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Spécialiste Digital Marketing et Campaign Management, expert·e en médias sociaux (60%)

Switzerland, Bern, Bern - cinfo

Es-tu passionné·e par la communication et les médias sociaux ?  Aimes-tu créer des campagnes percutantes et des contenus qui résonnent avec des audiences ciblées, tout en mesurant leur impact ?  Si oui, rejoins notre équipe dynamique et apporte avec toi ton expertise en marketing et gestion de campagnes !      Nous recrutons pour le 1er novembre 2024 (ou à convenir) un·e :    Spécialiste Digital Marketing et Campaign Management, expert·e en médias sociaux (60%)       Dans un monde confronté à des défis sociaux, économiques et environnementaux de plus en plus complexes, la coopération internationale a besoin de talents qualifiés. Depuis plus de 30 ans, cinfo est le centre de compétences de référence en Suisse pour les questions liées à l'emploi dans la coopération internationale, travaillant en étroite collaboration avec la Confédération et d'autres partenaires internationaux.     Notre mission     Être le pont entre la Suisse et les acteurs de la coopération internationale. Nous plaçons les besoins des professionnel·le·s et des organisations au cœur de nos actions, en proposant des services innovants et en bâtissant continuellement de nouveaux partenariats. Nos expertises s'étendent à divers domaines tels que le marketing RH, l'acquisition de talents, le développement professionnel et le networking.     Ton rôle     Tu seras responsable de la gestion de nos campagnes d'information et de promotion, en anglais, sur les médias sociaux, tout en contribuant activement à des projets de communication et d'organisation d'événements.   Tes tâches    Concrètement, tu auras à réaliser les tâches suivantes :  - Développement de stratégies : conception et mise en œuvre de stratégies de médias sociaux pour atteindre nos objectifs.      - Gestion de campagnes : planification et réalisation de campagnes digitales ciblées, y compris des contenus sponsorisés, sur nos thèmes et services.  - Analyse & optimisation : surveillance de la performance de nos campagnes sur les médias sociaux, analyse des KPI et optimisation continue des contenus et de leur diffusion.  - Création de contenus attractifs et adaptés au groupe cible pour différents canaux de médias sociaux en anglais.  - Traduction de textes de l'allemand et de l'anglais vers le français et relecture de textes en français pour l'ensemble des canaux de communication.  - Développement : soutien lors de l'essai et de la mise en œuvre de nouveaux canaux et outils.    Notre méthode de travail     Chez cinfo, nous fonctionnons en équipes thématiques autonomes, où chacun·e contribue à atteindre les objectifs de la fondation avec un haut niveau de responsabilité personnelle. Ce mode de travail offre à chaque collaborateur·rice la possibilité de s'impliquer activement dans la réalisation de projets variés et de développer ses compétences professionnelles.  L'équipe Communication et Marketing a pour mission de positionner cinfo en tant que centre de compétences de référence dans le domaine de la coopération internationale, et de positionner ce secteur en Suisse. Nous informons sur les tendances du marché de l'emploi, et assurons la promotion de nos événements et services. Nous travaillons avec des personas, intégrons d'autres éléments de design thinking, appliquons des méthodes de gestion de projets agiles, et restons toujours ouvert·e·s à l'expérimentation et à l'innovation.    Nous offrons   Nous te proposons un environnement de travail stimulant, avec des missions variées et enrichissantes au sein d'une équipe engagée et dynamique. Tu bénéficieras également de conditions d'emploi attractives, de modèles de travail flexibles et d'opportunités continues de développement et de formation.  Horaires et lieu de travail : notre journée d'équipe en présentiel a lieu tous les mardis. Tu es libre de choisir ton lieu et tes horaires de travail dans une large mesure. Nos bureaux sont jusqu'au 31 janvier 2025 à Bienne et à partir du 1er février 2025 à Berne.    Nos nouveaux locaux à Berne peuvent aussi accueillir des personnes à mobilité réduite.    Si tu as des questions, adresse-toi à Michèle Schmid, Head of Communications, via ou au numéro +41 32 365 80 02.   Apprends à mieux nous connaître  [Qui nous sommes](   [Nos activités ](   [Notre équipe](      Ta candidature   Tu peux envoyer ta candidature via ce [lien]( Nous nous réjouissons d'avoir de tes nouvelles ! Assure-toi que ton profil cinfoPoste est à jour et complet :   - Lettre de motivation (pas plus de 3500 caractères, que tu peux insérer après avoir cliqué sur « Apply » dans la fenêtre popup)  - Curriculum vitae  - Certificats de travail, diplômes et attestations académiques (en format PDF) téléchargés sous « Documents ».    Délai de candidature : lundi 7 octobre 2024  Première tour d'entretiens : Mercredi 16 octobre 2024 à Bienne/Suisse ou en ligne  Deuxième tour d'entretiens : Mercredi 23 octobre 2024 à Bienne/Suisse  Entrée en fonction : 01 novembre 2024 ou à convenir   Ton profil  - Tu possèdes un diplôme de bachelor ou une formation équivalente, par exemple un brevet fédéral, et as environ 2 ans d'expérience professionnelle dans le domaine de la communication et du marketing.  - Tu t'intéresses à la coopération internationale et plus particulièrement au marché du travail dans ce secteur. Une expérience de travail dans ce secteur est un avantage.  - Ta langue maternelle est le français et tu as une excellente connaissance de l'anglais ainsi qu'une bonne maîtrise de l'allemand.  - Tu as une grande connaissance des médias sociaux, en particulier de LinkedIn et Instagram, et tu es à l'aise dans la conception ainsi que dans l'analyse et le reporting de campagnes sur les médias sociaux.  - Une expérience dans la gestion d'événements (en ligne et en présentiel) et des connaissances de base en design visuel sont un avantage.  - Tu as déjà travaillé avec des outils tels que Loomly, Mailchimp, Drupal, Canva, Squarespace, etc.  - Tu es motivé·e à assumer l'entière responsabilité des tâches et des projets qui te sont confiés et tu t'engages avec passion.  - Tu es une personne communicative, organisée et orientée vers la recherche de solutions.  - Tu es ouvert·e au travail au sein d'une équipe organisée de manière agile.  

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2024-09-12 2024-09-12

IT Referent & Business Analyst

Switzerland, Geneva, Geneva - médecins sans frontières suisse

Why Join MSF? For almost 50 years, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been providing medical assistance to people caught up in crises that threaten their survival: mainly armed conflicts, but also epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters or lack of access to healthcare. All these situations require specially adapted medical and logistical resources. Independent of all political, religious and military powers, after assessing a given population's medical needs, MSF acts with impartiality. More than 97% of MSF's funding is provided by private donors, which ensures the organization's operational independence and flexibility. MSF International is the legal entity that binds MSF's 24 sections, 25 associations and other offices together. Registered in Switzerland, MSF International provides coordination, information and support to the MSF Movement, as well as implements international projects and initiatives as requested. MSF International is a separate legal entity than MSF Suisse. The Swiss section of MSF was founded in 1981. Operational Centre Geneva (OCG) employs approximately 400 people, in Geneva and Zurich and over 6,000 in around 40 countries and 110 humanitarian projects. Why this role? The IT referent & Business Analyst is a newly created role. The role is split into 2 areas: applications management and business analysis for MSF International Office (IO), business analysis and innovation for MSF Switzerland (OCG). The split is 50/50 with a dual reporting line. This role is perfect for someone eager to develop and learn different facets of the IT application side. It will require a combination of hands-on and analytical skills, and solid communication ability. The role reports into the Information Technology Knowledge Management Team Leader for MSF International and into the Head of IT Integration and Innovation for MSF Switzerland. Do you enjoy learning about various applications and technology? Do you possess strong people skills, with the ability to derive IT solutions from user requirements? Are you afraid of getting bored with your day to day activities? If so, this role may be for you! Responsibilities MSF International - Manage all MSF International applications (over 20 different applications) including continuous improvements: - Provide demo and training for existing and new applications - Deliver on improvements and organize tests, leveraging MSF IT shared service center (SITS) in Prague, or any other IT MSF services - Provide support and deploy new application releases - Appropriate documentation and license management - Be the focal point of contact with SITS for all Microsoft related services, ensuring adequate prioritization of MSF International requests - Work in partnership with other MSF entities to obtain the right level of support for applications supported by other entities - Overall assist MSF international coordinators with their IT related activities (engaging third party consultants or with SITS) - Ensure triage of MSF International IT requests within MSF SITS or MSF IT galaxy: OCG, OCP, or any other MSF section IT service MSF Switzerland (OCG) - Interact with users, understand their requirements and translate this into potential IT solutions - Develop low code / no code solutions using some advance IT tools... With a view to creating automation, increasing efficiency, providing better solutions for MSF staff and their patients - As part of the integration and innovation team, pilot new technologies to identify and deliver potential use cases that will add value to MSF - Potentially: act as applications manager for smaller applications  Your Profile Experience / Skills - Do you have solid knowledge of Microsoft tools, in particular Sharepoint and PowerApps? Do you have experience with low code / no code platforms? - Have you worked for a few years in the applications environment, either as a support specialist, business analyst or applications manager? - Do you enjoy devising and delivering creative solutions to meet specific business needs? Are you fascinated how technology can help achieve better outcomes? - Are you highly organized, able to prioritize your workload? - Do you have a service-oriented mindset and good with interacting with people? This role will entail discussions with stakeholders at various levels, in different countries, and the ability to set expectations while seeking best-fit solutions Languages - English and French are the working languages of MSF Switzerland. Fluency in both English and French is required for this position (oral and written). Terms of Employment - Full-time position 100% (40h/week) - Open-ended contract - Working place: Geneva, Switzerland - Ideal start date: As soon as possible - Gross annual salary (for 100%): from CHF 93'504.- to CHF 107'280.- (salary commensurate with equivalent experience and internal salary grid) - Paid vacation: 25 days per year, prorate temporis, plus any Swiss public holidays falling within the contract period. - Pension plan: pension contribution covered 3/4 by MSF, 1/4 by staff member. - Relocation package if moving from a different country to Switzerland. How to apply Candidates submit their application following the requirements:  CV 2 p. max. – letter of motivation 1p. max. – in French or English. Deadline for application is October 13th, 2024. We reserve the right to close the position early if we consider the number and quality of applications received to be sufficient. [APPLY HERE]( The applications will be treated confidentially. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Only applications submitted on our recruitment platforms will be considered. Please note that we do not wish to use the services of recruitment or placement agencies. At MSF, we are committed to an inclusive culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our staff members. We strive to create workplaces where teams of people with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, perspectives, ideas and experiences work together for the social mission of MSF to create better outcomes for our patients and the communities we work with. We welcome applications from individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, ethnicities, background, religions, beliefs, ability status, and all other diversity characteristics. MSF does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo reference checks.

