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Responsable de Bureau

Senegal, Dakar, Dakar - médecins sans frontières suisse

 Contexte & Mission Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) est une organisation humanitaire médicale à but non lucratif qui intervient dans des situations de crise et de conflit. Conformément à sa charte, MSF apporte son aide aux populations en besoin, aux victimes de catastrophes naturelles ou provoquées par l'homme et de conflits armés, sans distinction de race, de religion ou de croyances politiques. L'activité de MSF est fondée sur des principes humanitaires, agissant de manière indépendante et impartiale. Plus de 90 pour cent du financement global provient de sources privées non gouvernementales. MSF est neutre et ne prend pas parti dans les conflits armés ; fournissant des soins uniquement sur la base du besoin. Les équipes médicales de MSF sont souvent témoins de violences et de négligences dans le cadre de leur travail, principalement dans des régions qui reçoivent peu d'attention internationale. MSF peut s'exprimer publiquement dans le but d'attirer l'attention sur une crise oubliée, d'alerter le public sur des obstacles et/ou des abus se produisant au-delà des gros titres, de critiquer les insuffisances de la réponse humanitaire ou de contester le détournement de l'aide humanitaire à des fins politiques. Fondée en 1971, MSF est devenue un mouvement mondial de 26 associations, 24 sections et 6 directoires basées à Genève, Paris, Barcelone, Amsterdam, Abidjan et Bruxelles, qui gèrent directement les programmes d'assistance humanitaire de MSF. Le Bureau de Dakar regroupe les équipes de soutien opérationnel de MSF (cellules/desks), les référents techniques et les équipes de back-office. Le poste est mandaté pour diriger et gérer l'équipe du Bureau de Support de Dakar (Dakar Support Unit : DSU) au nom des 3 OC présents à Dakar et est responsable devant les Directeurs Généraux d'OCP, d'OCBA et d'OCG. Le DSU fournit des services de back-office tels que l'administration, les ressources humaines locales, la maintenance des bâtiments, la logistique, le soutien du système d'information, pour faciliter le travail de toutes les équipes de MSF présentes à Dakar.     Principales responsabilités Le Responsable de Bureau (Head of Office : HoO) : ·         Est responsable de la gestion du bureau de Dakar qui accueille plusieurs sections de MSF. ·         Dirige et gère l'équipe de l'Unité de Support de Dakar. ·         Mène et coordonne la mise en œuvre du plan stratégique de Dakar et contribue au développement du Bureau de Dakar. ·         S'accorde et collabore avec les Responsables des programme et les membres des cellules/desks pour adapter et assurer la pertinence continue de la stratégie, des activités et des ressources du Bureau de Dakar. ·         Le HoO ne prend pas de décisions au sein de la ligne opérationnelle des OC présentes à Dakar. ·         Se coordonne avec les autres sections (au Sénégal et dans la région) pour explorer les possibilités de mutualisation et développer des synergies. ·         Est responsable de la représentation externe et interne, du fonctionnement global de l'entité régionale, et du leadership de l'équipe en assurant l'adhésion aux valeurs et aux normes éthiques de MSF.    Stratégie, planification et gestion des ressources Le Responsable de Bureau est chargé de rechercher des synergies et de s'assurer que toutes les ressources nécessaires au fonctionnement du bureau et des équipes sont en place, en particulier en organisant des conditions de travail optimales et sécurisées, pour garantir que les relations de travail internes et externes soient fluides, organisées, documentées et structurées, et que les ressources et les fonds soient planifiés, utilisés et anticipés de manière appropriée : ·         Diriger et accompagner le développement d'une vision stratégique cohérente à moyen et long terme pour le bureau de Dakar, en rendant compte sur une base trimestrielle au Comité de Pilotage de Dakar. ·         Veiller à ce que les priorités du bureau de Dakar soient alignées avec le Plan Stratégique de Dakar. ·         Diriger et planifier les processus liés au cycle de planification et de rapport annuel en étroite collaboration avec les unités fonctionnelles présentes à Dakar et leurs sièges respectifs. ·         Développer, planifier et gérer les besoins en ressources et les budgets associés à l'Unité de Support de Dakar (DSU). ·         Coordonner les activités et établir les responsabilités et les procédures pour atteindre les objectifs. ·         Assurer le fonctionnement de l'Unité de Support de Dakar (DSU) en garantissant une gestion fluide du bureau et des installations pour tous. ·         Prendre des décisions dans le cadre du poste et en accord avec la direction du Comité de Pilotage. ·         Développer et structurer la partie administrative de l'organisation du travail interne, en particulier les accords de partenariat des 6 Entités Opérationnelles. ·         Recruter, gérer, diriger et évaluer efficacement le personnel conformément aux politiques organisationnelles établies, à la culture organisationnelle et à la contribution effective à l'atteinte des objectifs. ·         Assurer une responsabilité financière et une transparence de haut niveau. ·         Veiller à ce que le bureau respecte ses obligations légales et fiscales et définir le meilleur cadre légal et administratif pour soutenir le développement de ses activités. ·         Diriger et accompagner le développement d'une vision stratégique cohérente à moyen et long terme pour les initiatives régionales, conjointement avec le Comité de Pilotage de Dakar.   Réseautage, représentation et communication Le Responsable de Bureau est chargé de garantir que les relations de travail internes et externes soient fluides, organisées, documentées et structurées : ·         Coordonner activement et faciliter le réseautage entre les équipes de MSF et les réseaux pertinents de la société civile au Sénégal de manière à contribuer de façon significative au travail de MSF dans la région. ·         Représenter MSF auprès des autorités sénégalaises pour toutes les questions liées à l'enregistrement, à l'immigration, aux affaires étrangères et à l'emploi. ·         Développer et maintenir des relations avec les organisations internationales et les communautés académiques et médicales pour promouvoir le travail et la réputation de MSF. ·         Défendre activement les positions et les intérêts de MSF ; promouvoir MSF auprès d'un large public et de publics spécifiques par le biais d'événements d'information et de sensibilisation, élargissant ainsi la base de soutien. ·         Maintenir et étendre un réseau d'analystes régionaux pour (a) obtenir une perspective extérieure à MSF sur le développement contextuel et (b) être prêt à engager une expertise ad-hoc pour les travaux demandés par la mission. ·         Soutenir l'identification d'opportunités de collaboration potentielles avec des partenaires externes.   Développement du personnel ·         Diriger, en collaboration avec le département Formation et Développement (L&D), le développement de divers événements d'apprentissage et de partage d'expériences. ·         Contribuer au développement et à la mise en œuvre d'une stratégie à moyen/long terme de l'unité RH intersectorielle de Dakar. ·         Renforcer le réseau de contacts avec les institutions d'enseignement supérieur pertinentes, les associations professionnelles et autres acteurs pertinents de la région. ·         Participer sur demande à des événements spéciaux liés à l'unité des ressources humaines. Soutien administratif ·         Fournir un soutien administratif aux cellules opérationnelles et aux unités telles que le hosting, l'administration, les ressources humaines domestiques et les services généraux. ·         Sur demande des cellules opérationnelles, le Responsible de Bureau peut représenter MSF et les programmes opérationnels au sein de plateformes pré-identifiées au niveau de Dakar telles que les ONG, les donateurs ou des groupes de travail thématiques spécifiques.   Gestion de la sécurité ·         Responsable de la gestion de la sécurité pour le Bureau de Dakar. ·         Est le décideur final en ce qui concerne la sécurité personnelle et la sûreté du personnel du bureau de Dakar. Dynamique intersectionnelle ·         Représenter le Bureau de Dakar dans les discussions intersectorielles et les réunions de Hub sur l'évolution du bureau et les possibilités de collaboration intersectorielle. ·         Maintenir et renforcer les liens avec d'autres sections et bureaux de MSF dans la région. ·         Élaborer une politique d'accueil en collaboration avec les OC pour le transfert de postes à Dakar. ·         Soutenir tous les efforts pour assurer que les différentes équipes et individus des différentes sections soient alignés, coordonnés et qu'un environnement de travail adéquat soit maintenu. ·         Continuer et étendre les domaines de travail conjoint avec d'autres sections à Dakar et dans la région.     Profil recherché Education ·         Diplôme de l'enseignement supérieur dans un domaine pertinent ou combinaison de formation et d'expérience requise; les études spécialisées en leadership, gestion, développement organisationnel, relations internationales ou formation et expérience équivalentes sont préférées. Expérience ·         Au moins six ans d'expérience au sein de MSF dans des postes de direction et opérationnels ; ·         Expérience confirmée de la gestion d'équipes diverses en personne et à distance ·         Expérience confirmée de la gestion financière, notamment de l'établissement du budget et du contrôle fiscal, et capacité à gérer une bureaucratie complexe. Exigences souhaitées - Bonne compréhension du contexte, de la culture et du marché de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre. - Une expérience opérationnelle et professionnelle en Afrique occidentale et centrale est un atout. Compétences Techniques ·         Réflexion stratégique, critique et analytique ·         Excellentes compétences en matière de planification ·         Capacité avérée de leadership pour motiver et orienter les efforts vers une vision commune. ·         Forte capacité de prise de décision ·         Solides compétences en matière de relations publiques et capacité à s'engager auprès d'un large éventail de parties prenantes et de cultures. ·         Capacité à gérer des équipes diverses et pluridisciplinaires Langues ·         Maîtrise du français et de l'anglais à l'oral et à l'écrit Qualités personnelles ·         Communicateur talentueux avec d'excellentes compétences en matière de présentation, de négociation et de mise en réseau. ·         Capacité à motiver, à encadrer, à gérer et à développer des équipes performantes ·         Excellentes compétences interpersonnelles ; capacité à créer et à entretenir des réseaux de contacts clés à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du secteur humanitaire.     Conditions de travail ·         Poste à temps plein 100% ·         Poste mandaté 3 ans, renouvelable 1 fois. ·         Lieu de travail : Dakar, Sénégal ·         Date de prise de poste : 01.09.2024 ·         Salaire brut mensuel (inclus salaire de base et sursalaire) : 2 492 389 XOF ·         Prime valorisation de parcours : entre 0 et 1 068 167 XOF (suivant l'expérience) ·         Enveloppe flexible : 712 111 XOF ·         Indemnité de déplacement (montant net) : 1 068 167 XOF  ·         Prime de transport (montant net) : 26 000 FCFA ·         Assurance complémentaire santé ·         Assurance en cas de décès ou d'invalidité ·         Contribution à une retraite complémentaire ·         Forfait d'installation pour les résidents hors du Sénégal     Comment postuler Pour postuler, veuillez soumettre votre dossier de candidature conformément aux exigences suivantes : CV 2 p. max. - lettre de motivation 1p. max. - en Français ou anglais.   La date limite pour postuler est le 12 mai 2024. Nous nous réservons le droit de clôturer le poste de manière anticipée si nous estimons que la quantité et la qualité des candidatures reçues sont suffisantes.   Les candidatures seront traitées de manière confidentielle. Seules les personnes présélectionnées seront contactées. Seules les candidatures soumises sur nos plateformes de recrutement seront prises en considération. Veuillez noter que nous ne souhaitons pas utiliser les services d'agences de recrutement ou de placement. Chez MSF, nous nous engageons à avoir une culture inclusive qui encourage et soutient les diverses voix de nos membres du personnel. Nous nous efforçons de créer des lieux de travail où des équipes de personnes d'origines diverses, avec des caractéristiques, des perspectives, des idées, des expériences différentes travaillent ensemble pour la mission sociale de MSF ; leur but étant de d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats pour nos patients et les communautés avec lesquelles nous travaillons. Nous accueillons les candidatures de personnes de tout sexe, tout âge, toute orientation sexuelle, origine ethnique, religion, croyance, capacité et toute autre caractéristique de diversité.  MSF ne tolère ni l'exploitation et les abus sexuels, ni aucune autre forme de discrimination ou de harcèlement, y compris le harcèlement sexuel. Tous les candidats sélectionnés seront donc soumis à une vérification de leurs références.

