other benefits as applicable.   UNFPA Work Environment: UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, diversity, integrity and healthy work-life balance. We are committed to ensuring gender parity in the organization and therefore encourage women to apply. Individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community, minority ethnic groups, indigenous populations, persons with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups are highly encouraged to apply. UNFPA promotes equal opportunities in terms of appointment, training, compensation and selection for all regardless of personal characteristics and dimensions of diversity. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is at the heart of UNFPA's workforce - click [here]( to learn more.   Disclaimer: Selection and appointment may be subject to background and reference checks, medical clearance, visa issuance and other administrative requirements.  UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process and does not concern itself with information on applicants' bank accounts.  Applicants for positions in the international Professional and higher categories, who hold permanent resident status in a country other than their country of nationality, may be required to renounce such status upon their appointment. To view the complete job description and apply to this position, click "Apply Now" below.               ______________________________________________________________________   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - For Swiss nationals who get invited to the first round in the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Please let us know so that we can inform our HR partners from the respective organisation and the Swiss Government to increase  your visibility: - Benefit from free interview preparation by registering for a [Job Application Support](   ______________________________________________________________________  

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2024-12-07 2024-12-07

Gender and Gender-Based Violence Specialist - P3

Moldova, Chişinău, Chisinau - United Nations Population Fund

The Position: The primary role of the Gender and GBV Specialist is to lead the UNFPA Humanitarian GBV programme within the humanitarian-development-peace nexus as part of UNFPA Country Programme 2023-2027. Under the direct supervision of the UNFPA CO Representative and with guidance of the Assistant Representative and Emergency Coordinator, the Gender and GBV Specialist is responsible for providing overall strategic guidance and technical leadership in the planning, conceptualization, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of gender and gender-based violence related initiatives in humanitarian-development-peace nexus.     How you can make a difference: UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.  UNFPA's strategic plan (2022-2025), reaffirms the relevance of the current strategic direction of UNFPA and focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. These results capture our strategic commitments on accelerating progress towards realizing the ICPD and SDGs in the Decade of Action leading up to 2030. Our strategic plan calls upon UN Member States, organizations and individuals to "build forward better", while addressing the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on women's and girls' access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, recover lost gains and realize our goals. In a world where fundamental human rights are at risk, we need principled and ethical staff, who embody these international norms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full conviction. UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained results; we need staff who are transparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who commit to deliver excellence in programme results. Job Purpose: The Gender and GBV Specialist will be responsible for providing overall strategic guidance and technical leadership in the planning, conceptualization, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of gender and gender-based violence related initiatives in humanitarian-development-peace nexus. This is including providing technical and programmatic inputs to the design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Gender and GBV program. The Specialist also leads the GBV sub-working group together with UNHCR, and works in partnership with other working groups coordinators. The Gender/GBV Specialist is located in UNFPA Country Office in Moldova.  UNFPA is seeking to better position gender and GBV standalone programing, multi-sectoral and coordinated interventions and strengthening GBV services to ensure quality and timely response to the needs of the survivors of GBV. UNFPA is also seeking to ensure that gender and GBV-related policies and mechanisms are in place and endorsed by the government.   You would be responsible for: A. Program Development, Implementation and Monitoring - Lead the review and development of a comprehensive Gender and GBV program and oversee the program budget allocation and utilization of funds. - Strengthen the partnership and program management mechanisms to ensure that UNFPA activities are regularly tracked and updated, funding status and allocation of budget to IPs is tracked, and work plan and indicators development and monitoring and reporting requirements are met. - Document project development and knowledge for future replication and expansion. - Prepare regular progress reports to donors and Inter-Agency coordination reports, document lessons learned, and share with the relevant UNFPA Regional Office, UNFPA Humanitarian Office, and other units as necessary. - Liaise with the Country Office communication team to ensure the visibility of the program results as well as donor contributions. - Encourage and support the establishment of strong linkages between existing SRH and GBV programs specifically on Clinical Management of Rape (CMR) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. - Oversee the procurement of Dignity Kits and other relevant commodities and monitor their distribution and utilization by the end-point user. - Promote further localization efforts in collaboration with IPs by leading the engagement with women and girls and to increase their participation in the process of planning, monitoring, and evaluating activities. - Review internal and inter-agency contingency plans, emergency preparedness plans, and documents to support the integration of GBV, including the country program.   B. Resource mobilization - Ensure GBV programs are prioritized in resource mobilization efforts and proposals. - Participate in meetings with in-country donors to discuss resource mobilization for GBV programming. - Leverage resources for UNFPA to support inter-agency GBV activities under the GBV sub-working Group.   C. Capacity development - Provide overall technical leadership on GBV in emergency programming ensuring a humanitarian-development nexus approach and developing the capacity of UNFPA and IP staff. - Prepare and conduct training, including but not limited to, GBViE Minimum Standards, GBV Case Management,, Safe Spaces setup and management, Psychosocial Support service provision and others as identified by regular capacity assessments. - Provide guidance and support to implementing and operational partners on Humanitarian Guiding Principles, GBV Case Management, PSEA, Safe Referral, and other key responses to GBV in the humanitarian setting.   