cinfo agiert im Auftrag des Bundes und Partnerorganisationen seit über 30 Jahren als Kompetenzzentrum für Arbeitsfragen in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit (IZA). Die bestens vernetzte Organisation bewegt sich mit ihren Beratungs-, Rekrutierungs- und Weiterbildungs-Dienstleistungen im Umfeld von komplexen sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und ökologischen Herausforderungen der IZA. Wir suchen per August 2025 oder nach Vereinbarung eine:n Co-Geschäftsleiter:in im Topsharing (60 – 70 %) Gemeinsam mit der erfahrenen Co-Geschäftsleiterin übernehmen Sie die strategische und operative Führung von cinfo. Ihr Verantwortungsbereich umfasst dabei: - Strategische Entwicklung: Umsetzung der cinfo-Strategie, Entwicklung innovativer Pro- - gramme und Dienstleistungen, Analyse Trends und Arbeitsmarkteinflüsse, Positionierung in einer sich wandelnden IZA-Landschaft. - Führung & Unternehmenskultur: Gestaltung eines motivierenden Arbeitsumfelds und Füh- - rung eines Teams von 20 Mitarbeitenden. - Partnerschaften & Akquise: Pflege und Ausbau des Netzwerks mit nationalen und internati- - onalen Partnern, strategische Mandatsakquise. - Finanzielle Verantwortung: Sicherstellung der finanziellen Stabilität sowie effiziente Res- - sourcennutzung. - Repräsentation & Advocacy: Vertretung von cinfo gegenüber der Bundesverwaltung, Part- - nerorganisationen und anderen Stakeholdern. Sie überzeugen uns mit Ihrem Profil: - Hochschulabschluss (HR, BWL, internationale Zusammenarbeit, Politikwissenschaften). - Vielseitige HR-Erfahrung (Rekrutierung, Coaching, Laufbahnberatung). - Unternehmerisches Denken sowie die Fähigkeit, strategische Herausforderungen in konkrete, - innovative Lösungen umzusetzen. - Hintergrund in Organisationsentwicklung und Change-Management, idealerweise in hybriden - oder agilen Strukturen. - NPO-Führungserfahrung, sowie Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit nationalen und internationalen Organisationen. - Erfahrung im Einsatz von KI sowie Interesse an digitalen Innovationen. - Starke Netzwerk- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten. - Sehr gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch. Sie möchten die strategische Entwicklung von cinfo aktiv mitgestalten? In einem engagierten interdisziplinären Expert:innen-Team arbeiten und im dynamischen, internationalen Umfeld wirken? Es erwartet Sie eine fortschrittliche Arbeitskultur in welchem Jobsharing bestens verankert ist und ein moderner Arbeitsplatz an zentraler Lage in Bern. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme. Kontakt: [Nathalie Ramel]( [Stephanie Briner]( JÖRG LIENERT AG BERN Neuengasse 5 CH-3011 Bern Telefon 031 311 44 66
A pesar de los esfuerzos por construir una paz duradera, la población en Colombia sigue afectada por una desigualdad social y económica importante, que concierne de manera particular a jóvenes y mujeres. Las brechas significativas que limitan el acceso de jóvenes y mujeres a oportunidades educativas y laborales dignas persisten. Frente a este escenario, los Salesianos implementan programas educativos que no solo mejoran las competencias académicas de los jóvenes, sino que también fomentan valores como la solidaridad y el compromiso social, jugando un papel crucial en la atención a jóvenes y mujeres en situación de vulnerabilidad. 


Sus actividades/tareas 

Como cooperante de Comundo, contribuirá en el marco del programa país de Comundo en Colombia para que poblaciones en zonas afectadas por conflictos gocen de mejoras en sus derechos territoriales y ambientales, con una perspectiva de cultura de paz y equidad de género. Más concretamente, con la Sociedad Salesiana se buscará desarrollar e implementar una estrategia de comunicación efectiva, incrementando la visibilidad y el impacto de sus iniciativas y potenciando las actividades de incidencia. 


Se realizará mediante estas principales actividades 

- Capacitación técnica del equipo para que adquieran nuevas habilidades y actualicen sus cono cimientos en comunicación externa e interna 
- Diseño e implementación de estrategias de comunicación interna, que mejore la fluidez de la información y la cohesión entre equipos 
- Desarrollo de un plan de comunicaciones alineado con los objetivos estratégicos de la organización 
- Dinamización de redes con actores locales, nacionales e internacionales 

Su perfil 

- Profesional en comunicación, periodismo o áreas afines, con mínimum 2 años de experiencia 
- Conocimientos en producción audiovisual, marketing y publicidad, comunicación digital y redacción 
- Muy buen manejo del español 
- Conocimientos en los temas de género y derechos humanos 
- Experiencia deseable en trabajo social con comunidades y/o jóvenes en contextos vulnerables 
- Personalidad con buenas capacidades en pensamiento crítico, creatividad, trabajo en equipo, adaptabilidad, ética profesional 

Requisitos generales 

- Contar con una profesión o haber concluido estudios superiores 
- Un mínimo de dos años de experiencia profesional 
- Edad mínima de 25 años 
- Residencia en Suiza o Alemania 
- Buenos conocimientos del idioma oficial del país de intercambio 
- Competencias interculturales y capacidad de actuar en contextos diversos 
- Buena salud física y psíquica 
- Conocimientos básicos de gestión de proyectos, desarrollo institucional y educación para adultos/as deseable 
- Ser capaz de trabajar de manera independiente y en equipo 
- Alta competencia social y sensibilidad intercultural 
- Disposición a un estilo de vida modesto 
- Estar dispuesto/a a colaborar y a participar en actividades de sensibilización y de recaudación de fondos 


- Un ambiente de trabajo interesante que ofrece un amplio espacio a la iniciativa propia, la participación y las relaciones humanas interculturales 
- Una preparación adecuada 
- Introducción al contexto del país y acompañamiento en el lugar 
- Cobertura de costos de vida y seguros durante la estancia 
- Cobertura de gastos de viaje de ida y vuelta, tarifa plana para mobiliario, cuotas escolares, etc. 
- Apoyo económico para la reinserción después de la asignación
The mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is to ensure the universal enjoyment of all human rights by giving practical effect to the will and resolve of the world community as expressed by the United Nations. 


The OHCHR New York Office works for the effective integration of human rights norms and standards in the decision-making and operational activities of inter-governmental and inter-agency bodies based at the United Nations headquarters in New York. 


The Equality, Development and Rule of Law Section (EDRS) consolidates the thematic human rights issues within OHCHR's mandate. EDRS works closely with corresponding sections in Geneva and focuses specifically on intergovernmental and interagency engagement at UNHQ with Member States and a diverse range of UN system entities, as well as field-based colleagues. It links the diverse issues in its portfolio across the peace and security, development, and human rights pillars. 


As Associate Human Rights Officer, Transitional Justice, (100%) you support the Equality, Development and Rule of Law Section by providing the following:

- Contributed to developing tools and outreach materials for implementing the new Secretary-General's Guidance on Transitional Justice.
- Supported coordination of transitional justice efforts within the UN, including Secretariat services to the Interagency Task Force on Transitional Justice.
- Conducted research and analysis on transitional justice issues, monitoring developments at various levels, and providing expert advice, with a gender perspective.
- Aided in advocacy and public engagements by senior leadership on transitional justice and accountability issues.
- Provided advice and assistance in designing and implementing transitional justice and accountability programs, supporting states and aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 16.
- Etc.
Part of the [Swiss JPO Programme](, this position is sponsored by [The Peace and Human Rights Division (PHRD)]( of the FDFA.


Please find the full job description here:

For the Swiss JPO programme:

- Swiss nationality
- Not older than 32 years at the date of the first round of interviews
- Fluency in English and a second UN language
- Master's degree
- Two Swiss national languages
- Driving license

For this position:

- Master's degree in law with emphasis on international law, in particular international human rights law and international humanitarian law 
- 3 years of professional experience in the field of human rights or international humanitarian law, including in UN or international context is required
(Counted at 100%, gained after completion of the first university degree. Internship experience is counted as 50%, regardless of whether paid or not.)
- Previous experience working on human rights and transitional justice is desirable
- Fluency in English and working knowledge of French are required
- Knowledge of Spanish would be desirable
- Good computer skills, including proficiency in word processing, excel and other commercial software packages
Please find more details in the full job description.


Important details regarding your application

Make sure your profile on cinfoPoste is complete and up to date:

- Obligatory: Motivation letter in English (not more than 3500 characters, to be inserted in the pop-up window when you click on "apply")
- Obligatory: [UN Personal History Profile]( duly completed and uploaded under the section "documents". Note that we will base our evaluation and calculation of your relevant experience on the UN Personal History Profile, not the CV
- Obligatory: A copy of your driving license
- Optional: CV in English, work certificates, diplomas and university credentials (as PDF) uploaded under the section "documents"
Find useful tips and resources related to UN applications on the [cinfo website]( and read this [article]( 


Application deadline: 4th March 2025

Written Test: to be completed between 7th – 12th March 2025

First round of interviews: 27th / 28th March 2025 online


Start date: Please be aware that the recruitment process may take 3 to 6 months. You are expected to start your assignment within 3 months following notification of selection.


Any questions? Contact Michal Habegger, cinfo's Recruitment Specialist, 


We are committed to gender balance and encourage applications from qualified individuals of all genders. We also welcome applications from people with different gender identities and from people with different backgrounds, including sexual orientation, disability, cultural or religious background. We value an inclusive working environment that promotes equal opportunities and a non-discriminatory culture.
UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. 

At UNICEF, we are committed, passionate and proud of what we do. Promoting the rights of every child is not just a job ? it is a calling. 

UNICEF is a place where careers are built: we offer our staff diverse opportunities for personal and professional development that will help them develop a fulfilling career, while delivering on a rewarding mission. We pride ourselves on a culture that helps staff thrive, coupled with an attractive compensation and benefits package. 

Visit our website to learn more about what we do at UNICEF. 


For every child, a future

The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) provides independent and objective assurance and advisory services designed to add value and improve the operations of UNICEF. It helps UNICEF accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management and control processes. OIAI's annual work plan covers a wide range of UNICEF's activities implemented at Headquarters and field locations throughout the world. The Internal Auditor supports in providing assurance and advisory services. This is an entry level position which provides opportunities for incumbents to acquire professional expertise, organizational knowledge and exposure for further career advancement.


Engagement Planning

Engagement Execution


Develop and discuss with clients the draft conclusions, observations and recommendations based on adequate root-cause analyses, following guidance of the team leader. Where appropriate, the observations acknowledge good practices for assigned segments of the assurance and advisory services.

