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Assistent:in Rekrutierung & Administration 80-100% | assistant·e en recrutement et administration

Switzerland, Bern, Biel - cinfo

Kennst Du Dich gut im Bereich Rekrutierungen aus und wirkst Du gerne als Allrounder:in? Falls ja, dann werde Teil unseres dynamischen Teams in einer vielfältigen Organisation!   Wir suchen per 1. Dezember 2024 oder nach Vereinbarung:   Assistent:in für Rekrutierung und Administration 80-100%   In einer Welt, die mit immer komplexeren sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und ökologischen Herausforderungen konfrontiert ist, braucht die internationale Zusammenarbeit qualifizierte Talente. Seit über 30 Jahren ist cinfo in der Schweiz das führende Kompetenzzentrum für Arbeitsfragen in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit (IZA) und arbeitet eng mit dem Bund und anderen internationalen Partnern zusammen.   Unsere Mission Auf Basis eines globalen Netzwerks verbindet cinfo Menschen und Organisationen der internationalen Zusammenarbeit. Wir stellen die Bedürfnisse von Fachleuten und Organisationen in den Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns, indem wir innovative Dienstleistungen anbieten und laufend neue Partnerschaften aufbauen. Wir agieren in den Bereichen Stellenvermittlung, HR-Marketing, Personal- und Laufbahnentwicklung, Networking und Monitoring.   Deine Rolle & Aufgaben Du unterstützt die Prozesse in Bezug auf unsere Rekrutierungsmandate sowie die Junior programme «Swiss Youth at the UN and World Bank» und «Swiss Junior Professional Officer at the UN». Dies beinhaltet folgende Aufgaben:  - Bewerbungsmanagement: Planung und Vorbereitung der Rekrutierungen, Veröffentlichung von Stellenangeboten, Sichtung und erste Selektion der Bewerbungen, Organisation der Interviewtermine - Korrespondenz mit InteressentInnen und BewerberInnen, sowie Mandatgebern und Kunden (u.a. die Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, UN-Organisationen, Entwicklungsbanken, NGOs und Stiftungen) - Unterstützung bei der Koordination und Betreuung von Nachwuchsprogrammen in der UNO und weiteren Organisationen in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.   Weitere Aufgaben: - Aktualisieren und Weiterentwickeln von internen Monitoring Tools und Statistiken - Allgemeine administrative Aufgaben sowie Stellvertretung anderer administrativer Stellen - Operative und administrative Unterstützung von Veranstaltungen (cinfo Forum, Workshops, Informationsveranstaltungen)   Was wir bieten Wir bieten ein anregendes Arbeitsumfeld mit vielfältigen und bereichernden Aufgaben in einem engagierten und dynamischen Team. Du profitierst von attraktiven Anstellungsbedingungen, flexiblen Arbeitsmodellen und kontinuierlichen Entwicklungs- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten. Arbeitszeiten und -ort: Unser Teamtag vor Ort ist jeweils am Dienstag. Du kannst deinen Arbeitsort und deine Arbeitszeiten weitgehend frei wählen. Unsere Büros befinden sich bis zum 31. Januar 2025 in Biel und ab dem 1. Februar 2025 in Bern. Unsere neuen Räumlichkeiten in Bern bieten auch Platz für Menschen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität.   Bei Fragen wende Dich bitte an Urs Stauffer, Co-Geschäftsleitung, via oder unter der Nummer +41 32 365 80 02.   Lerne uns kennen [Wer wir sind]( [Was wir tun]( [Unser Team](   Deine Bewerbung Wir freuen uns über Deine Bewerbung via Button unten "Apply"! Bitte registriere Dich auf unserer Stellenplattform cinfoPoste und achte darauf, dass die Unterlagen vollständig eingereicht werden: - Motivationsschreiben (nicht mehr als 3500 Zeichen, welche Du nach dem Klicken auf «Apply» im Popup-Fenster einfügen kannst - Lebenslauf - Arbeitszeugnisse, Diplome und akademischen Leistungsnachweise (in PDF-Format) unter «Documents» hochladen     Bewerbungsschluss: 29.10.2024 – wir evaluieren die eingegangen Bewerbungen fortlaufend Erste Runde der Interviews: Donnerstag, 07.11.2024 & Freitag, 08.11.2024 online oder in Biel/Schweiz Zweite Runde der Interviews: Donnerstag, 14.11.2024 & Freitag, 15.11.2024 in Biel/Schweiz Stellenantritt: 1. Dezember 2024 oder nach Vereinbarung     Version française   Vous connaissez bien les rouages du recrutement et vous vous distinguez par votre polyvalence ? Alors rejoignez notre équipe dynamique au sein d'une organisation variée !    Nous recherchons pour une entrée en fonction au 1er décembre 2024 ou à convenir un·e :    assistant·e en recrutement et administration (80-100 %)    La coopération internationale a besoin de talents qualifiés dans un monde confronté à des défis sociaux, économiques et environnementaux toujours plus complexes. Principal centre de compétence suisse pour les professions de la coopération internationale, cinfo travaille depuis plus de 30 ans en étroite collaboration avec la Confédération et d'autres partenaires internationaux.    Notre mission  cinfo met en relation les personnes et les organisations actives dans la coopération internationale sur la base d'un réseau mondial. Nous nous focalisons sur les besoins des professionnels et des organisations en proposant des services innovants et en développant en permanence de nouveaux partenariats. Nous intervenons dans les domaines du placement de personnel, du marketing RH, du développement RH et de carrière, du networking et du monitoring.    Votre rôle et vos tâches  Vous soutenez les processus liés à nos mandats de recrutement ainsi que nos programmes junior « Swiss Youth at the UN and World Bank » et « Swiss Junior Professional Officer at the UN ».  Il s'agit des tâches suivantes :    - Gestion des candidatures : planification et préparation des recrutements, publication des offres d'emploi, tri et première sélection des candidatures, organisation des rendez-vous d'entretien   - Correspondance avec les personnes intéressées et les candidat·e·s, ainsi qu'avec les mandant·e·s et les client·e·s (entre autres la Confédération suisse, les organisations des Nations unies, les banques de développement, les ONG et les fondations)   - Soutien à la coordination et l'encadrement des programmes de relève au sein de l'ONU et d'autres organisations dans le domaine de la coopération au développement    Autres tâches :  - Mise à jour et développement d'outils de monitoring et de statistiques internes  - Tâches administratives générales et suppléance d'autres services administratifs  - Soutien opérationnel et administratif lors de manifestations (Forum cinfo, ateliers, séances d'information).    Notre offre  Nous offrons un environnement de travail stimulant avec des tâches variées et enrichissantes au sein d'une équipe motivée et dynamique. Vous bénéficierez de conditions d'embauche attrayantes, de modèles de travail flexibles ainsi que de possibilités de développement et de formation continus.  Horaires et lieu de travail : notre journée d'équipe sur place a lieu le mardi. La plupart du temps, vous pouvez choisir librement votre lieu et vos horaires de travail. Nos bureaux se trouvent à Bienne jusqu'au 31 janvier 2025, puis à Berne à partir du 1er février 2025. Nos nouveaux locaux à Berne accueilleront également les personnes à mobilité réduite.   Pour toute question, veuillez vous adresser Urs Stauffer, co-directeur, en écrivant à ou en appelant le +41 32 365 80 02.   Pour en savoir plus sur nous  [Qui nous sommes](  [Nos activités](  [Notre team](    Votre candidature  Nous nous réjouissons de recevoir votre candidature via le bouton « Apply » ci-dessous ! Nous vous prions de vous inscrire sur notre portail d'emploi cinfoPoste et de veiller à ce que votre dossier soit complet :  - Lettre de motivation (max. 3500 caractères, que vous pourrez insérer après avoir cliqué sur « Apply » dans la fenêtre popup)  - CV  - Charger les certificats de travail, diplômes et attestations académiques (au format PDF) sous « Documents »    Délai de candidature : 29.10.2024 – nous évaluons les candidatures reçues en continu  Première tour d'entretiens : jeudi 7 novembre 2024 et vendredi 8 novembre 2024 en ligne ou à Bienne/Suisse   Deuxième tour d'entretiens : jeudi 14 novembre 2024 et vendredi 15 novembre 2024 à Bienne/Suisse   Entrée en fonction : 1 décembre 2024 ou à convenir    Dein Profil - Abgeschlossene KV-Lehre oder entsprechende Berufserfahrung in relevanten Bereichen; Erfahrung in der Rekrutierung von Vorteil - Sicherer Umgang mit CRM-Systemen und Interesse an Datenmanagement - Sehr gute Kenntnisse im Microsoft 365 Umfeld, Flair für digitale Tools - Ausgezeichnete Kenntnisse der deutschen oder französischen Sprache in Wort und Schrift, gutes Verständnis der jeweils anderen Sprache, sehr gute Englischkenntnisse - Interesse an der Arbeit in einer agilen Organisationsstruktur mit agilen Zusammenarbeitsmethoden   Version française   Votre profil  - CFC d'employé·e de commerce ou expérience professionnelle équivalente dans des domaines connexes ; une expérience dans le recrutement est un avantage  - Aisance dans l'utilisation des systèmes CRM et intérêt pour la gestion des données  - Très bonnes connaissances de l'environnement Microsoft 365, affinité avec les outils numériques  - Excellentes connaissances de l'allemand ou du français à l'oral et à l'écrit, bonne compréhension de l'autre langue, très bonnes connaissances de l'anglais  - Intérêt pour le travail au sein d'une structure organisationnelle agile avec des méthodes de collaboration agiles 

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2024-10-10 2024-10-10

Program Management Specialist - P2

United States of America, District of Columbia, Washington - World Health Organization