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2024-09-20 2024-09-20

Cloud Service Engineering Internship

Denmark, Copenhagen, Copenhagen - United Nations Development Programme

Background Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP:  we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a 'leave no one behind' approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and [inspiring stories.]( UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks. The Cloud Infrastructure Services unit of Information and Technology Management (ITM) Office in United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is responsible for promoting and supporting Cloud platform as well as organization-wide Cloud-based services like Modern Device Management. Our vision is to enable smart UN facilities which are: Optimal and efficient, Efficient in management and Sustainable, by offering and implementing modern Cloud based services to build modern age UNDP around the globe that are fully aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our Unit offers a stimulating and versatile internship in an international environment with contact to various partners from some 166 countries with UNDP presence. We are a team who work in a dynamic and informal atmosphere, and we expect our interns to become vital members of the team.  As an intern, you will be given tasks and opportunities that have a direct global impact on the development efforts of the international community. The UNDP/ITM Cloud Service Engineer Internship programme enhances the academic life experience of passionate students as interns and empowers them to become socially responsible, innovative, and environmentally conscious leaders of tomorrow. We bridge the gap between textbook learning and real-time industry experience by taking interns behind the scenes of the world's leading Cloud initiatives and technologies, while learning to take into consideration the local context. By being a part of our dynamic unit, you will also gain worldwide connections with other top-talented interns and UN staff from UNDP and other agencies. Our office is located at the [UN City in Copenhagen](, giving you the opportunity to interact with people outside the UNDP ITM unit.  Duration: 6 months (3 February - 31 July 2025)   Duties and Responsibilities Assist Cloud Infrastructure team in: - Provisioning and supporting Core Infrastructure and Cloud services - Providing advisory and support for existing Cloud services - Assisting in implementation and support of new Cloud services - Preparation and publishing of internal documentation and knowledge base articles - Preparation and conducting webinars and trainings - Perform other tasks as assigned   Competencies - Cloud computing: understands the cloud computing concepts and technologies, apply the knowledge and experience in support and development of Cloud-based services and platforms - Information Security: understanding of Information Security principles - ICT operation support: knowledge in ICT operation and support, applying standard practice and guideline in supporting colleagues - Programming Skills: knowledge of scripting languages and its use to automate routine tasks - Client orientation: maintains effective relationships with clients to understand and meet or exceed their needs. Finds ways to ensure client satisfaction - Process Innovation: Identifies opportunities for process, system and structural improvement as well as improving current practices, increasing effectiveness, and achieving efficiency gains. Actively supports the application of sound quality management standards and process improvement - Project Management: Able to organize and structure different tasks, good analytical skills in gathering and consolidating data and research for practical implementation - Communication: communicates effectively when working in teams and have a proactive attitude with a goal-oriented mind-set - Collaboration: displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability and Interest and motivation in working in an international organization.   Required Skills and Experience Education: Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements: - Be enrolled in a postgraduate degree programme (such as a master's programme, or higher); - Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (such as bachelor's degree or equivalent); - Have recently graduated with a university degree (as defined in (a) and (b) above) and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation; - Be enrolled in a postgraduate professional traineeship program and undertake the internship as part of this program. Experience: - Knowledge in one of the following fields is required: networking and network security (TCP/IP, NAT, firewalls), server operating systems (Windows Server and Linux), cloud platforms (Azure, AWS) and their services, Mobile Device Management solutions and services - Knowledge in Microsoft collaboration and productivity Tools: Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint - Knowledge of scripting languages is an advantage - Knowledge of web standards and technologies is an advantage - Experience with gathering, consolidating, and analysing data from different sources is an advantage - Fluent in written and spoken English is required. Working Knowledge of other UN languages is an advantage.   Conditions - In accordance with the UNDP Internship policy, UNDP interns are eligible to receive a monthly stipend, with the rate that varies depending on the duty location. The stipend will be paid monthly, and part-time internship arrangements are prorated accordingly. - Where an intern is financially supported by an institution, government or third party, UNDP will, subject to the rules of such institution, government or a third party, pay the intern the difference, if any, between the external financial support provided and the applicable UNDP stipend. - Where an intern is engaged in-person and is not financially supported by any institution or programme, such as a university, Government, foundation or scholarship programme, a stipend intended to help cover basic daily expenses related to an in-person internship, such as meals and transportation at the duty station, is paid by the receiving office (monthly "in-person" stipend rate is USD1,000). A remote reduced stipend (the rate is a subject to the duty station location) is intended to help cover expenses related to the internship, such as internet connections or other means to remain in contact with the receiving office, is paid by the receiving office. - Except for the stipend, all other expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern, sponsoring government or institutions. - Interns are not considered staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity. - Interns are responsible for securing adequate medical insurance for the duration of their internship with UNDP and must provide a medical certificate of good health prior to starting the internship. UNDP will not reimburse the medical insurance of the intern. Any costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship assignment will be the responsibility of the intern. - The purpose of the Internship Programme is not to lead to further employment with UNDP, but to complement an intern's studies. Therefore, there should be no expectation of employment at the end of an internship. - UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship. - The intern is responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed, accommodation etc. - Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in UNDP during the period of the internship. - The intern must provide proof of enrolment in health insurance plan. - You are expected to work full time, but flexibility is allowed for your education programme. - Eligibility for residency and undertaking internship in Denmark.   How to Apply?  Do not miss out on this opportunity to be a part of this international team and apply by the deadline 20 October 2024, midnight (CET).  Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and called for interview following the deadline. If you have any questions, please write to us via email address  Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.   Non-discrimination UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.   UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.  Scam warning The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-09-18 2024-09-18

IT support - Business Intelligence and Systems Internship

United States of America, New York, New York - United Nations Development Programme

Background Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP:  we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a 'leave no one behind' approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and [inspiring stories.]( UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Unit of Information and Technology Management (ITM) in New York are the enablers supporting UNDP Country Offices around the world with technology solutions that empower the projects we deliver. Our Unit offers a stimulating and versatile internship in an international environment with contact to various partners from some 166 countries with UNDP presence. We are a team who work in a dynamic and informal atmosphere, and we expect our interns to become vital members of the team.  As an intern, you will be given tasks and opportunities that have a direct global impact on the development efforts of the international community. The UNDP/ITM internship programme enhances the academic life experience of passionate students as interns and empowers them to become socially responsible, innovative, and environmentally conscious leaders of tomorrow. We bridge the gap between textbook learning and real-life industry experience by taking interns behind the scenes of the world's leading clean energy and sustainability initiatives, while learning to take into consideration the local context.  By being part of our dynamic unit, you will also gain worldwide connections with other top-talented interns and UN staff from other agencies. Our office is located in New York giving you the opportunity to interact with people outside the UNDP ITM Unit. Duration: 6 months (3 February - 31 July 2025)   Duties and Responsibilities - Support online collaboration tools and business process automation solutions for UNDP Country Offices with our leading cloud corporate application portfolio (Microsoft Office 365, Oracle Cloud ERP, Salesforce, ServiceNow) - Assist in the development of applications using PowerApps for business processes to replace manual and paper-based processes with new and evolving cloud-based functions.  - Assist in building applications that employ PowerApps and Flow for mobile-enabled data entry, approvals, and reporting, as may be required.  - Support the collection, consolidation, and analysis of data for project-tracking, and data visualization using Excel, Power BI, and other business intelligence tools. Contribute with innovative perspectives to improve online reports and dashboards for internal and external use. - Assist in enhancing user interfaces of existing apps based on UI/UX best practices and user acceptance testing. Support and continuously innovate (kaizen) the UNDP business procedures, instructions and templates from best practice and then disseminate them through the user community liaising with the communications team. - Participate in translation of user requirements into user stories. Support the development of quality software practicing international coding standards. - Assist in researching alternative tools for enhancing internal communications and tracking, such as chatbots in MS Teams, decision-making assistance tools through various Office 365 tools (Flow, Forms, PowerApps, etc.), and information design (data visualization) - Creatively support the development of new projects for innovative collaboration and business process automation systems and tools to be disseminated to UNDP offices as best practice for improvement of operations and business efforts.  - Promote the ITM's overall ICT strategic framework and work plan pertaining to the minimum ICT standards, infrastructure, and connectivity dimensions. The ITM unit is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Our work is focused on high quality, continuous improvements, and customer satisfaction.   Competencies - Technological expertise: Has interest and understanding of software engineering, sustainable development-oriented areas of work. - Innovation: Has interest in developing smart solutions for UNDP, focusing on ICT services. Promote a client service-oriented culture within the unit, connecting the new upcoming UNDP Digital Workspace strategy with current theories and practices in Design Thinking, Service Design, and Customer Experience  - Problem solving: Has good analytical skills in gathering and consolidating data for practical implementation. - Teamwork: Communicates effectively when working in a team, and can work independently with a proactive attitude and a goal-oriented mindset - Planning and Organization: Good in organizing and structuring various tasks and responsibilities - Collaboration: Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability  - Has interest and motivation in working in an international organization. - Commitment to continue learning: Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude. Responds positively to feedback and differing points of view.  - Delivery: Is a self-starter and initiative-taking person with a goal-oriented mind-set; good in organizing and structuring various tasks and responsibilities, effective when working in teams and independently. Promote the ITM's overall ICT strategic framework and work plan pertaining to the minimum ICT standards, infrastructure, and connectivity dimensions. The ITM unit is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Our work is focused on high quality, continuous improvements, and customer satisfaction.   Required Skills and Experience Education: Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements: - Be enrolled in a postgraduate degree programme (such as a master's programme, or higher); - Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (such as bachelor's degree or equivalent); - Have recently graduated with a university degree (as defined in (1) and (2) above) in the field of IT Technician/Software Developer, Computer Science, Business Management, Artificial Intelligence and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation; - Be enrolled in a postgraduate professional traineeship program and undertake the internship as part of this program. Experience: - Experience or Knowledge in the field of IT Technician/Software Developer, Computer Science, Business Management is required - Good knowledge of Microsoft cloud technologies (Office 365, SharePoint Online, Azure) and back-office platform (Oracle ERP Cloud, Salesforce, ServiceNow, SharePoint, SQL). - Knowledge and being a proficient user of Microsoft Office productivity tools is an advantage. - Knowledge or experience with specific Office 365 tools (or their consumer equivalents) such as Planner (Trello), Teams (Slack), Yammer (Workplace by Facebook), OneDrive (Drop Box, Google Drive), Power BI (Tableau), etc. is a distinct advantage. - Knowledge and understanding of DevOps and Continuous Integration is an advantage. - Good knowledge of Data Science principles and hands on experience with languages such as SQL is an advantage. - Experience with relational databases (schemas, design) and XML is highly desirable. - Experience and ability in using business intelligence tools, for example: gathering, consolidating, and analyzing data from databases and reports, manipulating data in Excel (Pivot Tables and queries), Power BI, etc. is an advantage. - Experience with web analytics tools (Google Analytics, Webtrends, Matomo, etc.) is an advantage.  - Knowledge of HTML5, CSS, graphic design and web standards/best practices is an advantage. - Knowledge of Nintex Workflows, PowerShell, .NET platform, and/or C# programming is an advantage. - Knowledge and understanding of the non-profit sector is an advantage - Interest in developing sustainable ICT solutions, focusing on modern ICT innovations that enhance collaboration within UNDP and with its partners is an advantage. - Ability to translate IT technology to business users and to non-technical language is an advantage. - Interest and understanding of customer-oriented service delivery, with focus on innovative enterprise ICT solutions, collaboration and customer experience is an advantage. - Understanding of data management, including real-time/streaming data, data warehousing and data cleansing is an advantage.  - Fluent in written and spoken English. Knowledge of other UN languages is an advantage.    Conditions: - In accordance with the UNDP Internship policy, UNDP interns are eligible to receive a monthly stipend, with the rate that varies depending on the duty location. The stipend will be paid monthly, and part-time internship arrangements are prorated accordingly.  - Where an intern is financially supported by an institution, government or third party, UNDP will, subject to the rules of such institution, government or a third party, pay the intern the difference, if any, between the external financial support provided and the applicable UNDP stipend.  - Where an intern is engaged in-person and is not financially supported by any institution or programme, such as a university, Government, foundation or scholarship programme, a stipend intended to help cover basic daily expenses related to an in-person internship, such as meals and transportation at the duty station, is paid by the receiving office (monthly "in-person" stipend rate is USD1,000). A remote reduced stipend (the rate is a subject to the duty station location) is intended to help cover expenses related to the internship, such as internet connections or other means to remain in contact with the receiving office, is paid by the receiving office.  - Except for the stipend, all other expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern, sponsoring government or institutions.  - Interns are not considered staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity - Interns are responsible for securing adequate medical insurance for the duration of their internship with UNDP and must provide a medical certificate of good health prior to starting the internship. UNDP will not reimburse the medical insurance of the intern. Any costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship assignment will be the responsibility of the intern.  - The purpose of the Internship Programme is not to lead to further employment with UNDP, but to complement an intern's studies. Therefore, there should be no expectation of employment at the end of an internship.  - UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship - The intern must be eligible to work in the United States or possess a work permit valid for the United States at the start of the internship. - The intern is responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed, accommodation etc.  - Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in UNDP during the period of the internship - The intern must provide proof of enrolment in health insurance plan - You are expected to work full time, but flexibility is allowed for your education programme - Eligibility for residency and undertaking internship in New York   How to apply?  Do not miss out on this opportunity to be a part of this international team and apply by the deadline 20 October 2024, midnight (CET).  Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and called for interview following the deadline. If you have any questions, please write to us via email address    Disclaimer   [Important information for US Permanent Residents ('Green Card' holders)](  Under US immigration law, acceptance of a staff position with UNDP, an international organization, may have significant implications for US Permanent Residents. UNDP advises applicants for all professional level posts that they must relinquish their US Permanent Resident status and accept a G-4 visa, or have submitted a valid application for US citizenship prior to commencement of employment.  UNDP is not in a position to provide advice or assistance on applying for US citizenship and therefore applicants are advised to seek the advice of competent immigration lawyers regarding any applications.   Applicant information about UNDP rosters Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.   Non-discrimination UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.   UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.    Scam warning The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-09-18 2024-09-18