Prepare the draft report of the assigned areas for review by the team leader, taking into consideration the comments of the clients, team leader and OIAI management.


Assist in monitoring the implementation of recommendations and in the review and assessment of the adequacy of corrective actions taken by the clients. 

Innovation, Knowledge Management and Capacity Development

Contribute to OIAI's risk-based work planning activities, development of professional internal audit policies, procedures, and change initiatives.

Participate in professional development activities, and other activities as required.

If you would like to know more about this position, please review the complete Job Description here: GJP Internal Auditor P2.pdf


To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have ․․․

- Minimum requirements
- Education: Bachelor or equivalent (First Level University Degree) in Business Admin., Finance, Economics, Accounting, Risk Prevention, Info. Technology, Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) and any other related fields.
- Work Experience: At Least 2 years of relevant work experience in Audit and Investigation, Internal Auditing, External Auditing, Risk Management.
- Skills: Audit governance, risk and control concepts, adequate drafting, analytical and problem-solving, synthesizing information
- Language Requirements: Fluency in English is required. 
- Desirables
- Language: Knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) or a local language
- Developing country work experience and/or familiarity with emergencies.

For every child, you demonstrate ․․․

UNICEF's Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter: UNICEF Values 

The UNICEF competencies required for this post are ․․․

(1) Builds and maintains partnerships
(2) Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness
(3) Drive to achieve results for impact 
(4) Innovates and embraces change
(5) Manages ambiguity and complexity
(6) Thinks and acts strategically
(7) Works collaboratively with others

Familiarize yourself with our competency framework and its different levels

This position has been assessed as an elevated risk role for Child Safeguarding purposes as it is either a role with direct contact with children, a role that works directly with identifiable children's data, a safeguarding response role, or an assessed risk role. Additional vetting and assessment for elevated risk roles in child safeguarding (potentially including additional criminal background checks) apply. 

UNICEF is here to serve the world's most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic.

We offer a wide range of measures to include a more diverse workforce, such as paid parental leave, time off for breastfeeding purposes, and reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements.

UNICEF does not hire candidates who are married to children (persons under 18). UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and discrimination. UNICEF is committed to promoting the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.

UNICEF appointments are subject to medical clearance. Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station is required for IP positions and will be facilitated by UNICEF. Appointments may also be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Should you be selected for a position with UNICEF, you either must be inoculated as required or receive a medical exemption from the relevant department of the UN. Otherwise, the selection will be canceled.



As per Article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity.

UNICEF's active commitment to diversity and inclusion is critical to deliver the best results for children. For this position, eligible and suitable candidates are encouraged to apply.

Government employees who are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government positions before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason.

UNICEF does not charge a processing fee at any stage of its recruitment, selection, and hiring processes (i.e., application stage, interview stage, validation stage, or appointment and training). UNICEF will not ask for applicants' bank account information.

In this role, you will collaborate with colleagues across multiple locations. For effective collaboration, we encourage flexible working hours that accommodate different time zones while prioritizing staff wellbeing. 

All UNICEF positions are advertised, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. An internal candidate performing at the level of the post in the relevant functional area, or an internal/external candidate in the corresponding Talent Group, may be selected, if suitable for the post, without assessment of other candidates.

Additional information about working for UNICEF can be found here.


How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position

- Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance.
- For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.
"Important Application Information:
Please submit your application only via the official website of the hiring organization or by using the "Apply" button on CinfoPoste, which will redirect you to the organization's application site. Applications submitted through other job portals will not be forwarded to the respective organization and will not be considered. To ensure your application reaches the right destination, always follow the official application process as indicated in the job posting."
Join Our Mission to Foster Prosperity in Asia

Are you looking to have a lasting impact on the future of Asia and be a catalyst for positive change? We are thrilled to offer a unique opportunity to become an important part of the prestigious Asian Development Bank (ADB). At ADB, our mission is simple yet powerful: to alleviate poverty and promote sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region.


Organizational Setting and Reporting Relationship

The position of Senior Markets Development Advisory Specialist is assigned to the Markets Development Advisory Division 2 (OMDA2) within the [Office of Markets Development and Public-Private Partnership (OMDP)]( You will be based at our Headquarters in Manila, Philippines.

You will report to Director, OMDA2 and will supervise Junior team members.


Your Role

As a Senior Markets Development Advisory Specialist, you will contribute in (i) the delivery of ADB's operations related to advisory and markets development including operations related to Public Private Partnerships (PPP), Private Sector Development (PSD), Asia Pacific Project Preparation Facility (AP3F); (ii) the formulation and implementation of policies, strategies, transactions and programs of OMDP to implement ADB's operations related to advisory operations, PPPs, market development, green and climate financing, and country program development; and (iii) building external and internal relations, stakeholder coordination, and knowledge management activities to accommodate PPP- and PSD-related issues. You will lead/support origination, processing and implementation of Transaction Advisory Services (TAS) mandates and market development activities by preparing, structuring, and procuring infrastructure projects through PPP in collaboration with relevant departments including regional and solutions departments. You will also establish and maintain networks with international and local players in PPP and other markets.


You will:

TAS/PPP/Market development Operations

- Lead and help implement OMDP's vision, goals, work plan and development strategies output following Strategy 2030.
- Identify, structure, deliver, and administer TAS mandates, market development and PPP programs with marketing, negotiation and due diligence of PPP- and PSD-related issues and projects in Developing Member Countries (DMCs), including green and climate financing programs, carbon markets, nature-based solutions and state-owned enterprises opportunities.
- Lead internal process for approval and implementation of TAS mandates and market development activities which includes preparation of related project documents.
- Contribute to the implementation of the PSD shift following [R99-22 (Organizational Review: A New Operating Model to Accelerate ADB's Transformation Toward Strategy 2030 and Beyond)](
- Lead selection and management of individual consultants who support deal teams, including designing of their terms of reference.
- Undertake PPP and PSD market research activities, identifying constraints and providing solutions for promoting PSD/PPP policies, operations and regulatory frameworks in ADB's DMCs.
- Establish and maintain relationships with governments, development partners, civil society, and private sector entities within your responsibilities.
- Help prepare country partnership strategies, country management teams and provide inputs and feedback to support ADB's PPP and PSD operations following the framework for ADB's support to the relevant DMCs.
- Coordinate and support regional development and implement PPP projects with the regional and other solutions departments and Private Sector Operations Department on PPP and PSD activities; and support "One ADB" approaches to infrastructure projects alongside other regional and solutions departments.
- Coordinate within OMDP on developments, new opportunities and challenges, and provide recommendations. Motivate staff to perform at their full capacity.


You will need:

- Master's degree or equivalent in business administration, economics, finance or other relevant fields. Alternatively, university degree in accounting, business administration, economics, engineering, finance or other related fields and at least 5 years specialized experience relevant to the position can be considered.
- At least 10 years of relevant professional experience developing infrastructure projects including PPP transactions, and climate financing.
- High proficiency in English, both written and spoken.
- Hands-on experience structuring project finance transactions or providing advisory services in multiple sectors and countries including negotiation and coordination.
- In-depth knowledge about PPP and financial market products or due diligence experience implementing infrastructure or climate.
- Network with financial communities including export credit agencies and investment/commercial banks.
- International experience working in several countries.
- Please refer to the [link]( for ADB Competency Framework for Technical International Staff grade TI2.


ADB offers a comprehensive [benefits package]( The salary will be based on ADB's standards and comparator markets, taking into account your qualifications and experience.

- Paid leave (including parental)
- Medical and health benefits
- Life and other insurance plans
- Staff development
- Retirement plan
- Housing and education allowance (if applicable)
- Expatriate benefits

About Us

Asian Development Bank (ADB) is an international development finance institution headquartered in Manila, Philippines and is composed of 69 members, 49 of which are from the Asia and Pacific region. ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. ADB combines finance, knowledge, and partnerships to fulfill its expanded vision under our [Strategy 2030](

ADB only hires nationals of its [69 members](

To view ADB Organizational Chart, please click [here](

ADB wants to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and given equal opportunities to work in an inclusive environment. ADB encourages all qualified candidates to apply regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious and cultural background, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities. Women are highly encouraged to apply.

Visit ADB Careers [FAQ]( for more information.


How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position

- Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance.
- For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.
"Important Application Information:
Please submit your application only via the official website of the hiring organization or by using the "Apply" button on CinfoPoste, which will redirect you to the organization's application site. Applications submitted through other job portals will not be forwarded to the respective organization and will not be considered. To ensure your application reaches the right destination, always follow the official application process as indicated in the job posting."

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

Gender inequality in Papua New Guinea is severe, with the country ranked 169 out of 170 globally. Women and girls face high rates of gender-based violence (GBV) and low literacy levels. The DHS 2016-2018 indicates that 54% of women have experienced GBV in the past year, and nearly 23% of women aged 15-49 have no formal education. Structural barriers, cultural norms, and weak protection systems worsen the situation. Tribal conflicts, sorcery accusation-related violence (SARV), and small arms proliferation, especially in the Highlands, increase violence. Despite policies to reduce discrimination, comprehensive strategies are urgently needed to address these issues and achieve gender equality. Additionally, ongoing conflicts have displaced communities, further exacerbating GBV incidents. The persistence of these challenges highlights the critical need for targeted interventions to promote social stability and human rights and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly 05 on gender equality, 10 Reduce Inequality and 16 Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions.

Building on the gains of the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in Papua New Guinea (PNG), UN Women, UNFPA and UNOPS (Agencies) are starting a joint initiative entitled "Soim Wokabout: Gender-Based Violence Referral Pathways Programme", financed under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI Global Europe). The joint programme aims to reduce the incidence of GBV in communities in target provinces, including in and out of schools (Eastern Highlands and the National Capital District). This will capitalize on existing programmes addressing specific forms of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHRs) while supporting prevention and protection efforts for GBV survivors, strengthening access to justice, and ending violence against women and girls at national, provincial, district, and community levels. It seeks to scale up effective integrated approaches to deliver quality coordinated services, strengthen referral pathways, mobilize communities and networks to address harmful gender and social norms fueling GBV and SARV and promote implementation of laws and policies to reduce GBV and SARV while mobilizing national, provincial and community leadership on the programme's investments to enhance sustainability. 

The joint programme's specific objectives are: 1. To increase access of women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity, experiencing gender-based violence, to essential quality services, protection and justice. 2. To improve advocacy and agency of civil society organisations, women's rights organisations, social movements and communities to end gender-based violence (GBV). 3. To make more effective the engagement of community leaders, male advocates and influential groups and actors in society in changing discriminatory social norms, gender stereotypes, GBV and harmful practices.