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device's system settings.    OBJECTIVE OF THE OFFICE/DEPARTMENT This requisition is for employment at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO) The Department of Health Systems and Services (HSS) is responsible for promoting, coordinating, and implementing the Organization's technical cooperation in health systems and services development to achieve Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage (Universal Health), based on the Primary Health Care approach. HSS promotes evidence-based policies, strategies and plans to transform national health systems to improve equity and resilience, as health systems move towards the achievement of Universal Health, strengthening governance and stewardship, increasing and improving health financing and social protection, and supporting the development of integrated networks of health services based on a highly resolutive first level of care. HSS strengthens national capacity in the organization of people-centered health services, integrating the healthy life course approach, ensuring quality of care and patient safety, and the effective deployment and management of human resources.   DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Under the direct supervision of the Primary Health Care and Integrated Services Delivery Unit Chief (HSS/PH) and the general guidance of the Directors, Planning, Budget & Evaluation (PBE) and External Relations, Resource Mobilization and Partnerships (ERP), the incumbent is responsible for, but not necessarily limited to, the following assigned duties: - Support the Unit Chief, Advisors, and Entity personnel in the design, negotiation, implementation, and reporting of technical cooperation projects, including resource coordination, performance monitoring and assessment, and use of evaluation tools to support the sound management of regular and extra-budgetary funds; - Provide strategic support to develop and strengthen partnerships; provide support and inputs to develop new program initiatives to support the program of work; - Ensure that projects managed by the Unit are executed according to action plans and within established timelines; ensure timely submission of financial and progress reports in accordance with donor agreements; - Maintain effective partnership with all project stakeholders to exchange critical and technical information and resolve program/project implementation issues to ensure results are achieved as planned; - Act as a strategic liaison between headquarters and country office staff facilitating seamless project implementation and ensuring effective planning, budgeting and reporting processes; - Support the preparation of various written reports, including briefing documents, project reports, background papers and presentations. Draft analysis sections of reports and studies and provide input to technical publications; - Support the preparation of briefings and technical documents for governing body meetings and other internal and external forums, including drafting and preparing necessary materials; - Engage in corporate efforts for strategic and operational planning, programming, budgeting and resource coordination to enable the Unit's technical cooperation and operational planning. Ensure that the responsible project coordinators provide required planning data and information to adequately assess and report on implementation of Outcomes, Outputs, projects, and activities; - Support the implementation of the Unit's Biennial Work Plan (BWP). Facilitate the coordination among the PMIS Project Managers and support them in program management issues, specifically with issues related to the results-based management framework; - Support the monitoring of the Unit's Biennial Work Plan (BWP). Support the Unit Chief in the coordination of the performance monitoring and assessment (PMA) of the Unit's BWP; - Participate actively in the Program Management Network (PMN) led by PBE; and in the Resources Mobilization Network (RMN) led by ERP; - Support the HS Unit Chief in the analysis of the staffing needs of the Team, particularly with respect to the competencies needed to execute the program of work and for the preparation and periodic review of the Human Resources (HR) Plan; - Work in close coordination and interaction with the Unit's Administrative Team; - Perform other related duties, as assigned.   REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS Education: A bachelor's degree in health or social science, business administration, management, international relations or in any other field related to the functions of the position, from a recognized university.   In the event that your candidature is retained for an interview, you will be required to provide, in advance, a scanned copy of the degree(s)/diploma(s)/certificate(s) required for this position.  PAHO, considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in one of the following databases: World Higher Education Database (WHED), list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU) / United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).  The list can be accessed through the link:  Council for Higher Education Accreditation College Navigator, found on the website of the National Centre for Educational Statistics, college navigator to support the validation process. Any appointment/extension of appointment is subject to PAHO Staff Regulations, Staff Rules and e-Manual. For information on PAHO please visit:   Experience: Essential: Five years of combined national and international experience in the fields of health or supply chain planning, project management, monitoring and evaluation, including experience in administration, strategy formulation and resource allocation. Desirable: Experience in information collection, analysis and visualization of data would be an asset. Experience working in an international agency would be an asset.   SKILLS: PAHO Competencies: - Overall attitude at work: Maintains integrity and takes a clear ethical approach and stance; demonstrates commitment to the Organization's mandate and promotes the values of the Organization in daily work and behavior; is accountable for work carried out in line with own role and responsibilities; is respectful towards, and trusted by, colleagues and counterparts. - Teamwork: Collaborate and cooperate with others. - Works collaboratively with team members and counterparts to achieve results; encourages cooperation and builds rapport; helps others when asked; accepts joint responsibility for the teams' successes and shortcomings. Identifies conflicts in a timely manner and addresses them as necessary; understands issues from the perspective of others; does not interpret/ attribute conflicts to cultural, geographical or gender issues. - Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences: Relate well to diversity in others and capitalize on such diversity - Treats all people with dignity and respect. Relates well to people with different cultures, gender, orientations, backgrounds and/or positions; examines own behavior to avoid stereotypical responses; considers issues from the perspective of others and values their diversity. - Communication: Express oneself clearly when speaking/Write effectively/Listen/Shares knowledge - Quality and quantity of communication targeted at audience.  Listens attentively and does not interrupt other speakers.  Adapts communication style and written content to ensure they are appropriately and accurately understood by the audience (e.g., power-point presentations, communication strategies, implementation plans).  Shares information openly with colleagues and transfers knowledge, as needed. - Resource mobilization: Establishes partnerships and alliances with a variety of institutions and organizations as well as internal partnerships to obtain financial and non-financial resources. Is able to relate with all types of people and at all levels in order to obtain resources that are needed. Is able to present and disseminate information in a clear manner.  Executes resources according to the agreements previously established with partnerships. - Producing Results: Deliver quality results/Take responsibility - Produces high-quality results and workable solutions that meet clients' needs. Works independently to produce new results and sets own timelines effectively and efficiently.  Shows awareness of own role and clarifies roles of team members in relation to project's expected results. Makes proposals for improving processes as required and takes responsibility for own work and/or actions, as necessary.   Demonstrates positive attitude in working on new projects and initiatives. Demonstrates accountability for own success, as well as for errors; learns from experience.   - Moving forward in a changing environment: Propose change/Adapt to change - Suggests and articulates effective and efficient proposals for change as needed when new circumstances arise.  Quickly and effectively adapts own work approach in response to new demands and changing priorities. Is open to new ideas, approaches and working methods; adjusts own approach to embrace change initiatives.   Technical Expertise: - Strong research and problem-solving skills; ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and to work collaboratively on multidisciplinary teams with tight schedules. - Strong professional oral and writing skills including the development of reports, oral presentations, and technical/persuasive documents for consideration at the highest levels of the Organization. - Practical knowledge of results-based management concepts and tools and their applications, especially related to outcome formulation and indicator development. - Theoretical and practical knowledge of international technical cooperation, with emphasis on the negotiation and management of international cooperation programs and projects. - Mature judgment, strong technical, analytical and conceptual skills; demonstrated ability to assess, analyze, synthesize and provide recommendations on key technical issues. - Ability to integrate managerial and technical inputs into recommendations for decision-making processes; ability to manage multiple issues and tasks in a complex organizational environment.   Languages: Very good knowledge of English or Spanish with working knowledge of the other languages. Knowledge of French and/or Portuguese would be an asset. IT Skills: Demonstrated ability to effectively use current technology and software, spreadsheets and presentations, as well as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and management information systems. Other IT skills and knowledge of software programs such as Microsoft Excel, Outlook, OneDrive, PowerPoint, Teams, SharePoint, and Word are considered essential.   REMUNERATION Monthly Salary: (Net of taxes) $ 4,198.08 (Salary is non-negotiable) Post Adjustment: $ 2,947.05  This amount is to be considered as indicative since variations may occur each month either upwards or downwards due to currency exchange rate fluctuations or inflation.   ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ·       This vacancy notice may be used to identify candidates to fill other similar short-term professional positions, at the same grade level. ·       PAHO/WHO offers an attractive compensation package including a monthly net salary and post adjustment, which reflects the cost of living in a particular duty station and exchange rates (subject to mandatory deductions for pension contributions and health insurance).  Other benefits may include: 2.5 days annual leave per month, generous telework policy, parental leave, sick leave, pension plan, and health insurance scheme.  Other benefits for internationally recruited staff may include travel and removal expenses on appointment and separation, settling-in grant and rental subsidy. ·       Candidates will be contacted only if they are under serious consideration. A written test and/or interview will be held for this position as a form of screening. ·       The post description is the official documentation for organization purposes. ·       Any appointment/extension of appointment is subject to PAHO Staff Regulations, Staff Rules and e-Manual. ·       For information on PAHO please visit: ·       PAHO/WHO is committed to workforce diversity. ·       PAHO is an ethical organization that maintains high standards of integrity and accountability. People joining PAHO are required to maintain these standards both in their professional work and personal activities. ·       PAHO also promotes a work environment that is free from harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, and other types of abusive behavior. PAHO conducts background checks and will not hire anyone who has a substantiated history of misconduct. ·       PAHO personnel interact frequently with people in the communities we serve. To protect these people, PAHO has zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse. People who commit serious wrongdoing will be terminated and may also face criminal prosecution. ·       PAHO/WHO is a smoke-free environment. ·       Applications from women and from nationals of non and underrepresented Member States are encouraged. ·       All applicants are required to complete an on-line profile to be considered for this post.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-10-22 2024-10-22