ICT Engineering Internship

Denmark, Copenhagen, Copenhagen - United Nations Development Programme

Background Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP:  we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a 'leave no one behind' approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and [inspiring stories.]( UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Unit of Information and Technology Management (ITM) in Copenhagen is responsible for supporting UNDP Country Offices around the world with ICT and Green Energy solutions. Our Unit offers a stimulating and versatile internship in an international environment with contact to various partners from some 166 countries with UNDP presence. We are a team who work in a dynamic and informal atmosphere, and we expect our interns to become vital members of the team.  As an intern, you will be given tasks and opportunities that have a direct global impact on the development efforts of the international community. The UNDP ITM ICT Engineering internship programme enhances the academic life experience of passionate students as interns and empowers them to become socially responsible, innovative, and environmentally conscious leaders of tomorrow. We bridge the gap between textbook learning and real-life industry experience by taking interns behind the scenes of the world's leading clean energy and sustainability initiatives, while learning to take into consideration the local context.  By being part of our dynamic unit, you will also gain worldwide connections with other top-talented interns and UN staff from other agencies; our office is located at the UN City in Copenhagen giving you the opportunity to interact with people outside the UNDP ITM Unit. Duration: 6 months (3 February - 31 July 2025)   Duties and Responsibilities • Assist in providing effective Digital Platform Services to UNDP Country Offices worldwide including OneICTbox, Managed Security Services and cloud-based network infrastructure services • Assist in providing advisory support to UNDP Country Offices to implement stable and robust ICT infrastructure through satellite services, firewall services and innovative ICT solutions • Support the team in maintaining and upgrading Connectivity monitoring – Global NMS platform (using SNMP and others) • Assist in promoting, testing and working with Cloud solutions – Cisco/Meraki technology/solution and similar • Assist in developing and implementing cloud-based Unified Communication System • Support developing Business Applications based on SharePoint Online, PowerApps, PowerBI, together with Data Analytics tools • Assist with Service management models including ITIL Best Practice and a Service Desk, Service Catalogue • Contribute to draft quality focused training material, procedures, instructions and templates from best practice and disseminate through a Practice Community • Assist the Unit in organizing internal and external conferences • Assist in the promotion of ITM's overall ICT strategic framework and work plan pertaining to the minimum ICT standards, infrastructure, and connectivity dimensions • Assist the Business Development Group in hosting webinars and presenting/explaining ICT solutions that are developed in-house to country office   Competencies - Cloud computing: understands the cloud computing strategy and cloud-based infrastructure technologies, apply such knowledge and experience in developing infrastructure setup - Information Security: knowledge in Information Security to apply in developing infrastructure setup - ICT operation support: knowledge in ICT operation and support, applying standard practice and guideline in supporting colleagues - Programming Skills: basic knowledge in developing scripts to automate management/operation tasks - Client orientation: maintains effective relationships with clients to understand and meet or exceed their needs. Finds ways to ensure client satisfaction - Process Innovation: Identifies opportunities for process, system and structural improvement as well as improving current practices, increasing effectiveness, and achieving efficiency gains. Actively supports the application of sound quality management standards and process improvement - Project Management: Able to organize and structure different tasks, good analytical skills in gathering and consolidating data and research for practical implementation - Communication: communicates effectively when working in teams and have a proactive attitude with a goal-oriented mind-set - Collaboration: displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability and Interest and motivation in working in an international organization.   Required Skills and Experience Education: Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements:  - Be enrolled in a postgraduate degree programme (such as a master's programme, or higher);  - Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (such as bachelor's degree or equivalent);  - Have recently graduated with a university degree (as defined in (1) and (2) above) in the field of IT Technician/Software Developer, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation;  - Be enrolled in a postgraduate professional traineeship program and undertake the internship as part of this program.  Experience: - Knowledge in one of the following fields is required: Internetworking, Network management, Microsoft collaboration tools, API programming or similar areas. - Knowledge in Internetworking (TCP/IP, firewall, routing/switching, LAN, WIFI, etc.) is an advantage - Knowledge in Unified communication (voice over IP technologies, Microsoft Exchange messaging platform, Cisco Call managers etc.) or Network Monitoring systems (SNMP based) is an advantage - Knowledge in Microsoft collaboration and productivity Tools: Microsoft Office package, MS Teams, SharePoint, O365, Azure or google apps is an advantage - Knowledge in developing API scripts and scripting languages is an advantage - Knowledge with network architecture and network monitoring systems is an advantage - Experience in managing and updating website content is an advantage - Experience with gathering, consolidating, and analysing data from databases and reports is an advantage - Interest in developing sustainable solutions for country offices, focusing on ICT and renewable energy - Fluent in written and spoken English is required. Working Knowledge of other UN languages is an advantage.   Conditions: - In accordance with the UNDP Internship policy, UNDP interns are eligible to receive a monthly stipend, with the rate that varies depending on the duty location. The stipend will be paid monthly, and part-time internship arrangements are prorated accordingly.  - Where an intern is financially supported by an institution, government or third party, UNDP will, subject to the rules of such institution, government or a third party, pay the intern the difference, if any, between the external financial support provided and the applicable UNDP stipend.  - Where an intern is engaged in-person and is not financially supported by any institution or programme, such as a university, Government, foundation or scholarship programme, a stipend intended to help cover basic daily expenses related to an in-person internship, such as meals and transportation at the duty station, is paid by the receiving office (monthly "in-person" stipend rate is USD1,000). A remote reduced stipend (the rate is a subject to the duty station location) is intended to help cover expenses related to the internship, such as internet connections or other means to remain in contact with the receiving office, is paid by the receiving office.  - Except for the stipend, all other expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern, sponsoring government or institutions.  - Interns are not considered staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity - Interns are responsible for securing adequate medical insurance for the duration of their internship with UNDP and must provide a medical certificate of good health prior to starting the internship. UNDP will not reimburse the medical insurance of the intern. Any costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship assignment will be the responsibility of the intern.  - The purpose of the Internship Programme is not to lead to further employment with UNDP, but to complement an intern's studies. Therefore, there should be no expectation of employment at the end of an internship.  - UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship - The intern is responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed - Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in UNDP during the period of the internship - The intern must provide proof of enrolment in health insurance plan - You are expected to work full time, but flexibility is allowed for your education programme - Eligibility for residency and undertaking internship in Denmark   How to Apply?  Do not miss out on this opportunity to be a part of this international team and apply by the deadline 20 October 2024, midnight (CET).  Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and called for interview following the deadline. If you have any questions, please write to us via email address    Applicant information about UNDP rosters Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements. Non-discrimination UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.   UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.    Scam warning The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-09-18 2024-09-18

Associate, IT Architect

United Kingdom, England, London - European Bank for Reconstruction &; Development

Purpose of Job The Associate, IT Architect is accountable for the delivery of aspects of the Enterprise Reference Architecture and Architecture Practice that support IT for the Bank. These architectures provide strategic guidance to all technology initiatives. The Principal, IT Architect is further accountable for defining the overall architecture and design of IT solutions, working within a team of technical and functional specialists in the elaboration of solutions within the defined architecture. The role interacts with primarily with all IT teams, but also engages with many of the business functions across the Bank.   Accountabilities & Responsibilities - Delivers, maintains and communicates aspects of the Enterprise Reference Architecture (ERA), to ensure systems are fit for purpose and meet evolving business requirements. - Contributes to the Architectural Knowledge Base, to enable a consistent and efficient approach to the retention and re-use of architectural knowledge assets. - Explain and promote the ERA within IT to develop understanding of strategic architectural priorities and approaches. - Advises project teams and runs practice groups to ensure stakeholders are kept up to date - Champion and role model the Bank's Behavioural Competencies and Corporate Behaviours, ensuring adherence within the team(s) so that the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct are exhibited at all times. - Provide technical guidance and advice to projects from an early stage, ensuring they follow an optimal direction from the outset - Ensure that solutions are technically sound and will function as expected in production. Any operational risks or considerations of the technology solution should be understood and agreed before implementation - Ensure that solutions are an appropriate balance between short-term delivery needs and medium-term strategic aspirations. All deviations from agreed roadmaps should be explicit and agreed through appropriate governance   Specialisms Cloud Architect: The Cloud Architect specialism within our IT architecture team is pivotal in steering our organisation's cloud computing strategy. This role demands a deep understanding of cloud services, primarily focusing on Microsoft Azure. The successful candidate will lead the design, implementation, and management of our cloud infrastructure, ensuring it meets our business objectives and compliance standards.   The Cloud Architect - Design and implement innovative cloud solutions on Microsoft Azure, aligning with the company's strategic goals and technical requirements, creating guidelines and frameworks for reuse. - Manage cloud adoption plans, cloud application design, and cloud management and monitoring strategies. - Collaborate with IT security to ensure Cloud deployments align with internal security standards and compliance requirements. - Optimise cloud spending and ensure efficient resource utilisation by implementing cost-effective cloud scaling. - Stay abreast of new Azure services and other cloud technologies, evaluating their potential benefits for the Bank. - Provide expertise and leadership in cloud architecture discussions and decisions - Experience working at a relevant software vendor\\partner or financial institution would also be advantageous.   Knowledge, Skills, Experience & Qualifications Education and Qualifications - Bachelor's degree. Masters preferred or equivalent experience in the area of expertise - Qualification in Enterprise or Solution Architecture. - Specific specialism certification(s)   Knowledge and Experience - Extensive experience in solution architecture across a range of platforms and business domains - Wide-ranging experience of IT projects throughout the implementation lifecycle - Experience in integration techniques and technologies - Ability to develop deep business knowledge and offer advice that spans IT and business domains. - Extensive knowledge of a wide range of contemporary IT platforms, techniques and methodologies - Experience drafting and presenting solutions to project stakeholders - Experience of working in a mid-sized corporate environment, successfully aligning solutions appropriately with wider roadmaps, architecture and other initiatives - Experience as a collaborative team member   Skills - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills - Strong formal and technical modelling skills - Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to communicate appropriate, concise and accurate information to a wide variety of audiences within IT and projects. - Excellent interpersonal skills, in particular service orientation, organisational awareness and people empathy. - Fluency in written and spoken English. - Ability to operate sensitively in a multicultural environment   What is it like to work at the EBRD? Our agile and innovative approach is what makes life at the EBRD a unique experience! You will be part of a pioneering and diverse international organisation, and use your talents to make a real difference to people's lives and help shape the future of the regions we invest in.  The EBRD environment provides you with: - Varied, stimulating and engaging work that gives you an opportunity to interact with a wide range of experts in the financial, political, public and private sectors across the regions we invest in; - A working culture that embraces inclusion and celebrates diversity; - An environment that places sustainability, equality and digital  transformation at the heart of what we do.   Diversity is one of the Bank's core values which are at the heart of everything it does.  A diverse workforce with the right knowledge and skills enables connection with our clients, brings pioneering ideas, energy and innovation. The EBRD staff is characterised by its rich diversity of nationalities, cultures and opinions and we aim to sustain and build on this strength. As such, the EBRD seeks to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and given equal opportunities and works in an inclusive environment. The EBRD encourages all qualified candidates who are nationals of the EBRD member countries to apply regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious and cultural background, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities.  As an inclusive employer, we promote flexible working and expecting our employee to attend the office 50% of their working time. Please note, all our adverts close at 10.59pm GMT time.   Right to Work in the UK: Swiss nationals (and all other non-UK employees) can work in the UK without a Visa - working at the EBRD gives all employees "exempt status". The Bank however encourages all non-UK employees to obtain an Exempt Vignette (EV) prior to relocating to the UK, as without an EV you may face more questions at Border Control and when required to show evidence of their exempt status when renting accommodation under the Right to Rent legislation. The application process may take 3 – 4 weeks approx. outside of the UK.    This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.  