Reporting to UN Women Deputy Country Representative, the Programme Technical Coordinator (PTC) provides technical guidance and exercises overall responsibility for planning, implementing, coordinating and reporting on the entire Soim Wokabout joint programme. The PTC works closely with the Steering Committee, the Resident Coordinators' Office, the implementing agencies as well as other stakeholders. The PTC will lead the Secretariat team of the Soim Wokabout joint initiative composed of the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, the Advocacy Specialist and the Finance and Administrative Officer for this coming joint programme, as well as the National Programme Specialist of the joint initiative. The incumbent will also provide strategic engagement with the government counterparts, high-level programme oversight, planning, monitoring, reporting and quality assurance of the programme components, in coordination with the Civil Society Reference Group and the National Steering Committee. Moreover, the incumbent will ensure information sharing with all key stakeholders, most importantly the EUD at all times during programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation phases.


Key Functions and Accountabilities:

1-Provide programme development advisory services:

- In collaboration with the Inter-agency technical teams, oversee and manages the design and formulation of the joint programme initiatives across the three outcomes.
- Coordinate the implementation of the joint programme and ensures that the programme remains integrated, relevant and is in line with various elements of the programme document, including the programme strategies and coordination arrangements set out in the programme document.
- In collaboration with the Inter-agency technical teams, organize periodic consultations with key stakeholders and UN partners to gather inputs on programme design, as necessary.
- Advise UN Women, UNFPA and UNOPS, the Government of PNG and collaborating partners on the vision and overall strategic direction of the joint programme.
- Lead the Secretariat team of the joint programme and oversees technical support to the various programme components.
2-Manage the implementation of the Soim Wokabout joint programme:

- Facilitate annual planning and budgeting and is responsible for finalizing the annual work plan and budget and coordinating their implementation.
- Provide programme advisory support to the joint Programme Steering Committee.
- Manage the technical implementation of the programme; provide technical advice; ensure synergies across programme outcomes.
- Track expenditures by UN Women, UNFPA and UNOPS and recommends timely movement of resources
- Provide oversight to the Agencies of quality reporting and timely delivery.
- Coordinats the production and dissemination of consolidated results of the joint programme based on progress reports prepared by the Agencies.
- Provide guidance to staff and partners on Results Based Management tools and performance indicators.
- Provide support in preparing for Programme Steering Committee meetings; annual and quarterly programme reviews and/or evaluation meetings.
3- Manage the monitoring and reporting of the joint programme:

- Manage the monitoring of programme implementation and finances using results-based management tools.
- Oversee field missions and review reports on monitoring missions.
- Write quarterly reports and donor reports, focusing on results, output and outcomes.
- Contribute to the Agencies' reports related to the joint programme activities.
4-Oversee technical assistance and capacity development to project/programme partners:

- Guide the process of delivery of technical assistance and engagement with partners.
- Provide technical advice to UN Women, UNFPA and UNOPS for purposes of ensuring programme coherence.
- Build, manage, and expand relationships with national partners to support implementation and expansion of the joint programme; respond to any potential problems.
- Serve as an expert resource to the Agencies implementing GBV.
- Implement and oversees capacity-building opportunities and initiatives.
- Provide partners with advanced technical assistance, training and capacity development initiatives.
5-Manage inter-agency coordination to achieve a coherent and aligned presence for the Soim Wokabout joint programme in PNG:

- Provide substantive technical support to the RC and Heads of Agencies on inter-agency coordination-related activities by attending meetings, events and participating in groups and committees.
- Coordinate with other UN agencies, government departments, donors and NGOs to ensure the programme's capacity development is harmonized and aligned with other in-country efforts.
- Take part in country-level Common Country Assessment (CCA)/ United Nations Strategic Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) processes and similar exercises related to the UN system.
- Promote harmonization and cohesion among UN agencies by exploring synergies, integration, and value addition.
6-Build partnerships and support in developing resource mobilization strategies:

- Develop and implement partnerships and resource mobilization strategies;
- Finalize relevant documentation on donors and potential opportunities for resource mobilization;
- Analyze and research donor information, prepare substantive briefs on possible areas of cooperation, and identify opportunities for cost-sharing.
7-Manage advocacy, knowledge building and communication efforts:

- Develop and review background documents, briefs and presentations related to the GBV and SARV.
- Develop advocacy strategies and oversee their implementation.
- Identify best practices and lessons learned to guide programme improvement and strategy planning.
- Develop knowledge management strategies, products and methodologies on GBV and SARV.
8-The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization


Competencies :

Core Values:

- Integrity;
- Professionalism;
- Respect for Diversity.
Core Competencies:

- Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues;
- Accountability;
- Creative Problem Solving;
- Effective Communication;
- Inclusive Collaboration;
- Stakeholder Engagement;
- Leading by Example.
Please visit [this link]( Us/Employment/UN-Women-values-and-competencies-framework-en.pdf) for more information on UN Women's Values and Competencies Framework: 


Functional Competencies:

- Demonstrated capacity and experience in coordinating different UN agencies/organisations
- Administrative and coordination expertise of joint or inter-agency programmes
- Ability to lead strategic planning, change management processes, and resource-based management
- Excellent programme formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation skills
- Ability to develop detailed operational plans, budgets and deliver them
- Excellent knowledge of Results Based Management
- Ability to synthesize program performance data and produce analytical reports to inform management and strategic decision-making
- Excellent knowledge in EVAWG/SGBV/HP/SRHR
- Ability to lead formulation of strategies and their implementation
- Strong networking skills
- Ability to develop proposals for joint programmes, negotiate and interact with donors, identify and analyze trends, opportunities and threats to fundraising

Recruitment Qualifications:

Education and certification:

- Master's degree or equivalent in social sciences, human rights, gender/women's studies, international development, public health or a related field is required.
- A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
- A project/programme management certification (such as PMP®, PRINCE2®, or MSP®) would be an added advantage

- At least 5 years of progressively responsible development experience that combines programme coordination and strategic planning in the area of gender equality and women's rights, EVAWG/SGBV/HP/SRHR.
- Minimum 5 years of experience coordinating and liaising with government agencies and/or donors.
- Experience in programme management, planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting is required.
- Experience working in the Pacific region, Papua New Guinea, or similar contexts is required.
- Experience in leading/managing a team is desirable.
- Experience working in the UN System is desirable.
- Experience managing an EU-funded project is also desirable.
Language Requirements:

- Fluency in English is required
- Knowledge of the other UN official working language is desirable (French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian or Spanish).

Statements :

In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.


Diversity and inclusion:

At UN Women, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. UN Women recruits, employs, trains, compensates, and promotes regardless of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, national origin, or any other basis covered by appropriate law. All employment is decided on the basis of qualifications, competence, integrity and organizational need.

If you need any reasonable accommodation to support your participation in the recruitment and selection process, please include this information in your application.

UN Women has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UN Women, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to UN Women's policies and procedures and the standards of conduct expected of UN Women personnel and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. (Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.)

Note: Applicants must ensure that all sections of the application form, including the sections on education and employment history, are completed. If all sections are not completed the application may be disqualified from the recruitment and selection process.


How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position

- Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance.
- For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.
"Important Application Information:
Please submit your application only via the official website of the hiring organization or by using the "Apply" button on CinfoPoste, which will redirect you to the organization's application site. Applications submitted through other job portals will not be forwarded to the respective organization and will not be considered. To ensure your application reaches the right destination, always follow the official application process as indicated in the job posting."

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP: we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a 'leave no one behind' approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and [inspiring stories.]( 

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN's global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 170 countries and territories, working with Governments and people on their own solutions to global and national development challenges to help empower lives and build resilient nations.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the pledge to leave no one behind reflect the interconnectedness of health and sustainable development issues such as the widening economic and social inequalities, the climate crisis, rapid urbanization, the continuing burden of HIV and other infectious diseases (e.g. malaria, tuberculosis, COVID.19), the growing burden of non-communicable diseases and the emergence of health threats. The scope and scale of delivering health and well-being for all demands innovative partnerships and financing.

UNDP's partnership with the Global Fund (GF), in line with, UNDP's HIV, Health and Development Strategy 2022-2025: Connecting the Dots, makes a vital contribution to UNDP's Strategic Plan 2022-2025, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the pledge to leave no one behind. When requested, UNDP acts as interim Principal Recipient (PR), working with national partners and the Global Fund to ensure management, implementation and oversight of GF grants, while simultaneously strengthening health institutions and systems for national entities to assume the PR role over time.

In Congo, the Ministry of Health and UNDP have had a long-standing, strategic partnership for health service delivery through Global Fund grants. UNDP is the designated Principal Recipient for TB/HIV Grant for the period 2024-2026, in partnership with the Ministry of Health and its national disease programmes, the National AIDS Programme (PNLS), the National Tuberculosis Programme (PNLT), other Government and Civil society partners. UNDP exercises its PR role in consultation with other UN agencies, bilateral donors and International Financing Institutions. 

To help the UNDP Project Management Unit (PMU) deliver in a timely and quality-assured manner on the Grant Performance Framework targets, while complying with UNDP and Global Fund rules and regulations, UNDP Congo is recruiting a Procurement and Supply Management Specialist (PSM) who will lead on PSM management within the PMU.


Position Purpose

Under the supervision of the Programme Coordinator, the PSM Specialist is responsible for managing a team of Procurement and Supply Management (PSM) staff to ensure effective PSM operations. S/He will ensure that procurement and in-country supply chain activities are completed, in compliance with rules, regulations, and with appropriate documentation that provides the best value for money. 

S/he will work closely with national stakeholders to coordinate the procurement of quality-assured health products. The International PSM Specialist will identify and lead on addressing programmatic, and capacity development needs in the area of PSM. S/he will support in the identification and management of PSM and asset risks, introduce appropriate mitigation measures, effectively collaborate with audits, and ensure timely implementation of audit recommendations. S/he will promote a collaborative, client-oriented and integrated approach across functional areas of the PMU and with the Country Office, and the Global Fund Partnership/ Health Systems Team (GFPHST).