Partnerships Officer - P2

Switzerland, Geneva, Geneva - UNICEF

UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, defend their rights, and help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. At UNICEF, we are committed, passionate, and proud of what we do. Promoting the rights of every child is not just a job it is a calling. UNICEF is a place where careers are built, we offer our staff diverse opportunities for personal and professional development that will help them develop a fulfilling career while delivering on a rewarding mission. We pride ourselves on a culture that helps staff thrive, coupled with an attractive compensation and benefits package. Visit our website to learn more about what we do at UNICEF. The Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (MSP) team in UNICEF's Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division (PFP), leads on UNICEF's engagement with private sector and public-private initiatives and platforms that are actively shaping business agendas, priorities, and investments. The team is responsible for managing partnerships and leading engagement strategies for partnership development with global, regional, and national platforms that can serve as catalysts and accelerators for country and regional offices and relevant HQ divisions in reaching, influencing, mobilizing, and partnering with the private sector to achieve better results for children. The Partnerships Officer has a key role in supporting the team to maximize opportunities for UNICEF's engagement with strategic multi-stakeholder platforms involving the private sector and to ensure effective coordination within PFP, across divisions, RO/COs, National Committees, and external organizations on such engagements, including knowledge sharing and capacity building.    For every child, a Champion Under the guidance of the supervisor, the incumbent is responsible for supporting UNICEF's engagement in select multi-stakeholder platforms and initiatives and related events involving the private sector, including planning and coordination, within PFP as well as headquarters, regional offices, National Committees, and relevant country offices. The incumbent will significantly focus on supporting UNICEF's engagement in externally organized events, including the planning and coordination across PFP and divisions to leverage these key moments for partnerships and advocacy, and supporting the necessary preparations for UNICEF's and PFP's engagement in select global events and key moments, along with supporting key projects as per agreed.   How can you make a difference? Planning and coordination: Support coordination within PFP and with regional, country, and headquarters offices in relation to UNICEF's engagement in key global platforms and events involving the private sector, including the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting and the UN General Assembly, among other designated priority key moments. Manage the SharePoint collaboration site for divisions and National Committees, supporting follow-up from PFP coordination meetings, capturing meeting notes and action points, updating the events matrix, managing invitation processes for partner invitations to major events, coordinating inputs for briefing packages, and other relevant activities. Knowledge management: Facilitates knowledge capture and sharing on engagement with key global platforms and initiatives, including maintaining the private sector events intelligence site, identifying key moments across the year for engagement, and supporting the regular PFP planning meetings on events intelligence. Maintain the related event-specific pages and collaboration sites for coordination on key events. Technical support: Captures information on UNICEF's and private sector partners' engagement using the UNISON customer relationship management (CRM) database. Provides support to colleagues in PFP, National Committees, ROs/COs for platforms-related event invitations and bilateral meetings. Communications: Provides inputs and develops content/articles for external and internal communications, including through the Sharepoint site and internal newsletter.   DELIVERABLES: - Coordination ? Quarterly PFP events meetings are organized/followed up, and related event coordination meetings are organized across PFP and followed up actions (UNGA, Davos, etc.). - Events Intelligence ? Up to date external private sector events calendar and events pages outlining the opportunities for future events and outcomes. - Briefing Notes ? Final briefing notes for all related meetings/events. - Sharepoint ? Regularly updated SharePoint collaboration site for PFP and separate National Committee site for key moments such as the UN General Assembly and WEF Annual Meeting. - Events Matrix ? Regularly updated events matrix for priority moments, including invitations/event descriptions and recommendations for participation. - Partner Mapping ? Partner mapping consulted and completed to identify key partners to engage across the key moments for the year. - Unison ? Event-related accounts up to date, including developed process and tracking of nominees for events and bilateral meetings. - Communications ? Internal communication pieces developed on each priority event. Estimated Duration of the contract - 364 days Reporting To: - Partnerships Specialist, PFP Geneva, Switzerland Working Place: - Geneva, Switzerland   To qualify as a Champion for every child you will have? Education: - A first-level University degree in a relevant field is required: international relations, political science, business and management sciences, or another relevant technical field. Experience: - A minimum of two years of progressively responsible professional experience at the national or international level in project management, including developing project plans, planning and monitoring key milestones and deliverables, and coordination across multiple teams required. - Experience in events planning and management, including the development of concept notes, session planning, partner engagement, vendor coordination, and management of invitation process is required. - Experience in any of the following areas is an asset: children's rights, private sector in international development, and humanitarian action. - Experience working within UNICEF/UN is an asset. - Strong organizational and coordination skills. - Knowledge of relevant computer systems and applications; excellent understanding of and knowledge of software such as, but not limited to, Microsoft Office; and Salesforce CRM programmes. Language requirements: - Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, or Spanish) or a local language is an asset.   For every Child, you demonstrate... UNICEF's Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter: UNICEF Values The UNICEF competencies required for this post are... - Demonstrates Self Awareness and Ethical Awareness (1) - Works Collaboratively with others (1) - Builds and Maintains Partnerships (1) - Innovates and Embraces Change (1) - Thinks and Acts Strategically (1) - Drives to achieve impactful results (1) - Manages ambiguity and complexity (1) are required. Familiarize yourself with our competency framework and its different levels: our competency framework.  UNICEF is here to serve the world's most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic. We offer a wide range of benefits to our staff, including paid parental leave, breastfeeding breaks, and reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements. UNICEF does not hire candidates who are married to children (persons under 18). UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and discrimination. UNICEF is committed to promoting the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check. UNICEF appointments are subject to medical clearance.  Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station is required for IP positions and will be facilitated by UNICEF. Appointments may also be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Should you be selected for a position with UNICEF, you either must be inoculated as required or receive a medical exemption from the relevant department of the UN. Otherwise, the selection will be canceled.   Remarks:  As per Article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. UNICEF's active commitment to diversity and inclusion is critical to deliver the best results for children. Government employees who are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government positions before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason.  UNICEF does not charge a processing fee at any stage of its recruitment, selection, and hiring processes (i.e., application stage, interview stage, validation stage, or appointment and training). UNICEF will not ask for applicants' bank account information. All UNICEF positions are advertised, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. An internal candidate performing at the level of the post in the relevant functional area, or an internal/external candidate in the corresponding Talent Group, may be selected, if suitable for the post, without assessment of other candidates. Additional information about working for UNICEF can be found here.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.  

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2024-10-22 2024-10-22

Principal, PODD Corporate

United Kingdom, England, London - European Bank for Reconstruction &; Development

Are you an experienced procurement professional looking to make a significant impact at a prestigious financial institution? Join our team at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as the Principal, PODD Corporate. In this pivotal role, you will provide top-tier procurement advice and lead critical initiatives to support our non-Banking departments. This position offers the chance to develop effective relationships with key stakeholders and mentor junior team members, ensuring the delivery of high-quality services.   Key Responsibilities: - Leadership and Team Management: - Lead and support a small team, fostering staff development through coaching, training, and mentoring. - Manage performance and engage in talent management activities to enhance team capabilities. - Strategic Procurement: - Take the lead in multidisciplinary teams to develop and implement long-term operational and commercial strategies. - Negotiate and draft contracts and agreements, resolving issues that arise during project implementation. - Data Analysis and Reporting: - Prepare market data, spend analysis, and procurement reports for the Associate Director, PODD Corporate. - Summarize analyses coherently to align with operational and strategic objectives. - Stakeholder Engagement: - Build and maintain effective relationships with key stakeholders across the Bank. - Proactively identify opportunities for improvement and advocate for changes that enhance procurement activities. - Continuous Improvement: - Drive change within the PODD Corporate team to align operational and procurement objectives. - Recommend new procurement strategies and practices to senior stakeholders. - External Representation: - Represent the Bank in key professional forums, using insights gained to inform procurement policies and strategies. - Ensure adherence to the Bank's Behavioural Competencies and Corporate Behaviours, maintaining the highest standards of integrity.   Qualifications and Experience: - Professional Qualifications: - Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply qualified or equivalent. - Expertise: - Proven experience in high-value procurement in categories such as IT Consultancy, IT Services, IT Hardware, and IT Software. - Strong background in contract negotiation and award, particularly in an international setting. - Leadership Skills: - Experienced in managing complex procurement projects and developing procurement strategies. - Skilled in stakeholder engagement and change management programs. - Technical Skills: - Proficient in contract law, market analysis, and expenditure analyses. - Excellent organizational, planning, and coordination skills with a high degree of initiative and judgment. - Communication and Interpersonal Skills: - Strong verbal and written communication skills, with proven report writing and drafting abilities. - Ability to handle confidential issues with discretion and build cooperative relationships within the team. - Self-Motivation and Autonomy: - Results-oriented with excellent time management skills. - Capable of working independently and displaying initiative.   What is it like to work at the EBRD? Our agile and innovative approach is what makes life at the EBRD a unique experience! You will be part of a pioneering and diverse international organisation, and use your talents to make a real difference to people's lives and help shape the future of the regions we invest in.  The EBRD environment provides you with: - Varied, stimulating and engaging work that gives you an opportunity to interact with a wide range of experts in the financial, political, public and private sectors across the regions we invest in; - A working culture that embraces inclusion and celebrates diversity; - An environment that places sustainability, equality and digital  transformation at the heart of what we do. Diversity is one of the Bank's core values which are at the heart of everything it does.  A diverse workforce with the right knowledge and skills enables connection with our clients, brings pioneering ideas, energy and innovation. The EBRD staff is characterised by its rich diversity of nationalities, cultures and opinions and we aim to sustain and build on this strength. As such, the EBRD seeks to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and given equal opportunities and works in an inclusive environment. The EBRD encourages all qualified candidates who are nationals of the EBRD member countries to apply regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious and cultural background, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities.  As an inclusive employer, we promote flexible working and expecting our employee to attend the office 50% of their working time. Please note, that due to the high volume of applications received, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide detailed feedback to candidates who have not been shortlisted (for further consideration).   Right to Work in the UK: Swiss nationals (and all other non-UK employees) can work in the UK without a Visa - working at the EBRD gives all employees "exempt status". The Bank however encourages all non-UK employees to obtain an Exempt Vignette (EV) prior to relocating to the UK, as without an EV you may face more questions at Border Control and when required to show evidence of their exempt status when renting accommodation under the Right to Rent legislation. The application process may take 3 – 4 weeks approx. outside of the UK.    This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.  