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2024-09-18 2024-09-18

ICT Architecture Internship

Denmark, Copenhagen, Copenhagen - United Nations Development Programme

Background Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP:  we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a 'leave no one behind' approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and [inspiring stories.]( UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Unit of Information and Technology Management (ITM) in Copenhagen is responsible for supporting UNDP Country Offices around the world with ICT and Green Energy solutions. Our Unit offers a stimulating and versatile internship in an international environment with contact to various partners from some 166 countries with UNDP presence. We are a team who work in a dynamic and informal atmosphere, and we expect our interns to become vital members of the team. As an intern, you will be given tasks and opportunities that have a direct global impact on the development efforts of the international community. The UNDP ITM ICT Architecture internship programme enhances the academic life experience of passionate students as interns and empowers them to become socially responsible, innovative, and environmentally conscious leaders of tomorrow. We bridge the gap between textbook learning and real-life industry experience by taking interns behind the scenes of the world's leading clean energy and sustainability initiatives, while learning to take into consideration the local context. By being part of our dynamic unit, you will also gain worldwide connections with other top-talented interns and UN staff from other agencies; our office is located at the UN City in Copenhagen giving you the opportunity to interact with people outside the UNDP ITM Unit.    Duties and Responsibilities - Assist in providing effective Digital Platform Services to UNDP Country Offices worldwide including OneICTbox, Managed Security Services and cloud-based network infrastructure services - Assist in providing advisory support to UNDP Country Offices to implement stable and robust ICT infrastructure through satellite services, firewall services and innovative ICT solutions - Support the team in maintaining and upgrading Connectivity monitoring – Global NMS platform (using SNMP, API, and others) - Assist in promoting, testing and working with Cloud solutions – Cisco/Meraki technology/solution and similar - Assist in developing and implementing cloud-based Unified Communication System - Support developing Business Applications based on SharePoint Online, PowerApps, PowerBI, together with Data Analytics tools - Assist with Service management models including ITIL Best Practice and a Service Desk, Service Catalogue - Assist and contribute to the Enterprise Architecture and Governance related areas including but not limited to strategies, policies, standards, guidelines, and compliance related matters - Assist the Smart Facilities Infrastructure Insights reporting platform development using Python, API, Web technologies, other relevant tools and technologies, and integration of AIOps - Contribute to draft quality focused training material, procedures, instructions and templates from best practice and disseminate through a Practice Community - Assist the Unit in organizing internal and external conferences - Assist in the promotion of ITM's overall ICT strategic framework and work plan pertaining to the minimum ICT standards, infrastructure, and connectivity dimensions - Assist the Business Development Group in hosting webinars and presenting/explaining ICT solutions that are developed in-house to country office - Perform other duties as required. Duration: 6 months (3 February - 31 July 2025)    Competencies - Cloud computing: understands the cloud computing strategy and cloud-based infrastructure technologies, apply such knowledge and experience in developing infrastructure setup - Information Security: knowledge in Information Security to apply in developing infrastructure setup - ICT operation support: knowledge in ICT operation and support, applying standard practice and guideline in supporting colleagues - Programming Skills: basic knowledge in developing scripts to automate management/operation tasks - Client orientation: maintains effective relationships with clients to understand and meet or exceed their needs. Finds ways to ensure client satisfaction - Process Innovation: Identifies opportunities for process, system and structural improvement as well as improving current practices, increasing effectiveness, and achieving efficiency gains. Actively supports the application of sound quality management standards and process improvement - Project Management: Able to organize and structure different tasks, good analytical skills in gathering and consolidating data and research for practical implementation - Communication: communicates effectively when working in teams and have a proactive attitude with a goal-oriented mind-set - Collaboration: displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability and Interest and motivation in working in an international organization.   Required Skills and Experience Education:  Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements:  - Be enrolled in a postgraduate degree programme (such as a master's programme, or higher);  - Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (such as bachelor's degree or equivalent);  - Have recently graduated with a university degree (as defined in (1) and (2) above) in the field of IT Technician/Software Developer, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation;  - Be enrolled in a postgraduate professional traineeship program and undertake the internship as part of this program.    Experience: - Knowledge in the following fields are required: Internetworking, Network management, Microsoft collaboration tools, API programming and scripting, and Artificial Intelligence. - Knowledge in Internetworking (TCP/IP, firewall, routing/switching, LAN, WIFI, etc.) is an advantage - Knowledge in Unified communication (voice over IP technologies, Microsoft messaging platform, Cisco Call managers etc.) and Network Monitoring systems is an advantage - Knowledge in Microsoft collaboration and productivity Tools: Microsoft Office package, MS Teams, SharePoint, O365, Azure, AWS or google apps is an advantage - Knowledge in developing API scripts and scripting languages is essential - Knowledge with network architecture and network monitoring systems is mandatory - Experience in managing and updating website content is an advantage - Experience with gathering, consolidating, and analysing data from databases and reports is an advantage - Interest in developing sustainable solutions for country offices, focusing on ICT and renewable energy - Fluent in written and spoken English is required. Working Knowledge of other UN languages is an advantage Network Management and Administration - Strong understanding of TCP/IP protocols, network routing, switching, and firewalls is essential - Strong knowledge of security protocols like firewalls, VPNs, IPSec, and access control lists (ACLs) is required - Familiarity with cloud networking concepts and potential for hybrid cloud deployments is a plus - Experience with Cisco, Meraki, HPE, Juniper enterprise network equipment and familiarity with NetOps and AIOps is valuable - Experience with opensource and enterprise NMS and NPM platforms is preferred - Familiarity with basic network operating systems like Linux or FreeBSD is essential - Basic Linux administration skills are required - Ability to write scripts (Bash, Python) to automate tasks and configuration management is essential - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to identify and resolve network issues is essential Network and Infrastructure Security - Awareness of common network security threats (malware, exploits, backdoors, DDoS attacks, phishing, botnets, etc.), and mitigation strategies is preferred - Understanding of Zero Trust Architecture principles like least privilege access, continuous verification, and micro-segmentation is a plus - Knowledge of zero trust implementation and security automation is a plus - Experience with security information and event management (SIEM) tools is a plus - Experience with security best practices for network design and deployments is a plus - Identify and assess potential security vulnerabilities in managed devices, networks, and applications - Stay updated on the latest network security vulnerabilities and implement proactive patching and mitigation strategies - Regularly conduct penetration testing and vulnerability assessments to identify and address weaknesses in the managed network systems - Ensure adherence to relevant industry security standards and regulations - Develop and deliver security awareness training programs for developers and operational teams to foster a culture of security within the organization. Satellite Technologies - Knowledge of SATCOM/NGSO and emerging space technologies such as StarLink, SatCube, OneWeb, Kuiper, Skyloom, Myriota, Hiber, Kepler, GATR terminals, Freefall Aerospace Inflatable Antenna, Lynk, AST SpaceMobile, Sat to Cell services, etc. (and other new rapid deployable SATCOM/NGSO solutions) is an advantage Voice - E1/SIP Trunks and VoIP solution integrations with MS Teams, Zoom, CUCM, etc. are an advantage - Experience with Rapidly Deployable Communications Solutions for Private 5G/4G LTE Deployments is a plus Technical Documentation - Experience in developing technical documents for Design, Installation, Operations and Maintenance is essential - Excellent written and verbal communication skills to document solutions and collaborate with team members is essential Conditions: - In accordance with the UNDP Internship policy, UNDP interns are eligible to receive a monthly stipend, with the rate that varies depending on the duty location. The stipend will be paid monthly, and part-time internship arrangements are prorated accordingly.  - Where an intern is financially supported by an institution, government or third party, UNDP will, subject to the rules of such institution, government or a third party, pay the intern the difference, if any, between the external financial support provided and the applicable UNDP stipend.  - Where an intern is engaged in-person and is not financially supported by any institution or programme, such as a university, Government, foundation or scholarship programme, a stipend intended to help cover basic daily expenses related to an in-person internship, such as meals and transportation at the duty station, is paid by the receiving office (monthly "in-person" stipend rate is USD1,000). A remote reduced stipend (the rate is a subject to the duty station location) is intended to help cover expenses related to the internship, such as internet connections or other means to remain in contact with the receiving office, is paid by the receiving office.  - Except for the stipend, all other expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern, sponsoring government or institutions.  - Interns are not considered staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity - Interns are responsible for securing adequate medical insurance for the duration of their internship with UNDP and must provide a medical certificate of good health prior to starting the internship. UNDP will not reimburse the medical insurance of the intern. Any costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship assignment will be the responsibility of the intern.  - The purpose of the Internship Programme is not to lead to further employment with UNDP, but to complement an intern's studies. Therefore, there should be no expectation of employment at the end of an internship.  - UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship - The intern is responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed - Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in UNDP during the period of the internship - The intern must provide proof of enrolment in health insurance plan - You are expected to work full time, but flexibility is allowed for your education programme - Eligibility for residency and undertaking internship in Denmark How to Apply?  Do not miss out on this opportunity to be a part of this international team and apply by the deadline 20 October 2024, midnight (CET).  Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and called for interview following the deadline. If you have any questions, please write to us via email address    Applicant information about UNDP rosters Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.   Non-discrimination UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.   UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.    Scam warning The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-09-18 2024-09-18