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Immunization Manager - P4

Indonesia, Jakarta, Jakarta - UNICEF

UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, defend their rights, and help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. At UNICEF, we are committed, passionate, and proud of what we do. Promoting the rights of every child is not just a job – it is a calling. UNICEF is a place where careers are built: we offer our staff diverse opportunities for personal and professional development that will help them develop a fulfilling career while delivering on a rewarding mission. We pride ourselves on a culture that helps staff thrive, coupled with an attractive compensation and benefits package. Visit [our website]( to learn more about what we do at UNICEF.   For every child, Strength  UNICEF Indonesia is looking for Immunization Manager, P4 under Temporary Appointment contract for 364 days (1 year). This position is accountable for professional leadership and innovation in the development, planning, implementation, delivery, monitoring, evaluation and oversight management of the immunization programme in conjunction with Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition and Health Systems Strengthening components within the country programme, to achieve the UNICEF's immunization plus goals and objectives for the country. The Immunization manager is also accountable for ensuring the UNICEF Immunization programme promotes gender equality, with an emphasis on gender disaggregation, gender disparity identification and gender mainstreaming.  This is a re-advertisement: applicants who had previously applied will be considered and need not re-apply.   How can you make a difference? Under the general guidance of the Chief of Health, the incumbent will be responsible for the following: 1. Timely sectoral analysis, input, support and coordination contribute to the Situation Analysis with consistent integration of sex disaggregated data and its periodic update for effective project planning, development and management. 2. Quality contributions are made to the development and implementation of the Immunization strategies and approaches through participation and collaboration with internal and external partnership. 3. Work plan and objectives are strategically established, technical support is effectively provided, and planned results are timely delivered through exercise of strong leadership. 4. Project implementation progress is monitored and evaluated for adjustment, acceleration and improvement of program delivery and sustainability. 5. Technical support is provided to government and NGOs at all stages of the programme cooperation, including capacity building of government personnel and beneficiaries. 6. The capacities of Country Office staff are strengthened through effective capacity building programme in the development, implementation and management of the Immunization programme. 7. UNICEF and Government accountability is ensured for supply and non-supply assistance and disbursement of programme funds for the sector. 8. Effective partnership and collaboration achieved and maintained for advocacy, technical cooperation, programme coordination, information sharing and knowledge networking. 9. The most relevant and strategic information is provided to support the Immunization Programme by the effective implementation of integrated child survival monitoring system. 10.All required programme reports are timely prepared in compliance with the established guidelines and procedure. 11.Emergency preparedness is maintained, and in emergencies, emergency responses with effective coordination is provided. Please refer to the Term of Reference attached for detail breakdowns of the above key functions.   To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have... The following minimum requirements: • Education: Advanced degree in one of the disciplines relevant to the following areas: Medicine, Public Health, Paediatric Health, Global/International Health, Health Policy and Management, Family Health, Socio-medical Sciences, Health Education, Epidemiology, or other fields relevant to immunization. • Work Experience: Eight (8) years of professional work experience at the national and international levels in development, planning, programming, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and managing of health/Immunization programmes. Professional work experience in a managerial position, or a technical expert position in child survival & health care. • Language Requirement: Fluency in English is required. The following desirables: • Developing country work experience and/or familiarity with emergency. • Language: Knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) or a local language. [TOR TA P4 Immunization Manager for TMS.pdf](   For every Child, you demonstrate... UNICEF's Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter: [UNICEF Values](   The UNICEF competencies required for this post are... (1) Builds and maintains partnerships (2) Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness (3) Drive to achieve results for impact (4) Innovates and embraces change (5) Manages ambiguity and complexity (6) Thinks and acts strategically (7) Works collaboratively with others (8) Nurtures, leads and manages people.  Familiarize yourself with [our competency framework]('s_Competency_Framework.pdf) and its different levels. UNICEF is here to serve the world's most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. [The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone](, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic. We offer a [wide range of benefits to our staff](, including paid parental leave, breastfeeding breaks, and [reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities]( UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements. UNICEF does not hire candidates who are married to children (persons under 18). UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and discrimination. UNICEF is committed to promoting the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check. UNICEF appointments are subject to medical clearance.  Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station is required for IP positions and will be facilitated by UNICEF. Appointments may also be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Should you be selected for a position with UNICEF, you either must be inoculated as required or receive a medical exemption from the relevant department of the UN. Otherwise, the selection will be canceled.   Remarks: As per Article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. UNICEF's active commitment to diversity and inclusion is critical to deliver the best results for children.  Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with UNICEF and an underlying premise of the international civil service. Government employees who are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government positions before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason.  UNICEF does not charge a processing fee at any stage of its recruitment, selection, and hiring processes (i.e., application stage, interview stage, validation stage, or appointment and training). UNICEF will not ask for applicants' bank account information. All UNICEF positions are advertised, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. An internal candidate performing at the level of the post in the relevant functional area, or an internal/external candidate in the corresponding Talent Group, may be selected, if suitable for the post, without assessment of other candidates. Additional information about working for UNICEF can be found [here](   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:  - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).  - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support](  - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to  the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):  - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.  - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here: [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.​ 