D. Advocacy and awareness raising - Provide technical support to the development of relevant advocacy and policy documents and promote awareness on GBV issues.   E. Coordination - Actively participate and ensure UNFPA representation in sector working groups. - Maintain a strong working relationship with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Education and Research to support the provision of quality care to all survivors and target groups including youth. - Develop and maintain effective working relationships with all stakeholders, including NGOs, UN agencies, the Refugee Coordination Forum, and the Inter-Agency team to enhance multi-agency and multi-sectoral cooperation and coordination. - Ensure GBV issues are integrated into key assessments, e.g. joint multisectoral assessments. - Active contribution to the Refugee Response Plan and national strategies and policies on GBV.   In collaboration with UNHCR: - Coordinate and strengthen the GBV sub-working group. - Collaborate with other sectors/working groups such as the Health Working Group, Child Protection sub-working Group, Accommodation, CASH, Youth working group, etc. to ensure GBV and youth mitigation within the sectors. - Facilitate the review and implementation of the Standard Operating Procedures for GBV, support mapping of services and regular updating and dissemination of referral pathways. - Coordinate the review and implementation of the GBV sub-working group work plan in line with the priorities of the GBV sub-working group RRP. - Review and adopt existing modules to local contexts for capacity training for case management, PSS and coordination, and GBV mainstreaming. - Support efforts to strengthen the capacity of sub-working group members on the prevention and response to GBV issues. - Ensure all GBV sub-working group partners are aware of relevant policy guidelines, national laws and policies, technical standards, and other resources to inform action to address GBV-related issues. - Support the dissemination of data outcomes of GBV/multi-cluster rapid assessments to GBV partners. - Provide technical support to the development of relevant advocacy and policy documents to address GBV in the context of broader gender inequality issues and ensure the implementation in humanitarian action. - Provide guidance on the emerging trends of GBV within Refugees and host communities to the GBV sub-working group.   Qualifications and Experience:  Education:   Advanced university degree (Master's or equivalent) in Business and Administration (MBA), Finance, Economics, social sciences, human rights, humanitarian / development studies or other related field is required. A first-degree level university degree in combination with two additional years of experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree.   Knowledge and Experience:  - 5 years of experience working on gender and gender-based violence, of which 3 are at the international level, preferably in a development and humanitarian context. - Proven experience in programme management, including planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation ensuring results based management principles and alignment with organisational objectives. - Experience leading inter-agency coordination mechanisms with a wide range of stakeholders. Demonstrable knowledge of the critical components to facilitate effective inter-agency coordination. - Awareness and demonstrable knowledge of how GBV manifests in development and humanitarian settings and ability to describe context-specific prevention and response actions. - Demonstrable knowledge of development and humanitarian operations, including the ERP and Quantum System, and roles/responsibilities of key humanitarian actors. Languages:  - Fluency in English is required. - Working knowledge of one or more additional languages relevant for Moldova, including Russian, Bulgarian, Gagauzian, Romani, Ukrainian or sign language would be an asset.   Required Competencies:  Values: - Exemplifying integrity,  - Demonstrating commitment to UNFPA and the UN system,  - Embracing cultural diversity,  - Embracing change Core Competencies:  - Achieving results, - Being accountable, - Developing and applying professional expertise/business acumen, - Thinking analytically and strategically, - Working in teams/managing ourselves and our relationships, - Communicating for impact Functional Competencies: - Advocacy/advancing a policy-oriented agenda, - Leveraging the resources of National Governments & partners/building strategic alliances & partnership, - Delivering results based programme, - Internal and external communication and advocacy for results mobilization, - Strategically positioning UNFPA Programmes, - Providing conceptual innovation to support Programme Effectiveness - Generating, managing and promoting the use of knowledge and Information, - Providing Technical support and system, - Strengthening the Programming capacity of country offices, - Facilitating quality programmatic results Managerial Competencies: - Providing strategic vision and focus, - Engaging internal/external partners and stakeholders, - Leading, developing and empowering people/ Creating a culture of performance, - Making decisions and exercising judgment    Compensation and Benefits: This position offers an attractive remuneration package including a competitive net salary plus health insurance and other benefits as applicable.   UNFPA Work Environment: UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, diversity, integrity and healthy work-life balance. We are committed to ensuring gender parity in the organization and therefore encourage women to apply. Individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community, minority ethnic groups, indigenous populations, persons with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups are highly encouraged to apply. UNFPA promotes equal opportunities in terms of appointment, training, compensation and selection for all regardless of personal characteristics and dimensions of diversity. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is at the heart of UNFPA's workforce - click [here]( to learn more.   Disclaimer: Selection and appointment may be subject to background and reference checks, medical clearance, visa issuance and other administrative requirements.  UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process and does not concern itself with information on applicants' bank accounts.  Applicants for positions in the international Professional and higher categories, who hold permanent resident status in a country other than their country of nationality, may be required to renounce such status upon their appointment. To view the complete job description and apply to this position, click "Apply Now" below.               ______________________________________________________________________   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - For Swiss nationals who get invited to the first round in the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Please let us know so that we can inform our HR partners from the respective organisation and the Swiss Government to increase  your visibility: - Benefit from free interview preparation by registering for a [Job Application Support](   ______________________________________________________________________  

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2024-12-07 2024-12-07

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