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2024-10-22 2024-10-22

Investment Analyst - Private Equity Funds (PE) - GE

India, Maharashtra, Mumbai - international finance corporation

IFC a member of the World Bank Group is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work in more than 100 countries, using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities. Our mission is to leverage the power of the private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet. IFC's Private Equity (PE) funds department is integral to this mission. IFC is the world's largest investor in emerging market PE funds, with over US$6.5 billion committed across a portfolio of over 330 funds. IFC's PE funds strategy focuses on supporting (i) growth equity funds, (ii) venture capital funds, (iii) small business funds in frontier regions, and (iv) selectively in-sector funds. In turn, these PE funds combine capital and expertise to enable investee companies to achieve the operational efficiency and governance standards required to realize their high-growth potential. IFC is seeking a PE Funds Investment Analyst to be based at IFC's Mumbai office. In this role, your primary responsibility will be to assess PE fund managers in South Asia to determine if they meet IFC's triple bottom line: financial returns, development impact, and environmental and social responsibility. You will also work with IFC's Global Managers on corporate assignments and global portfolio analyses.   Roles and Responsibilities  This dynamic role requires a high level of interest in private equity, international business, emerging markets, and development impact. The responsibilities of an Investment Analyst are divided among new business, portfolio management, and corporate strategy:   New Business •  Assist investment officers with designing, doing diligence, and structuring private equity fund investment projects in South Asia. •  Coordinate with internal IFC stakeholdersincluding Legal, risk, environmental and Social, Development Impact, and Macroeconomicsto successfully process investment projects and ensure compliance with IFC standards. •  Conduct industry research, network at regional and global industry conferences, and create country-focused and regional market mappings.    Portfolio Management •  Actively monitor fund relationships across funds in South Asia. This includes (i) participating in annual meetings, (ii) coordinating with IFC's Legal department and Portfolio Manager to make key decisions on fund matters, and (iii) reviewing private equity funds information and preparing internal reports based on periodic financial statements, project progress reports, and other information submitted by clients.   •  Build and maintain client relationships to ensure responsive client service and enhance new business opportunities. •  Prepare documentation for IFC internal processes and perform portfolio analyses at the regional and global levels.    Corporate Strategy •  Assist global managers with assignments relating to global teams and corporate strategy. This includes (i) analyzing the development impact of IFC's PE Funds department, (ii) performing deep dives on target regions and sectors, and (iii) ensuring data accuracy in internal systems.     Selection Criteria •  Bachelors or Masters degree from a reputable university, preferably with a major in accounting, economics, or finance •  Minimum 2 years of working experience in a reputable institution in an Analyst role, preferably in Investment Banking, PE/VC, or consulting •  Proficiency in MS Suite (PowerPoint, Excel, and Word) is essential •  Strong analytical and problem-solving skills •  Strong writing skills •  Sound business judgment to identify issues and present creative and practical solutions •  Facility to work successfully in multicultural teams and across boundaries •  Demonstrated teamwork skills •  Strong client service orientation with an openness to feedback and new ideas •  Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English   [World Bank Group Core Competencies]( The World Bank Group offers comprehensive benefits, including a retirement plan; medical, life and disability insurance; and paid leave, including parental leave, as well as reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. Learn more about working at the [World Bank]( and [IFC](, including our values and inspiring stories.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-10-21 2024-10-21

Investment Analyst - GE

India, Maharashtra, Mumbai - international finance corporation

IFC a member of the World Bank Group is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work in more than 100 countries, using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities. Our mission is to leverage the power of the private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet. The Financial Institutions Group (FIG) is one of the primary industry groups at IFC, responsible for managing roughly 40% of IFC's overall business in terms of volume and capital at risk. FIG engages in a wide range of subsectors, including Microfinance, SME, Gender, Climate, Insurance, Capital Markets, Housing, Distressed Assets, and other areas. Both investment and advisory services are delivered to IFC's clients through IFC's global network.  Like most industries in the age of the Internet, financial services are undergoing a rapid transformation.  While incumbents innovate in place mostly around products and channels, tech-enabled newcomers are rethinking the business models and reshaping the entire architecture of the financial services industry. We call this rising sub-industry Fintech.   IFC is the largest emerging-market-focused development finance house in the world. For the past ten years, IFC has built a diverse and promising global Fintech portfolio of about 60 equity investments in more than 25 emerging countries and disbursed over $500m.  Fintech is a critical component of the World Bank Group's strategy to expand financial services' reach, efficiency and affordability and contribute to higher economic productivity.  As part of its strategy, IFC has created a small but fast-growing and strategically important investment group that focuses on Fintech as part of IFC's Financial Institutions Group.   The Fintech team is seeking an Investment Analyst based in Mumbai with equity investment experience, preferably in the fintech sector. The Analyst will support senior staff in the Fintech team in identifying and assessing investment opportunities in innovative Fintech companies that change and enhance the competitive landscape in South Asia. The key verticals of focus will be Payments, Lending, Insurtech, and Capital Markets.     Roles and Responsibilities The selected individual will be responsible for the following: •  Analyze financial statements and prepare financial models •  Conduct industry, market and company research •  Prepare investment-related documents for internal and external audiences •  Participate in all aspects of IFC's deal approval process, including business development, due diligence and portfolio management •  Work with senior staff to help identify viable investment transactions across Asia through mapping, desk research, and pipeline management •  Understand business operations and different business models •  Help design and maintain proper KPIs for portfolio companies or pipeline opportunities   Selection Criteria The selected candidate should be able to demonstrate the following: •  Minimum Bachelor's or equivalent degree; candidates with strong technical or engineering background and financial knowledge preferred •  2-4 years experience in investment banking, consulting or PE/VC, or Business Development with fintech company, preferred •  Strong financial, analytical and modelling skills •  Strong interest in developing markets, Fintech and emerging technology areas •  Strong familiarity with financial software applications (e.g. Microsoft Office suite, research and financial databases, etc.) •  Team player with strong interpersonal skills and ability to work successfully with clients and colleagues from various cultural backgrounds •  Excellent communication and presentation skills   [World Bank Group Core Competencies]( The World Bank Group offers comprehensive benefits, including a retirement plan; medical, life and disability insurance; and paid leave, including parental leave, as well as reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. Learn more about working at the [World Bank]( and [IFC](, including our values and inspiring stories.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-10-21 2024-10-21

Operations Analyst – Data Scientist - GE

United States of America, District of Columbia, Washington - international finance corporation

IFC a member of the World Bank Group is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work in more than 100 countries, using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities. Our mission is to leverage the power of the private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet. Within IFC, the Corporate Portfolio Management (CPM) Department, under the IFC Global Industries Vice President,  is responsible for: (i) providing corporate and strategic level reports and reviews of IFC's investment pipeline, program and portfolio, including granular data and historical and forward looking analytics of trends, risks, and profitability; (ii) providing thought leadership on how IFC can create a portfolio that balances profitability, risk and development impact; (iii) systematically capturing lessons of experience, with the goal of these being incorporated into IFC's strategy and new investments, in order to improve IFC's performance and outcomes; (iv) developing, and supporting the management of, portfolio systems as well as portfolio related knowledge tools. To meet IFC's 2030 ambitions as outlined in the capital increase commitments and the IFC 3.0 strategy, it is essential that IFC Operations possess the necessary tools, processes, and systems to ensure top-quality delivery to clients and maximize internal efficiencies. To achieve this, the CPM Core Operational Systems (CPMCO) vertical is dedicated to continuous business process improvement, operational systems, risk management, and change management. One of their flagship programs, Phoenix, aims to replace IFC's legacy operations systems (iDesk/iPortal) for Project Processing and provide tools for business development and external client interactions. COSR is a unified program with a phased delivery approach, integrating Client Portal, Client Management, and Project Processing into one cohesive system. CPMCO is seeking a self-starter, entrepreneurial data scientist to provide leadership in the adoption of AI/ML in IFC operations. As part of Phoenix, CPMCO aims to include AI/ML for various activities, such as self-paced guides, policy and procedures self-help, and content recommendations.  •  Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment.  All others will be offered a 3-year term appointment.   Duties and Accountabilities The data scientist role will play a critical entrepreneurial role and will be responsible for developing advanced analytics and deep insights from IFC operations, as CPMCO's representative in the pan-CPM "Portfolio Intelligence" initiative, consisting of data scientists and analysts from all CPM units.  Focus for this initiative is gathering and developing AI/ML solutions for data and analytics challenges both internally for CPM as well as for operations staff across IFC.  As such, you will work closely with the network of data scientists in the World Bank group, IT department, process owners and business stakeholders to deliver impactful data science solutions. You will have the opportunity to do your best work every day and deliver disruptive innovation by tapping into new datasets, leveraging the latest cloud technologies, and being supported by a robust analytics and IT team. Specifically, the position will:  •  Assist in Stakeholder Collaboration: Support senior team members in working with business and technical stakeholders to understand and formulate problem statements addressing their pain points, •  Data Preparation and Analysis: Help in gathering, cleaning, and preprocessing structured and unstructured data for analysis and modeling purposes. •  Model Development Support: Assist in developing, training, and evaluating machine learning models for analytics under the guidance of senior data scientists. •  Feature Extraction and Engineering: Perform basic feature extraction and engineering tasks, such as tokenization, stemming, and vectorization, to prepare data for modeling. •  Documentation and Reporting: Document methodologies, experiments, and results, and assist in preparing reports and visualizations to communicate findings. •  Learning and Development: Stay updated with the latest advancements in text analytics and NLP and participate in training sessions and workshops to enhance skills. •  Ad Hoc Analysis and Support: Handle ad hoc queries and provide support for various analytics tasks as needed, including user testing and basic application maintenance.   Selection Criteria Candidates should be professionals with experience in data science skills and technical knowledge of portfolio and asset management related topics, ideally in the private sector. The candidate should meet the following criteria:  •  Bachelor's degree from an accredited college/university in Computer Science, Data Science, Engineering or related field.  Master's degree would be preferred, as well as equivalent combination of education (e.g. Bachelors in Computer science disciplines and a Master's in business (e.g., Business Administration, Finance, Economics). •  Minimum of 2-3 years prior experience working with text analytics, natural language, and non-structure AI/ML analysis. •  Demonstrated understanding of financial concepts, and application of data science in financial, corporate or investment operations domains. •  Strong analytical skills to critically evaluate gathered data and ability to link or associate with other datasets and data needs.  •  Knowledge and experience in scripting and programming with Python, R and SQL. •  Knowledge and experience with relevant technologies, preferably in cloud environment and tools provided within Azure and AWS. •  Aptitude for learning and applying new technologies related to Data Science and Data Management. •  Demonstrated self-starter with a high degree of responsiveness and proactivity. •  Strong written and spoken communications skills in English; ability to communicate ideas clearly and confidently, articulate issues and recommend solutions.    [World Bank Group Core Competencies]( The World Bank Group offers comprehensive benefits, including a retirement plan; medical, life and disability insurance; and paid leave, including parental leave, as well as reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. Learn more about working at the [World Bank]( and [IFC](, including our values and inspiring stories.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-10-17 2024-10-17