Software Developer Internship

Denmark, Copenhagen, Copenhagen - United Nations Development Programme

Background Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP:  we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a 'leave no one behind' approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and [inspiring stories.]( UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Unit of Information and Technology Management (ITM) in Copenhagen is responsible for supporting UNDP Country Offices around the world with ICT and Green Energy solutions. Our Unit offers a stimulating and versatile internship in an international environment with contact to various partners from some 166 countries with UNDP presence. We are a team who work in a dynamic and informal atmosphere, and we expect our interns to become vital members of the team. As an intern, you will be given tasks and opportunities that have a direct global impact on the development efforts of the international community. The UNDP/ITM internship programme enhances the academic life experience of passionate students as interns and empowers them to become socially responsible, innovative, and environmentally conscious leaders of tomorrow. We bridge the gap between textbook learning and real-life industry experience by taking interns behind the scenes of the world's leading clean energy and sustainability initiatives, while learning to take into consideration the local context. By being part of our dynamic unit, you will also gain worldwide connections with other top-talented interns and UN staff from other agencies. Our office is located at UN City in Copenhagen giving you the opportunity to interact with people outside the UNDP ITM Unit.   Duties and Responsibilities - Support online collaboration tools and business process automation solutions for UNDP Country Offices within the collaboration platform (Microsoft SharePoint and Office 365); - Assist in the development of corporate dashboards and applications using PHP Framework, Microsoft PowerApps and PowerBI for business intelligence and processes automation with new and evolving cloud-based functions; - Provide support in expanding and refining existing tools used in the implementation of Green Energy Projects implemented by Green Energy Team; - Support the collection, consolidation, and analysis of data for project-tracking, and data visualization using Excel, PowerBI, and other business intelligence tools. Contribute with innovative perspectives to improve online reports and dashboards for internal and external use; - Assist in elaborating and cleaning data gathered via IoT devices installed in UNDP Country Offices by using Data Science principles; - Participate in translation of user requirements into UML Diagrams. Support the development of quality software practicing international coding standards; - Assist in researching alternative tools for enhancing internal communications and tracking, such as chatbots in MS Teams, decision-making assistance tools through various Office 365 tools (Flow, Forms, PowerApps, etc.), and information design (data visualization); - Creatively support the development of new projects for innovative collaboration and business process automation systems and tools to be disseminated to UNDP offices as best practice for improvement of operations and business efforts; - Support and continuously innovate/improve (Kaizen Concept) the existing operating procedures, instructions and templates from best practice and then disseminate them through the user community liaising with the communications team; - Promote the ITM's overall ICT strategic framework and work plan pertaining to the minimum ICT standards, infrastructure, and connectivity dimensions; Duration: 6 months (3 February - 31 July 2025)    Competencies - Technological expertise: Has interest and understanding of software engineering and software development lifecycle - Innovation: Has interest in developing smart solutions for UNDP, focusing on ICT services. Promote a client service-oriented culture within the unit, connecting the new upcoming UNDP Digital Workspace strategy with current theories and practices in Design Thinking, Service Design, and Customer Experience - Problem solving: Has good analytical skills in gathering and consolidating data for practical implementation - Teamwork: Communicates effectively when working in a team, and can work independently with a proactive attitude and a goal-oriented mindset - Planning and Organizing: Good in organizing and structuring various tasks and responsibilities, and developing/creating technical documents/knowledge articles - Collaboration: Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability - Has interest and motivation in working in an international organization - Commitment to continue learning: Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude. Responds positively to feedback and differing points of view - Delivery: Is a self-starter and initiative-taking person with a goal-oriented mind-set; good in organizing and structuring various tasks and responsibilities, effective when working in teams and independently. Promote ITM's overall ICT strategic framework and work plan pertaining to the minimum ICT standards, infrastructure, and connectivity dimensions. The OIMT unit is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Our work is focused on high quality, continuous improvements, and customer satisfaction.   Required Skills and Experience Education:  Applicants to the UNDP internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements:  - Be enrolled in a postgraduate degree programme (such as a master's programme, or higher);  - Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (such as bachelor's degree or equivalent);  - Have recently graduated with a university degree (as defined in (1) and (2) above) in the field of IT Technician/Software Developer, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation;  - Be enrolled in a postgraduate professional traineeship program and undertake the internship as part of this program.  Experience: - Experience or Knowledge in the field of IT Technician/Software Developer, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering is required - Good knowledge of Microsoft cloud technologies (Office 365, SharePoint Online, Azure) and back-office platform (SharePoint, SQL) and frameworks (.NET, PowerShell, etc.) is an advantage - Good knowledge of web-based development with one or more of the following platforms: PHP, JavaScript, or .NET. Also, has experience working with state-of-the art frameworks extending those platforms, such as jQuery, NodeJS, etc. is an advantage - Knowledge and being a proficient user of Microsoft Office productivity tools is an advantage - Knowledge or experience with specific Office 365 tools (or their consumer equivalents) such as MS Planner, Teams (Slack), Yammer (Workplace by Facebook), OneDrive (Drop Box, Google Drive), Power BI (Tableau), etc. is a distinct advantage - Knowledge and understanding of DevOps and Continuous Integration is an advantage - Good knowledge of Data Science principles and hands on experience with scripting language such as Python is an advantage - Experience with relational databases (schemas, design) and XML is highly desirable - Experience and ability in using business intelligence tools, for example: gathering, consolidating, and analyzing data from databases and reports, manipulating data in Excel (Pivot Tables and queries), Power BI, etc. is an advantage - Experience and knowledge in "app" development with InfoPath forms and Nintex Workflows is an advantage - Experience with web analytics tools (Google Analytics, Webtrends, Matomo, etc.) is an advantage - Knowledge of HTML5, CSS, graphic design and web standards/best practices is an advantage - Knowledge of Nintex Workflows, PowerShell, .NET platform, and/or C# programming is an advantage - Knowledge and understanding of main Renewable technologies and relative relevant parameters are an advantage - Interest in developing sustainable ICT solutions, focusing on modern ICT innovations that enhances collaboration within UNDP and with its partners is an advantage - Ability to translate IT technology to business users and to non-technical language is an advantage - Interest and understanding of customer-oriented service delivery, with focus on innovative enterprise ICT solutions, IoT solutions, collaboration and customer experience is an advantage - Understanding of data management, including real-time/streaming data, data warehousing and data cleansing is an advantage - Fluent in written and spoken English. Knowledge of other UN languages is an advantage   Conditions: - In accordance with the UNDP Internship policy, UNDP interns are eligible to receive a monthly stipend, with the rate that varies depending on the duty location. The stipend will be paid monthly, and part-time internship arrangements are prorated accordingly.  - Where an intern is financially supported by an institution, government or third party, UNDP will, subject to the rules of such institution, government or a third party, pay the intern the difference, if any, between the external financial support provided and the applicable UNDP stipend.  - Where an intern is engaged in-person and is not financially supported by any institution or programme, such as a university, Government, foundation or scholarship programme, a stipend intended to help cover basic daily expenses related to an in-person internship, such as meals and transportation at the duty station, is paid by the receiving office (monthly "in-person" stipend rate is USD1,000). A remote reduced stipend (the rate is a subject to the duty station location) is intended to help cover expenses related to the internship, such as internet connections or other means to remain in contact with the receiving office, is paid by the receiving office.  - Except for the stipend, all other expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern, sponsoring government or institutions.  - Interns are not considered staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity - Interns are responsible for securing adequate medical insurance for the duration of their internship with UNDP and must provide a medical certificate of good health prior to starting the internship. UNDP will not reimburse the medical insurance of the intern. Any costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship assignment will be the responsibility of the intern.  - The purpose of the Internship Programme is not to lead to further employment with UNDP, but to complement an intern's studies. Therefore, there should be no expectation of employment at the end of an internship.  - UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship - The intern is responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed - Interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any post in UNDP during the period of the internship - The intern must provide proof of enrolment in health insurance plan - You are expected to work full time, but flexibility is allowed for your education programme - Eligibility for residency and undertaking internship in Denmark   How to Apply?  Do not miss out on this opportunity to be a part of this international team and apply by the deadline 20 October 2024, midnight (CET).  Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and called for interview following the deadline. If you have any questions, please write to us via email address  Applicant information about UNDP rosters Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.   Non-discrimination UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.   UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.    Scam warning The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-09-18 2024-09-18

IT Officer, Business Solutions I - GF

India, Tamil Nādu, Chennai - World Bank Group

 Description Do you want to build a career that is truly worthwhile? Working at the World Bank Group provides a unique opportunity for you to help our clients solve their greatest development challenges. The World Bank Group is one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries; a unique global partnership of five institutions dedicated to ending extreme poverty, increasing shared prosperity and promoting sustainable development. With 189 member countries and more than 120 offices worldwide, we work with public and private sector partners, investing in groundbreaking projects and using data, research, and technology to develop solutions to the most urgent global challenges. For more information, visit [](    ITS Vice Presidency Context: The Information and Technology Solutions (ITS) Vice Presidential Unit (VPU) enables the World Bank Group to achieve its mission of ending extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet by delivering transformative information and technologies to its staff working in over 150+ locations. For more information on ITS, see this video: [](|02||a6f63772a10145ee867508dcd3100c86|31a2fec0266b4c67b56e2796d8f59c36|0|0|638617313115676797|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0=|0|||&sdata=2JATYZ1es3af/fJvQ+8rb13URQxgidLQgJffRZNFrOg=&reserved=0)   Unit Context: WBG Finance (ITSFI) is responsible for providing high quality, streamlined information and technology solutions for the World Bank's Financial & HR services, which include Human Resources, Corporate Finance, Risk Management, Controls, Treasury, Loans, Accounting, and Concessional finance (handling donor contributions from inception to the point of final disbursement, including IDA, Financial Intermediary Funds and Trust Funds). ITSFI is additionally responsible for building its IT services using a shared platform that provides scale, leverage, reliability, and control while at the same time improving responsiveness to emerging business needs. The ITSFI team is accountable for the implementation of the ITS Strategy supporting WBG core finance business processes. As a unit within the Finance ITS, ITSFE provides IT applications to support VPUs engaged in Donor Funds management, oversight in project execution and transfer of funds activities throughout the WBG. This is a new position in ITSFE Chennai, India to deliver IT solutions supporting internal and external client business functions for IBRD. ITSFE is seeking an IT Officer, Business Solutions (Solutions Architect) with expertise in modernizing application portfolio to adopt cloud-native solution architectures, including JavaScript, Angular, HTML5, CSS3, Node.js, Gulp.js and Azure platforms including Dynamics 365, C#, SQL server, Azure based PaaS & SaaS services (ASE, Azure AD, Azure Functions, Azure Analysis Services etc.) REST APIs, Service Bus, SharePoint, Power Platform and BPM solutions.   Duties and Accountabilities •Responsible for interfacing with product owners, business analysts, solutions engineers, and clients to recognize business needs and translate them into a technical solution. •Responsible for identifying what framework / platform, or technologies to be used for any business need. •Responsible for identifying key patterns and common services and expand them to core platforms for reuse in similar solutions. •Responsible for Design, development, enhancement, debugging, support, and maintenance of the applications. •Responsible for systems architecture design and providing high / low level documentations. •Interface with multiple functional and technical teams to better understand the requirements and priorities. •Responsible for hands-on application development and providing guidance, work program oversight to a team of developers located on-premises and off-shore to ensure effective and efficient delivery of solutions. •Prepare designs documents, technical and end-user documentation and contribute to product roadmap. •Participate in work groups/ SCRUM meetings to come up with the design and release plans for projects. •Analyze issues and determine alternative or creative solutions to add value to the business and ensure client satisfaction.   Selection Criteria •Master's degree with 5 years relevant experience specified in technical and functional competency or bachelor's degree with a minimum of 7 years of most relevant experience specified in technical and functional competency. •Strong, hands-on experience developing web applications using modern technologies: JavaScript, Angular, HTML5, CSS3, Node.js and Gulp.js •Strong, hands-on experience developing web applications using Microsoft .NET framework, C#, SQL Server, and related cloud technologies like Azure Functions, WebApp, APIs, Storage Account, Monitoring, Azure Data Factory •Experience in SharePoint OOTB features and Customizations using SharePoint Framework •Experience in Microsoft Power Platform products like Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Pages •Advanced knowledge of HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript. •Advanced knowledge of CSS pre-processors such as LESS and SASS, frameworks like Bootstrap •Knowledge in REST APIs and extensive experience in developing Dynamics 365 plugins and debug existing applications for performance optimization. •Experience in developing micro services (using lightweight APIs) that can be utilized to allow bidirectional integration using RESTful interface. •Experience with Application Performance and EUM tools like Azure App Insights and Adobe Analytics. •Knowledge of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) methodology •Ability to learn modern technologies quickly, self-starters and motivated, and able to work with others, and communicate effectively.  •Strong verbal, written communication and presentation skills and proven ability to guide and coordinate project development teams. •Takes personal responsibility for producing high quality work, identifying and informing of risks, and delivering results for clients. •Able to use strong interpersonal and teamwork skills to cultivate effective, productive client relationships and partnerships across organizational boundaries. •Able to take personal responsibility and accountability for timely response to client queries, requests or needs, working to remove obstacles that may impede execution or overall success. Good to Have ++ •Knowledge of Banks Financial Intermediary Funds (FIFs) business processes a plus •Exposure to integration with Enterprise Software ERP e.g., (SAP / People Soft/Internal WebAPI) is a plus. Core Competencies: •Deliver Results for Clients: Contributes to delivery of results for client on complex issues. Sets challenging goals that align with the WBG mission and is always looking to improve. Understands clients' most pressing challenges and contributes to solutions. Takes personal responsibility for producing high quality work, identifying, and informing of risks, and delivering results for clients. •Collaborate Within Teams and Across Boundaries: Keeps others fully informed to ensure integration and work consistency and displays a sense of mutuality and respect. Approaches conflicts as common problems to be solved. Seeks and listens to input from others to inform own decision making and openly shares information. Frames thinking/actions with a WBG corporate perspective in mind. •Lead and Innovate: Brings new and different insights. Applies critical thinking to current approaches, identifies areas for improvement, and tries new solutions that drive results. Considers own behavior in context of WBG's values and mission and recognizes impact one has on others. Operates in ambiguity and changing needs and supports others to do the same. •Create, Apply and Share Knowledge: Actively contributes to and readily applies WBG's body of knowledge for internal and/or external client solutions. Contributes to the department's and WBG's body of knowledge by applying lessons learned and expertise. Actively invests in own knowledge and seeks feedback. Builds personal and professional networks within and beyond the work group. •Make Smart Decisions: Leverages available data and makes timely decisions. Seeks and analyzes facts, data, and lessons of past experience to support sound, logical decisions regarding own and others' work. Applies cost/benefit analysis to meet work program objectives. Contributes to decision making by providing relevant risk-analysis. Shows initiative when necessary and makes decisions in a timely manner within own area of responsibility.   IT Business Competencies: •Client Understanding and Advising: Advises the client and helps them think proactively about how to best meet their current and future needs, taking into consideration the real underlying issues that the client may not be aware of. •Learning Orientation: Stays abreast of new trends and developments in the industry and broader trends affecting WBG. •Broad Business Thinking: Maintains a deep understanding of key business issues. •Business Process Knowledge: Describes and documents critical cross-functional business process flows. •Business Requirements Analysis: Reviews customer business requirements, recommending technological solutions that can be integrated and deployed in the environment. •Project Management: Able to define staff and manage multiple projects as part of a program. •Systems Thinking: Plans improvements that consider the critical, underlying and less apparent relationships between business, technology, and systems platforms.   [World Bank Group Core Competencies]( The World Bank Group offers comprehensive benefits, including a retirement plan; medical, life and disability insurance; and paid leave, including parental leave, as well as reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. Learn more about working at the [World Bank]( and [IFC](, including our values and inspiring stories.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:  - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).  - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support](  - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to  the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):  - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.  - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here: [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.​ 