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11/04/2024 - 18/05/2024

Staff Health Officer/Medical Doctor

Switzerland, Geneva, Geneva - médecins sans frontières suisse

Context & Mission Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an independent, international medical humanitarian organization that delivers care to people affected by natural disasters, human-made disasters, and armed conflicts, irrespective of race, religion, creed, or political affiliation. MSF's Operational Center Geneva (OCG) oversees operations in approximately 30 countries, employing around 6000 Locally Hired Staff (LHS), managing around 1000 International Mobile Staff (IMS) field assignments annually, and maintaining a headquarters staff of approximately 400 in Geneva and affiliated offices. The SHU, based in Geneva, is dedicated to advising on all work-related health issues for MSF staff, aiming to provide a holistic approach to health and wellbeing throughout the employment cycle. The unit is responsible for ensuring that MSF staff are adequately prepared for health risks they may encounter, offering direct technical support for specific cases, and playing a critical role in medical evacuations and ongoing medical care. The SHU consists of 2 psychologists, 2 medical doctors, a manager, and is supported by an intern.   Position Overview The Staff Health Officer/Medical Doctor is vital for ensuring the health and well-being of MSF staff, especially those on international assignments. This role involves pre-departure health check-ups, advice on specific health conditions, briefings and debriefings, management of health policies, and direct involvement in medical evacuations. The position requires on-call availability during nights and weekends, according to a specific shared schedule, and includes field visits to support missions as requested.   Responsibilities ·         Conduct pre-departure health check-ups and ensure that staff are informed about health risks and care available in mission areas. ·         Support the update and implementation of health management policies for staff, both locally hired and international. ·         Manage the health concerns of staff in the field, providing direct medical input or external advice as needed. ·         Facilitate medical evacuations, maintaining communication with all parties involved until the individual returns home. ·         Ensure that HQ employees receive first aid training, organize access to flu vaccinations, and contribute to health and safety committee activities. ·         Collect, monitor, analyze, and report on health data, participate in unit meetings, and propose recommendations to improve staff health management.     Your Profile Education ·         Medical Doctor degree Experience ·         Minimum 5 years of clinical experience, including Tropical Medicine, is essential. ·         Field experience with MSF or another international NGO ·         Experience in Travel Medicine, Medical Coordination position, and Occupational Health is highly desirable. Skills/ Technical competencies ·         Proficient in interpreting medical reports and offering informed recommendations. ·         Knowledge of medical evacuation procedures and protocols is beneficial. ·         Skilled in providing medical guidance and support during critical incidents. ·         Familiar with occupational health principles and practices. ·         Excellent organizational skills with a strong ability to solve problems effectively. Languages ·         Fluency in English and French is required ·         Knowledge of a third language is an advantage Personal Abilities ·         Flexible and approachable demeanor. ·         Excellent communication skills. ·         Ability to work independently. ·         Strong intercultural competencies. ·         Effective stress management. ·         Empathy and sensitivity in dealing with health concerns.     Terms of Employment ·         Full-time position 100% (40h/week) ·         Open-ended contract ·         Working place: Geneva ·         Ideal start date: June 2024 ·         Gross annual salary (for 100%): from CHF 101'172.- to CHF 115'332.- (salary commensurate with equivalent experience and internal salary grid) ·         Paid vacation: 25 days per year, prorate temporis, plus any Swiss public holidays falling within the contract period. ·         Pension plan: pension contribution covered 3/4 by MSF, 1/4 by staff member ·         Relocation package if moving from a different country to Switzerland. How to apply Interested candidates are invited to submit a detailed CV and a cover letter outlining their suitability for the role based on the criteria mentioned above : CV 2 p. max. – letter of motivation 1p. max. – in French or English. Deadline for application is 9 May 2024. We reserve the right to close the position early if we consider the number and quality of applications received to be sufficient.   The applications will be treated confidentially. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Only applications submitted on our recruitment platforms will be considered. Please note that we do not wish to use the services of recruitment or placement agencies.   At MSF, we are committed to an inclusive culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our staff members. We strive to create workplaces where teams of people with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, perspectives, ideas and experiences work together for the social mission of MSF to create better outcomes for our patients and the communities we work with. We welcome applications from individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, ethnicities, background, religions, beliefs, ability status, and all other diversity characteristics. MSF does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo reference checks.