Operations Analyst - GE

Nepal, Bāgmatī, Kathmandu - international finance corporation

IFC a member of the World Bank Group is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work in more than 100 countries, using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities. Our mission is to leverage the power of the private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet. The IFC is recruiting an Operations Analyst for its Nepal Office based in Kathmandu. Reporting to the Country Officer, the Operations Analyst will support Country Management team with various duties as outlined below. This role will be responsible for a broad scope of research, analytical and operational work as well as providing resource support. S/he will also be responsible for coordinating efforts across the Investment and Advisory groups in support of the Country and Regional strategy implementation.   Roles and Responsibilities  •  Support the Country Management team with overall project management, planning and monitoring of deliverables to ensure timely and quality delivery of the work program. S/he must maintain high degree of discretion and professionalism.  •  Help support pipeline development across all industry groups by providing industry contextual data, company analysis, comparator analysis, industry research etc. •  Research prospective client companies for alignment with IFC strategic, financial, and integrity criteria.  •  Serve as the 'go-to' person for data/research and all operational/resource support work for the county as directed by the Country Officer and the Regional Management Team. •  Extract data from internal and external databases, manipulate and present the data in a variety of formats for a variety of audiences to a high degree of accuracy and consistency and update/maintain the information in database regularly. •  Prepare documents and reports to present information to a variety of audiences including: country strategy submissions, sections of World Bank Country Partnership Framework documents, inputs into business plans, work program agreements. Review and screening of relevant documents/reports for consistency with strategy documents.  •  Curate and develop technical briefing material for senior management, high-level programs, meetings, and events to achieve client engagement and maximize IFC's development objectives and communications messages. •  Under the guidance of the Country Officer, advise project teams on the country context, IFC role, strategic fit, World Bank Group objectives, local markets, pipeline, and portfolio.  •  Maintain a good working knowledge of current advisory and investment operations and respond quickly to queries from HQ management and staff.  •  Provide support to the country team on IFC joint efforts with the WB and other development partners. •  Liaise and interact effectively with an extensive network of contacts, at senior levels (both internal and external), and respond effectively to inquiries and to diverse situations that require tact and pragmatic problem-solving skills. Must have good network of contacts, both with government stakeholders and business community at large. •  Provide support for select visiting missions. •  Provide any other assistance needed by the Country Management team for the day-to-day coordination of activities and special initiatives.   Selection Criteria •  Undergraduate degree in Economics, Finance, Business or similar. Masters' Degree preferred. •  2-3 years' work experience in banking, consulting, or another fast-paced, knowledge-based work environment.  •  Advanced Excel, PowerPoint, and database skills.  •  Excellent writing and oral communication skills.  •  Strong attention to detail and quality. •  Excellent teamwork skills, ability to take initiative and work across organizational boundaries. High on energy with strong professionalism/ maintaining confidentiality and using discretion when required. •  Familiarity with IFC databases (such as MIS, RMS, and other iDesk applications) would be an advantage.  •  Experience of IFC strategy and budgeting processes would be an advantage.  •  Ability to thrive under pressure and function effectively in a fast-paced environment under tight deadlines, while working on multiple projects.   [World Bank Group Core Competencies]( The World Bank Group offers comprehensive benefits, including a retirement plan; medical, life and disability insurance; and paid leave, including parental leave, as well as reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. We are proud to be an equal opportunity and inclusive employer with a dedicated and committed workforce, and do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. Learn more about working at the [World Bank]( and [IFC](, including our values and inspiring stories.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-10-17 2024-10-17

Principal, Customer Screening - KYC

United Kingdom, England, London - European Bank for Reconstruction &; Development

About the Role We are seeking a highly motivated Principal to lead our Integrity Screening & Research Unit at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). In this pivotal role, you will oversee a team responsible for customer and transactional screening (including Sanctions, PEPs, and adverse media) to ensure compliance with our Integrity Due Diligence Guidelines. You will lead a team of 2-10 analysts, working collaboratively with various banking and portfolio teams, and ensure the delivery of accurate, timely screening across a diverse portfolio.   Key Responsibilities - Lead operational delivery, managing screening and research due diligence processes. - Drive continuous improvement initiatives, focusing on operational efficiency and compliance. - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to support business engagements while mitigating integrity risks. - Oversee training and mentoring of team members, ensuring high performance and service standards. - Represent the screening unit to senior stakeholders across the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd lines of defence. - Support strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing screening practices using advanced technology and automation.   Key Requirements - University degree in a relevant field or equivalent work experience. - Proven experience in operational leadership, managing high-volume screening activities. - Expertise in KYC/AML processes, including the use of industry-recognized screening tools. - Strong problem-solving and stakeholder management skills, with the ability to influence across multiple departments. - Experience with driving operational improvements, including the use of automation and AI tools. - Excellent communication, negotiation, and leadership skills. - Familiarity with continuous improvement techniques and delivering team transformations.   What is it like to work at the EBRD? Our agile and innovative approach is what makes life at the EBRD a unique experience! You will be part of a pioneering and diverse international organisation, and use your talents to make a real difference to people's lives and help shape the future of the regions we invest in.  The EBRD environment provides you with: - Varied, stimulating and engaging work that gives you an opportunity to interact with a wide range of experts in the financial, political, public and private sectors across the regions we invest in; - A working culture that embraces inclusion and celebrates diversity; - An environment that places sustainability, equality and digital  transformation at the heart of what we do.   Diversity is one of the Bank's core values which are at the heart of everything it does.  A diverse workforce with the right knowledge and skills enables connection with our clients, brings pioneering ideas, energy and innovation. The EBRD staff is characterised by its rich diversity of nationalities, cultures and opinions and we aim to sustain and build on this strength. As such, the EBRD seeks to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and given equal opportunities and works in an inclusive environment. The EBRD encourages all qualified candidates who are nationals of the EBRD member countries to apply regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious and cultural background, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities.  As an inclusive employer, we promote flexible working and expecting our employee to attend the office 50% of their working time. Please note, that due to the high volume of applications received, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide detailed feedback to candidates who have not been shortlisted (for further consideration).   Right to Work in the UK: Swiss nationals (and all other non-UK employees) can work in the UK without a Visa - working at the EBRD gives all employees "exempt status". The Bank however encourages all non-UK employees to obtain an Exempt Vignette (EV) prior to relocating to the UK, as without an EV you may face more questions at Border Control and when required to show evidence of their exempt status when renting accommodation under the Right to Rent legislation. The application process may take 3 – 4 weeks approx. outside of the UK.    This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.  