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2024-09-18 2024-09-18

IT Support and Audiovisual Services

United States of America, Washington, Washington - IDB Invest

The IDB Group is a community of diverse, versatile, and passionate people who come together on a journey to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Our people find purpose and do what they love in an inclusive, collaborative, agile, and rewarding environment.    About this position IDB Invest is seeking a Corporate Services position to cover IT Support and Audiovisual services. The position requires a highly motivated, versatile, and well-rounded candidate with strong technical and communications skills to resolve escalated incidents and issues associated with the Information Technology platform in service of the Managerial/Executive Team and organize IT technical support for 600+ local and remote users.    What you'll do:  -        Provides IT support and advise on end user devices and solutions for Senior Management Team in IDB Invest -        Organize the logistics for the day-to-day activities of local IT Team ensuring all the requests and reported issues resolved in a    timely and quality manner. -        Ensuring all the requests and reported issues are taken care of on a timely and quality manner. -       The employee works in close liaison with the IT specialists on the region and other support groups to maintain functionality and provide solutions to the end users and will be responsible for overseeing all knowledge-related activities, including the management, capturing, sharing and accessibility of knowledge assets for other support group.        -      This position also takes care of the asset management, ensuring assets are accounted for, deployed, maintained, upgraded,  and disposed of when the time comes. This role also involves providing training on new tools and equipment for the end users. -       Implement and maintain services offered on the IT catalog platform. Also, the position will define new workflows and/or modify the existing ones in the ticketing system to make sure tickets are being routed through the appropriate escalation path. -      AV services: Manages the production of both live and recorded materials. The primary area of responsibility is the technical direction (video switcher and camera operation in a live environment, lighting, editing, technical directing, live audio mixing, video playback, graphics, AV equipment maintenance, and other associated activities in the production of an event), record and/or transmit live programming and other special show, events, and projects, either alone or under direction. Makes sure conference rooms and screens on the VIP user offices are properly maintained and operational.   What you will need ·  Education: Bachelor's degree (or equivalent advanced degree) in Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Systems, or related quantitative field relevant to the responsibilities of the Associate role. ·   Experience: At least 5 years of progressive work experience: o   Hands-on work on at least one Service Management tool like ServiceNow, BMC Remedy, HPSM or any other          equivalent industry standard ITSM tool (ServiceNow is preferred) o   Communicating with Managerial/Executive teams regarding IT Support needs and solutions. o   Supporting Windows, iOS, MacOS, operating system command line and applications in an enterprise environment. o   Audio and video production tools such as laptops, video switchers, professional digital cameras, professional audio and video processing equipment, wireless microphones, intercom, and related components. o   Experience with Video Conference equipment and control systems, including Microsoft Teams and Zoom. o  Equipment testing and troubleshooting associated with hardware, software, or programming functions within the AV environment o   Live Events streaming with OBS or similar software. ·   Languages:  Proficiency in English and one of the other Bank official languages (Spanish, French, or Portuguese) is required.    [Key skills](,  ·       Learn continuously.   ·       Collaborate and share knowledge.   ·       Focus on clients.   ·       Communicate and influence.   ·       Innovate and try new things.    Requirements Citizenship: No requirements Consanguinity: You have no family members (up to the fourth degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity, including spouse) working at the IDB, IDB Invest, or IDB Lab.    Type of contract and duration International: International staff contract, 36 months initially, renewable upon mutual agreement.     What we offer  The IDB group provides benefits that respond to the different needs and moments of an employee's life. These benefits include:  ·      A competitive compensation package. ·      Leaves and vacations: 24 days of paid time off + 8 personal days + sick leave + gender- neutral parental leave  ·    Health Insurance: IDB Group provides employees and eligible dependents with a robust medical benefits program that covers medical, dental, vision, preventive care, and prescription drugs.  ·     Pension plan: defined benefit pension plan that provides financial security and supports employees in planning for their future.  ·      We help with relocation and visa applications for you and your family when it applies. ·      Hybrid and flexible work schedules  ·    Health and wellbeing:  Access to our Health Services Center which provides preventive care and health education for employees.  ·     Development support: We offer tools to boost your professional profile such as mentoring, 1:1 professional counseling, training, and learning opportunities, language classes, and mobility options, among others.  ·      Other perks: Lactation Room, Daycare Center, Gym, Bike Racks, Parking, Spouse Career Program, and others.  Our culture  At the IDB Group we work so everyone brings their best and authentic selves to work, willing to try innovative approaches without fear, and where they are accountable and rewarded for their actions.  Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) are at the center of our organization. We celebrate all dimensions of diversity and encourage women, LGBTQ+ people, persons with disabilities, Afro-descendants, and Indigenous people to apply.  We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job interview process. If you are a qualified candidate with a disability, please e-mail us at to request reasonable accommodation to complete this application.  Our Human Resources Team reviews carefully every application.     About the IDB Group  The IDB Group, composed of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), IDB Invest, and the IDB Lab offers flexible financing solutions to its member countries to finance economic and social development through lending and grants to public and private entities in Latin America and the Caribbean.    About IDB Invest  IDB Invest, a member of the IDB Group, is a multilateral development bank committed to promoting the economic development of its member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean through the private sector. IDB Invest finances sustainable companies and projects to achieve financial results and improve economic, social, and environmental development in the region. With a portfolio of $16.3 billion in asset management and 394 clients in 25 countries, IDB Invest provides innovative financial solutions and advisory services that meet the needs of its clients in a variety of industries.    Follow us:    This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-09-16 2024-09-16

IT Officer, Solutions Architect - GF

United States of America, Washington, Washington DC - World Bank Group

Description Do you want to build a career that is truly worthwhile? Working at the World Bank Group provides a unique opportunity for you to help our clients solve their greatest development challenges. The World Bank Group is one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries; a unique global partnership of five institutions dedicated to ending extreme poverty, increasing shared prosperity and promoting sustainable development. With 189 member countries and more than 120 offices worldwide, we work with public and private sector partners, investing in groundbreaking projects and using data, research, and technology to develop solutions to the most urgent global challenges. For more information, visit [](     ITS Vice Presidency Context: The Information and Technology Solutions (ITS) Vice Presidential Unit (VPU) enables the World Bank Group to achieve its mission of ending extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet by delivering transformative information and technologies to its staff working in over 150+ locations. For more information on ITS, see this video: [](|02||14834815e8b1409f109f08dcc92d902a|31a2fec0266b4c67b56e2796d8f59c36|0|0|638606444755029678|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0=|0|||&sdata=NK4JthQMPZ28lBNHaeh81CKRFhLrDIcXTo7urfYGuX8=&reserved=0) Unit Context The ITSEF is a unit within the ITS Operations & Country Engagement Solutions (ITSOE) that focuses on delivering data and knowledge solutions that provide business insights to frontline teams and management for improved decision making, transparency, and risk mitigation, while facilitating knowledge capture, curation, and dissemination. The Operations Effectiveness (ITSEF) unit is looking for a Solutions Architect to join the Knowledge Platforms and Rapid Web Solutions team. The Solutions Architect will support the Product team to deliver innovative solutions and lead the overall AI and knowledge architecture and frameworks with solid performance, and metrics. The candidate will work closely with the Product Manager, Design, and Engineering teams. We are looking for an individual who has a strong technical background and leadership skills who will make continual efforts to ensure that our solutions meet client expectations and deliver customer value and satisfaction.   Duties and Responsibilities: •Leading the technical architecture and implementation within a product team and utilizing Agile processes to manage and deliver results for the World Bank's Knowledge and Rapid Web Solutions team. •Review and assess business requirements (process, tools, and workflow).  Gain an in-depth understanding of the business and its underlying processes and data. •Use latest technologies like Generative AI / LLM etc., to build a knowledge graph that maps World Bank's operations metadata. •Interact, initiate, and collaborate with cross functions teams to ensure timely delivery of knowledge products. •Design the solution to fit the business requirements. Make sure design is aligned with Information Technology strategies and integration with other systems are optimized. •Guide the future of all knowledge solutions and leading the development team to success through innovation, planning and execution.      •Ensure that projects within the portfolio are executed under ITS guidelines and standards for technology, security, web publishing, development methodology, outsourcing/offshoring and other governance practices. •Review business requirement documents and provide feedback on implementation feasibility. •Participates in full SDLC lifecycle tasks from requirement phase to deployment phase for new application development. •Interact with other enterprise system teams on solution design and integration. •Integrate with Bank's preferred social collaboration platforms. •Identify and provide cloud solutions for different implementations and problems. •Identify performance improvements and provide solutions. •Front End Integration for contents that originate outside of CMS using data extracts.  Data extract APIs will be provided. •Provide solution for content delivery for various form factors based •Provide solution that performs well in low bandwidth countries. •Ability to identify improvements wherever applicable and guide & lead the team towards the implementation and make it successful. •Provides input for development of standards, policies, procedures, data/information quality metrics, etc. •Work with the central deployment team to set up application build and deploy process. •Provide solutions to build reports on - User, Usage and other reports based on the user needs.   Selection Criteria •Master's degree with 5 years relevant experience working in various platforms and technologies like Generative AI, C#, Python, .Net, Azure Cloud, Google Cloud, AWS Cloud, Angular, HTML etc OR equivalent combination of education and experience. •Strong working knowledge and experience in utilizing Generative AI across suite of products. •Minimum 5 years of experience designing and architecting scalable cloud-based solutions. •Minimum 5 years of experience building knowledge platforms utilizing AI / ML. •Minimum 5 years of experience engaging with Clients, assessing business requirements. •Experience in designing solutions that follows strong security guidelines. Working relationships with data and OIS teams a plus.  •Strong knowledge, experience in AD, ADFS, OAuth, OpenID connect & Forms based Authentication. •Proven ability and experience in ensuring compliance with security and data privacy policies and regulations. •Strong knowledge on managing metadata and generate schema mappings.  •Proven ability to multi-task and operate effectively in a matrix management and high-pressure environment. •Strong client and service orientation, with a high level of passion for service excellence. •Develop solutions for Large Enterprise (10,000+) applications with branch offices connecting from high, and low bandwidth. •Managed and facilitated communications on all business requests and issues to ensure client programs were operating with maximum efficiency. •Demonstrated knowledge integrating with LOB applications, ECM and Enterprise search, Business Connectivity services to various back-end systems. •Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills as well as attention to detail •Strong knowledge on various Enterprise & O365 collaboration platforms. •Strong track record of business and technical problem solving and can learn new skills quickly. •Actively seeks knowledge needed to complete assignments and shares knowledge with others, communicating and presenting information in a clear and organized manner. •Demonstrated knowledge, experience in implementing best practices.    •Strong knowledge on caching, at application and various other layers, in the http request/response. •Strong knowledge developing dashboard using reporting services.  •Strong knowledge and experience working on Mobile applications on different platforms.             •Ability to excel in a fast-paced and demanding work context.  •Design, implement, and maintain Azure-based solutions for clients. •Work with clients to understand their requirements and design cloud-based solutions that meet their needs. •Troubleshoot and provide technical support for cloud-based solutions. •Stay up to date with the latest Azure, AWS, Google technologies and trends •Demonstrated track record of success and career progression. •SharePoint online SPFX experience is a plus.         •Cloud certification is a plus. •Experience migrating between different CMS solutions is a plus. •Worked on end-to-end deliverables on projects is a plus. •Security certification is a plus. •Experience working on Analytics / metrics is a plus.   [World Bank Group Core Competencies]( The World Bank Group offers comprehensive benefits, including a retirement plan; medical, life and disability insurance; and paid leave, including parental leave, as well as reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. Learn more about working at the [World Bank]( and [IFC](, including our values and inspiring stories.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position:  - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost).  - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support](  - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to  the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.):  - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility.  - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here: [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.​ 