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Legacies Coordinator

Switzerland, Geneva, Geneva - médecins sans frontières suisse

  The Legacies Coordinator is attached to the General Public Fundraising Unit, one of the four units of the Fundraising Division within the Communication and Fundraising Department of MSF Switzerland. The fundraising area is responsible to ensure the financial resources to support MSF operations by developing and effectively implementing the MSF fundraising strategy to attract and engage donors and supporters to MSF's cause.   The Legacy Coordinator is responsible for securing and increasing MSF's income from handraisers, confirmed bequests, and legacy donors across all regions of Switzerland. This role involves coordinating the activities of the Legacy team, which manages bequest files and maintains relations with stakeholders.     Responsibilities The Legacies Coordinator is the main adviser to the Legacies Team. This is a key position in the General Public Fundraising unit. He/she is personally responsible for fundraising among his/her own group of individual donors and coordinates the fundraising and follow-up of the MSF Switzerland Legacies Team. He/she recommends the strategy and annual budget for Legacies and Inheritances activities, and works closely with his/her team to ensure synergy and coherence. Together with the Head of the General Public Fundraising unit, he/she is responsible for devising the overall strategy for the Legacies and Inheritances management procedures, as well as the dispatch of new files and donor portfolios managed by the team, and ensures the implementation of annual action plans for each. He/she accompanies and supports the members of his/her team in the management of their files and daily activities.   He/she also provides support to the team in administering legacies and inheritances in German, French, and Italian. He/she ensures that all legacies and inheritances made to MSF are received and optimised securely by the Legacies team. He/she works to cultivate good relationships with the testators and "handraisers," working to promote their engagement, and ensures follow-up with this target audience. He/she manages relationships with our partner lawyers, notaries, and other stakeholders. He/she ensures that the team implements processes and procedures related to legacies and inheritances (acceptance, court decisions, etc.) and ensures that all legacies and inheritances made to MSF are received and optimised securely by the team. He/she always ensures the protection of the interest and reputation of Médecins Sans Frontières Switzerland and ensures financial follow-up with the Head of the General Public Fundraising unit, and the Communications and Fundraising department and Finance management of MSF Switzerland.   - Develop and implement MSF's fundraising strategy for legacies, in coordination with the Legacy team. - Advise the Legacy team and recommend the strategy and annual budget for legacy and inheritance activities. - Ensure the secure receipt and optimization of all legacies and inheritances made to MSF. - Manage relationships with testators, "handraisers", partner lawyers, notaries, and other stakeholders. - Provide administrative support for managing legacies and inheritances in German, French, and Italian.   Your Profile Education - Tertiary degree in law, marketing, fundraising, or business administration. Experience - Previous experience in similar roles; experience with MSF or other NGOs/International Organizations is an advantage. Skills/ Technical competencies - Ability to develop and implement fundraising strategies for legacies. - Proficiency in verbal and written communication and argumentation. - Analytical skills and comfort with numbers. - Knowledge of the Swiss legal and political system, particularly in the field of inheritance law. - Excellent computer literacy, internet navigation, and proficiency with office software. Languages - Bilingual or highly fluent in German and French. - Proficiency in spoken and written English. - Knowledge of Italian is an asset. Personal Abilities - Demonstrated ability to lead and motivate a team, foster collaboration, and provide effective direction. - Excellent interpersonal skills and proven experience in managing relationships with various stakeholders. - Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, prioritize tasks, and effectively meet deadlines. - Interest, understanding, and commitment to humanitarian principles and MSF values.   Terms of Employment - Full-time position 100% (40h/week) - Open-ended contract - Working place: Geneva or Zürich - Ideal start date: 17 June 2024 - Gross annual salary (for 100%): from CHF 93'504.- to CHF 107'280.- (salary commensurate with equivalent experience and internal salary grid) - Paid vacation: 25 days per year, prorate temporis, plus any Swiss public holidays falling within the contract period. - Pension plan: pension contribution covered 3/4 by MSF, 1/4 by staff member - Relocation package if moving from a different country to Switzerland.   How to apply Candidates submit their application following the requirements:  CV 2 p. max. – letter of motivation 1p. max. – in French or English.  Deadline for application is 28 April 2024. We reserve the right to close the position early if we consider the number and quality of applications received to be sufficient. The applications will be treated confidentially. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Only applications submitted on our recruitment platforms will be considered. Please note that we do not wish to use the services of recruitment or placement agencies. At MSF, we are committed to an inclusive culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our staff members. We strive to create workplaces where teams of people with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, perspectives, ideas and experiences work together for the social mission of MSF to create better outcomes for our patients and the communities we work with. We welcome applications from individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, ethnicities, background, religions, beliefs, ability status, and all other diversity characteristics. MSF does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo reference checks.

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WASH Specialist, Systems Strengthening - P4

United States of America, New York, New York - UNICEF

UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, defend their rights, and help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. At UNICEF, we are committed, passionate, and proud of what we do. Promoting the rights of every child is not just a job – it is a calling. UNICEF is a place where careers are built: we offer our staff diverse opportunities for personal and professional development that will help them develop a fulfilling career while delivering on a rewarding mission. We pride ourselves on a culture that helps staff thrive, coupled with an attractive compensation and benefits package. Visit [our website]( to learn more about what we do at UNICEF. Under the Strategic Plan 2022-2025, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) is an integral part of Goal 4 ensuring that "every child lives in a safe and clean environment". UNICEF supports WASH programming across a range of countries, from stable to fragile contexts, and with emphasis on technical support to strengthening the quality and sustainability of WASH services and systems for families and communities. Our interventions range from policy and planning, though leadership, evidence and advocacy to service delivery and we work at sub-national to global levels.  Key priorities for UNICEF WASH under this strategic plan include a shift in how we work with service delivery across households and institutions (humanitarian and development), systems strengthening including a focus on financing WASH, climate resilience and how we work in the WASH development – humanitarian– peace nexus.  Organization wide indicators for WASH systems strengthening and Finance are being systematically tracked for the first time under Result Area 2 of Goal 4.   For every child, a hope.... This role will support countries, in complex humanitarian crises to meet their commitments under the CCCs, and their responsibility as the Cluster Lead Agency for nutrition. To reach the planned results we are looking to strengthen our capacity with a Specialist in WASH Systems Strengthening / Finance including providing technical expertise in governance including budgeting and financing; planning, monitoring and review; and capacity development. Some of these programming shifts include in-depth analysis of sector systems, evidence generation, strengthening capacity within the WASH network on systems and finance in these areas as well as supporting on resource mobilization and increasing attention to address existing vulnerabilities and disparities. This also includes supporting  partnerships, including with WHO on global systems monitoring by GLAAS.    The WASH Specialist on system strengthening /finance will provide strategic support in guiding, monitoring and reporting on UNICEF WASH Result Area 2 2, and development of the WASH workforce in these topics. They incumbent will also support the overall work being done via the Results and Resources / Scaling up Outputs, in close partnership with the regional networks. , The post will support the Senior Adviser and Director towards achieving UNICEF's Strategic Plans targets, standards of performance and accountability framework for the most vulnerable children and families in development and humanitarian programming contexts. The WASH Programme Group Team sits in UNICEFs Programme Group   How can you make a difference?  - Participate and steer strategic discussions to influence WASH systems and finance strategies, including the positioning of UNICEF work in this area in various bilateral and platform partnerships. - Support Regional and Country offices on matters relating to system/finance WASH work. - Interact with global and regional initiatives and partnerships for WASH systems and finance work. - Prepare learning/knowledge products, covering innovative approaches and good practices, to support overall WASH sector development around WASH systems/finance. - Support the professional development of UNICEF WASH staff around WASH systems/finance, to ensure our sector capacity remains up to date with latest developments in these areas. - Advise the Senior Advisor on establishing the annual work plan and annual workplan outputs, and activities. Monitor workplan implementation, to ensure that Results and Resources / Scaling up output results are achieved to schedule and performance standards. - Provide comprehensive and current data to inform WASH policy and programme development, planning, management and implementation. Keep abreast of WASH sector developments, for maximum efficiency and effectiveness in WASH programme design, management and implementation. - Participate in strategic WASH programme planning discussions and the formulation of the WASH outcome and output results, related indicators, baselines, targets and means of verification, ensuring alignment with the UNICEF's Strategic Plan, UNICEF's global WASH strategy, and the role of other WASH external support agencies.   To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have... - An advanced university degree (Master's Degree or higher) in public health, social sciences, behavior change communication, civil or environmental engineering, finance, business or another relevant technical field is required. - A minimum of 8 (eight) years of professional experience at the national/and or international levels in WASH-related programmes for developing countries is required. - At least five years of work in WASH systems and or WASH Finance (with UN-Govt-INGO), is required. - Experience with international deployment in a developing country is desirable. - Fluency in English (written and verbal) is required. Knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) or a local language is an asset.   For every Child, you demonstrate... UNICEF's Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter: [UNICEF Values](   The UNICEF competencies required for this post are... (1) Builds and maintains partnerships (2) Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness (3) Drive to achieve results for impact (4) Innovates and embraces change (5) Manages ambiguity and complexity (6) Thinks and acts strategically (7) Works collaboratively with others, familiarize yourself with [our competency framework]('s_Competency_Framework.pdf) and its different levels. UNICEF is here to serve the world's most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. [The UNICEF family is committed to including everyone](, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic. We offer a [wide range of benefits to our staff](, including paid parental leave, breastfeeding breaks, and [reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities]( UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements. UNICEF does not hire candidates who are married to children (persons under 18). UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and discrimination. UNICEF is committed to promoting the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check. UNICEF appointments are subject to medical clearance.  Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station is required for IP positions and will be facilitated by UNICEF. Appointments may also be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Should you be selected for a position with UNICEF, you either must be inoculated as required or receive a medical exemption from the relevant department of the UN. Otherwise, the selection will be canceled. "UNICEF only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU) / United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed at" For more information on remuneration and benefits, please visit [UNICEF's Entitlements' page](  If you would like to find estimates for entitlements, you may use the online [Salary Estimate Calculator]( - All UNICEF positions are advertised, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. An internal candidate performing at the level of the post in the relevant functional area, or an internal/external candidate in the corresponding Talent Group, may be selected, if suitable for the post, without assessment of other candidates. - Additional information about working for UNICEF can be found [here]( - Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with UNICEF and an underlying premise of the international civil service. Government employees who are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government positions before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:  - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).  - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support](  - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to  the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):  - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.  - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here: [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.​ 