Duties and Responsibilities

Ensures strategic leadership, management and coordination of UNDP's procurement and supply management function, focusing on achievement of the following results:

- Develops and/or enhances business processes, internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and workflows related to procurement and supply management within the PMU, focusing on client orientation and internal controls;
- Leads on the development and implementation of the PMU's procurement strategy and workplan for the GF-approved Health Products Action Plan (HPAP) including tendering processes and evaluation, contractor appraisal, evaluation, and negotiation of offers, management of the contract and contractor, legal considerations, and payment conditions; 
- Leads on the development of procurement related documents, including tender documents, contracts, guidelines, and instructions;
- Oversees adherence to contractual agreements, recommend amendments and contract extensions, advise concerned parties with respect to contractual rights/obligations;
- Leads on the monitoring of procurement and supply chain for health products; reviews underperformance; addresses bottlenecks and enforces accountability for the timely implementation of corrective actions to ensure uninterrupted supply of health products;
- Supports the Programme Coordinator on the contracting of Sub-recipients, including amendments to Sub-recipient agreements, in liaison with programme and finance teams;
- Leads on the timely preparation and implementation of quality procurement and supply chain management documents and reports required by the donor or UNDP, including HPAP;
- Supports the Programme Coordinator in the negotiation of timely reprogramming requests and identification of cost savings;
- Manages the PMU's PSM team, ensuring that UNDP is resourced to deliver on its commitments; fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion; building the technical, managerial and leadership capacity of staff for the promotion of organizational excellence; and
- Ensures strong collaboration with GFPHST and Regional Procurement Advisors, towards efficient and compliant procurement and supply chain management activities.
Ensures proactive oversight and a robust risk management approach to procurement, focusing on the achievement of the following results:

- Ensures full compliance of procurement activities with UNDP rules, regulations, policies, and strategies;
- Elaborates and implements an internal control system which ensures efficient and compliant management of Purchase Orders (PO), including all stages from issuance to closure;
- Ensures timely corrective actions on POs with budget check errors and other issues;
- Develops and ensures the implementation of the UNDP Quality Assurance Plan, including quality control activities, in consultation with UNDP's Quality Assurance Advisor (GFPHST);
- Proactively performs risk assessments to identify and mitigate risks, including operational, financial, legal, contractual, reputational and safety;
- Elaborates and implements an internal control system which ensures efficient and compliant contract management processes for Sub-recipients and other contractors;
- Supports the development of an integrated supervision plan (in collaboration with the national disease control programmess, the central medical store, and the department of pharmacies) to monitor the traceability and the storage conditions of the health commodities procured under the TGF grants; and
- Supports the Programme Coordinator in the preparation of audits in the area of procurement and supply management and contributes to UNDP's implementation of audit recommendations in the area of PSM.
Build and sustain UNDP's strategic partnerships on PSM, focusing on achievement of the following results:

- Provides strategic and technical advice to the National Quantification Committees and processes.
- Provides strategic policy and technical advice to national and provincial stakeholders and implementing partners at all stages of the PSM cycle and to the last mile; 
- Leads on fostering quantification and procurement planning processes at provincial level;
- Ensures strong working relationships with UNDP stakeholders involved in the area of PSM including WHO, UNFPA, PEPFAR, USAID and the World Bank; maximise available expertise and funding sources; prevent duplication;
- Collaborates with national and provincial stakeholders, NGO Sub-Recipients and other PSM partners on supply planning and quantification processes for health products, stock and consumption monitoring and all other aspects related to supply chain management; and 
- At the request of the Programme Coordinator, participates in meetings and technical committees of the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), Ministry of Health, donors and technical partners on PSM-related issues.
Contributes to knowledge management and systems strengthening activities in PSM, focusing on achievement of the following results:

- Contributes to information sharing activities with the Global Fund (including Local Fund Agent), the Country Co-ordination Mechanism, the Ministry of Health, other national and provincial stakeholders, Sub-recipients, and Sub-sub-Recipients, NGOs, other CSOs, communities, technical partners, and UN entities: 
- Identifies opportunities for documentation and communication on PSM-related activities; supports the development of communications products (print, video) highlighting key programme achievements, best practices, and lessons learned under the GF sub-national approach;
- Identifies and support national and provincial level capacity development needs in the areas of pharmaceutical management, logistics information management systems, sustainable storage and distribution systems and services for health products; ensures access to appropriate tools and resources in coordination with other donor initiatives;
- Actively participates in UNDP communities of practice and other relevant external networks to gather and disseminate lessons learned on PSM; and
- Co-represents UNDP in relevant technical meetings, working groups at country, regional and global level.
The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization.

Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities: Supervise Pharmacist; Non-Health Procurement Analyst; Logistician.



Core Competencies:

Achieve Results: LEVEL 3: Set and align challenging, achievable objectives for multiple projects, have lasting impact

Think Innovatively: LEVEL 3: Proactively mitigate potential risks, develop new ideas to solve complex problems

Learn Continuously: LEVEL 3: Create and act on opportunities to expand horizons, diversify experiences

Adapt with Agility: LEVEL 3: Proactively initiate and champion change, manage multiple competing demands

Act with Determination: LEVEL 3: Think beyond immediate task/barriers and take action to achieve greater results

Engage and Partner: LEVEL 3: Political savvy, navigate complex landscape, champion inter-agency collaboration

Enable Diversity and Inclusion: LEVEL 3: Appreciate benefits of diverse workforce and champion inclusivity


Cross-Functional & Technical competencies: 

Business Direction & Strategy-System Thinking: Ability to use objective problem analysis and judgement to understand how interrelated elements coexist within an overall process or system, and to consider how altering one element can impact on other parts of the system

Business Management-Portfolio Management: Ability to select, prioritize and control the organization's programmes and projects, in line with its strategic objectives and capacity; ability to balance the implementation of change initiatives and the maintenance of business-as-usual, while optimizing return on investment


Required Skills and Experience


- Advanced university degree (master's degree or equivalent) in pharmacy, Public Health, Procurement and Supply Management or related field is required or 
- A first-level university degree (bachelor's degree) in combination with an additional two years of qualifying experience will be given due consideration in lieu of the advanced university degree.
- CIPS 2 level is required for the position, If certification is not available at the time of recruitment, it should be obtained within one year.
- Other certificates in procurement and supply chain management or for health commodities are desired

- Minimum 5 years (with Master's degree) or 7 years (with Bachelor's degree) of progressive relevant professional experience in procurement and supply chain management of health products. 
- Work experience in supply chain management in Africa is an asset. 
- Demonstrated experience in quality assurance of health products 
- Demonstrated experience in building capacity of national entities in the area of Procurement Supply Management of health products is an asset.
- Knowledge and experience of Global Fund's rules and policies in the area of procurement and supply chain management of health products are assets.
- Knowledge and experience of UN or UNDP procurement policies and procedures is an asset.
- Experience of working with national disease programmes (HIV and TB) in the quantification of health products is an asset.
- Experience working with national HIV and TB disease control programs in the context of the implementation of Global Fund grants is desirable. 
- Demonstrated experience working with an international organization in the area of procurement and supply chain management of health products is an asset.

- Proficiency in oral and written French is required
- Proficiency in oral and written English is an asset
Please note that continuance of appointment beyond the initial 12 months is contingent upon the successful completion of a probationary period.



[Important information for US Permanent Residents ('Green Card' holders)]( 

Under US immigration law, acceptance of a staff position with UNDP, an international organization, may have significant implications for US Permanent Residents. UNDP advises applicants for all professional level posts that they must relinquish their US Permanent Resident status and accept a G-4 visa, or have submitted a valid application for US citizenship prior to commencement of employment. 

UNDP is not in a position to provide advice or assistance on applying for US citizenship and therefore applicants are advised to seek the advice of competent immigration lawyers regarding any applications.


Applicant information about UNDP rosters

Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements. 



UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. 

UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status. 


Scam warning

The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.


How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position

- Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance.
- For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.
"Important Application Information:
Please submit your application only via the official website of the hiring organization or by using the "Apply" button on CinfoPoste, which will redirect you to the organization's application site. Applications submitted through other job portals will not be forwarded to the respective organization and will not be considered. To ensure your application reaches the right destination, always follow the official application process as indicated in the job posting."
Join Our Mission to Foster Prosperity in Asia

Are you looking to have a lasting impact on the future of Asia and be a catalyst for positive change? We are thrilled to offer a unique opportunity to become an important part of the prestigious Asian Development Bank (ADB). At ADB, our mission is simple yet powerful: to alleviate poverty and promote sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region.


Organizational Setting and Reporting Relationship

The position of Senior Economist is assigned to the Office of the Director General, CWRD (CWOD) within the Central and West Asia Department (CWRD), you will be based at our headquarters in Manila, Philippines and may be assigned in one of CWRD's Resident Missions.

You will primarily report to the Regional Lead Economist, CWRD with matrix reporting to Country Director, ARRM and oversee junior team members.


Your Role

As a Senior Economist, you will lead economic sector work in South Caucasus region (Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan), including economic analysis of country partnership strategies (CPS) and development of country program; country economic monitoring and economics related analytical work.

You will:

- Lead and support in assessing macroeconomic, political and sectoral developments in the South Caucasus region (Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan) and actively participate in economic policy dialogue with the governments.
- Lead economic and sector work and the economic/planning related studies, including Asian Development Outlook and Country Performance Assessment for its Asian Development Fund resources, if required.
- Lead the Economic Unit of the RMs in the South Caucasus region, which has economic, programming, and external relations sub-units.
- Prepare regular economic update for CDs and CWRD Management.
- Maintain relations with other international financial institutions and development partners in the country, including observer for International Monetary Fund (IMF) discussions.
- Lead in the preparation of Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), including the final review of CPS and Country Diagnostic Study.
- Provide technical advice and mentor staff and long-term consultants in resident missions in Central Asia upon request.
- Oversee and support reporting staff, including their performance and development. Ensure the ongoing learning and development of reporting staff. Take the role of a mentor to develop the capabilities and potential of reporting staff.


You will need:

- Master's Degree, or equivalent, in economics (Ph.D. an advantage), with expertise in one or more of the following fields: public policy, economic development, macroeconomics, public finance, international economics, or other related fields; or University degree and at least 5 years specialized experience relevant to the position can be considered.
- At least 10 years work experience.
- Evidence of high-quality knowledge outputs; publications in international peer-reviewed professional journals, a plus.
- Demonstrated expertise in economic research and development in developing countries.
- Strong quantitative, analytical, and conceptual skills in economics.
- Broad-based exposure to country programming.
- International experience working in development in several countries. Relevant experience in Central Asia is an advantage.
- Interpersonal, cross-cultural, and negotiating skills, with the ability to collaborate with senior staff, Management, and senior government officials.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
- Please refer to the [link]( for ADB Competency Framework for TI2.


ADB offers competitive compensation and a comprehensive [benefits package]( The salary will be based on ADB's standards and comparator markets, taking into account your qualifications and experience.