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2024-09-12 2024-09-12

ICT Specialist (Enterprise Service Management Platform Specialist) - P3

Spain, Valenciana, Community of, Valencia - UNICEF

UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, defend their rights, and help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. At UNICEF, we are committed, passionate, and proud of what we do. Promoting the rights of every child is not just a job ? it is a calling. UNICEF is a place where careers are built: we offer our staff diverse opportunities for personal and professional development that will help them develop a fulfilling career while delivering on a rewarding mission. We pride ourselves on a culture that helps staff thrive, coupled with an attractive compensation and benefits package. Visit our website to learn more about what we do at UNICEF.   For every child, a digital future The overarching strategic goal of UNICEF's Information and Communication Technology Division (ICTD) is to transform and build partnerships with our stakeholders to successfully implement UNICEF programmes globally through innovative technology-enabled solutions.   Service Now (in UNICEF branded as Service Gateway) is the UNICEF enterprise service and case management tool, providing a client-focused environment for requesting services and reporting faults. Its implementation has brought measurability and visibility into service operations and enabled the establishment of service-level agreements between service entities such as Financial and Administrative Management, Human Resources, ICT, and their clients, as well as operational-level agreements between the service delivery entities. As a result, service managers are empowered with the information needed to identify and remove service bottlenecks, and individuals who need training and measure performance in an objective and data-driven manner. All these elements have contributed to a more efficient means of delivering services to UNICEF staff.    How can you make a difference?  The primary responsibility of the ICT Specialist is to guarantee the stability, security, operational efficiency, and availability of the platform (ServiceNow) that hosts UNICEF's Enterprise Service Management system, known as Service Gateway.  This position reports to the ICT Manager at the P3 level and supervises 1 ICT Officer (Service Automation) at the P2 level. This role may also oversee the work of consultants.  If you would like to know more about this position, please review the complete Job Description here: Spain_ICT-Specialist-Enterprise-Service-Management-Platform_P3_2024.pdf   To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have? Minimum requirements: - Education: Advanced degree in Information Systems, Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field that can provide a solid understanding of computer systems, programming languages, databases, and IT concepts.  - A first university degree in a relevant area combined with 2 additional years of relevant work experience may be accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree.   - ServiceNow training programs that cover various aspects of ServiceNow administration, development, and configuration are required. Certified System Administrator (CSA) and Certified Implementation Specialist (CIS) certifications are key advantages. -  Training programs that cover aspects of IT Service Management are required. Accredited certifications such as ITIL 4, Prince2, PMI, Agile, and Scrum methodologies are key advantages. - Work Experience: At least 5 years of relevant work experience with ServiceNow platform administration, including experience in leading platform enhancement projects and implementing complex customizations. - Experience in integrating the ServiceNow platform with other enterprise systems using REST/SOAP APIs, MID Servers, and various integration tools is required. - Experience with Azure DevOps or any relevant tool that enables organizations to deliver software applications through the entire DevOps lifecycle is required. - Proficiency with programming languages including JavaScript, GlideScript, PowerShell, HTML/CSS, XML, and AngularJS is required. -  Experience with automation tools and technologies such as workflow automation platforms, business process management (BPM) software, robotic process automation (RPA) tools, and scripting languages is an added advantage. - Experience in customizing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) is an added advantage. - Skills: - Strong and effective oral and written communication skills  - Effective listening and interpersonal skills  - Ability to plan and organize  - Business Analysis and technical documentation skills  - Results-driven and works without supervision  - Logical approach with expert analytical and problem-solving skills - Language Requirements: Fluency in English is required.  Knowledge of another UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) is an added advantage.    For every Child, you demonstrate... UNICEF's Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter: UNICEF Values The UNICEF competencies required for this post are? (1) Builds and maintains partnerships (2) Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness (3) Drive to achieve results for impact (4) Innovates and embraces change (5) Manages ambiguity and complexity (6) Thinks and acts strategically (7) Works collaboratively with others  (8) Nurtures, leads and manages people Familiarize yourself with our competency framework and its different levels.   UNICEF is here to serve the world's most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic. We offer a wide range of measures to include a more diverse workforce, such as paid parental leave, time off for breastfeeding purposes, and reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements. Additional benefits for eligible international professional staff members include:  - Paid holidays and leave, including 2.5 days of annual leave accrual per month and 10 official holidays per year  - Paid parental leave (maternity, paternity and adoption)  - Dependency allowance  - Rental subsidy   - Relocation support   - Home leave travel   - Education grant for children in school  - United Nations-sponsored medical and dental insurance plan, pension plan, and optional life insurance plan   - Access to professional development and learning programs, online learning, and learning path   - Access to staff well-being and career development support     UNICEF does not hire candidates who are married to children (persons under 18). UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and discrimination. UNICEF is committed to promoting the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check. UNICEF appointments are subject to medical clearance.  Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station is required for IP positions and will be facilitated by UNICEF. Appointments may also be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Should you be selected for a position with UNICEF, you either must be inoculated as required or receive a medical exemption from the relevant department of the UN. Otherwise, the selection will be canceled.   Remarks: As per Article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. UNICEF's active commitment to diversity and inclusion is critical to deliver the best results for children. For this position, eligible and suitable female candidates are encouraged to apply. Government employees who are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government positions before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason.  UNICEF does not charge a processing fee at any stage of its recruitment, selection, and hiring processes (i.e., application stage, interview stage, validation stage, or appointment and training). UNICEF will not ask for applicants' bank account information. Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with UNICEF and an underlying premise of the international civil service. All UNICEF positions are advertised, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. An internal candidate performing at the level of the post in the relevant functional area, or an internal/external candidate in the corresponding Talent Group, may be selected, if suitable for the post, without assessment of other candidates. Additional information about working for UNICEF can be found here.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.  

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2024-09-12 2024-09-12

Web Design Intern

Switzerland, Geneva, Geneva - United Nations Development Programme

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.   Background The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN's global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. On the ground in more than 170 countries and territories, we offer global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations. At UNDP, external and internal communicationnationally, regionally and globallyis critical to achieving both development results and business objectives. Skillful communication broadens the impacts of new policies, helps governance reforms take root, and attracts and fosters strong partnerships. The Office of Communications at UNDP is at the forefront of advancing online communications and outreach within the organization. Project Description  The Digital Communications Studio works closely with the other teams in the Communications group to ensure that the tone and visual representation of UNDP branded products are consistent. Reporting to the UX/UI Design Specialist, the Intern will support the team in developing interactive editorial stories, maintaining UNDP's design system, and managing the design UNDP's web properties.   Duties and Responsibilities The interested candidate will: - Design web page mockups for UNDP's sites using Figma; - Create and modify graphics appearing on UNDP's corporate websites; - Contribute to UNDP's digital design system through the creation and modification of components; - Work with teams of project managers, editors, designers, developers and production specialists on multiple web projects; - Communicate design approaches to a variety of technical and non-technical stakeholders effectively.   Competencies - Ability to conceptualize and create visually attractive and immersive websites for both desktop and mobile devices - Strong organizational skills and the ability to multi-task; - Attention to detail is crucial; - Responsible, responsive, and enthusiastic; - Interest in global issues and the United Nations; - Must be able to work in a multi-cultural environment and be aware of political sensitivities.   Required Skills and Experience Education: Applicants must meet one of the following requirements: (a) Be enrolled in a graduate school Programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher); (b) Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree Programme (minimum bachelor's level or equivalent); (c) Have graduated with a university degree (as defined in (a) and (b) above) and, if selected, must start the internship within one-year of graduation. Experience: - Experience in digital/interactive design with a portfolio of UX/UI design; - Familiarly with Figma and other wireframing and prototyping tools; - Foundational understanding of design systems is an asset; - Knowledge of standards for web accessibility. Language: Fluency in written and spoken English; additional language skills in a UN language are an asset. Availability: Must be available four days a week.   Application procedure The application should contain: - Brief Cover Letter (in English) stating interest in and qualifications for the post; - Current and complete CV in English; - Candidate's portfolio of UX/UI design, either linked from the PDF or appended to it. - Please group all your documents into one (1) single PDF document as the system only allows to upload maximum one document. - Shortlisted Candidates must submit the following documents: - Official letter from the University confirming enrollment in a graduate-level degree Programme; - Proof of medical and life/accident insurance valid for the location in which the internship will be carried out. Selected intern must have medical and life insurance.   In case an applicant is successfully selected, s/he will be requested to provide electronic versions of: - letter from his/her university confirming current enrollment and graduation date; - copy of his/her most recent school transcript; - copy of passport; - completed UNDP internship application form; - signed UNDP Internship Agreement; - Medical Certificate of Good Health; - Copy of medical Insurance.   UNDP Terms & Conditions for Internship - Any individual hired under these conditions are not staff and therefore, are not covered by UN Staff Regulations and Rules; - UNDP internship Programme does not provide a salary or remuneration for the internship; However, a monthly stipend is provided; - All the expenses connected with the internship will be borne by the intern, sponsoring Government or institution; - UNDP accepts no responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness or death incurred during the internship - The intern is responsible for obtaining necessary visas and arranging travel to and from the duty station where the internship will be performed - The intern must provide proof of enrollment in health insurance plan; - Interns are not considered staff members and may not represent UNDP in any official capacity - The internship period shall not be foreshortened for the purposes of allowing an intern to apply for a position   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-09-12 2024-09-12

Data Privacy Officer

United States of America, Washington, Washington - IDB Invest

The IDB Group is a community of diverse, versatile, and passionate people who come together on a journey to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Our people find purpose and do what they love in an inclusive, collaborative, agile, and rewarding environment.   About this position The IDB Invest privacy function (the "PF") operates within FNA/AKI. The PF will be led by the IDB Invest Data Privacy Officer, who will report to the Managing Director of FNA/AKI, with a dotted line reporting to the Chief Finance and Administration Officer (the "CFO"). The PO will provide leadership and will represent the PF in discussions with the other IDB Group Institutions' data privacy teams on Personal Data related issues as deemed appropriate by the PO. This includes coordinating, providing input, and driving consensus on Personal Data protection activities performed by shared services and representing IDB Invest Personal Data privacy interests on relevant IDB Group committees.   What you'll do: Under the leadership of the PO, the PF is responsible for providing advice and guidance to IDB Invest Management and IDB Invest Organizational Units on all four areas of the Program: - Data Privacy Strategy and Governance - Strategic Development: Defines and coordinates the Data Privacy strategy, scope, and manner of execution of the IDB Invest's implementation of the Program. - Training and Awareness: Supports and provides proper resources to ensure the required personal data privacy training, and awareness programs for employees are conducted on periodically. Promotes a personal data privacy culture at IDB Invest. - Implementing Instruments: Identifies requirements for, and coordinates with the relevant Organizational Units creation of and updates to, Implementing Instruments. - Data Privacy Operations - Contract language: Supports IDB Invest Legal Department in the definition of Data Privacy language for contract templates and assists IDB Invest organizational units with Data Privacy clauses in negotiations with contractual counterparties. - Notice & Consent: Supports IDB Invest Legal Department in the definition of template language for privacy notices and consent, ensuring they are in place; advises IDB Invest organizational units on the appropriate use of both. - Personal Data Classification: Coordinates with IDB Group institutions' data privacy offices and other organizational units to provide IDB Invest organizational units direction on classification and appropriate protection of personal data. - Policy Interpretation & Implementation: Provides guidance on the interpretation and implementation of the Privacy Policy, including, where appropriate, in consultation with IDB Invest Legal Department. - Personal Data Inventory Management: Coordinates and provides business requirements for creating and maintaining personal data inventories and guidance on appropriate metadata tagging. Creates and maintains an updated ledger of all personal data processing activities conducted within IDB Invest (ROPA) and provides reasonable assistance to Organizational Units in the creation and maintenance of ROPAs. - Data Privacy Protection Tools: Provides tools for IDB Invest organizational units to identify and minimize Data Privacy-related incidents in their projects and activities, including, without limitation, through Data Privacy impact assessments (DPIAs) and coordinates their execution, including, with IDB Invest Risk Department. - Data Privacy by Design and by Default Implementation: Provides guidance to IDB Invest organizational units on the use of privacy by design and privacy by default. Coordinates with the appropriate stakeholders the enhancement of Data Privacy controls and personal data protection requirements at every stage of a project, product, or system's lifecycle. - Review and Redress Mechanism: Acts as the first point of contact for Data Subjects regarding the Review and Redress Mechanism. - Other Data Privacy Operations Tasks: Performs other responsibilities as may be assigned to it in separate Implementing Instruments. - Data Privacy Protection Management - Information Security Controls: Coordinates and collaborates with IDB Group technology teams and IDB Invest risk department regarding the definition, implementation and assurance of appropriate technical controls for the protection of Personal Data. - Third Party Risk Management: Advises on appropriate sharing of Personal Data with external parties (e.g., clients, partners, vendors, and donors), including, where appropriate, with support from and in consultation with IDB Invest Legal department. - Incident Response Coordination: Advises Management on the response to incidents involving personal data and ensures action plans to mitigate Personal Data breaches are implemented, in accordance with relevant Implementing Instruments and other applicable IDB Invest policies and procedures, in collaboration with IDB Invest Risk Department. - Access Governance: Advises IDB Invest organizational units in the appropriate access rights to personal data. - Data Privacy appropriate access rights to personal data: Data Retention and Disposal: Provides inputs to IDB Group Record Management team on Records Retention and Disposition rules covering Personal Data relevant to IDB Invest. - Data Privacy Oversight Management - Reviewing and self-assessment: Coordinate the reviews of IDB Invest's Personal Data processing activities, audits, and reports to management on the status of compliance with the Program. - Independent risk and control assessments: Collaborates with IDB Invest Risk unit to provide insights into risks and control assessments (RCAs) of IDB Invest's processes, products, projects, and systems that involve the processing of personal data. - Audit and Risk Liaison: Coordinates and promotes the liaisons and synergies with the Office of the Executive Auditor (AUG) and Internal Risk on audits and risk assessments of Program implementation and operation. - Audit and Risk Reporting: Report promptly to IDB Invest Management and Operational Risk Management Committee regarding AUG privacy findings and internal risks assessment results and coordinate the implementation of improvements to mitigate the personal data privacy risks identified across the organization.   What you'll need - Education: Master's degree (or equivalent advanced degree) in information management, information systems, law, computer science, or related field. - Experience: - 4+ years of experience working experience of running and managing a robust Data Privacy and Protection program for a multi-region organization. - Should have in-depth knowledge including practical implementation experience of regulatory frameworks for data privacy including the EU GDPR. - Expertise that aligns with the international organization's data processing operations, and familiarity with the nature of its data processing activities - Experience in collaborative approaches to working with stakeholders are essential. - Great communication and collaboration skills - Experience with risk management frameworks (preferably in security or privacy) to objectively measure risks, monitor risk levels, and track remediation. - Solid understanding of privacy issues in relation to evolving technology (e.g., mobile, cloud, data lakes, machine learning). - Previous experience in information or data governance control activities, in the financial services industry - Certification in Information, Data, Privacy Records, or Security such as CIPP, CIPM, CRM, CIPT, CISSP, IGP, CISM, and CISA is a plus, but not a requirement. - Languages:  Proficiency in English and one of the other Bank's official languages (Spanish, French, or Portuguese) is a plus. [Key skills](, - Learn continuously - Collaborate and share knowledge - Focus on clients - Communicate and influence - Innovate and try new things   Requirements Citizenship: No requirements Consanguinity: You have no family members (up to the fourth degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity, including spouse) working at the IDB, IDB Invest, or IDB Lab. Type of contract and duration International staff contract, 36 months initially, renewable upon mutual agreement.   What we offer - The IDB group provides benefits that respond to the different needs and moments of an employee's life. These benefits include: - A competitive compensation package - Leaves and vacations: 24 days of paid time off + 8 personal days + sick leave + gender- neutral parental leave - Health Insurance: IDB Group provides employees and eligible dependents with a robust medical benefits program that covers medical, dental, vision, preventive care, and prescription drugs. - Pension plan: defined benefit pension plan that provides financial security and supports employees in planning for their future. - We offer assistance with relocation and visa applications for you and your family when it applies - Hybrid and flexible work schedules - Health and wellbeing:  Access to our Health Services Center which provides preventive care and health education for employees. - Development support: We offer tools to boost your professional profile such as mentoring, 1:1 professional counseling, training and learning opportunities, language classes, mobility options, among others. - Other perks: Lactation Room, Daycare Center, Gym, Bike Racks, Parking, Spouse Career Program, and others.   Our culture At the IDB Group we work so everyone brings their best and authentic selves to work, willing to try new approaches without fear, and where they are accountable and rewarded for their actions. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) are at the center of our organization. We celebrate all dimensions of diversity and encourage women, LGBTQ+ people, persons with disabilities, Afro-descendants, and Indigenous people to apply. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job interview process. If you are a qualified candidate with a disability, please e-mail us at to request a reasonable accommodation to complete this application. Our Human Resources Team reviews carefully every application.   About the IDB Group The IDB Group, composed of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), IDB Invest, and the IDB Lab offers flexible financing solutions to its member countries to finance economic and social development through lending and grants to public and private entities in Latin America and the Caribbean. About IDB Invest IDB Invest, a member of the IDB Group, is a multilateral development bank committed to promoting the economic development of its member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean through the private sector. IDB Invest finances sustainable companies and projects to achieve financial results and maximize economic, social, and environmental development in the region. With a portfolio of $20.1 billion in asset management and ~500 clients in 25 countries, IDB Invest provides innovative financial solutions and advisory services that meet the needs of its clients in a variety of industries. Follow us:   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-09-11 2024-09-11