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04/04/2024 - 28/04/2024

Digital Data Analyst

Switzerland, Geneva, Geneva - médecins sans frontières suisse

As a Digital Data Analyst at MSF Switzerland, you will be responsible for collecting, analysing, and interpreting data from MSF Switzerland digital communication channels and online fundraising activities. Your insights and recommendations will inform strategic decision-making for digital engagement and fundraising efforts, ensuring that MSF Switzerland effectively engages its target audiences and achieves its strategic communication and fundraising goals.   Main Responsibilities   - Tagging and Tracking: Technical in-house set up of tagging, sourcing and tracking on all digital platforms and activities including engagement and fundraising indicators. - Data collection and Monitoring: Gather and clean online data from various sources including website analytics, social media platforms, newsletter and emailings, and online fundraising platforms. Propose the set of KPIs for regular monitoring of the digital engagement and fundraising performance based on the Communications and Fundraising strategy and the digital annual plan activities and goals. - Data Analysis and Interpretation: Analyze data to identify trends, patterns, and insights related to audience behavior, content effectiveness, and campaigns performance. - Data Visualization and Reporting: Create visually compelling and informative dashboards, presentations, regular reports and ad-hoc analysis to communicate key findings, performance metrics, and actionable insights to relevant stakeholders. Use data visualization tools such as Looker Studio or Power BI to transform complex data into easily understandable visualizations. - Cross-functional optimisation: Collaborate with colleagues in the digital unit and other communications and fundraising units to align strategies, optimise campaigns and maximise impact based on data-driven insights. - Market benchmark and trends: Monitor the evolution of the digital engagement and fundraising Swiss market and benchmark with MSF's results. Stay informed about new tools in digital data analysis and evolutions in the digital industry such as a cookiesless future, data protection technologies or emerging social media platforms trends. Your Profile Education Tertiary degree in Data Science, Statistics, Computer Science, Marketing, or a related field   Skills/ Technical competencies - Proficiency in digital analytics tools such as Google Analytics, GA4 and Google Tag Manager - Proficiency in configuring tracking pixels and sourcing to accurately capture and analyze user interactions, conversions, and other relevant metrics - Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment - Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret complex datasets and derive actionable insights - Excellent communication skills with the ability to present findings to non-technical stakeholders - Collaborative mindset with the ability to work effectively in cross-functional teams - Data Management Platform and Server tracking experience is valued - Commitment to MSF's principles of humanitarian action and medical ethics Experience - Proven experience (2+ years) in digital analytics or digital marketing - Demonstrated experience in applying statistical techniques and methodologies to analyze digital data and derive actionable insights - Experience with data visualisation tools such as PowerBI and Google Looker Studio - Experience with web development technologies (HTML, CSS, JS) and CMS is an advantage - Experience with CRM systems and other digital platforms and tools, such as emailings, donation platforms, website analytics tools and webhook like Zapier - Previous experience in a non-profit organization a plus Languages - Written and spoken fluency in English - German and/or French an asset Terms of Employment - Open-ended contract, 80% (32h/week) - Duty station : Geneva or Zürich - Start date: July 2024 - Gross annual salary (for 100%): from CHF 86'508.- to CHF 99'612.- (salary commensurate with equivalent experience and internal salary grid) - Paid vacation: 25 days per year, prorate temporis, plus any Swiss public holidays falling within the contract period. - Pension plan: pension contribution covered 3/4 by MSF, 1/4 by staff member - Relocation package if moving from a different country to Switzerland. How to apply Candidates submit their application following the requirements: CV 2 p. max. – letter of motivation 1p. max. – in French or English. Deadline for application is 28 April 2024. We reserve the right to close the position early if we consider the number and quality of applications received to be sufficient.   The applications will be treated confidentially. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Only applications submitted on our recruitment platforms will be considered. Please note that we do not wish to use the services of recruitment or placement agencies.   At MSF, we are committed to an inclusive culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our staff members. We strive to create workplaces where teams of people with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, perspectives, ideas and experiences work together for the social mission of MSF to create better outcomes for our patients and the communities we work with. We welcome applications from individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, ethnicities, background, religions, beliefs, ability status, and all other diversity characteristics. MSF does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo reference checks.

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Flying Med (Middle East Support Office)

Switzerland, Geneva, Geneva - médecins sans frontières suisse

Field-based position with visits to HQ   Context The Middle East Support Office (MESO) is the HQ office of OCG in Amman, Jordan. Its purpose is to support MSF programs in the face of the growing complexity of intervention contexts and new challenges in the Middle East and beyond. MESO joins other MSF structures already present in the region, including OCBA, OCP and OCA in Jordan. Together, we aim to generate a strong dynamic in the Middle East, to better understand its challenges and problems, and gain a clearer picture of the medical and humanitarian issues that MSF needs to address. ​This position will strengthen MSF OCG medical teams' capacity, allowing for rapid deployment to missions in the event of Emergency Response, Assessments, Exploratory Missions, Gap filling in critical locations. Furthermore, the position will contribute to specific med/ops dossiers, including analysis upon requests and will assist in the induction of first missioners PMRs or MedCos. Main Responsibilities As a member of the MESO team, the flying Med contributes to the achievements of the MESO strategic objectives and is deployed to the field to provide direct support to project and coordination teams in OCG missions of interventions. The position also will assist in the induction of the first missioner PMRs or MedCos.   Emergency response and Operational continuity The priority for this role will be to provide support during emergency response, assessment and participate in exploratory missions as well as being deployed to cover operational critical gaps in the field. Analysis, support on dossiers and organizational learning The position provides targeted support to mission countries and cells based on their request, through contributing in analytical work, providing support on specific medical dossiers as well as lessons learnt and capitalizations. Staff development As per request of the missions and cells, contribute in the induction of first missioners PMRs through their coaching and mentoring at the project site. Contribute to MESO development - The position is expected to contribute to reflection on MESO ways of working, including support to emergencies, new support areas to develop and other dossiers in order to keep the MESO office relevant to changing needs in the missions and MSF areas of intervention. - Liaise with MESO team members by sharing information, relevant updates, and highlighting any significant developments in mission countries' medical/operational contexts - Participate to internal and external trainings, relevant to the field of MESO support - Deliver support-mission reports with relevant managerial and technical recommendations within a week after the end of the support mission. ProfileEducation Essential, degree in medicine or other paramedical studies. Specialization in tropical medicine or a degree in Public Health would be an asset Experience - Essential working experience with MSF as experienced PMR or MedCo (minimum   of 2 years' experiences with at least one emergency mission)  - Prior experience in the Middle East as an asset Technical competencies - Strong analytical skills - Project management - Critical reading and writing - Essential computer literacy (Word, Excel, PPT...etc.) and DHIS2 Language - Fluent in English - French or Arabic as an asset Personal competencies - Excellent ability to work in a multicultural environment successfully and to demonstrate commitment and support for diversity, gender-responsive, inclusive, and non-discriminatory behavior and attitudes - Strategic vision - Leadership - Networking, communication and representation skills - People Management and Development - Teamwork and cooperation  - Dynamic and Flexible - Stress management Terms of Employment - Fixed-term contract, 12 months  - Full-time, 100% (40h/week) - Working place : Field-based position (80% of the time) with visits to HQ   - Practical working conditions in the field are in accordance with the MSF OCG volunteer manual. - Ideal start date: May 1st, 2024 - Gross monthly salary: CHF 5'500.- based on 100% - Benefits: Health insurance and living expenses in the countries of intervention and at headquarters, paid according to internal regulations. How to apply Candidates submit their application following the requirements: CV 2 p. max. – letter of motivation 1p. max. – in French or English. Deadline for application is April 23rd, 2024. We reserve the right to close the position early if we consider the number and quality of applications received to be sufficient.   The applications will be treated confidentially. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.   At MSF, we are committed to an inclusive culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our staff members. We strive to create workplaces where teams of people with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, perspectives, ideas and experiences work together for the social mission of MSF to create better outcomes for our patients and the communities we work with. We welcome applications from individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, ethnicities, background, religions, beliefs, ability status, and all other diversity characteristics. MSF does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo reference checks.  