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2024-10-17 2024-10-17

JPO - Programme Analyst - Peace and Security - P2

Senegal, Dakar, Dakar - United Nations Development Programme

IMPORTANT: Under the JPO programme framework, the following position is open only to nationals of Denmark. For detailed information on the JPO Programme and recruitment criteria, please visit   The UNDP Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Programme: The UNDP JPO Programme equips outstanding young leaders with the skills and experience required to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and make a positive difference in the world. As a pathway into the world of development, the programme offers young professionals excellent exposure to multilateral cooperation and sustainable development while providing a valuable entry point into the UN system.  As a JPO and young professional in UNDP you should be interested in pursuing a global career with aspiration to work for a field-based organization in support of the development agenda. The JPO will work as part of a team and be supervised by an experienced UNDP staff member, including : •    Structured guidance and feedback, especially in the beginning of the assignment, with the purpose of gradually increasing of responsibilities  •    Establishment of a work plan, with clear key results •    Guidance and advice in relation to learning and training opportunities within the field of expertise •    Completion of the yearly UNDP Annual Performance Review (APR) including learning and development objectives The JPO will benefit from the following learning and development opportunities: •    Participation in a virtual and in person Programme Policy and Operations Induction Course within the first 4 to 6 months of assignment •    Use of yearly JPO duty-related travel and training allocation (DTTA), as per the [online DTTA guide]( •    On-going Masterclasses on relevant and inspiring themes •    Career development support mechanisms and activities •    Networking with fellow JPOs, young professionals and senior UNDP colleagues •    Mentoring programme  •    Other training and learning opportunities   Organisational context UNDP is the UN's global development network advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience, and resources to help people build a better life. UNDP's vision is to support countries in achieving the simultaneous eradication of poverty and significant reduction of inequalities and exclusion. To strengthen inclusive and effective governance, the UNDP Strategic Plan focuses on ensuring participation and voice in pursuit of equitable access to development opportunities and working with poor and other excluded groups as agents of their own development. The UNDP strategic plan 2022-2025 focuses on poverty and inequality, governance, resilience, environment, energy, and gender equality. These priorities are further supported by powerful enablers – strategic innovation, digitalization, and development finance – which will further accelerate and scale results. The UNDP West and Central Africa (WACA) Sub-Regional Hub in Dakar works with regional institutions and country offices to deliver on the six priorities of the governance and peacebuilding framework. Taking into consideration the regional context, the Governance and Peacebuilding Unit focuses particularly on prevention and peacebuilding, inclusive transitions, youth empowerment, climate security, local governance, economic governance, security, and stabilization.   Position Purpose UNDP West and Central Africa (WACA) Sub-Regional Hub in Dakar is seeking the services of a Junior Professional Officer (JPO)/Programme Analyst to support the Governance and Peacebuilding Unit in its work on peace and security in Senegal and the WACA region in order to deliver on UNDP corporate frameworks particularly the crisis offer, and the prevention offer. Under the overall guidance of the Governance and Peacebuilding Team leader, the Programme Analyst will provide technical support to the UNDP WACA Hub and the country offices in promoting sustainable peace and security within the region. The Programme Analyst will support the development of policy and programme frameworks which can enable UNDP to scale up its contribution to peacebuilding and security in the WACA region with particular focus on the Sahel and the Gulf of Guinea. Results Expected -    Contribution to development of policy and programme frameworks for peacebuilding and security in the WACA region.  -    Technical support in designing, implementing, and monitoring projects and programmes related peacebuilding and security. -    Contribution to mainstreaming of risk mitigation and prevention in all UNDP WACA strategic and programme frameworks. -    Contribution to development of knowledge products and communication materials on peace and security in the WACA. -    Contribution to the implementation of programme and projects under the Governance and Peacebuilding Unit.   Key Duties and Accountabilities - Policy, Strategy and Development Support: - Contribute to preparation of policy briefs, sector scans, status papers on developmental challenges/issues based on secondary review of existing literature for evidence-based advocacy and policy dialogue.  - Contribute to development of guidelines and national and sub-national strategy in the areas of institutional strengthening in Senegal and the WACA region.  - Review of policy literature in respect to the subject  - Support Identification of barriers and solutions for proposed interventions as well as risk Identification and Mitigation.  2. Project Design, Formulation & other project related functions: - Prepare conceptual framework/concept notes on new areas of work/developmental challenge.  - Provide technical support to the identification of developmental challenges, target areas, beneficiaries and partners and formulation of implementation strategy for UNDP support.  - Provide technical support for the development on new interventions/projects with Implementation (operational plan, monitoring, and resource requirement) Institutional and management arrangements. Conduct studies on project/programme highlights, activities and processes involved.  - Support preparation and review of project documents.  - Identify areas/beneficiaries and partners; timing, sequencing of activities; mobilization of finance. Support preparation of project proposals, incorporating innovation in concepts, strategies, and incorporation of best practices 3. Predictive analysis, Research and Documentation: - Undertake secondary research in the new areas of developmental concern based on review of existing literature.  - Conduct predictive analysis of the peace and security situation in the region and advice accordingly. Support development of research design, research questions and scope of work for undertaking primary research in new areas.  - Document good practices, case studies, innovations and pilot models for wider dissemination and sharing. Undertake process documentation of models for upscaling. 4. Capacity Development/Training: - Based on the capacity assessment, support the development of capacity development plans to achieve the milestones identified and address the identified capacity gaps. - Support development of training tools/toolkits and manuals based on training needs assessment.  - Support design of training curriculum and organization of training programmes for various stakeholders. - Support capacity assessments of public institutions and government institutions for development of strategic interventions for institutional strengthening. 5. Knowledge Management: - Contribute to preparation of knowledge and communications products related to the projects/programmes (Audio, Video and Hard copies) - Review of Knowledge products (subject, design, and content)  - Disseminate knowledge and communications products. - Contribute to Communities of Practice (CoP) of UN Solutions Exchange (UNSE)   Competencies Core: Achieve Results: LEVEL 2: Scale up solutions and simplifies processes, balances speed and accuracy in doing work Think Innovatively: LEVEL 2: Offer new ideas/open to new approaches, demonstrate systemic/integrated thinking Learn Continuously: LEVEL 2: Go outside comfort zone, learn from others, and support their learning  Adapt with Agility: LEVEL 2: Adapt processes/approaches to new situations, involve others in change process Act with Determination: LEVEL 2: Able to persevere and deal with multiple sources of pressure simultaneously Engage and Partner: LEVEL 2: Is facilitator/integrator, bring people together, build/maintain coalitions/partnerships Enable Diversity and Inclusion: LEVEL 2: Facilitate conversations to bridge differences, considers in decision making   Cross functional and technical: Thematic Area Name Definition Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding  Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding and  Responsive institutions Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding and Responsive Institutions Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights Community/ Citizen Security/Armed Violence Reduction Knowledge  Knowledge Generation Ability to research and turn information into useful knowledge, relevant for context or responsive to a stated need, such as the WACA region Collective Intelligence  Collective Intelligence Design Ability to bringing together diverse groups of people, data, information or ideas, and technology to design services or solutions Results-based Management Results-based Management Ability to manage programmes and projects with a focus at improved performance and demonstrable results Communication Communication Ability to communicate in a clear, concise, and unambiguous manner both through written and verbal communication; to tailor messages and choose communication methods depending on the audience Gender Gender Gender Issues & Analysis Governance Governance Youth, Peace, and Security   Required Skills and Experience Education:  - Master's Degree or equivalent Advanced Degree, or Bachelor's degree in peace studies, conflict management, social studies, political science, development studies or another related field of expertise  Experience, Knowledge, and Skills: - with a MA degree - a minimum of two years relevant and paid experience - maximum 4 years in peace and security work at national and regional level. - with a BA degree  - a minimum of four years relevant and paid experience - maximum 6 years in peace and security work at national and regional level. - Experience in project design, management, monitoring, and evaluation.  - Excellent drafting and communication skills and ability to mobilize support from a wide range of partners (public, private, academic, civil society, business community leaders).  - Project management experience is desired, ideally in managing projects in the area of peace and security or the WACA region. Language skills: - Proficiency in English is required  - knowledge of French is highly desired.   Nationality of the candidate: Under the JPO programme framework, the following position is open only to nationals of Denmark. For detailed information on the JPO Programme and recruitment criteria, please visit Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP:  we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a 'leave no one behind' approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and [inspiring stories.]( UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.   Disclaimer [Important information for US Permanent Residents ('Green Card' holders)](  Under US immigration law, acceptance of a staff position with UNDP, an international organization, may have significant implications for US Permanent Residents. UNDP advises applicants for all professional level posts that they must relinquish their US Permanent Resident status and accept a G-4 visa, or have submitted a valid application for US citizenship prior to commencement of employment.  UNDP is not in a position to provide advice or assistance on applying for US citizenship and therefore applicants are advised to seek the advice of competent immigration lawyers regarding any applications.   Applicant information about UNDP rosters Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.   Non-discrimination UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.   UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.    Scam warning The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-10-16 2024-10-16

Analyst, FI Donor Programmes

United Kingdom, England, London - European Bank for Reconstruction &; Development

Purpose of Job The Analyst of the Financial Institutions Donor Programmes (FI DP) Team will be primarily responsible for oversight of the Green Economy Financing Facilities Management Information System (GEFF MIS), and for the management and reporting of GEFF MIS-hosted portfolio data on behalf of the FI team. Thirty-four Green Economy Transition (GET) programmes with the total investment volume of EUR 5 billion and utilising in excess of EUR 0.3 billion of donor funded incentives are currently managed through the GEFF MIS. The GEFF MIS is therefore critical for delivery of FI business and for the capture of sub-project portfolio data, including green and other important indicators crucial to internal and donor reporting. The Analyst is the FI DP focal point for the system and will develop a deep knowledge of both the business-side products and processes and the GEFF MIS design and functionality (and its issues), in order to monitor and troubleshoot system errors and ensure proper data management under all programmes. The Analyst will work in close coordination with geographically diverse programme teams in FI/CSD (Climate Strategy & Delivery), EBRD IT and programme consultants on a daily basis. The Analyst is also responsible for implementation support of select financing facilities/programmes that the FIBG deploys, especially standardised blended finance programmes. S/he ensures integrity and consistency of the facilities/programmes implementation. S/he also manages and/or oversees the implementation of technical cooperation (TC) programmes and projects. The FIDP is a proactive unit within the FIBG responsible for daily administration and overall management of technical co-operation (TC) and co-investment grants, and other associated activities. The Team ensures that grants are mobilised, committed, deployed and reported upon in an efficient, accurate and transparent manner, applying the highest professional standards, given the fiduciary duty that the Bank assumes vis-à-vis Donors funds. FIDP is overseeing implementation of the EUR 2 billion portfolio of active donor funds, and responsible for administration and overall management of donor funds throughout projects life-cycle, including internal and external reporting. FIDP assists FI bankers and other teams within the EBRD in mobilising, using and reporting on grants as per the appropriate policies and guidelines. FIDP has presently 25 staff. The Team closely works with other Banking teams and support units.   Accountabilities & Responsibilities 1. Manage, in coordination with CSD, the GEFF MIS system (main focus of the job) - Manage the GEFF MIS system on behalf of FI/ FI DP, acting as a focal point and business owner for the system and its data - Advise on system processes and protocols, and provide training to internal and external users of the system - Coordinate and work closely with the EBRD IT to resolve all incidents raised by internal and external users of the system - Work closely with EBRD IT to implement changes and improvements to the system, ensuring continued integrity of the processes and data - Undertake regular reconciliation and migration of data collected offline - Prepare regular statistical updates and ad-hoc reporting on the GEFF MIS sub-loan portfolio, primarily using Tableau software   The following standard FI DP Analyst responsibilities will also be assigned on as needed basis 2. Manage blended finance Facilities/Programmes - Monitor deployment of the Facilities/Programmes; - Process incentives payments to ensure their compliance with the terms of documentation and the donors' requirements, as well as to allow future auditing of the funds; - Prepare bespoke donor progress updates and reports and any other information needed for presentation to donors at Steering and Monitoring Committee Meetings under Facilities/Programmes, contribute to aggregated result reporting; - Respond to all queries related to Facilities/Programmes as far donor funding is concerned; - Ensure that implementation is in line with internal Blended Finance Guidelines; - Comment on investment documentation related to the Facilities/Programmes; - Manage donors' evaluation and audit processes of Facilities/Programmes; - Support fundraising, drafting, and negotiating with donor and other relevant stakeholders, especially on budget and results of FI donor funded programmes, where needed.   3. Manage and/or oversee implementation of TC Programmes and stand-alone TC projects - Lead TC Grant Review process; - Support procurement of consultants needed to implement Programmes/Projects with procurement departments; - Support Operation Leaders (OLs) in managing consultants; - Lead or support TC-related fundraising, drafting, and negotiating with donors especially on budget and results, where needed.   Knowledge, Skills, Experience & Qualifications - Strong relevant academic background - Previous experience managing business-side information and data systems, in coordination with corporate IT departments for business delivery, will be an advantage - Specific knowledge of Appian, Tableau, SAP will be an advantage - Strong numerical, analytical, and spreadsheet skills - Attention to detail and a high degree of accuracy are essential - Ability to take responsibility, work independently and proactively as a member of a team - Strong organisational and administrative skills and experience - Ability to prioritise work, adapt quickly to continuously changing priorities and learn on the job - Understand and enforce complex procedures - Relevant work experience, exposure to commercial banking and/or donor funded private sector focussed programme implementation will be an advantage - Excellent written (report drafting, correspondence) and verbal communication skills - Excellent English essential, both written and spoken   What is it like to work at the EBRD? Our agile and innovative approach is what makes life at the EBRD a unique experience! You will be part of a pioneering and diverse international organisation, and use your talents to make a real difference to people's lives and help shape the future of the regions we invest in.  The EBRD environment provides you with: - Varied, stimulating and engaging work that gives you an opportunity to interact with a wide range of experts in the financial, political, public and private sectors across the regions we invest in; - A working culture that embraces inclusion and celebrates diversity; - An environment that places sustainability, equality and digital  transformation at the heart of what we do.   Diversity is one of the Bank's core values which are at the heart of everything it does.  A diverse workforce with the right knowledge and skills enables connection with our clients, brings pioneering ideas, energy and innovation. The EBRD staff is characterised by its rich diversity of nationalities, cultures and opinions and we aim to sustain and build on this strength. As such, the EBRD seeks to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and given equal opportunities and works in an inclusive environment. The EBRD encourages all qualified candidates who are nationals of the EBRD member countries to apply regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious and cultural background, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities.  As an inclusive employer, we promote flexible working and expecting our employee to attend the office 50% of their working time.   Please note, that due to the high volume of applications received, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide detailed feedback to candidates who have not been shortlisted (for further consideration).   Right to Work in the UK: Swiss nationals (and all other non-UK employees) can work in the UK without a Visa - working at the EBRD gives all employees "exempt status". The Bank however encourages all non-UK employees to obtain an Exempt Vignette (EV) prior to relocating to the UK, as without an EV you may face more questions at Border Control and when required to show evidence of their exempt status when renting accommodation under the Right to Rent legislation. The application process may take 3 – 4 weeks approx. outside of the UK.    This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.  