Software Engineer (AI) - P2

Turkey, Istanbul, Istanbul - World Health Organization

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device's system settings.    OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME The objective of the Division of Business Operations (BOS) is to support the work of WHO in the European Region (EURO) through delivery of services within the areas of human resources, finance, contracting and procurement, legal advice, information & communications technology, printing, security, facilities management, fixed assets, conference support, travel and transport, and staff wellness and well-being. As an enabling function, the division enhances the productivity of the health technical programmes and country offices while at the same time overseeing accountability, transparency and compliance with WHO administrative rules and regulations. The BOS division strives to strengthen the capacity of EURO to react in an agile way to external and internal changes. The division projects are designed to increase productivity, ensure financial sustainability of the region's structures, reinforce a client-oriented culture, strengthen country office capacities, and drive strategic initiatives to enhance staff motivation and well-being. The purpose of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Unit is to champion and implement forward-thinking, cost-effective digital and technological solutions across the WHO European region, including country offices and geographically dispersed offices, as well as to the UN City located in Copenhagen, Denmark. ICT is committed to ensuring robust connectivity, quality equipment, advanced software solutions, and the safeguarding and accessibility of data. ICT is dedicated to providing exceptional support to all users, empowering a digitally-optimized WHO to achieve its strategic goals. Additionally, ICT provides connectivity, communication technology, and client support to the staff of the organizations housed within the UN City, facilitating a collaborative, efficient, and secure UN ecosystem.   DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES The Software Engineer (AI) contributes to the development of a variety of enterprise cloud-based web applications, with a focus on incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into solutions. Under the direct supervision of the AI Software Engineer Lead and overall guidance from the Regional ICT Manager, the incumbent will perform the following duties: - Develop new Cloud-based web applications and alter existing code to accommodate scale and integration with AI and APIs. - Contribute to all aspects of systems development (front end, middleware, and backend), incorporating AI-driven functionalities. - Integrate and build for internal and external APIs. Analyse, design, develop, test, and support new and existing applications and services, incorporating modern technologies and AI capabilities. - Solving complex performance problems and architectural challenges, utilizing AI solutions where applicable. - Proactively research and propose new technologies or methodologies that could benefit current and future projects, with a keen focus on enhancing application security and leveraging AI and machine learning (ML) capabilities for innovative solutions. - Participate as a team member in global system implementation initiatives. This includes providing software deployments, customizations, and the development of interfaces to link and integrate existing data repositories to the greatest extent possible. - Apply WHO standard project management methodology and ensure compliance with WHO standard development platforms and best practices on application development and operations. Provide user support, guidance and training within the Regional Office and Country Offices and assist technical support providers in identifying sources of problems and in developing solutions. - Prepare comprehensive systems and technical documentation, including user manuals, database design models, and change management documentation. - Generate necessary reports about system development/maintenance activities to improve overall process efficiency and quality. Report the progress status of all duties performed on a regular basis to the AI Software Engineer Lead and the Regional ICT Manager.Perform any other related duties, as required.   REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS Education Essential: University degree (Bachelor's level) in software engineering, computer sciences or other relevant discipline. Desirable: University degree (Master's level) in any of the above fields. Microsoft Azure certifications. Project Management and ITIL certifications would be an advantage.   Experience Essential: At least 2 years of working experience developing front end applications based in React. At least 2 years of working experience with Microsoft Azure cloud services. At least 2 years of professional experience with cloud infrastructure platforms in Microsoft Azure. Experience in application development, software engineering best practices and full stack software development. Experience in Microsoft technologies (Windows, .NET, ASP, SQL Server, SharePoint), workflow technologies, business intelligence platforms and tools. Desirable: Experience in Cloud-native applications with React framework, JavaScript, and Jamstack architecture. Experience with Logic Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI. Experience in a Linux environment, including open-source technologies. Experience in Cloud service providers (e.g., Azure, AWS or Google Cloud).Experience with Python would be an advantage. Experience with Azure AI and a focus on incorporating AI capabilities into solutions would be a distinct advantage. Working in a multicultural environment and/or with globally distributed teams is desirable.   Skills Essential: Proven application development knowledge including front end and backend solutions for creating database-driven and responsive web applications. Strong working knowledge of fundamental front end languages such as HTML, CSS, and JSON/XML structure. Strong working knowledge of JavaScript and related frameworks and libraries, such as Node, React, and Angular. Strong working knowledge of database technologies such as SQL/MySQL and NoSQL. Solid understanding of incorporating AI and ML capabilities into software solutions. Strong working knowledge of API design concepts and authentication methods. Knowledge of Python programming language. Proven technical skills in all phases of the software development life cycle, solution architecture, and thorough knowledge of the principles, methods, techniques and practices of the software application design, development, implementation and maintenance. Desirable: Strong knowledge of Azure AI. Knowledge of IT best practices and standards, including ITIL.   WHO Competencies Teamwork Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences Communication Producing results Knowing and managing yourself   Use of Language Skills Essential: Expert knowledge of English. Desirable: Intermediate knowledge of French, Russian, German.   REMUNERATION WHO salaries for staff in the Professional category are calculated in US dollars. The remuneration for the above position comprises an annual base salary starting at USD 50,377 (subject to mandatory deductions for pension contributions and health insurance, as applicable), a variable post adjustment, which reflects the cost of living in a particular duty station, and currently amounts to USD 2040 per month for the duty station indicated above. Other benefits include 30 days of annual leave, allowances for dependent family members, home leave, and an education grant for dependent children.   ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - This vacancy notice may be used to fill other similar positions at the same grade level - Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted. - A written test and/or an asynchronous video assessment may be used as a form of screening. - In the event that your candidature is retained for an interview, you will be required to provide, in advance, a scanned copy of the degree(s)/diploma(s)/certificate(s) required for this position. WHO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU)/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed through the link: Some professional certificates may not appear in the WHED and will require individual review. - According to article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Due regard will be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible. - Any appointment/extension of appointment is subject to WHO Staff Regulations, Staff Rules and Manual. - Staff members in other duty stations are encouraged to apply. - The WHO is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. The WHO recruits and employs staff regardless of disability status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, race, marital status, religious, cultural, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, or any other personal characteristics. - The WHO is committed to achieving gender parity and geographical diversity in its staff. Women, persons with disabilities, and nationals of unrepresented and underrepresented Member States ( are strongly encouraged to apply. - Persons with disabilities can request reasonable accommodations to enable participation in the recruitment process. Requests for reasonable accommodation should be sent through an email to - An impeccable record for integrity and professional ethical standards is essential. WHO prides itself on a workforce that adheres to the highest ethical and professional standards and that is committed to put the [WHO Values Charter]( into practice. - WHO has zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct (i.e., discrimination, abuse of authority and harassment). All members of the WHO workforce have a role to play in promoting a safe and respectful workplace and should report to WHO any actual or suspected cases of SEA, sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct. To ensure that individuals with a substantiated history of SEA, sexual harassment or other types of abusive conduct are not hired by the Organization, WHO will conduct a background verification of final candidates. - Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with WHO and an underlying premise of the international civil service. Candidates appointed to an international post with WHO are subject to mobility and may be assigned to any activity or duty station of the Organization throughout the world. - WHO also offers wide range of benefits to staff, including parental leave and attractive flexible work arrangements to help promote a healthy work-life balance and to allow all staff members to express and develop their talents fully. - The statutory retirement age for staff appointments is 65 years. For external applicants, only those who are expected to complete the term of appointment will normally be considered. - Please note that WHO's contracts are conditional on members of the workforce confirming that they are vaccinated as required by WHO before undertaking a WHO assignment, except where a medical condition does not allow such vaccination, as certified by the WHO Staff Health and Wellbeing Services (SHW). The successful candidate will be asked to provide relevant evidence related to this condition. A copy of the updated vaccination card must be shared with WHO medical service in the medical clearance process. Please note that certain countries require proof of specific vaccinations for entry or exit. For example, official proof /certification of yellow fever vaccination is required to enter many countries. Country-specific vaccine recommendations can be found on the WHO international travel and Staff Health and Wellbeing website. For vaccination-related queries please directly contact SHW directly at [](mailto: - WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco. - For information on WHO's operations please visit: - *For WHO General Service staff who do not meet the minimum educational qualifications, please see e-Manual III.4.1, para 220. - In case the website does not display properly, please retry by: (i) checking that you have the latest version of the browser installed (Chrome, Edge or Firefox); (ii) clearing your browser history and opening the site in a new browser (not a new tab within the same browser); or (iii) retry accessing the website using Mozilla Firefox browser or using another device. Click this link for detailed guidance on completing job applications: [Instructions for candidates](   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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