- Paid leave (including parental)
- Medical and health benefits
- Life and other insurance plans
- Staff development
- Retirement plan
- Housing and education allowance (if applicable)
- Expatriate benefits (for international staff)

About Us

Asian Development Bank (ADB) is an international development finance institution headquartered in Manila, Philippines and is composed of 69 members, 49 of which are from the Asia and Pacific region. ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. ADB combines finance, knowledge, and partnerships to fulfill its expanded vision under our [Strategy 2030](

ADB only hires nationals of its [69 members](

To view ADB Organizational Chart, please click [here](

ADB wants to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and given equal opportunities to work in an inclusive environment. ADB encourages all qualified candidates to apply regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious and cultural background, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities. Women are highly encouraged to apply.

Visit ADB Careers [FAQ]( for more information.


How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position

- Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance.
- For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.
"Important Application Information:
Please submit your application only via the official website of the hiring organization or by using the "Apply" button on CinfoPoste, which will redirect you to the organization's application site. Applications submitted through other job portals will not be forwarded to the respective organization and will not be considered. To ensure your application reaches the right destination, always follow the official application process as indicated in the job posting."

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

UN Women hosts the Secretariat of the Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund. The WPHF Secretariat provides support to the Funding Board, mobilize resources from Governments, companies, foundations and individual, provides day to day support to Country Offices implementing WPHF programmes, ensures timely and quality monitoring and reporting. In 2022, the WPHF Funding Board established a new window for the protection and advocacy of Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs), as well as a the WHRDs Window Unit to be hosted by the WPHF Secretariat. The WHRDs window provides two types of support: (i) safety net grants to cover for protection and livelihood expenses of WHRDs at risks from crisis and conflict settings (implemented together with INGOs partners) ; and (ii) direct logistical support for their participation in events and decision-making processes (implemented directly by the WHRDs window unit). It has supported over 300 WHRDs and more than 700 dependents through both protection and advocacy support.

Under the direct supervision of the Project Coordinator of the WPHF WHRDs window the WPHF WHRD Program Analyst will support implementation of programmatic activities of this newly established window, including supporting efforts to strengthen visibility of the window to WHRDs to increase access to the support offered under the safety net stream and the advocacy streams. The program analyst will also support efforts to strengthen the efficiency of the window, and the sustainability of the support provided to WHRDs through the WPHF WHRD Window. 

Under the supervision of the Project Coordinator of the WPHF WHRD Window, the Project Analyst is responsible for providing programmatic inputs in the development, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the WHRDs window, including its partnerships with INGOs and other UN Agencies. The Project Analyst will support processes to onboard consultants and track utilization of resources allocated to the window, and support knowledge building efforts for the community of practice that supports WHRDs.


Key Functions and Accountabilities:

1. Contribute technically to the development of programme strategies for the WPHF WHRD Window

- Provide substantive inputs to the design and formulation of the WHRD Window's programme/ project proposals and initiatives.
- Provide substantive inputs to the review and processing of applications received from WHRDs under the safety net and advocacy support streams of the window. 
- Identify areas for support and intervention related to the WPHF WHRD Window. 
2. Provide substantive technical support for the management of the WPHF WHRD Window

- Provide technical inputs to the annual workplan and budget of the WPHF WHRD Window; 
- Lead the implementation of programme activities;
- Lead the coordination of the call/request for proposals, including the organization of technical review committees, and capacity assessment of partners;
- Review, coordinate and monitor the submission of implementing partner financial and narrative reports;
- Lead efforts to build the capacity of partners on Results Based Management and monitor implementation of the Window's activities. 
3. Provide technical assistance and capacity development to project/programme partners

- Coordinate and provide technical support in the implementation of the Window's programme activities; 
- Support the development of technical knowledge products related to the protection of WHRDs in conflict, post conflict and humanitarian crises. 
- Maintain relationships with country level partners to support implementation of the Window's activities, and expansion of the Window's reach beyond existing active countries.
- Identify opportunities for capacity building of partners and facilitate technical/ programming support and trainings to partners, as needed.
4. Provide technical inputs to the monitoring and reporting of the activities, outputs and outcomes of the WPHF WHRD Window

- Monitor progress of implementation of the Window's activities and finances using results based management tools;
- Draft reports on monitoring missions, the Window's results, outputs and outcomes; 
- Provide substantive inputs to the preparation of internal and external reports, including inputs into high level reporting of the Window's results to the WPHF Board and other donors/development partners.
5. Provide substantive technical inputs to the management of people and finances of the WPHF WHRD Window

- Monitor the Window's budget utilization and support budget re-alignments/ revisions, as necessary;
- Supervise the window's consultants and interns
 6. Provide substantive inputs to building partnerships and resource mobilization strategies

- Provide substantive inputs to resource mobilization strategies for the WPHF WHRD Window; analyze and maintain information and databases;
- Prepare relevant documentation such as project summaries, conference papers, briefing notes, speeches, and donor profiles;
- Participate in donor meetings and public information events, as delegated.
7. Provide substantive inputs to advocacy, knowledge building and communication efforts

- Develop background documents, briefs and presentations related to WPHF WHRD Window and protection of WHRDs in conflict, post conflict and humanitarian crises. 
- Provide programmatic and administrative support to organize advocacy campaigns, events, trainings, workshops and knowledge products;
- Coordinate the development of knowledge management methodologies, and products under the WPHF WHRD Window and the protection of WHRDs and HRDs community of practice. 
8. The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the WPHF WHRD Window and the WPHF Secretariat. 

Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities: The incumbent will supervise WHRD's consultants and interns.


Competencies :

Core Values:

- Integrity;
- Professionalism;
- Respect for Diversity.
Core Competencies:

- Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues;
- Accountability;
- Creative Problem Solving;
- Effective Communication;
- Inclusive Collaboration;
- Stakeholder Engagement;
- Leading by Example.
Please visit [this link]( Us/Employment/UN-Women-values-and-competencies-framework-en.pdf) for more information on UN Women's Values and Competencies Framework: 


Functional Competencies:

- Good programme formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation skills
- Good knowledge of Results Based Management
- Ability to gather and interpret data, reach logical conclusions and present findings and recommendations
- Good analytical skills
- Good knowledge of the Women, Peace and Security agenda, and issues related to the protection and promotion of the rights of women and girls in conflict, post conflict and humanitarian crises. 
- Ability to identify and analyze trends, opportunities and threats to fundraising

Recruitment Qualifications:

Education and certification:

- Master's degree or equivalent in social sciences, human rights, gender/women's studies, international development, or a related field is required.
- A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
- A project/programme management certification would be an added advantage.

- At least 2 years of progressively responsible work experience in development programme/project implementation, coordination, monitoring and evaluation, donor reporting and capacity building is required.
- Experience in Women, Peace and Security and the protection of the rights of women and girls in conflict, post conflict and humanitarian crises is required. 
- Experience coordinating and liaising with government agencies and/or donors is required.
- Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.) and spreadsheet and database packages, experience in handling of web-based management systems is required.
- Experience in the use of a modern web-based ERP System, preferably Oracle Cloud, is desirable.
Language Requirements:

- Fluency in English is required.
- Knowledge of Arabic and French is desirable.

Statements :

In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.


Diversity and inclusion:

At UN Women, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. UN Women recruits, employs, trains, compensates, and promotes regardless of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, national origin, or any other basis covered by appropriate law. All employment is decided on the basis of qualifications, competence, integrity and organizational need.

If you need any reasonable accommodation to support your participation in the recruitment and selection process, please include this information in your application.

UN Women has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UN Women, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to UN Women's policies and procedures and the standards of conduct expected of UN Women personnel and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. (Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.)

Note: Applicants must ensure that all sections of the application form, including the sections on education and employment history, are completed. If all sections are not completed the application may be disqualified from the recruitment and selection process.


How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position

- Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance.
- For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.
"Important Application Information:
Please submit your application only via the official website of the hiring organization or by using the "Apply" button on CinfoPoste, which will redirect you to the organization's application site. Applications submitted through other job portals will not be forwarded to the respective organization and will not be considered. To ensure your application reaches the right destination, always follow the official application process as indicated in the job posting."

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP: we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a 'leave no one behind' approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and [inspiring stories.](

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.


Organizational Context


The United Nations Development Programme, UNDP Brazil, offers a selected group of outstanding graduate-level students the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to the work of a successful multi-cultural international organization. 

The internship programme for the Communications Unit is designed to complement development-oriented studies with practical experience in various aspects of multilateral technical cooperation, international studies, international development and inclusive growth. 

The purpose of the Internship Programme is to provide an opportunity to make substantive contributions to the office's work, mostly by providing support to the Communications Team in its daily activities and in the accomplishment of the goals and tasks that are part of UNDP Brazil Strategy. 

This internship opportunity does not lead to further employment with UNDP. Its goal is to offer the intern the opportunity to learn, gather experiences and complement his/her studies. 

Therefore, there should be no expectation of employment at the end of the internship. 

Internships takes place at UNDP Brazil premises, in the UN House – Sergio Vieira de Mello Complex in Brasilia, Brazil or remotely (home-based). 



Interns are not considered staff members. During the internship with UNDP, interns shall be subject to the Regulations Governing the Status, Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials, and Experts on Mission (ST/SGB/2002/9). 

Interns shall not be sought or engaged as substitutes for staff and do not encumber authorized posts. 

Interns shall not represent UNDP in any official capacity or commit resources on its behalf. 

Interns shall not apply for or be appointed to any position during the period of their internship. 

The internship period shall not be foreshortened for the purposes of allowing an intern to apply for a position. 


Duration of Internship Assignments 

Internship assignments vary in length according to the academic requirements of the intern, as well as the needs of UNDP. Assignments normally last a minimum of six weeks and a maximum of six months. An internship may exceptionally be approved for a maximum total duration of nine months if the intern can demonstrate it will grant him/her an educational credit for a course. 

Internship assignments are available on a part-time and full-time basis. 


Responsibilities and obligations of interns 

Interns shall: 

(a) Observe all applicable rules, regulations, instructions, procedures and directives of UNDP notwithstanding their status as described in paragraph 6 of this policy. 

(b) Provide the receiving office with a copy of all materials prepared by them during the internship. UNDP shall be entitled to all property rights, including but not limited to patents, copyrights and trademarks, with regards to material that bears a direct relation to, or is made in consequence of, the services provided under the internship. At the request of UNDP, the interns shall assist in securing such property rights and transferring them to UNDP in compliance with the requirements of the applicable law. 