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Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Project Manager, Generic

Afghanistan, Kabul, Kabul - Medair International

Role & Responsibilities Manage the health project in line with the objectives, timeframe and budget laid down in the current proposal and meet Medair quality standards and the BPHS. To ensure that beneficiary participation is enhanced in all phases of the project. To manage and train the PHC team and locally recruited health staff. To anticipate, plan, and share in the development of new health project proposals.   Project Overview Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation projects in countries of high vulnerability.   Workplace & Working conditions Generic Field Vacancies are based in capital city or main field base in one of our programmes.   Starting Date / Initial Contract Details This position is not currently open, but frequently required in the Field.Full time, Normally ranges from (a minimum of) 12 months to 2 years.   Key Activity Areas Technical / Management - Develop and manage a comprehensive activity plan covering the time frame of the project proposal. - Ensure the quality and sustainability of the project outputs. - Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation assessments against project objectives. - Ensure accurate and timely reporting of activities (monthly, quarterly and final reports). - Support the Programme Coordinator and CD in the development of new proposals. - Support the health sector by the improvement and further design of the technical sector on approved and appropriate health practices. Logistics and Administration - To coordinate with the logistics department and ensure all health project related equipment is available on site in a timely fashion. - To coordinate with the administration department to ensure accurate accounting of project finances as well as effective cash-flow. - To ensure that health project stocks are managed, transported and maintained correctly. Staff Management - Oversee all staff based in the health project including recruitment,appraisal, management, general well-being, job descriptions, work schedules, discipline etc. in coordination with the Projects Coordinator. - Provide training to all National staff in the health sector (within budget and operational constraints) so as to ensure ownership and full local responsibility of all health activities. - To facilitate regular project meetings to assist information sharing between project staff and to ensure that all staff members are well aware of project objectives and current work plan. Communications and Public Relations - To maintain a transparent, honest and supportive communication structure within the Medair team. - Develop and maintain relationships with local authorities, churches and NGO's on site, with the objective of raising public awareness of Medair and ensuring good co-operation and partnerships. - Contribute to Medair's private fundraising and public awareness campaigns by supplying the FCO or the International HQ Marketing team with beneficiary stories and photos, as well as project updates etc. Security Management - To be responsible for the safety and security of Medair health assets and personnel on site of operations. - To adhere to the security guidelines employed by Medair on site. Quality Management - To promote and use the e-library, ensuring the standardised formats are used and guidelines followed. - Ensure health projects are implemented in accordance with Medair, donor, field, and international standards. Qualifications - Higher level qualification in a technical field; BSc/MSc in Management desirable. - Medical doctor or senior nurse with public health or tropical health qualification desirable.  Experience - 2 years minimum experience post qualification. - 1 yr overseas experience in relief work with an NGO, having worked preferably in the health sector desirable. - Able to prioritise clearly; able to enforce procedures; able to oversee multiple tasks. - Good interpersonal skills; clear communicator. - Good negotiation skills, especially in the context of another culture. - Advanced planning, assessment and analytical skills desirable.   How to applyPlease ensure you are fully aware of the: a) [Medair organizational values]( b) Medair is committed to safeguarding the protection of beneficiaries, volunteers, staff and partners, and particularly children. Therefore, we do not employ staff whose background we understand to be unsuitable for working with children. Medair staff are required to give the utmost respect to, and comply with, [Medair's accountability policies and best practices]( c) [Medair Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC)]( (which forms part of the recruitment selection process for field positions). Application Process To apply, go to this vacancy on our [Medair Page.]( Please do not make multiple applications. We will not review email applications. Only English-language applications / CVs will be reviewed.

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WASH Advisor

Afghanistan, Kabul, Kabul - Medair International

Role & Responsibilities The WASH & Food Security Advisor provides technical advice and support to management and project staff, delivers training and ensures quality programming. On a day-to-day basis this involves developing, leading, monitoring and evaluating technical aspects of the country programme activities in WASH and Food Security. The role includes coordinating and networking at a senior level with national and regional authorities, clusters, and other NGOs, providing capacity building for national and international staff, championing best practice (international and Medair) in the programmes and contributing to the overall management of the country programme. The WASH & Food Security Advisor will advise on assessment and survey design, for existing and new project areas. Provide technical advice and ensure quality programming in WASH and some Food Security aspects of programmes. Provide capacity building for national and international Project Managers. The role Holder will be the Point of contact in the country programme for GSO sector Technical Advisors. Champion best practice (international and Medair) in the WASH programmes and contributing to the overall management of the country programme.   Project Overview Medair Afghanistan is a complex and dynamic country programme due to instability related to politics and security. Medair has been operating in Afghanistan since 1996 and is currently multi-sectoral projects in health, nutrition, WASH, and food security in vulnerable communities in the Central Highlands and Southern Afghanistan.   Workplace & Working conditions Field based position in Kabul, Afghanistan.   Starting Date / Initial Contract Details June 2024. Full time, 12 months.   Key Activity Areas Project Management - Provide programme support and technical advice with an emphasis on WASH and disaster risk reduction including food security. - Maintain an overview of the country WASH & Food Security programme(s) and of the regional context, with a view to strategically developing new projects in current sites and / or in surrounding regions. - Ensure projects are implemented in line with donor proposals and requirements and in accordance with Medair, donor, country, and international standards. - Provide technical support in the sectoral (WASH, Food Security, BCC, DRR) including the evaluation and impact analysis of current projects and writing of donor proposals and reports within the required timeframes. - Monitor the project quality outcomes and make necessary recommendations including corrective action related to changes to the project scope, project schedule and project costs in consultation with project and senior management. - Participate in recruitment of staff for country programme, providing advice on technical skills and experience as requested. - Define appropriate policies, guidelines, and protocols for the WASH aspects of Medair's work in country, in consultation with other field project managers and in line with relevant government, Sphere and WHO guidelines! - Carry out regular monitoring visits in conjunction with other field project managers, ensuring that project objectives are met within the stated timeframes and in accordance with recognised international standards! - Supervise and monitor the development of reporting systems for data collection (qualitative and quantitative), analysis and follow-up and feedback to relevant staff, donors, partners, and other agencies. - Maintain an oversight of WASH supplies ordered for the WASH projects, supporting the WASH and logistics staff in the coordination and quality control of WASH supplies. - Provide input into the integration of beneficiary participation and accountability in all aspects of Projects. - Develop new project design for WASH, BCC, Food Security and DRR components of projects, in consultation with wider senior management team. Representation - Develop and maintain relationships with UN, NGOs, donors, partners, and other stakeholders, with the objective of raising public awareness of Medair and ensuring good co-operation and partnerships. - Seek out relevant networks or task groups on specific Sector -related humanitarian aid issues and actively participate, if possible - Accompany donors on field trips, as requested, and ensure programme details are transmitted in a timely and professional manner. - Represent Medair, as appropriate, at coordination, sector, and bilateral meetings, working groups, with national and / or local government departments and any other relevant meetings or events, facilitating supportive synergies and overall progress in the WASH sector and avoiding duplication with the work of other agencies. Staff Management - Participate in the recruitment of WASH, Food Security and DRR staff for the country programme, providing advice on technical skills and experience as requested. - Ensure that all WASH staff are adequately trained and, if necessary, create possibilities for capacity building, mentoring, and coaching, within budget constraints. Plan and develop training material as required. - Support line managers in inductions and appraisals of WASH staff, particularly with regard to technical skills. Financial Management - Work with the Projects Coordinator and relevant field project managers and GSO staff to plan and construct Sector budgets. - Work with the Projects Coordinator to ensure the project expenditure is in line with approved budgets, advising on potential under / overspend and recommending appropriate corrective action. Quality Management - Promote and use the Medair e-library and other operating procedures, ensuring that all standardised formats are used, and guidelines are followed. - Ensure WASH & Food security projects are implemented in line with donor proposals and requirements and in accordance with Medair, donor, country, and international standards e.g. Sphere and CHS standards, WHO recommendations, etc. Follow the direction of the WASH Advisor at GSO regarding quality, strategy, and technical guidelines. - Ensure sectoral integration, learning, sharing and adoption of best practices to ensure quality of projects in liaison with other sector advisors, and under advice of GSO WASH Advisor. - Maintain a resource library for the WASH, BCC, Food Sec and DRR teams and keep up-to-date with the latest trends and updates within the sector. Ensure staff have access to necessary and appropriate information as required. Team Spiritual Life - Reflect the values of Medair with team members, local staff, beneficiaries, and external contacts. - Aim to contribute towards team unity through respectful communication. Qualifications - BSc in Water / Environmental/Agriculture Engineering or Management or Civil Engineering or Hydrology / Geology - Good English (spoken and written)  Experience - Relevant post-qualification professional experience, in a management position - 2-year overseas experience in relief work with an NGO managing and coordinating WASH/FSL projects, preferably in an emergency context - Experience of the humanitarian sector in an emergency context - Project Management experience - Excellent proposal and report writing skills (including ability to develop and report on log-frames and a knowledge of indicators and impact) - Knowledge of Humanitarian Essentials, Sphere and HAP Standards, protection issues and other international humanitarian guidelines and protocols - Knowledge and experience of principles and design, monitoring, implementation, and evaluation of projects - Good financial management skills (budget design and control) - Excellent negotiation/advocacy skills within varying cultural and professional contexts, in particular regarding donors and government officials - Excellent time management and an ability to meet goals. - Commitment to best practice - Advanced planning, assessment, and analytical skills - Good report and proposal writing skills. - Problem solving ability  How to applyPlease ensure you are fully aware of the: a) [Medair organizational values]( b) Medair is committed to safeguarding the protection of beneficiaries, volunteers, staff and partners, and particularly children. Therefore, we do not employ staff whose background we understand to be unsuitable for working with children. Medair staff are required to give the utmost respect to, and comply with, [Medair's accountability policies and best practices]( c) [Medair Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC)]( (which forms part of the recruitment selection process for field positions). Application Process To apply, go to this vacancy on our [Medair Page.]( Please do not make multiple applications. We will not review email applications. Only English-language applications / CVs will be reviewed.