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2024-10-16 2024-10-16

Analyst, M365 Technical Analyst

United Kingdom, England, London - European Bank for Reconstruction &; Development

Purpose of Job The Digital Workplace capability encompasses a range of technologies designed to enhance productivity, collaboration, and efficiency within the organization. The M365 Technical Analyst plays a crucial role in optimizing and supporting the digital workplace by leveraging the Microsoft 365 (M365) suite, with a focus on deploying and managing M365 Copilot.   Accountabilities & Responsibilities Technical Support and Maintenance: - Provide technical support for M365 Productivity tools including M365 Copilot, ensuring its optimal performance and functionality. - Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to M365 Client and backend issues focusing on M365 Copilot and its integration with the Windows operating system and other M365 applications. - Monitor and communicate updates and changes to M365 Technologies.   Implementation and Integration: - Assist in the technical deployment and integration of M365 and M365 Copilot within the organization. - Collaborate with IT and business teams to ensure seamless integration of M365 Copilot into existing workflows. - Assist in developing of training materials and sessions to help users effectively utilise M365 Copilot and other M365 products. - Provide ongoing support and guidance to users to enhance their proficiency and adoption of M365 focusing on M365 Copilot solutions. - Assist creation and maintenance user documentation and knowledge bases for M365 focusing on M365 Copilot.   Data Analysis, Automation and Reporting: - Utilise Power BI to develop and maintain dashboards and reports that provide actionable insights related to M365 deployment and usage, focusing on M365 Copilot. - Automate workflows using Power Automate to streamline the deployment and management processes for M365 Copilot. - Analyse data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement within the digital workplace.   User Training and Support: - Assist developing of training materials and sessions to help users effectively utilize M365 Applications including Copilot. - Provide ongoing support and guidance to users to enhance their proficiency and adoption of M365 Copilot solutions. - Assist creation and maintenance user documentation and knowledge bases for M365 Copilot.   Continuous Improvement: - Monitor and analyse the performance of M365 identifying areas for improvement and optimisation. - Stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in M365 and related technologies. - Recommend and implement enhancements to improve user experience and productivity.   Knowledge, Skills, Experience & Qualifications •            Bachelor's degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, or a related field. •            Minimum of 3 years of experience in a technical analyst role, preferably within a digital or IT environment. •            Strong technical knowledge and hands-on experience with M365, including any exposure to Generative AUI technologies and M365 Copilot. •            Experience in implementing and supporting M365 tools and solutions. •            Proficiency in troubleshooting technical issues and providing effective solutions. •            Familiarity with data analysis and reporting tools, particularly Power BI, and automation tools like Power Automate. •            Microsoft 365 Administrator Associate certifications desirable (eg Modern Desktop, Messaging, Teams, Identity & Access, Security) •            Expert-level skills in Windows 10/11 technologies desirable •            Expert-level skills in Microsoft 365 Collaboration Services desirable •            Outstanding verbal and written skills to communicate with stakeholders at all levels and able to speak about technical subjects in non-technical language •            Proven experience of supporting a large multi-user base environment, in a technical M365 role. •            Positive work ethic, organised, detail-oriented and possessing the ability to lead by example. •            Display the ability to proactively identify, investigate and resolve issues and incidents within the estate with minimal supervision •            Ability to converse and contribute to discussion forms alongside equally highly skilled and knowledgeable engineers and architects to plan and influence •            Up-to-date knowledge of Microsoft Online Services cloud platforms: Microsoft 365 (including Azure Active Directory, Azure AD Premium, Microsoft 365 E5, Microsoft Azure, Dynamics 365 and Power Platform) as well as different Microsoft licensing models. •            Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. •            Excellent technical aptitude and ability to learn new technologies quickly. •            Effective communication and interpersonal skills. •            Ability to work independently and as part of a team. •            Strong organizational and time management skills. •            Proficiency in project management tools and techniques. •            High level of adaptability and resilience in a fast-paced environment.   What is it like to work at the EBRD? Our agile and innovative approach is what makes life at the EBRD a unique experience! You will be part of a pioneering and diverse international organisation, and use your talents to make a real difference to people's lives and help shape the future of the regions we invest in.  The EBRD environment provides you with: - Varied, stimulating and engaging work that gives you an opportunity to interact with a wide range of experts in the financial, political, public and private sectors across the regions we invest in; - A working culture that embraces inclusion and celebrates diversity; - An environment that places sustainability, equality and digital  transformation at the heart of what we do.   Diversity is one of the Bank's core values which are at the heart of everything it does.  A diverse workforce with the right knowledge and skills enables connection with our clients, brings pioneering ideas, energy and innovation. The EBRD staff is characterised by its rich diversity of nationalities, cultures and opinions and we aim to sustain and build on this strength. As such, the EBRD seeks to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and given equal opportunities and works in an inclusive environment. The EBRD encourages all qualified candidates who are nationals of the EBRD member countries to apply regardless of their racial, ethnic, religious and cultural background, gender, sexual orientation or disabilities.  As an inclusive employer, we promote flexible working and expecting our employee to attend the office 50% of their working time.   Please note, that due to the high volume of applications received, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide detailed feedback to candidates who have not been shortlisted (for further consideration).   Right to Work in the UK: Swiss nationals (and all other non-UK employees) can work in the UK without a Visa - working at the EBRD gives all employees "exempt status". The Bank however encourages all non-UK employees to obtain an Exempt Vignette (EV) prior to relocating to the UK, as without an EV you may face more questions at Border Control and when required to show evidence of their exempt status when renting accommodation under the Right to Rent legislation. The application process may take 3 – 4 weeks approx. outside of the UK.    This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-10-16 2024-10-16

Partnerships Officer - P2

Tunisia, Tunis, Tunis - UNICEF

UNICEF works in some of the world's toughest places, to reach the world's most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential. Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone. And we never give up.   For every child, Hope The Partnerships Officer post reports to the Chief Partnerships, Advocacy and Communications (PAC) and sits within the Partnerships, Advocacy and Communications (PAC) Team which has a direct reporting line to the Representative. The Team works in close collaboration with all programme sections, the Deputy Representative Programme and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Team. The position's purpose is to support the Chief Partnerships, Advocacy and Communications (PAC) and senior management in deepening collaboration with key stakeholders and helping to provide an interface for environmental scanning, knowledge exchange, resource mobilization, and policy influence within the scope of assignment. The key result is to ensure greater visibility for UNICEF and influence in support of its mission. Positions at the P2/NOB level are considered as supportive roles to higher level professionals that are centered on providing research, analysis and recommendations. Therefore, while these positions contribute substantively to organization-wide strategies, they should also be considered as opportunities for incumbents to acquire professional expertise, organizational knowledge and exposure for further career advancement.   How can you make a difference? - Donor reporting and resource mobilisation - Supporting alignment to donor conditionalities - Supporting donor recognition and visibility on results for children - Supporting advocacy and leveraging efforts for impactful results for children For more details, please see attached job description: JD_Partnerships Officer-P2 - October 2024.docx   To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have? - A university degree is required in one of the following fields: international relations, political science, communications, international development, or another relevant technical field. - A minimum of two years of professional experience in one or more of the following areas is required : public affairs, programme management, resource mobilization, external relations, or other relevant area. - Experience working in humanitarian or development settings. - Experience working with UN Agencies, INGOs will be an added advantage. - Fluency in English and French is essential. - Knowledge of Arabic would be an asset.   For every Child, you demonstrate... UNICEF's Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter: UNICEF Values   UNICEF competencies required for this post are? (1) Builds and maintains partnerships (2) Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness (3) Drive to achieve results for impact (4) Innovates and embraces change (5) Manages ambiguity and complexity (6) Thinks and acts strategically (7) Works collaboratively with others. [add the 8th competency (Nurtures, leads and manages people) for supervisory role] During the recruitment process, we test candidates following the competency framework. Familiarize yourself with our competency framework and its different levels: competency framework here. UNICEF is here to serve the world's most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone, irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic. We offer a wide range of benefits to our staff, including paid parental leave, breastfeeding breaks and reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. UNICEF strongly encourages the use of flexible working arrangements. UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF is committed to promote the protection and safeguarding of all children.    Remarks: [If applicable] This position has been assessed as an elevated risk role for Child Safeguarding purposes as it is:a role with direct contact with children, works directly with children, is a safeguarding response role. Additional vetting and assessment for elevated risk roles in child safeguarding (potentially including additional criminal background checks) applies. UNICEF's active commitment towards diversity and inclusion is critical to deliver the best results for children. For this position, eligible and suitable [Insert diversity profile] are encouraged to apply. [If Applicable] Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with UNICEF and an underlying premise of the international civil service. UNICEF appointments are subject to medical clearance.  Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station, which will be facilitated by UNICEF, is required for IP positions. Appointments are also subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Should you be selected for a position with UNICEF, you either must be inoculated as required or receive a medical exemption from the relevant department of the UN. Otherwise, the selection will be cancelled. All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check. Government employees that are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.   This is how cinfo can support you in the application process for this specific position: - Application preparation: Before you apply for this position: Improve your application documents by registering for a [Job Application Support]( Our coaches are here to help tailor your application to the requirements of the job (service provided at your own cost). - Interview preparation: When invited to the interview: Prepare for the interview by registering for a [Job Application Support]( - Additional services for  Swiss nationals who get invited to the selection process (written test, interview, assessment centre, etc.): - Let us know by writing to We flag matching applications to HR partners and SDC/SECO for visibility. - Benefit from free interview/assessment preparation by registering here : [Interview and Assessment Centre Preparation for Jobs in Multilateral Organisations]( Our coaches stand ready to help prepare for upcoming interview/assessment centre.