(c) Respect the impartiality and independence required of the United Nations and of the receiving office and shall not seek or accept instructions regarding the services performed under the internship agreement from any Government or from any authority external to UNDP.

(d) Unless otherwise authorized by the receiving office, they may not communicate at any time to the media or to any institution, person, Government or any other external party any information that has become known to them by any reason of their association with the United Nations, UNDP or the receiving office, that they know or ought to have known has not been made public. They may not use any such information without the written authorization of the receiving office, and such information may never be used for personal gain. These obligations also apply after the end of the internship with UNDP. 

(e) Refrain from any conduct that would adversely reflect on the United Nations, UNDP, or the receiving office and will not engage in any activity which is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations or UNDP. 

(f) Comply with local laws and customs. 


Third-party claims 

UNDP is not responsible for any claims by any parties where the loss of or damage to their property, death or personal injury was caused by the actions or omission of action by the interns during their internship.


Remuneration, insurance and interns' expenses 

Interns are not remunerated by UNDP. Where an intern is not financially supported by any institution or programme, such as a university, government, foundation or scholarship programme, a stipend intended to help cover basic daily expenses related to the internship, such as meals and transportation at the duty station, will be paid by UNDP. 

Costs and arrangements for travel, visas, accommodation and living expenses are the responsibility of the intern. 

Interns are responsible for securing adequate medical insurance for the duration of their internship with UNDP and must provide a medical certificate of good health prior to starting the internship. UNDP will not reimburse the medical insurance of the intern. Any costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship assignment will be the responsibility of the intern. 

Applicants for internships must show proof of valid medical insurance for the duty station in which they will intern. For applicants which are neither nationals or residents of the duty station, the insurance must include adequate coverage in the event of an injury or illness during the internship duration which:

(a) Requires transportation to the home country or country of residence for further treatment. 

(b) Results in death and requires preparation and return of the remains to the home country, or country of residence.

 UNDP accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to personal effects that may occur during the internship.


UNDP's expenses 

Costs incurred by interns, including undertaking official travel at the request of UNDP, in the discharge of the activities related to the internship shall be reimbursed by UNDP on the same basis as costs incurred by staff members or costs reimbursed to staff members, including payment of daily subsistence allowance, as applicable. 



The internship can be terminated by either UNDP or the intern for any reason upon giving two weeks' notice. 


Subsequent Employment 

There is no expectation of employment with UNDP following an internship.


Functions / Key Results Expected 

Under the guidance and supervision of Communications Coordinator, the intern will be responsible for the following activities:

- Prepare daily news clipping on stories of the interest of UNDP and its partners. 
- Assist the Communications Team in the maintenance and update of UNDP Brazil's website(s). 
- Translate documents, presentations, news articles and press releases into English-Portuguese (and vice-versa) and Spanish-Portuguese (and vice-versa). 
- Support in writing communications materials. 
- Write stories, reports, press releases and minutes of meetings. 
- Support the preparation of social media contents, like texts and cards. 
- Assist in creating and implementing social media strategy. 
- Explore new online and social media tools and implement best practices. 
- Assist in the preparation of analytical reports and presentations containing statistics and performance of website(s) and social media accounts managed by the Communications Unit. 
- Assist in the creation or update of design and layout of communication materials for online media including arts, graphics and infographics for social media accounts, website and intranet. 
- Assist with video production and audio projects, including recording, capturing/importing media, editing footage and sound files, titling, adding music/voiceover/sfx, media management and archiving project media. 
- Gather information on themes related to UNDP's mandate and UNDP Brazil's projects. 
- Support the Communications Team in the preparation, organization and coverage of events. 
- Support the Communications Team with photos of events and UNDP executives. 
- Assist in the management and update of mailing lists used by the Communications Unit. 
- Assist in handling telephone calls, requests from the press, the general public and UNDP partners, as well as internal clients. 
- Perform other related tasks as requested.

Competencies and Critical Success Factors

- Teamwork: Good interpersonal skills; ability to work in a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment with full respect for diversity. Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensibility and adaptability. 
- Professionalism: Ability to manage processes, maintain accurate records, interpret/analyze a wide variety of data, and identify/resolve problems. 
- Planning and Organizing: Demonstrated effective organizational skills and ability to handle work in an efficient and timely manner. 
- Commitment to continuous learning: Initiative and willingness to keep abreast of new trends in development issues. 
- Technological Awareness: Proficiency in various MS Office applications and other IT applications. 
- Communication: Ability to write in a clear and concise manner and to communicate effectively orally.

Recruitment Qualifications


- Candidates must be involved in a course of study in fields such as Communications, Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Design and all other related fields. 
- Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements: 
- Be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher);
- Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor's level or equivalent); 
- Have graduated with a university degree (as defined in (a) and (b) above) and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation.

- Computer skills are required. 
- They are also expected to demonstrate a keen interest in the field of development and on UNDP's mandate areas. 
- Ability to work with Adobe Creative Suite, and related software, particularly InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere. 
- Knowledge of photojournalism
Language Requirements:

- Portuguese must be the candidate's mother tongue. 
- Fluency in English is also required. 
- Knowledge of Spanish is asset.
Respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter and the UNDP Statement of Purpose.



[Important information for US Permanent Residents ('Green Card' holders)]( 

Under US immigration law, acceptance of a staff position with UNDP, an international organization, may have significant implications for US Permanent Residents. UNDP advises applicants for all professional level posts that they must relinquish their US Permanent Resident status and accept a G-4 visa, or have submitted a valid application for US citizenship prior to commencement of employment. 

UNDP is not in a position to provide advice or assistance on applying for US citizenship and therefore applicants are advised to seek the advice of competent immigration lawyers regarding any applications.


Applicant information about UNDP rosters

Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.



UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. 

UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status. 


Scam warning

The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.


How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position

- Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance.
- For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.
"Important Application Information:
Please submit your application only via the official website of the hiring organization or by using the "Apply" button on CinfoPoste, which will redirect you to the organization's application site. Applications submitted through other job portals will not be forwarded to the respective organization and will not be considered. To ensure your application reaches the right destination, always follow the official application process as indicated in the job posting."
UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. 

At UNICEF, we are committed, passionate and proud of what we do. Promoting the rights of every child is not just a job ? it is a calling. 

UNICEF is a place where careers are built, we offer our staff diverse opportunities for personal and professional development that will help them develop a fulfilling career, while delivering on a rewarding mission. We pride ourselves on a culture that helps staff thrive, coupled with an attractive compensation and benefits package. 

Visit our website to learn more about what we do at UNICEF. 


For every child, a future

The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) provides independent and objective assurance and advisory services designed to add value and improve the operations of UNICEF. It helps UNICEF accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management and control processes. OIAI's annual work plan covers a wide range of UNICEF's activities implemented at Headquarters and field locations throughout the world. The Internal Auditor supports in providing assurance and advisory services. This is an entry level position which provides opportunities for incumbents to acquire professional expertise, organizational knowledge and exposure for further career advancement.


Engagement Planning

Assist in the risk assessment and in planning for the provision of assurance and advisory services.

Engagement Execution

Assist in the completion of steps for the review of the adequacy and effectiveness of governance, risk management and control processes of area covered.

Prepare working papers detailing the work performed that support the conclusions and recommendations for review by the team leader (Internal Audit Specialist or Internal Audit Manager).


Develop and discuss with clients the draft conclusions, observations and recommendations based on adequate root-cause analyses, following guidance of the team leader. Where appropriate, the observations acknowledge good practices for assigned segments of the assurance and advisory services.

Prepare the draft report of the assigned areas for review by the team leader, taking into consideration the comments of the clients, team leader and OIAI management.


Assist in monitoring the implementation of recommendations and in the review and assessment of the adequacy of corrective actions taken by the clients. 

Innovation, Knowledge Management and Capacity Development

Contribute to OIAI's risk-based work planning activities, development of professional internal audit policies, procedures, and change initiatives.

Participate in professional development activities, and other activities as required.

If you would like to know more about this position, please review the complete Job Description here: GJP Internal Auditor P2 Nairobi.pdf


To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have ․․․

- Minimum requirements
- Education: Bachelor or equivalent (First Level University Degree) in Business Administration, Finance, Economics, Accounting, Risk Prevention, Info. Technology, Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) and any other related fields.
- Work Experience: At Least 2 years of relevant work experience in Audit and Investigation, Internal Auditing, External Auditing, Risk Management.
- Skills: Audit governance, risk and control concepts, adequate drafting, analytical and problem-solving, synthesizing information
- Language Requirements: Fluency in English is required. 
- Desirables
- Language: Knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) or a local language
- International Development, Developing Countries.
- Developing country work experience and/or familiarity with emergencies.

For every child, you demonstrate ․․․

UNICEF's Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter: UNICEF Values 

The UNICEF competencies required for this post are ․․․

(1) Builds and maintains partnerships
(2) Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness
(3) Drive to achieve results for impact 
(4) Innovates and embraces change
(5) Manages ambiguity and complexity
(6) Thinks and acts strategically
(7) Works collaboratively with others

Familiarize yourself with our competency framework and its different levels

This position has been assessed as an elevated risk role for Child Safeguarding purposes as it is either a role with direct contact with children, a role that works directly with identifiable children's data, a safeguarding response role, or an assessed risk role. Additional vetting and assessment for elevated risk roles in child safeguarding (potentially including additional criminal background checks) apply. 

UNICEF is here to serve the world's most disadvantaged children, and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic.

We offer a wide range of measures to include a more diverse workforce, such as paid parental leave, time off for breastfeeding purposes, and reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements.

UNICEF does not hire candidates who are married to children (persons under 18). UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and discrimination. UNICEF is committed to promoting the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.

UNICEF appointments are subject to medical clearance. Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station is required for IP positions and will be facilitated by UNICEF. Appointments may also be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Should you be selected for a position with UNICEF, you either must be inoculated as required or receive a medical exemption from the relevant department of the UN. Otherwise, the selection will be canceled.



As per Article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity.

UNICEF's active commitment to diversity and inclusion is critical to deliver the best results for children. For this position, eligible and suitable are encouraged to apply.

Government employees who are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government positions before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason.

In this role, you will collaborate with colleagues across multiple locations. For effective collaboration, we encourage flexible working hours that accommodate different time zones while prioritizing staff wellbeing. 

UNICEF does not charge a processing fee at any stage of its recruitment, selection, and hiring processes (i.e., application stage, interview stage, validation stage, or appointment and training). UNICEF will not ask for applicants' bank account information.