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Health Project Manager

Ukraine, Kiev Oblast, Kyiv - Medair International

Role & Responsibilities Manage the health project in line with the objectives, timeframe and budget laid down in the current proposal and meet Medair and international standards. On a day-to-day basis the Health Project Manager oversees the implementation of Medair health activities in Ukraine. This will involve coordination, staff supervision, data collection and reporting. The Health Project Manager will work alongside logistics, human resources and finance to ensure project implementation of activities with technical support from Medair's Health Advisor.   Project Overview Medair arrived in Ukraine at the end of February 2022 and are providing WASH, Health, NFI/Shelter, and other emergency assistance in parts of Ukraine.   Workplace & Working conditions Field position based in Ukraine, with frequent travel to the different health project locations.   Starting Date / Initial Contract Details May 2024. Full time, 12 months.   Key Activity Areas Technical / Management - Responsible for ensuring project implementation is according to Medair policy and compliant with Medair, donor, national, and international guidelines. - Develop and manage a comprehensive activity plan covering the time frame of the project proposal. - Ensure the quality and sustainability of the project outputs. - Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation assessments against project objectives. - Ensure accurate and timely reporting of activities (monthly, quarterly and final reports) and send to the Project Coordinator and Health Advisor for approval. - Provide programme data for donor reports, to the Funding Manager and Health Advisor prior to submission to donors. Responsible for open communication regarding project planning and implementation with the Project Coordinator, Health Advisor, and other key staff. - Support the Programme Coordinator and CD in the development of new proposals. Logistics and Administration - Coordinate with the logistics department and ensure all health project related equipment is available on site in a timely fashion. - Coordinate with the administration department to ensure accurate accounting of project finances as well as effective cash-flow. Ensure that health project stocks are managed, transported and maintained correctly. Staff Management - Oversee all staff based in the health project including recruitment, appraisal, management, general well-being, job descriptions, work schedules, discipline etc. in coordination with the PC and Health Advisor. - Provide training to all National staff in the health sector (within budget and operational constraints) so as to ensure ownership and full local responsibility of all health activities. - Facilitate regular project meetings to assist information sharing between project staff and to ensure that all staff members are well aware of project objectives and current work plan. Communications and Public Relations - Maintain a transparent, honest and supportive communication structure within the Medair team. - Develop and maintain relationships with local authorities, churches and NGO's on site, with the objective of raising public awareness of Medair and ensuring good co-operation and partnerships. - The health project manager is expected to proactively network and coordinate with the Health Cluster, Ministry of Health and health agencies to seek out opportunities and share information. - Contribute to Medair's private fundraising and public awareness campaigns by supplying the FCO or the GSO Marketing team with beneficiary stories and photos, as well as project updates etc. Security Management - Be responsible for the safety and security of Medair health assets and personnel on site of operations. - Adhere to the security guidelines employed by Medair on site. Quality Management - Promote and use the e-library, ensuring the standardised formats are used and guidelines followed. - Ensure health projects are implemented in accordance with Medair, donor, field, and international standards. - Responsible for setting objectives of emergency health assessments and interventions, monitoring progress against agreed indicators and exit planning, in liaison with the Project Coordinator and Health Advisor. - Work with Project Coordinator and Health Advisor to improve the quality of the health project, to improve the quality of the assessments, monitoring and evaluation, implementation of Core Humanitarian Standards and protection mainstreaming. Financial Management - Review and monitor all project expenditures and expense coding. Ensure proper financial procedures are followed by the health team. Track expenses against project budgets, working with the Project Coordinator and Finance Officer to address issues of over or under-spending. Team Spiritual Life - Reflect the values of Medair with team members, local staff, beneficiaries, and external contacts. - Work, live, and pray together in our Christian faith-based team settings. Fully contribute to the rich spiritual life of your team, including team devotions, prayers, and words of encouragement. - Encouraged to join and contribute to Medair's international prayer network. This job description covers the main tasks that are anticipated. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary. Qualifications - Medical doctor or nurse with public health or tropical health qualification, with training in humanitarian health, MHPSS, or infectious disease an asset. - Strong working knowledge of English (spoken and written).  Experience - 2 years minimum experience post qualification. - 1 year overseas experience in relief work with an NGO, having worked preferably in the health sector desirable. - Working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and Teams - Able to prioritise clearly; able to enforce procedures; able to oversee multiple tasks. - Good interpersonal skills; clear communicator. - Good negotiation skills, especially in the context of another culture. - Advanced planning, assessment and analytical skills desirable.   How to applyPlease ensure you are fully aware of the: a) [Medair organizational values]( b) Medair is committed to safeguarding the protection of beneficiaries, volunteers, staff and partners, and particularly children. Therefore, we do not employ staff whose background we understand to be unsuitable for working with children. Medair staff are required to give the utmost respect to, and comply with, [Medair's accountability policies and best practices]( c) [Medair Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC)]( (which forms part of the recruitment selection process for field positions). Application Process To apply, go to this vacancy on our [Medair Page.]( Please do not make multiple applications. We will not review email applications. Only English-language applications / CVs will be reviewed.