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2024-10-16 2024-10-16

Avocat au BCJ Romandie (H/F/X)(60-80%)

Switzerland, Fribourg, Fribourg - Caritas Schweiz

Agir, tout simplement. En Suisse et dans près de 20 pays répartis sur quatre continents. Engagez-vous avec nous pour concrétiser la vision d'une société solidaire, en tant que Avocat au BCJ Romandie (H/F/X) (60-80%) Le Bureau de consultation juridique (BCJ) Romandie de Caritas Suisse offre un service juridique professionnel dans les domaines du droit des migrations et du droit des assurances sociales pour les personnes issues du domaine de l'asile domiciliées dans les cantons de Fribourg, Jura et Neuchâtel. Vos tâches - Consultation juridique à Neuchâtel en droit des migrations et des assurances sociales (AI, pour les réfugiés) - Litiges en droit des migrations et droit des assurances sociales (assurance-invalidité en particulier) pour le BCJ Romandie - Participation dans la mise en place d'un nouveau projet en droit matrimonial avec le Département Migration & Intégration de Caritas Suisse - Litiges dans le cadre des conventions d'entretiens - Ecritures juridiques dans les domaines susmentionnés (demandes, prises de position, recours, etc.)   - Suivi de la pratique, de la jurisprudence et de la doctrine dans les domaines juridiques pertinents - Participation aux séances internes et externes - Contacts avec les services spécialisés externes Nos exigences - Diplôme universitaire suisse en droit (Master of Law ou licence) et brevet d'avocat  - 2 ans d'expérience professionnelle, dont au moins 6 mois dans les domaines du droit matrimonial, des migrations ou des assurances sociales (assurance invalidité en particulier), et intérêt marqué pour les autres domaines - Aisance dans la rédaction d'actions civiles et de recours en droit administratif - De langue maternelle française avec d'excellentes connaissances d'anglais et bonnes connaissances passives de l'allemand (niveau B2) - La connaissance d'autres langues étrangères, en particulier des principales régions d'origine des requérants d'asile, constitue un atout - Intérêt pour les questions socio-politiques dans le domaine de la migration - Expérience avec des personnes issues d'autres cultures - Capacité à travailler en équipe - Bonne gestion du stress et flexibilité Le lieu de travail est Fribourg, avec déplacements à Neuchâtel ou l'inverse. Entrée en fonction: 1 janvier 2025 ou à convenir. Caritas offre des conditions de travail intéressantes et un climat de travail ouvert aux prises avec l'actualité sociétale. Pour le développement actif et la mise en œuvre de la transformation digitale, nous comptons sur des collaborateurs avec un état d'esprit numérique et agile qui participent volontiers aux processus de changement. Pour en savoir plus sur le poste, adressez-vous à Mme Annick Mbia, Responsable du BCJ Neuchâtel, tél. +41 26 552 50 40/ +41 32 886 80 70. Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt et attendons votre dossier d'ici au 1er novembre 2024 par le biais du portail en ligne. [Candidature en ligne](   Caritas Suisse, Adligenswilerstrasse 15, 6002 Lucerne [](

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2024-10-16 2024-10-16

Junior Professional Officer (JPO) in Human Resources, Diversity

United States of America, New York, New York - FDFA - UN Division (UND)

The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs is looking for an Junior Professional Officer (JPO) in Human Resources, Diversity to support the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC) at the UN Headquarter in New York (USA)   Title:                                      JPO in Human Resources, Diversity (P2) Office:                                  Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC) Begin:                                   Beginning of 2025 Duration:                            1 year (renewable) Duty station:                      New York, USA Age limit / nationality:   Maximum 32 years old at the date of application and of Swiss nationality     Org. Setting and Reporting This position is located in the Staffing Diversity and Outreach Section, Strategic Talent Management Service (STMS), Global Strategy and Policy Division (GSPD) in the Office of Human Resources (OHR) of the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC). The Global Strategy and Policy Division serves as the central strategic authority for all matters pertaining to the management of human resources. It ensures that the Organization has the strategies, policies, frameworks, and tools to attract, develop and retain a talented and diverse global workforce. It nurtures a culture of engagement, leadership, and results. It provides policy, strategic and thought leadership, innovations, and solutions for the end-to-end management of talent: from strategic workforce planning; talent acquisition; organizational and staff development and growth; performance management; including Organization-wide mobility and appropriate duty of care, for all Secretariat personnel.   Duties, Responsibilities and Output Expectations This is a unique opportunity to join a world-class strategic human resources team and be involved in high-profile initiatives in human resources and contribute to organization-wide initiatives; Gain valuable professional experience in strategic human resources, particularly in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); and be exposed to partnerships across the UN Secretariat, the UN System, and other organizations. Under the overall supervision of the Chief, Staffing Diversity and Outreach Section and direct supervision of the Programme Management Officer, the JPO will be responsible for the following duties: - Support the advancement of various human resources goals, including the implementation of the Secretary-General's diversity strategies on gender, geographic representation, workforce rejuvenation, and disability inclusion; - Support recruitment and outreach efforts to address workforce representation targets for geographical distribution, gender parity, youth, and persons with disabilities; - Support efforts to build a more inclusive workplace culture through various programs and initiatives including awareness raising, training workshops, and seminars etc.; - Assist in undertaking data analysis of various diversity indicators and identifies trends, patterns, visualizes results, interprets insights to make recommendations and prepare summary reports; - Support the work of system-wide and Secretariat task forces and working groups on diversity, talent outreach, and related initiatives; - Assist in drafting related reports, background papers, talking points, and briefing notes for senior leaders; - Researches, analyses and presents information on workforce representation and talent outreach; - Support efforts to build partnerships and strengthen relationships with member states, institutions of higher learning, diversity advocacy organizations, and professional associations; - Provides administrative and substantive support to various meetings, workshops, conferences, etc.; proposes agenda topics; identifies and proposes participants; prepares, correspondence, background documentation, talking point, presentations, correspondence, reports; handles logistics; - Keep abreast of developments in human resources management; - Undertake special human resources projects and perform other related duties, as requested.   Competencies: Professionalism: Conceptual analytical and evaluation skills to conduct independent research and analysis. Ability to identify issues, formulate opinions, make conclusions and recommendations. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work. Planning and Organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently. Client Orientation:  Considers all those to whom services are provided to be "clients" and seeks to see things from clients' point of view. Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect. Identifies clients' needs and matches them to appropriate solutions. Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients' environment to keep informed and anticipate problems. Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects. Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client. Qualifications Education: Advanced university degree (master's degree or equivalent degree) preferably in, human resources management, industrial/organizational psychology, or related area is required. A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Work experience At least two years of relevant professional experience in human resources management, administration, marketing, communications, or related field is required. Experience in international organizations/corporations or public administration is a desirable.       Languages English and French are the working language of the United Nations.  For this post, fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official UN Language is an advantage. Other skills Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Power-point and Outlook), is desirable.   Data analytics is desirable.   Learning Elements: The United Nations Secretariat has 38,000 staff members representing one of the largest workforces in the international development community. Working in the Office of Human Resources offers one the opportunity to be at the forefront of implementing the Secretary-General's vision and strategy for the Organization, including key high profile human resources programs and initiatives. On completion of the assignment, the JPO will have gained: - An excellent understanding of the UN Secretariat, its structure and its ongoing human resources management reform; - Valuable professional experience in human resources; - In-dept knowledge of the challenges of human resources management in a multicultural environment and in an inter-governmental organization; - A comprehensive knowledge of the UN staff regulations and rules, and human resources policies and procedures; - An in-depth understanding of staff selection processes and especially recruitment and outreach strategies; - Advanced drafting and writing skills in an international context; - Experience in project management; and - Extensive exposure to managers and staff members of the UN Secretariat and the UN System.   Supervision Supervisor:  Chief, Staffing Diversity and Outreach Section & Programme Management Officer, Diversity and Inclusion. Content and methodology of supervision: - Within the initial month of the assignment, the supervisor and the JPO will collaboratively create and finalize a one-year performance work plan. This plan will outline specific goals and expected outcomes agreed upon by both parties. - The supervisor will provide structured guidance to the JPO, particularly in the initial stages of the assignment, gradually expanding the JPO's responsibilities over time. - The JPO will receive consistent feedback on performance and development, along with professional counselling and mentoring from the supervisor. - The JPO will have easy and regular access to the supervisor for guidance and support as needed. - The Director of the Global Strategy and Policy Division (GSPD) may conduct quarterly meetings with the JPO, the Chief of the Strategic Talent Management Service (STMS), and the supervisor. These meetings will focus on evaluating the JPO's performance and discussing their development. - An evaluation will be conducted at the end of each year of service. The United Nations Performance Evaluation System (e-performance) will be utilized as the primary platform for evaluating the JPO's performance.   Application process If you are interested please apply online by sending in the duly completed personal history profile (P11), a cover letter (in English) and copies of your diplomas and work certificates. Send your application to: Application deadline: 10 November 2024 Interviews are expected to take place in week 47 Competencies: Professionalism: Conceptual analytical and evaluation skills to conduct independent research and analysis. Ability to identify issues, formulate opinions, make conclusions and recommendations. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work. Planning and Organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently. Client Orientation:  Considers all those to whom services are provided to be "clients" and seeks to see things from clients' point of view. Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect. Identifies clients' needs and matches them to appropriate solutions. Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients' environment to keep informed and anticipate problems. Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects. Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client. Qualifications Education: Advanced university degree (master's degree or equivalent degree) preferably in, human resources management, industrial/organizational psychology, or related area is required. A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Work experience At least two years of relevant professional experience in human resources management, administration, marketing, communications, or related field is required. Experience in international organizations/corporations or public administration is a desirable.       Languages English and French are the working language of the United Nations.  For this post, fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another official UN Language is an advantage. Other skills Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Power-point and Outlook), is desirable.   Data analytics is desirable.

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