All UNICEF positions are advertised, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. An internal candidate performing at the level of the post in the relevant functional area, or an internal/external candidate in the corresponding Talent Group, may be selected, if suitable for the post, without assessment of other candidates.

Additional information about working for UNICEF can be found here.


How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position

- Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance.
- For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.
"Important Application Information:
Please submit your application only via the official website of the hiring organization or by using the "Apply" button on CinfoPoste, which will redirect you to the organization's application site. Applications submitted through other job portals will not be forwarded to the respective organization and will not be considered. To ensure your application reaches the right destination, always follow the official application process as indicated in the job posting."
Youth unemployment remains one of the greatest challenges globally, driven by rapid population growth and increasing inequality, particularly in Africa. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is widely recognized as a key solution to bridging the skills gap, equipping young people with the competencies needed to enter the labour market and achieve economic independence. 


Recognizing the crucial link between education and employment, St. Martin has partnered with the County Government of Laikipia to empower youth through inclusive and equitable TVET. This collaboration aims to help young people become self-reliant and socially responsible individuals who appreciate and respect diverse cultures. St. Martin supports Laikipia County vocational training colleges (VTCs) by strengthening their capacity to produce innovative graduates with the skills and expertise required for successful integration into the workforce. 


Your activities / tasks 

As a Comundo co-worker, you will play a key role in enhancing the quality and relevance of vocational training in Laikipia County by adapting the Dual-VET model to local contexts and strengthening the capacity of vocational training centers (VTCs) in delivering Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET) and transversal skills development. Specifically, you will support St. Martin and the Laikipia County Government in contextualizing the Dual-VET model within Laikipia County VTCs and beyond. This includes assisting in the establishment of industry liaison and career guidance offices in each target VTC, as well as strengthening Public-Private Partnerships with industry stakeholders. Additionally, you will contribute to building the capacity of VTC trainers in implementing CBET methodologies and integrating transversal skills development across Laikipia County and beyond. Your key responsibilities will include:


- Conducting a comprehensive needs assessment to analyse youth skills gaps, market trends and the overall TVET landscape in Laikipia County.
- Refining the adapted dual-VET model and overseeing the pilot implementation in selected VTCs.
- Establish and strengthening partnerships between VTCs and local industries to enhance training relevance and job placement opportunities.
- Developing and delivering training programs to enhance instructors' competencies in CBET methodologies, transversal skills and dual education, while providing ongoing mentorship and support.
- Creating a framework for the continuous professional development of VTC staff.
- Facilitating the integration of youth into the workforce by supporting career readiness initiatives and employment linkages.

Your profile

- A solid education background in education or a technical field.
- Experience in TVET and dual education.
- Practical experience in dual education, education management and working with the private sector.
- Additional experience in Organisational Development, project management and communication are a plus.

General requirements

- Completed vocational of tertiary education
- At least 3 years of professional experience
- Resident in Switzerland or EU
- Strong English proficiency (spoken and written)
- Good physical and mental health
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team
- High social skills and intercultural sensitivity
- Willingness to embrace a simple lifestyle in a remote area

We offer

- A dynamic working environment with opportunities for initiative, participation, and intercultural exchange
- Comprehensive preparatory training
- An introduction to the country of assignment and on-the-ground support
- Coverage of living and insurance costs during the assignment
- Round-trip travelling expenses
- Initial financial assistance upon your return
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector in developing countries. IFC leverages its products and servicesas well as products and services of other institutions in the World Bank Groupto create markets that address the biggest development challenges of our time. Our mission is to leverage the power of the private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet. For more information, please visit 

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is integral to IFC's mission, providing critical insights into the effectiveness of its advisory projects and ensuring accountability to stakeholders, including donors and beneficiaries.
The Development Impact Measurement Department (CDI) within the Economics and Private Sector Vice Presidency (CEDVP) analyzes economic sectors with a view to identifying opportunities and solutions for private sector development and works closely with IFC Operations. It provides technical support to operations related to structuring, appraising, and monitoring investment and advisory projects and is responsible for reporting on IFC's impact.
The department hosts a cross-cutting Impact Reporting unit (CDIIR) that includes RM Specialists and Economists supporting corporate reporting initiatives and deliverables, supporting operational teams working on impact reporting on cross- advisory services, sustainability. The unit coordinates and provides technical support to the Department's impact evaluation programs and is the interface for IFC on impact with the WB and MIGA and external stakeholders. In short, the department offers an "end-to-end" support and impact assessments for IFC investments and advisory services, engaging upstream and downstream throughout the project cycle.

The Department is looking for a Results Measurement specialist to work in the cross-cutting Impact Reporting Team (CDIIR). The Results Measurement specialist will strengthen the measurement, analysis and reporting of development impact results for IFC's Investment services (IS) and Advisory services (AS) operations in the region. The Results Measurement Specialist will report to the Manager of Development Impact Management and Reporting. The position requires close collaboration with project teams, M&E specialists, donor relations teams, and regional management.


Objectives of the Assignment 

 The Results Measurement Specialist will:
• Provide comprehensive M&E support to IFC Country Advisory and Economics projects in Europe and LAC across all stages of the project life cycle.
• Support the CDI results measurement team on Impact reporting issues related to CAE and more broadly, on mechanisms such as linking results to the Scorecard.
• Serve as CDI's liaison and point of contact for Regional Management in Europe for all development impact related issues. In this capacity, oversee the preparation of results for donor reporting and coordinate donor engagement regarding M&E, and respond to ad hoc M&E-related requests from regional management.
• Build the capacity of operational teams and management on M&E issues, including the application of the AIMM framework.


Duties and Accountabilities : 

 Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to :
Monitoring & Evaluation Support for CAE transactions, and others as assigned
• Collaborate with Country Economics and Advisory (CAE) project teams during the design to integrate robust M&E frameworks, including logical frameworks, theory of change models, and performance indicators. Provide ongoing support to project teams in implementing M&E activities, including data collection, analysis, and reporting.
• Review project progress reports, identify any deviations, and recommend corrective actions. Contribute to regular progress update to CAE managers. Assist in the preparation of and review project completion reports, ensuring accurate reporting of outcomes and impacts.
• Support the projects being evaluated by Independent Evaluation Group. Collate lessons and lead the feedback loop to improve project design.
Support on-going improvements to the M&E frameworks for CAE globally
• Serve as a global focal point for key CAE impact indicators. Support the reporting on PCE and other relevant Corporate Scorecard indicators.
• Establish and maintain quality assurance processes for M&E activities to ensure data validity and reliability. Conduct regular reviews and audits of M&E systems and data. Implement improvements to M&E processes based on identified gaps or challenges.
• Support Upstream/AS lead on the development of product manuals, and the updating of the results frameworks and guidance supporting new products (e.g., climate).
• Collaborate with other units within IFC and the World Bank Group to harmonize M&E approaches and leverage synergies with FCI and MTI.
Serve as CDI's Regional RM focal point for Europe
• Coordinate a team of M&E specialists in Europe to standardize M&E practices and methodologies across business lines and facilitate knowledge-sharing and consistency among M&E staff to promote best practices.
• Respond promptly to M&E-related inquiries and requests from regional management.
• Prepare analytical reports, briefs, and presentations on results and impact as needed, and contribute to discussions with management on M&E strategies and regional planning processes (CPFs, country briefs, other adhoc requests).
Support Engagement and Reporting on Results to Donors
• Oversee the preparation of high-quality results reports for donors, ensuring compliance with reporting requirements and deadlines. Validate the accuracy and reliability of data presented in donor reports.
• Coordinate with donor relations teams to manage communications with donors regarding M&E. Participate in meetings and presentations with donors to discuss project results and impact. Address donor queries and feedback related to M&E in a timely and professional manner.
• Plan and lead / support independent evaluations of donor-funded completed projects, including defining evaluation scopes, methodologies, and work plans. Review and approve evaluation reports, ensuring they provide actionable insights and recommendations.
• Engage in internal and external communities of practice related to M&E and development impact.
Capacity Building on M&E and AIMM
• Develop and deliver training programs and workshops for operational teams and management on M&E concepts, methodologies, and the AIMM framework.
• Create user-friendly M&E tools, guidelines, and reference materials to support project teams to promote a culture of results-based management within the organization.
• Represent IFC in M&E forums, workshops, and conferences as required.


Selection Criteria

• Advanced degree (Master's or Ph.D.) in Economics, Statistics, International Development, Business Administration, Public Policy, or a related field.
• At least 7 years of relevant experience in M&E within international development, with a focus on private sector development or financial institutions. Proven experience in designing and implementing M&E frameworks and conducting project level evaluations related to the CAE work program is a strong plus.
• Strong knowledge of M&E methodologies and standards, including both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Experience with IFC's AIMM framework or similar impact measurement systems is highly desirable.
• Familiarity with donor-funded projects and experience meeting donor reporting requirements.
• Proficiency in statistical analysis software (e.g., STATA, SPSS) and data visualization tools.
• Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with attention to detail.
• Strong project management skills, capable of handling multiple tasks and deadlines.
• Superior communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to convey complex M&E information clearly.
• Demonstrated ability to work effectively in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams.
• Fluency in English is required. Proficiency in other languages relevant to the regions is an advantage.
• Willingness to travel within Europe and LAC regions as necessary.


[World Bank Group Core Competencies](

The World Bank Group offers comprehensive benefits, including a retirement plan; medical, life and disability insurance; and paid leave, including parental leave, as well as reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities.

We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.

Learn more about working at the [World Bank]( and [IFC](, including our values and inspiring stories.


How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position

- Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance.
- For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.
"Important Application Information:
Please submit your application only via the official website of the hiring organization or by using the "Apply" button on CinfoPoste, which will redirect you to the organization's application site. Applications submitted through other job portals will not be forwarded to the respective organization and will not be considered. To ensure your application reaches the right destination, always follow the official application process as indicated in the job posting."
IFC a member of the World Bank Group is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work in more than 100 countries, using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities. Our mission is to leverage the power of the private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet. For more information, visit 

Private sector financial development is essential to the promotion of successful and sustainable economies in low and middle-income countries around the world. Sound and efficient financial markets can ensure that resources are allocated where they are most productive, assisting job creation and spurring economic growth. IFC's goal is to prioritize investment in the financial sector because it promotes development in all other sectors.

The Financial Institutions Group (FIG) is one of IFC's key Departments responsible for a significant portion of IFC's business volume, profitability and development reach, approximately 40%. FIG engages in a wide range of sub-sectors including Microfinance, SME, Gender, Climate, Insurance, Capital Markets, Housing, Distressed Assets, and other areas, with both investment and advisory services delivered globally to IFC's clients through IFC's global network. FIG has three main objectives: 1) financial inclusion 2) servicing the real economy and 3) mobilizing third-party resources. The goal is to develop efficient financial systems that will increase financial inclusion and fuel economic growth in client countries and enhance IFC's developmental impact.