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Health Project Manager

Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa, Kinshasa - Medair International

Role & Responsibilities Develop, lead, monitor, and evaluate the assigned health project(s), effectively managing and reporting on the projects in line with the objectives, timeframe, and budget, focusing on response to new crises requiring assessments and short-term interventions. Manage and oversee primary health care staff to meet international quality standards in health care delivery. Encourage beneficiary participation, liaise with other stakeholders, anticipate, plan, and contribute to developing new health project proposals and reports.   Project Overview Medair delivers life-saving health interventions to emergency affected populations in eastern DRC in challenging access areas despite security challenges. Attacks by armed groups and intercommunal violence in eastern DRC continue to threaten vulnerable populations, despite the efforts of the government's armed forces (FARDC) and assistance from the UN Mission in DRC (MONUSCO). This intervention will contribute to the prevention of excess morbidity and mortality for populations affected by conflict in Eastern DRC. The main activities will be the provision of quality subsidised health care, with regular supply of sufficient quality Primary Health Care (PHC) pharmaceutical supplies, the establishment of an effective referral system (including transportation), training, coaching and supervision of health centre Ministry of Health (MOH) staff and behaviour change communication (BCC) aimed at improving the uptake of healthy behaviours in the community. Moreover, the intervention foresees minor rehabilitation of existing HF as needed to ensure an appropriate level of hygiene, reduce the risk of infections to patients, protect staff, and respect the dignity of the population served, especially women and girls.   Workplace & Working conditions Field based position in any of the field bases, Democratic Republic of Congo.   Starting Date / Initial Contract Details As soon as possible. Full time, 24 months.   Key Activity Areas Health Project Management - Manage the project to meet the project objectives within budget and within the allotted time frame. Respond quickly to the crisis and organise assessments and responses through coordination with the WASH team and prioritisation of life-saving activities. - Contribute to the development and implementation of an health strategy in collaboration with the Health Advisor. - Provide exemplary leadership in the assigned health and nutrition projects, including emergency response, ensuring positive short- and long-term impact and results for beneficiaries, local health authorities and local health workers. - Continuously monitor and supervise health activities, evaluating progress through outputs and impact. - Provide input into the integration of beneficiary participation and accountability. - Ensure accurate and timely reporting of activities according to applicable timeframes and formats. - Participate in the development of new proposals linked to the assessed needs and gaps. - Reach out to other health actors to find those who can respond to needs that go beyond the resources of Medair. Staff Management - Line-manage staff, including day-to-day management, development, etc. Facilitate regular meetings to promote information sharing between project staff, to ensure awareness of project objectives and current work plans and to provide the opportunity for feedback. - Provide coaching and technical supervision to staff to develop ownership and full responsibility. - Assess the training needs of health and nutrition staff and follow up to ensure appropriate training is provided. Financial Management - Manage budget and ensure that all expenses are according to budget and meet Medair and donor standards concerning financial management, including accountability and good governance. - Approve all project expenditures and expense coding. Ensure proper financial procedures are followed. - Track expenses against project budgets. Draft annual budgets for health projects. Prepare cash forecasts. Communication and Coordination - Develop and maintain appropriate communication with the team and other relevant stakeholders. - Participate in health coordination meetings, Medair internal training and others. - Proactively network and coordinate with the health cluster and health agencies to seek out opportunities. - Review and update Project Coordination Agreements, Memorandum of Understanding and others. - Ensure clear internal coordination within the Medair team and with advisors. Logistics - Ensure stock, purchase requests and movement requests are submitted appropriately. - Ensure health teams are adequately supported in the field – food, water, supplies, cash, etc. - Support the logistics activities of health staff, particularly in relation to the purchasing of medicines, supplies, etc. - Liaise with the health and logistics staff to ensure that quality items are procured, transported, stored, etc. Quality Management/Project Design - Responsible for ensuring project implementation is according to Medair, donor, DRC and international guidelines. - Responsible for setting objectives of emergency health assessments and interventions, monitoring progress, etc. - Decide on new activities and new project sites and provide input regarding future project growth and changes. - Improve the quality of the health project, the quality of the assessments, the monitoring and evaluation process and the implementation of Core Humanitarian Standards and protection mainstreaming. - Develop and maintain health resources to improve capacity for the health team to take on more responsibilities within the project. Security Management: - Monitoring security situation for teams in the field and working with Projects Coordinator. - Responsible for ensuring field team compliance with security procedures; ensure teams are equipped. - Contribute to the ongoing monitoring of security situation. Team Spiritual Life - Reflect the values of Medair with team members, local staff, beneficiaries, and external contacts. - Work, live, and pray together in our Christian faith-based team settings. Fully contribute to the rich spiritual life of your team, including team devotions, prayers, and words of encouragement. - Encouraged to join and contribute to Medair's international prayer network. This job description covers the main tasks that are anticipated. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary. Qualifications - Clinical degree or diploma (nurse, midwife or doctor), or Public Health degree. - Strong working knowledge of English and French (spoken and written).  Experience - 2 years' post-qualification medicine/nursing/medical professional experience. - At least 1 year of management experience in a health context. At least 1-2 years in health in a developing country. - Aptitude for community mobilisation and capacity-building. Experience in training / mentoring / coaching staff. - Good numerical, report writing and administration skills. - Ability and willingness to manage project implementation. Able to take the initiative. - Knowledge of humanitarian principles, Sphere and HAP Standard.  How to applyPlease ensure you are fully aware of the: a) [Medair organizational values]( b) Medair is committed to safeguarding the protection of beneficiaries, volunteers, staff and partners, and particularly children. Therefore, we do not employ staff whose background we understand to be unsuitable for working with children. Medair staff are required to give the utmost respect to, and comply with, [Medair's accountability policies and best practices]( c) [Medair Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC)]( (which forms part of the recruitment selection process for field positions). Application Process To apply, go to this vacancy on our [Medair Page.]( Please do not make multiple applications. We will not review email applications. Only English-language applications / CVs will be reviewed.

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Programme Specialist, Reporting and Strategic Partnerships, Democratic Republic of Congo - P3

Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa, Kinshasa cinfo

The position: Under the direct supervision of the UNFPA Representative and in collaboration with the Deputy Representative, the Programme Specialist will be assisting the country office in reporting and strategic partnerships development in DRC. More specifically, he/she will perform tasks indicated below and thereby strengthen UNFPA's capacity in improving donor relations and expending partnership especially with nontraditional donors and private sector.    Job purpose: In line with UN/UNFPA policies and guidelines, the Programme Specialist will perform various tasks and provide vital technical inputs to all activities pertaining to strategic partnership development, resource mobilization and innovation.   Qualifications and Experience: Education: - Advanced degree(Master) in Public Health, Medicine, Sociology, Demography, Gender, International Relations, International Development, Economics, Public Administration, Management or other related discipline.   Knowledge and Experience: - A minimum of five (5) years of progressively responsible professional working experience at national and international levels in programme planning, management, monitoring and evaluation, in a related field.  - Strong understanding of private sector partnership and resource mobilization  - Strong knowledge and understanding of innovation  - Good analytical skills and ability to interpret complex socio-cultural backgrounds as well as quickly obtain an overview of a variety of activities and approaches of national and international actors.  - Proven capacity in resource mobilization and leveraging of national partner resources  - Demonstrated leadership, facilitation, and team working skills and ability to establish harmonious working relations in an international and multicultural environment, both within and outside UNFPA - Ability to transfer skills to national staff to further enhance existing skills - Communication skills especially for transfer of knowledge - Proven good experiences in report writing, both in French and English - Fluency in spoken and written French and working knowledge of English - Good experiences in working in humanitarian settings - Experiences of the UN system or Development Banks is an added advantage   Languages: - Fluency in French is required (both verbal and written); knowledge of other official UN languages, preferably English is desirable. To view the complete job description and apply to this position, click "Apply Now" below.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a Job Application Support. - When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - For Swiss nationals who get invited to the first round in the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Please let us know so that we can inform our HR partners from the respective organisation and the Swiss Government to increase  your visibility: - Benefit from free interview preparation by registering for a [Job Application Support](  

13/09/2023 - 18/09/2023

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