FIG West Africa (FIG WA) team is based across the region with main hub and offices in Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire and the Sahel region. The team members work on both new business development and portfolio management across the region. With a diverse network of markets, the pipeline of new transactions ranges from investing fresh equity or guarantees in banks to structured finance products to help develop local capital markets. 

FIG WA Regional Industry Team is recruiting an Associate Investment Officer with good local market and industry experience to help grow and develop its business in West Africa as well as across the continent. The Associate Investment Officer will report to the FIG Regional Industry Manager covering West Africa and will be based in Dakar, Senegal.


Roles and Responsibilities:

The roles and responsibilities of the role include but are not limited to:

• Work with the team on developing new opportunities, managing internal and external stakeholders, investment processing and portfolio management.

• Collaborate in developing client strategies/ engagement plans and pitch books for industry and countries.

• Provide key support in identification, appraisal, structuring and negotiation of financial sector investments.

• Analyze operational and financial performance as well as credit and integrity risks of potential clients/projects.

• Build complex financial models (including for equity valuations), perform due diligence and financial analysis, and/or provide quality control over financial analysis/projections developed by analyst to evaluate benefits and risks of transactions.

• Identify and analyze fundamental competitive strengths and weaknesses of projects or portfolio companies and identify non-financial issues, opportunities and risk/reward factors (e.g. business environment, country, and sponsor). 

• Perform assessments related to Paris Alignment and Climate Risk in investments.

• Assess and articulate development impact and IFC's role/additionality in transactions.

• Actively keep abreast of regional and industry developments and incorporates trends into the processing or supervision of projects.

• Handle disbursements, waivers and complex client interactions such as restructurings; monitor and value equity investments and recommends/executes the sale of holdings.

• Monitor existing investments in portfolio companies, comprising various types of financial entities.

• Review and analyze the financial and operating performance of clients, including covenant compliance reviews and impact reporting; prepare quarterly risk ratings, annual supervision and other management reports as well as country strategy papers, briefs and project profiles.

• Responsible for rating reviews or loan loss reserve on a quarterly basis for the overall assigned portfolio and monitor changes to risk flags to determine performance of assigned portfolio with limited supervision.

• Apply knowledge of project/portfolio lifecycle to identify and meet critical path milestones, and to implement tasks (including production of documents) in a timely and high-quality fashion for the processing or supervision of projects.

• Supervise and ensure quality of portfolio reporting information prepared by junior staff, providing broader industry, sub-sector and country perspective into project risks and issues.


Selection Criteria

• Master's degree in finance, economics or other related areas; accreditation as CFA or CPA is considered equivalent.

• At least +5 years of relevant experience in the financial sector, with a proven track-record of sourcing, structuring and closing investments preferably both in equity and debt, including Capital Markets.

• Good understanding of the perspective of the commercial banks, insurance companies and other financial intermediaries, including their business drivers, the scope of their operations, and their interests, so as to be able to successfully engage.

• Clear experience and expertise in identifying, evaluating, structuring and negotiating debt and equity transactions; experience in portfolio management.

• Good understanding of IFC's financial instruments, requirements, main investment agreements/ standard contracts and provisions, all aspects of transactions to provide input for optimal structuring of a prospective opportunity, and internal deal and portfolio processing.

• Proven analytical, financial analysis, equity valuation, and financial modelling skills to analyze and form conclusions on company financial information or projects and industry indicators. Able to oversee and provide quality control feedback on financial models prepared by analysts.

• Understanding of credit and non-financial risks associated with straightforward projects and specific aspects of a complex project, and how to satisfactorily mitigate those risks based on understanding of how IFC assesses risk/ reward tradeoffs.

• Ability to draft documents and reports that are concise, well-organized, and appropriately focused on most critical points that are relevant to the target audience.

• Sound business judgment and strong problem solving/negotiation skills, as well as ability to work effectively on simultaneous projects under time pressure.

• Excellent verbal and written communication and presentation skills in English and French 

• A keen interest in development finance and working in a multicultural environment.


[World Bank Group Core Competencies](

The World Bank Group offers comprehensive benefits, including a retirement plan; medical, life and disability insurance; and paid leave, including parental leave, as well as reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities.

We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.

Learn more about working at the [World Bank]( and [IFC](, including our values and inspiring stories.


How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position

- Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance.
- For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.
"Important Application Information:
Please submit your application only via the official website of the hiring organization or by using the "Apply" button on CinfoPoste, which will redirect you to the organization's application site. Applications submitted through other job portals will not be forwarded to the respective organization and will not be considered. To ensure your application reaches the right destination, always follow the official application process as indicated in the job posting."
IFC a member of the World Bank Group is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work in more than 100 countries, using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities. Our mission is to leverage the power of the private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet.

Information Technology is an integral part of the strategic initiatives for all the core business functions at IFC. Within Corporate Information and Technologies (CIT), Data Engineering, AI and Platforms (CITDE) organization provides comprehensive data and analytics support for IFC's various organizations, such as Economics & Private Sector Developments, Global Indistries, Climate Business, Treasury and Mobilization, any many more. A robust engagement model with business ensures prioritization of the business requirements & focus on delivery. The solution landscape encompasses a wide variety of in-house and customized data applications, AI/ML solutions and scaled capabilities which meet the business needs of IFC departments.

Data Engineering, Platforms & AI/ML (CITDE) is seeking a Lead Data Architect who plays a pivotal role in designing and implementing the IFC's data infrastructure, with a primary focus on transactional and master data. Utilizing tech stacks such as Microsoft Azure and Databricks, this role ensures the seamless integration, storage, and processing of both transactional and master data across IFC data ecosystem. With Microsoft Azure, the architect designs cloud-based solutions, leveraging tools like Databricks, Azure SQL Database and Azure Data Lake for transactional data management, ensuring high availability, consistency, and performance. For master data, the architect employs Microsoft Azure and/or Databricks to create scalable data pipelines that consolidate, cleanse, and synchronize data from multiple sources, ensuring a single, accurate view of key business entities. The architect ensures data governance, security, and compliance standards are adhered to while building a flexible, efficient architecture that supports IFC's evolving data needs. The role also involves collaborating with stakeholders to align the architecture with business objectives, enhancing operational efficiency, and enabling better decision-making through accurate and reliable data.


Duties and Responsibilities:

• Lead the design, development, and implementation of scalable, high-performance data architectures leveraging Databricks and Microsoft Azure, with a focus on both transactional and master data.

• Architect and manage end-to-end data pipelines using Azure Data Factory, Databricks, and related tools to ingest, process, and store large volumes of structured and unstructured data across the IFC's data ecosystem.

• Design and implement master data management (MDM) solutions to ensure a single, unified, and accurate view of critical business entities.

• Leverage Azure services such as Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Data Lake, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Cosmos DB to build and maintain a cloud-based data infrastructure that supports business intelligence and reporting needs.

• Optimize data processing workflows for performance and cost-efficiency in the cloud, utilizing Databricks for distributed computing and Azure for flexible resource management.

• Work closely with business stakeholders, data engineers, data scientists, and other technical teams to understand requirements, provide architectural recommendations, and align data strategies with business objectives.

• Lead, mentor, and guide junior data engineers, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. Provide technical leadership in adopting best practices for data architecture and cloud technologies.

• Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in cloud technologies, big data solutions, and data engineering practices to ensure IFC's data architecture remains innovative, cutting-edge, and aligned with industry trends.

• Provide expert-level troubleshooting and support for complex data-related issues across the Azure and Databricks platforms, ensuring the smooth operation of data processes and minimizing downtime.

• Develop and maintain comprehensive architecture documentation, data flow diagrams, and system specifications to ensure clear communication of design decisions and system components.


Selection Criteria

• Master's degree in computer science, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Data Science, or Machine Learning with 10 years of experience or equivalent combination of education and experience.

• Minimum of 7+ years of experience in data architecture, with at least 5+ years of hands-on experience in designing and deploying solutions using Microsoft Azure and Databricks.

• Proven experience in architecting and managing data solutions for both transactional and master data in large-scale environments.

• Strong proficiency with the Microsoft Azure tech stack, including Azure Data Lake, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Data Factory, and Azure Machine Learning.

• In-depth knowledge of Databricks, including building data pipelines, working with Delta Lake, and implementing data engineering workflows along with Unity Catalog.

• Expertise in cloud data architecture best practices, performance optimization, and cost management within Azure and Databricks.

• Deep understanding of master data management (MDM) practices and experience working with transactional data in the financial industry or similarly regulated sectors.

• Experience leading and mentoring teams of data architects, engineers, and other technical stakeholders.

• Demonstrated ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams to align data strategies with business goals and technical requirements.

• Excellent analytical and troubleshooting skills, with the ability to identify and resolve complex data issues, optimize workflows, and implement innovative solutions.

• Strong communication skills with the ability to clearly document data architectures, workflows, and design decisions, ensuring alignment and understanding across technical and non-technical stakeholders.

• Ability to quickly adapt to new technologies and evolving business needs, with a commitment to staying current with industry trends and emerging technologies in the cloud data space.

• Proficiency in version control systems (e.g. Git) and knowledge of DevOps practices for automating data engineering workflows (DataOps). 

• Practical understanding of data encryption, access control, and security best practices to protect sensitive data. 

• SAFe experience and the ability to work on a cross functional, self-organizing development teams.


[World Bank Group Core Competencies](

The World Bank Group offers comprehensive benefits, including a retirement plan; medical, life and disability insurance; and paid leave, including parental leave, as well as reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities.

We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.

Learn more about working at the [World Bank]( and [IFC](, including our values and inspiring stories.


How cinfo Can Support You in the Application Process for This Position

- Application and Interview Preparation: Whether you're preparing your application documents or getting ready for an interview, you can book a [Job Application Support]( session to receive tailored guidance.
- For Swiss nationals invited to the first round of the selection process (e.g., written test, interview, assessment center): Notify us at, and we will inform our HR partners in the respective organization and the Swiss Government to help increase your visibility.
"Important Application Information:
Please submit your application only via the official website of the hiring organization or by using the "Apply" button on CinfoPoste, which will redirect you to the organization's application site. Applications submitted through other job portals will not be forwarded to the respective organization and will not be considered. To ensure your application reaches the right destination, always follow the official application process as indicated in the job posting."